reply to post by drumist69
You think we can accomplish more by voting? By sitting around and waiting four more years until we get to choose another hand picked
"representative" that is supposed to collectively harbor to our views; that is the views of true freedom?
I'm not sure exactly where you have been, but that method doesn't exactly work anymore. Nor did it work for very long in the first place. The entire
system is so corrupt now that the only people who are able to get involved in any kind of game changing position, are those who are first approved by
the PTB. Don't you see? Unless we do something about it, the trend will only continue, and each period of time we wait it will continue to get worse
until they get what they want. And once we give in to that, well then... then it is simply too late. Hope will be gone.
Do you know why there are so many "blood and guts revolution" stories around? Because people are oppressed. People are treated in a way that people
aren't meant to be treated. America was formed to move away from the classed based society of monarchaic rule that swept over every other land. It
was meant to be a land where everyone could be free, everyone could have and equal chance, and everyone had unrivaled rights that each, no matter of
origin, skin color, religion, or background - should be omitted.
Do you see that today? Can you honestly look around you, even in your local societies and see even a FRAME of that supposed work today? No - because
it is gone. It has been gone a long time. We have become the England that our ancestors left behind, no, we have become worse. And the worst part is
that people feel that they can do nothing about it.
The reason a revolution can and will work is because the government relies on the military to get their dirty work done. What they always seem to
overlook, is the fact that the military is made up of the people of this country, just like you and I. They aren't idiots. Of course there will be
some that follow their governments into anything, but I assure you, those that see the light that is to come will choose the side that is more
deserving - that stands for the greater good.
Some ask who would stand up to lead, I'm sure many would. But if there is no one to volunteer than I volunteer my life. For right now I am willing to
sacrifice that life for the betterment of humanity. Not just for some kind of better treatment or new government structure, but for the hope of all
mankind so that they might live a life that we have only dreamed of.
Why would I be worthy? I'm not. No one is worthy to lead the masses because as people we are all one. I would not lead to throw orders, to gain
power, but to unite under a single banner, with ideals that would make people shiver with anticipation, so much that the cost would be meaningless,
but the rewards for the future generations - our sons, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren - all that follow us will be able to live free as
we were supposed to have done. And maybe... with the hope that some of us might live to see that day ourselves.
I think of all the blood that has been spilt over pointless and needless struggles in this country, in this entire world, and I see that giving a life
for something as great as the visions I see, would be the least I can do for this planet, and God who has given me this life. In order to honor the
legacy of those who fought in the past for the same things we fight for today - that is our duty... our tribute to THEIR sacrifice.
I was an atheist for six years, but something converted me back. Something greater then myself told me to fight. I plan to fight until my dying breath
and lead those who wish to fight alongside me... brothers in humanity until the very end.
That... is my vision. My dream.