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Why a Left Brain society?

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posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by Zealott
Keeps switching on me I looked away to read the text on the left. Looked back and it was going the other way. Anyways what's it mean if it switches out of your control?
If I had to guess it means... A.D.D.
A closer inspection of the ballerina allowed me to notice her nipples were erect. Which side of the brain allowed me to see that!?

You noticed the nipple, too, eh?
I am sure everyone noticed it, but weather or not one chooses to mention it probably says something.

At first, I thought it was gonna be a trick like the animation actually changed when I wasn't looking it was changing direction so much, but I never caught it in the act, so I guess she's legit.


posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
I'm right brained, but I have some pretty heavy left brain characteristics too. For example I'm a programmer, so I make a living off logic. And it is something that is second nature for me as well. Even as a kid, I use to love those logic problem puzzles. I've been doing them since I was like 8.

I'm an extremely, and I mean extremely fast learner. What might take the normal person 6 weeks to learn, I can usually learn in less than a week. I knew the alphabet and could spell words at age 2. Started school early and they still wanted to push me ahead grades. That seemed to be more of a left brain description, but it's something that is a huge strength for me as is logic. But on the right brain side, I never graduated high school or went to college. Although most would(do) assume I had done both by what I do for a living. "Where did you go to school" me - "hard knocks U".

So at the same time, I reject most all authority and have my whole life. I was locked up in state custody as a teen, and they said I was bi-polar and had ODD(not ADD), oppositional defiant disorder. I was a wild child, and you if you tell me to do something, or that I must do something, I won't do it just because you told me to do. But if you simply ask me to do the same thing, then I will likely give you the shirt off my back.

What I don't understand is, you're a programmer yet you hate to follow rules. How can you do your job knowing your living in a 'world' of rules. You cannot break or bend a programming language, maybe you can manipulate it however I hope you can prove me wrong because Im sitting here reading a book on C++ for my degree and this feels like torture. Or maybe I need to get past the learning phase...

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by JRSB
What I don't understand is, you're a programmer yet you hate to follow rules. How can you do your job knowing your living in a 'world' of rules. You cannot break or bend a programming language, maybe you can manipulate it however I hope you can prove me wrong because Im sitting here reading a book on C++ for my degree and this feels like torture. Or maybe I need to get past the learning phase...

I don't know why, but it is just something that comes natural to me and makes sense. As I said before, I never went to school for programming. I can write in pretty much any programming language, or at least I have written programs in all the major languages. It's just 2nd nature to me. Plus, the internet is always available if you get stuck on something, so you just go look it up in a work environment.

Even with my job, I seriously doubt I could even come close to a passing grade on your test. But if I was instead told to create a program that does something, then I can easily do that. What you learn in college is IMO mostly useless outside any actual programming you do. As was hinted about before with education, it is left brained, or what I call "authoritative". It's all about what you can memorize.

I don't memorize 3/4ths if not more of the things you do. I find the majority of that information as being useless. Gotta know the definition of this word, or that word. I hated that stuff in school. I love to learn about things, but I hate having to memorize a bunch of junk. I'm so backwards when it comes to that stuff, a few years ago someone asked me - what is your favorite algorithm, and I had no clue what the guy was talking about. WTF is an algorithm I thought. So I looked it up, found out what it was. I of course wrote many of them, and used many of them - but if I was able to define the word algorithm or whatever has nothing to do with my ability to program. I still kinda scratch my head about the "favorite" part. My favorite one is always the one that works and does the job I want.

So if you go throwing programming terms at me, I would likely have to go look a bunch of them up. Over time from interacting with others, I have increased my vocabulary in such things a huge amount, but the fact of the matter is I don't need to call an array an array in order to do or use an array. I look at the function of things, rather than the variables/definitions or whatever people put on them. An array is a list of variables, that is a "function/purpose" to me. It is called an array, but the function is the same even if you don't call it an array. Although obviously in most languages you have to define something as an array, and i have to call it an array to communicate with you. I'm just using it as an example for understanding - hope it makes sense. To call an array an array, is to assign the variable "array" to the function which is a list of variables.

But that is the same way I look at the world. I don't really see the "variables", I see that they are there, but I look at the function/action the variable expresses instead. And so I can know and understand the function of an array without calling it an array.

I wish I could give you some magical advice, but I don't know. This is just what works for me. One size doesn't always fit all(a problem with authoritative education as well).

It's not so much that I just hate rules. I don't kill people or steal from people etc, so I do "follow" those rules. But not because authority said so, and not because I'm worried about some punishment. But because I understand the reason for the laws and agree with them as being right. Authority may define laws and rules, but that doesn't mean the laws define right from wrong. So if an authority tries to tell me to do follow a law that is not right, then I reject it.

Basically it comes down to you can't force me to do things I do not want to do. I suppose psychologically I could be tricked into such things, but you can't just come at me in an authoritative manner and expect me to do it. If you say - don't kill that person, I'm not going to do it just to go against the authority or anything, because I can understand that is wrong.

So I don't just hate rules and such. In programming I create the rules and logic the program will follow. And I'm not trying to force beings with free will into doing bad laws/logic/systems.

For example, I believe in the 10 commandments. I believe they are good, logical rules that should be followed. They make sense to me. They are on 2 pages for a reason. On the 1 side, there are commandments which no man has any business enforcing, judging or otherwise(love god and all that), and on the other side there are the civil matters which society in general adopts - do not kill, steal and so forth. But not because some book says it, not because some preacher preaches it, and not because god said to. Only because I understand it, and it makes sense to follow. Jesus broke the 10 commandments up in this same way, into 2 basic commandments. Love god with all your heart(the side no man has business in), and love others as yourself(the side for society). Seems "logical" to me. Loving god is a personal thing, and the rest is basically don't infringe on the free will of others.

To me, there is a difference between the 2. If I only accept things because authority said so, then I am not really learning or understanding anything. As Einstein once said - any fool can know, the point is to understand. Anyone can repeat E=mc2 and pass a test, but the point is to understand what it is expressing.

In terms of right and wrong, "right" is my authority based on the action/function. Outside of right and wrong, I just don't recognize anyone's authority at all.

Long post, sorry for rambling. It was a short question, but I believe the basic issue on what is valid to follow and what is not is very deep. But I think Buddha said it best. But got to have understanding in order to have the reason need to know what is good and benefits one and all.

Buddha said -- Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

To me, there is only 1 authority, and that is the father(god) who gives in terms of understanding, knowledge and wisdom so that those who seek such things will be able to make the right choices on their own, and thus be their own valid authority.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by badmedia

REAL genius does not equate to a person's academic levels. Many would like to think so!

I know many highly educated people who cannot reason very highly in abstract ways. They rely on documentation! Or whomever created the formula.

All high abstract thinking individuals are those who access their right brains!

The rest rely on data created by the true geniuses.

I'm right brained, but I have some pretty heavy left brain characteristics too. For example I'm a programmer, so I make a living off logic. And it is something that is second nature for me as well. Even as a kid, I use to love those logic problem puzzles. I've been doing them since I was like 8.

Not surprising hearing you speak in the many posts.

I'm an extremely, and I mean extremely fast learner. What might take the normal person 6 weeks to learn, I can usually learn in less than a week. I knew the alphabet and could spell words at age 2. Started school early and they still wanted to push me ahead grades. That seemed to be more of a left brain description, but it's something that is a huge strength for me as is logic. But on the right brain side, I never graduated high school or went to college. Although most would(do) assume I had done both by what I do for a living. "Where did you go to school" me - "hard knocks U".

Obviously high IQ and EQ. I never got my degree from college either, but do qualify for a PHD, just never bothered to get it. I have vast experience and high abstract learning also. Many of us do not respond well to orthodox schooling but require a different type of stimulus especially when young.

So at the same time, I reject most all authority and have my whole life. I was locked up in state custody as a teen, and they said I was bi-polar and had ODD(not ADD), oppositional defiant disorder. I was a wild child, and you if you tell me to do something, or that I must do something, I won't do it just because you told me to do. But if you simply ask me to do the same thing, then I will likely give you the shirt off my back.

Yes, can't stand stupid people? No tolerance for boxed controlled systems?

That would seem to be a right brain function correct?

Oh you have both going on. The challenge is to keep it focused! I did alcohol and other addictions to manage my uniqueness. I no longer do anything additively and do much better. I keep my limitations in focus. But it is a great challenge for many of us.

It is difficult to try to communicate with those who cannot REASON at all with their right brains. This is where true intellect comes in as we balance our intelligence with our emotional take on things.

Can bi-polar possibly be contributed to the switching on and off of the 2 sides? Where switching to the right brain will give the person the "highs", and then a quick mood change comes as a result of a switch to being left brain focused?

I deal with many who are bi-polar and it depends on the individual. Very good questions! Generally, there is also a chemical reaction going on and that needs to be balanced with what other stimuli is going on. U2U me if you want!

I'm also wondering if the right brain is what gives someone the ability to put themselves into another persons shoes. It seems as though a good many people never put themselves on the other side of things.

Compassion comes from our right side. Common sense is right brained.
Left is only data, black and white information which does not include "sensing" what works, or is right.

Maybe that is the key to connecting the 2 sides? As it seems most woman have more "heart" and I would think it would be a result of putting themselves on the other end.

And a book that really helps to work the right side and to make a cohesion between the two is:

"The Artist Way" by Julia Cameron

Interesting topic, I am one who believes consciousness resides in the brain, and the brain is more of a tool for that consciousness/soul. Similiar to a driver and a car. But, as it is a tool it's interesting to know if you are driving a geo metro or a ferrari. Such does not really define "me"(right brain), but it certainly does define my experience(left brain). Just as a geo defines you won't be going over 65 mph.

Ya, the right brain is our conscious contact with God. This is why solely left brained individuals have such a difficult time with the concept of God because He doesn't fit with known data produced by man so he needs to be explained and understood through the right side.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by badmedia

It seems that we go to school so that we can be told what to know, and what to accept as fact. And we are tested on the ability to memorize those things. Our intelligence is not based on what we can understand or figure out in society, but on how well we are able to remember the information we are told to accept. If you do not agree with the authority or step outside the box of authority, then you are by default wrong and ridiculed for it. Only once it is accepted among the mainstream is it deemed ok, and that is because once the authority accepts it, the rest then accept it.

Education of this form is actually a sign of despotism.

Ditto! Although we don't want a doctor working on us if he is not fully educated. So there needs to be balance and I do not feel we are even close to being balanced in academia.

"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by badmedia
I'm right brained, but I have some pretty heavy left brain characteristics too. For example I'm a programmer, so I make a living off logic. And it is something that is second nature for me as well. Even as a kid, I use to love those logic problem puzzles. I've been doing them since I was like 8.

You will find that programming is usually associated with right brain function - its synthesis - which is a right brain attribute.

Construction of logical processes is synethisis, the logic itself is left brain
Might seem a bit funny - but there you are. A lot of ADD kids are computer geniuses.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by JRSB

Originally posted by badmedia
I'm right brained, but I have some pretty heavy left brain characteristics too. For example I'm a programmer, so I make a living off logic. And it is something that is second nature for me as well. Even as a kid, I use to love those logic problem puzzles. I've been doing them since I was like 8.

I'm an extremely, and I mean extremely fast learner. What might take the normal person 6 weeks to learn, I can usually learn in less than a week. I knew the alphabet and could spell words at age 2. Started school early and they still wanted to push me ahead grades. That seemed to be more of a left brain description, but it's something that is a huge strength for me as is logic. But on the right brain side, I never graduated high school or went to college. Although most would(do) assume I had done both by what I do for a living. "Where did you go to school" me - "hard knocks U".

So at the same time, I reject most all authority and have my whole life. I was locked up in state custody as a teen, and they said I was bi-polar and had ODD(not ADD), oppositional defiant disorder. I was a wild child, and you if you tell me to do something, or that I must do something, I won't do it just because you told me to do. But if you simply ask me to do the same thing, then I will likely give you the shirt off my back.

What I don't understand is, you're a programmer yet you hate to follow rules. How can you do your job knowing your living in a 'world' of rules. You cannot break or bend a programming language, maybe you can manipulate it however I hope you can prove me wrong because Im sitting here reading a book on C++ for my degree and this feels like torture. Or maybe I need to get past the learning phase...

I'm very similar to badmedia - and I will state that programming is VERY right brain stuff - strong right brainers can do pragramming without knowing hardly anything, all we need to know are the commands - we already know how they should fit together.

SYTHESIS is the PRIMARY most powerful function of the right brain. Its nueral netwwroking, its the ability to take a whole bunch of seemingly unrelated stuff, and put it all together and create something completely new and unique.

One thing we do though - is often we make a lot of small detail mistakes - we see the end result, the overall picture and are kind of clumsy, mentally and often literally. I am guessing badmedia can relate to this - run the code at the end, and it does something unexpected and weird - we often make a lot of trivial mistakes that can be hard for us to track down - best to let a left brainer debug it for you. Our code though is usually very beautiful - very lean - right to the point, without uneccessary repition - we hate waste.

Right brains just JUMP to an answer - and they know they are right, they don't go through any systematic or sequential paths, they just jump to a conclusion and they know its right - and it is right, always - the problem is it is only right based on the information they have available, which can lead to incorrect answers - it still doesn't invalidate the original conclusion, it just means yeah sure - we were wrong, but we didnt have all the info we needed.

This makes it very difficult for right brains to justify their answers, because they basically come out of the void - they just appearr, based on perhaps thousands of tiny and unrealted pieces of evidence that they can't conciously remember or track down.

One way to maximise your capability as a right brain thinker is to just absorb as much information as you can, don't filter it - don't disregard anything even if it looks wrong, just accept it as a possibility - then you will suddenly 'learn' things. Matter we are told cant be created or destroyted - but information can - and everyone has a right brain, and can create new things to add tgo the universe making it grow and flourish.

Very powerful right brains seem incomprehensible to most people, especially their conclusions - because they are based on evidence that the right brain just can't dig up conciously, and they can't prove a series of steps. If you have a lot of right brain power - dont worry about it - you know your right, but always be willing to take on new information - it may alter your conclusions.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Ok - this one was completely new to me. I always wondered why people smoked pot and said it made them relax - all those left brains are so uptight and stressed all the time!!

Heres a great thread;

Well, this is news to me - but I can certainly say as a right brainer, Im not stressed haha - I dunno what stress is really - of course people often have to remind me what year it is haha


posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:33 AM
Thats how I research the things I'm interested in. I just take in all kinds of numerous sources, and shelf the information that doesn't line up, and keep studying, and gathering. Then over time, the connections are all made, information that had seemed lesser is connected into the whole and theories start to form that I can't explain to others as its based on the whole.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Amagnon

Thank you, I learned a lot from your post. You explained it well.

It is the part of the brain where EQ can be measured (so to speak). It is where "knowing" and sensitivity comes from. "Knowing" when something doesn't fit, yet may not be able to produce the evidence.

It is the old maxim I always use:

It looks good, it sounds good, but does it feel right? The third is what connects us to our right brains so as to make a healthy judgment.

I know that the older I have become the more research or reading I do. Rather than bull my way to a conclusion with someone, I try to do as you posted. I don't always succeed.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by MatrixProphet
Yes, can't stand stupid people? No tolerance for boxed controlled systems?

lol, can't stand would be putting it lightly. It drives me absolutely NUTS. I struggle to be nice to a person who keeps saying things I think are ignorant to me. I honestly think it's my own form of hell to be able to see such things people don't. It is like watching your kids make a mistake and you know it's a mistake. You just want to shake them and scream "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! ARE YOU THINKING AT ALL?

But the ones that are the worse is when it's a mistake I also made myself at one time. Then it's like a reminder - hey you once did these stupid things too. And nobody could have "told" me, so I doubt I can "tell" them. It's like a feeling of helplessness in these situations. Humbling I would say.

Systems are another story. It's not that I don't have tolerance for systems, but that I see all the flaws in them. As a programmer, I have to take into account all kinds of factors, and my programs themselves are "systems". But I see the power given and what is possible in it. I have to look at not only if the user is doing things as they are supposed to, but also if they do things they aren't supposed to.

So, quick example. Someone might want to give Obama a power over something like healthcare. That person only looks at like - Obama cares about healthcare, he will do a good job. That is not what I see. I see that you have given the power away, and then it can go either way. Or even if Obama does do good things, you've given up that power for another GWB as well. I would call this a flaw in the system, and flaws lead to bugs and bugs lead to corruption of the system.

But in the constitution, when followed properly as that system was designed, I find that there aren't so many flaws and things, and that those people were actually trying to close up such flaws, where as today it seems they try to open them up. So that is a system I like.

It is difficult to try to communicate with those who cannot REASON at all with their right brains. This is where true intellect comes in as we balance our intelligence with our emotional take on things.

Yes, I do have a very hard communicating with some people. They just don't see what I mean at all, they don't realize the deeper things. What some people think is respectful, I think is disrespectful and so on.

This reminds me of something I came to realize while working on AI. By default, the AI HAS to be dumbed down in order to communicate with humans. We have an intelligence range, and we can only understand intelligence in that range. Anything above or below that range, and the intelligence would be unrecognizable to humans. The sun for example could be more intelligent than we could imagine. But if we are not in that intelligence range, then we wouldn't be able to tell. Even if it is super intelligent, it will seem "dumb" and unintelligible to us.

I deal with many who are bi-polar and it depends on the individual. Very good questions! Generally, there is also a chemical reaction going on and that needs to be balanced with what other stimuli is going on. U2U me if you want!

I'm pretty sure I'm not bi-polar. I haven't taken any meds or anything since being a teen, and I don't think they ever did anything for me either outside me falling asleep in the middle of a conversation. All I had to do was play their little game and "act good". I'm pretty sure they just said those things as a way of getting money. My psychiatrist spent a total of 15 minutes with me before diagnosing me. And I've had people since in the field tell me I was not bi-polar and whoever diagnosed me was nuts. I was eventually emancipated and have been a legal adult since I was 17.

Compassion comes from our right side. Common sense is right brained.
Left is only data, black and white information which does not include "sensing" what works, or is right.

Makes sense. The majority of society seems like robots to me. And that is what robots would be, left brained and only able to process data it was given(accepted).

Ya, the right brain is our conscious contact with God. This is why solely left brained individuals have such a difficult time with the concept of God because He doesn't fit with known data produced by man so he needs to be explained and understood through the right side.

The confusing part for me was the lady in that video mentioned the sense of "I AM" as being left brain. I'm not sure if I agree with her, or if she is saying the sense of "I AM" as being towards considering "I AM" to be part of the body. Because even with the left brain part shut down, she still speaks about her experience of the right brain in terms of "I AM". Still had her sense of "being". This could be because she is speaking in left brain to the audience etc, so I'm not sure. It would make more sense to me that the left brain gives a false sense of "I AM", where as what she seen as herself in the right brain was a more honest sense of "I AM", but some might try to argue the reverse.

Because I associate that feeling of "I AM" with god. So that part is confusing for me.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by MatrixProphet
Ditto! Although we don't want a doctor working on us if he is not fully educated. So there needs to be balance and I do not feel we are even close to being balanced in academia.

"I never let my schooling interfere with my education." - Mark Twain

Well, the education system is a mimic of what it should be. Because when you have understanding, then you should be able to speak about it and such in a way that can be tested, and would be very much like taking a test on memory.

Einstein isn't wrong if he tells people "E=MC2". E=MC2 doesn't become wrong if the person only memorizes it and doesn't understand either. It's just useless for that person if they don't understand and only repeat. And math is an area where they still in many ways do still require understanding and such, unlike a history class and so forth. Which is great because it gives a way to show people the difference in repeating and understanding, since they have understanding on that and can see for themselves.

But the math test isn't about memorizing. It consists of many examples and problems, to which one must apply the understanding gained in order to complete the answers. And you are made to show your work, so they can see if you understand or not.

And this is completely different from say a history class. History class is - On Dec 7, 1941 Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. And if you can repeat that you get an A. If it was math class, it would be like only having to repeat the formulas, but never really use them. So instead of examples showing the understanding of e=mc2 and so forth, the math test would just be what is Einsteins theory, and then you only put in E=MC2.

Suppose in history class we start turning the countries, times, and events into variables. And then putting up situations where based on their understanding of history, they would be able determine things. And this would be helpful because then they would be forced to look at the actions and such the countries are making. And then they will likely start to see the hypocrisy of things IMO. If it's "country A", rather than the "USA" then the biases and such are gone and you would be looking at history on the merits.

Which again, just like Einstein doesn't make Japan attacked on Dec 7, 1941 wrong, and doesn't mean people shouldn't know that. Just means you are no longer repeating, but understanding the events when the individual variables aren't the focus.

So yeah, I want my doctor to be educated. But if his education is based mostly on memory and such, I think I'd rather have the one that is based on understanding of things. In programming, I can get away with it because if I make a mistake, nobody is going to die. I get an error, I fix it. Don't want to be hearing "oops, forgot that 1 thing" from your doctor.

I think some people are able to see and gain that bit of understanding on their own, and they are usually the ones that move the profession forward IMO. And it's not like people don't get any understanding either. You have to have a pretty good understanding on the human body to really be a doctor. And have some understanding of math to have a job in mathematics. But they do limit themselves IMO every time something is accepted rather than understood.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by badmedia]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Amagnon
One thing we do though - is often we make a lot of small detail mistakes - we see the end result, the overall picture and are kind of clumsy, mentally and often literally. I am guessing badmedia can relate to this - run the code at the end, and it does something unexpected and weird - we often make a lot of trivial mistakes that can be hard for us to track down - best to let a left brainer debug it for you. Our code though is usually very beautiful - very lean - right to the point, without uneccessary repition - we hate waste.

Oh yeah, syntax is my weakspot. For example, I really really hate regex's. I know the logic behind what I want to do with the regex, but getting each little special character right usually takes me a good amount of tries before I get it right. Trial and error. And once I get it right, I'm going to make a note of it, and I will simply copy and paste that regex anytime I need it after that, or turn it into a function I can call. I got a regex I need to write now, and have needed to for 3 days, and I dread it that much.

But I can give that same regex to what I call "syntax monkeys", and they will spit that thing out like my PC wrote it.

I get better with those things over time, and can do it. But it's not natural to me like other things, I really really have to work at it. I know what I want, just getting it to do that takes a bit of time.

I do get waste, but I hate it. I work in a production environment and sometimes speed is the priority. Pretty much every program I have and maintain right this moment I want to rewrite. Just for that reason. People come in and want to add things to the program etc, and it's like - well if I had known that was going to be needed, I would have done this differently in the previous code. So I end up with another function almost like the previous, but just a bit different. But to change that function, and then go and find all previous uses of that function to make sure it works isn't time efficient.

The rest of your post is pretty interesting. But not everything which comes out of that "void" is something I've picked up on exactly. I am a bit more spiritual in this manner.

What I find, is that any question I have, I am given the answer to it. But I am never given specific data or anything like that. I can't ask - what is tomorrows winning lottery number going to be, and expect that answer. Not going to magically get odds on a horse race and such either. But I will be given an understanding of something if I ask for that. So rather then being told literally 1+1=2, I will be given the understanding of how to add, and then I will see 1+1=2 for myself.

I am open to many ideas, but when I am listening to them I am looking for questions in it, I am looking for a new question to ask based on what they have said. I can listen to something for an entire hour, and just completely disagree with someone. And I might not ever agree with them, but if they say 1 thing that makes me ask a new question, it was time well spent. It seems to me this is similiar to what you are describing.

Seems we need the left brain to be able to communicate what we learn in the right brain.

And if I look at society, I see that people are told they are stupid, dumb, not credible and so forth. And that seems like it would be cutting off the right brain. So instead they take and accept from other people what is true, and then fill their left brain externally, rather than internally.

And that is actually something that is talked about a good bit in the bible and such, if you can understand it. Not as the church teaches, which is to accept and fill the left brain. But from the right brain, where understanding apparently comes from according to this thread. I simply call this accepting what men and authority says, rather than god.

Very interesting that is seems to agree with what I know spiritually.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by badmedia]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by sliceNodice

Well you're definitely in good company there.

I took the test. My results were 5 (left) 9(right). So I'm also right brain dominant, but not by much. If you ask me, it's not really an accurate test. On another day I would of probably given different answers to the questions.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by badmedia

I honestly think it's my own form of hell to be able to see such things people don't. It is like watching your kids make a mistake and you know it's a mistake. You just want to shake them and scream "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! ARE YOU THINKING AT ALL?

I remember the actor James Woods on Leno one night during the Clinton years saying: "Am I the only one that sees what is going on? Can't anyone else see it?"

He was acknowledging the lies and the cover-up going on and it was driving him crazy. Like everyone was blind.

Reminds me of the "Emperor with a New Suit" story written so long ago. The only one in the crowd who had no denial was the kid who said, "No he's naked!"

So, quick example. Someone might want to give Obama a power over something like healthcare. That person only looks at like - Obama cares about healthcare, he will do a good job. That is not what I see. I see that you have given the power away, and then it can go either way. Or even if Obama does do good things, you've given up that power for another GWB as well. I would call this a flaw in the system, and flaws lead to bugs and bugs lead to corruption of the system.

People are so much more comfortable turning their lives and hopes over to someone else so they don't have to do it!

Yes, I do have a very hard communicating with some people. They just don't see what I mean at all, they don't realize the deeper things.

Yes, my bugaboo is when everyone tries to equate everyone on the same level. No, we are individuals (those who aren't cloned) with our own abilities and strengths.

My mother used to say; "________, you can't be right and everyone else be wrong!" I have learned that is exactly what I can be. I am not saying this out of arrogance, but fact. I am not speaking of every thought or belief I have, but the general BIG PICTURE, I have been right on. Of course, I cannot take credit because of my God conversations, but I CAN take credit for being available and willing.

By default, the AI HAS to be dumbed down in order to communicate with humans. We have an intelligence range, and we can only understand intelligence in that range. Anything above or below that range, and the intelligence would be unrecognizable to humans. The sun for example could be more intelligent than we could imagine. But if we are not in that intelligence range, then we wouldn't be able to tell. Even if it is super intelligent, it will seem "dumb" and unintelligible to us.

How much of our brain on a good day do we use? How many people ever have a good day? Hehehe.

Spirituality leads us to higher abstract reasoning even if one feels that they lack what is needed in brain power. I have met individuals who had an incredible "spiritual sense" yet can barely handle basic language skills (rudimentary). It is tapping into a source that just by acquaintance develops our right brain capabilities of understanding that which goes deep.

My psychiatrist spent a total of 15 minutes with me before diagnosing me. And I've had people since in the field tell me I was not bi-polar and whoever diagnosed me was nuts. I was eventually emancipated and have been a legal adult since I was 17.

It makes me so angry! I deal with so many people who have been diagnosed as bi-polar. Many I can say are, but...many I would say aren't! The mental health profession NEVER looks at addictive personalities. A person can be diagnosed bi-polar and is an active alcoholic or drug addict! Kills me! They both can have the same symptoms. (I am in no way referencing this towards you!)

You sound like you were a very bright kid who was bored and felt everything was stupid which in turn made you angry. Academia can be very short sided. They use generally the same teaching principles for every level of intelligence with the exception of some schools with better testing and freer structure.

The confusing part for me was the lady in that video mentioned the sense of "I AM" as being left brain. I'm not sure if I agree with her, or if she is saying the sense of "I AM" as being towards considering "I AM" to be part of the body. Because even with the left brain part shut down, she still speaks about her experience of the right brain in terms of "I AM". Still had her sense of "being". This could be because she is speaking in left brain to the audience etc, so I'm not sure. It would make more sense to me that the left brain gives a false sense of "I AM", where as what she seen as herself in the right brain was a more honest sense of "I AM", but some might try to argue the reverse.

Because I associate that feeling of "I AM" with god. So that part is confusing for me.

"Who we are" often is confused by what we do! If I ask a client "Who are You?" They generally give me a dissertation on what they do for work or have done academically, what they have accomplished outside of themselves, etc. 'I am" is referring to our personality make-up and what our soul craves, who we feel we are in Gods arrangement, etc. Our assets, creative abilities and whether we have a loving nature or not. What drives us? Do we have conviction in what we believe and will we stand up for it?

I didn't take the test. I know where and who I am, and tests for me usually miss the mark. Tests can be pretty black and white and I am anything but! I use tests also, but only as a reference guide, or starting point. Actively addicted people don't have the broad spectrum or variance in personality until sufficient time being clean and sober.

Ironically, most of society has too many filters. What is truth to them one day, is false the next. We live in a chameleon society that bends with the wind. THIS, especially frustrates us.

But the math test isn't about memorizing. It consists of many examples and problems, to which one must apply the understanding gained in order to complete the answers. And you are made to show your work, so they can see if you understand or not.

True, what separates the men from the boys is when one is asked to spontaneously answer something that isn't memorized. Although, I have heard of individuals with photographic memories (I have to a small extent) who apply themselves well on a test and get nothing but A's, but cannot translate it to real life. Here is where abstract reasoning (horse sense) must come in, but if the person is relying strictly on memory (left brain) they may fail, or feel inadequate, when it comes to non-memorized situations.

Intimate relationships become very difficult also for these individuals. REAL life is hard because real life sucks, at times. It is our right side in combo with our left that can save the day.

So yeah, I want my doctor to be educated. But if his education is based mostly on memory and such, I think I'd rather have the one that is based on understanding of things.

I think some people are able to see and gain that bit of understanding on their own, and they are usually the ones that move the profession forward IMO. And it's not like people don't get any understanding either. You have to have a pretty good understanding on the human body to really be a doctor. And have some understanding of math to have a job in mathematics. But they do limit themselves IMO every time something is accepted rather than understood.

My father only had an 8th grade education and yet he became a rocket scientist (of sorts). He designed missiles in top secret labs. He could write his own paycheck. He helped all the others who all had PHD'S!

You can't beat the gray cells, and some have them, and more don't. He would laugh about it!

What I find, is that any question I have, I am given the answer to it. But I am never given specific data or anything like that. I can't ask - what is tomorrows winning lottery number going to be, and expect that answer. Not going to magically get odds on a horse race and such either. But I will be given an understanding of something if I ask for that. So rather then being told literally 1+1=2, I will be given the understanding of how to add, and then I will see 1+1=2 for myself.

In my experience, there is a sort of block to asking questions that are not appropriate, or acceptable. It is something that is hard to explain. My family would always ask me to ask certain questions, and I instinctively knew that I wasn't supposed to. They gave up asking, but are always asking what my latest conversation has been. They have LIVED with me through some astounding things! There is absolutely no denial with my family in any way regarding God, they KNOW!

Seems we need the left brain to be able to communicate what we learn in the right brain.

It focuses us. We may APPEAR to be airy fairy at times, but I find it is usually because I am having difficulties translating what I am sensing, or feeling. Words can be so awkward and inefficient.

And that is actually something that is talked about a good bit in the bible and such, if you can understand it. Not as the church teaches, which is to accept and fill the left brain. But from the right brain, where understanding apparently comes from according to this thread. I simply call this accepting what men and authority says, rather than god.

Very interesting that is seems to agree with what I know spiritually.

It is what has led me (through divine guidance) to different insight regarding the Bible. It was so ingeniously guided. It is why I call it; A lie within a lie within the Truth. At first it seems like an oxymoron but NOT!

I always thought that human behavior is the most complex study on earth, but spirituality takes the cake, eh?

[edit on 7-5-2009 by MatrixProphet]

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 05:32 PM
I apologise for going slightly off topic, but we are talking about human behaviour, and this article might be relevant. Are we even fully in control of our own faculties? According to this article, parasites can affect our mood, as well as our decisions.

The parasite, Toxoplasma gondii, has been transmitted indirectly from cats to roughly half the people on the planet, and it has been shown to affect human personalities in different ways.

Research has shown that women who are infected with the parasite tend to be warm, outgoing and attentive to others, while infected men tend to be less intelligent and probably a bit boring. But both men and women who are infected are more prone to feeling guilty and insecure.

Other researchers have linked the parasite to schizophrenia. In an adult, the symptoms are like a mild form of flu, but it can be much more serious in an infant or fetus. Oxford University researchers believe high levels of the parasite leads to hyperactivity and lower IQs in children.

posted on May, 9 2009 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by kindred

Oh, my! Sorry, but it sounds like a dope smoker. Similar symptoms. For it does kill the brain cells and have been found to create holes in the brain (I believe found on CAT scans). Hence, less brain activity on both sides.

I don't mean to denigrate what you said, but found some humor in it.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

A dope smoker? If your talking about Marijuana, it doesn't do anything to the brain. There was a documentary about it called 'Super High Me', which took the central premise of 'Super Size Me' and applied it to weed. 30 days of being high with no permanent, long term or even mid term affects.

You should see it, it's pretty interesting.

I remember the actor James Woods on Leno one night during the Clinton years saying: "Am I the only one that sees what is going on? Can't anyone else see it?"

He was acknowledging the lies and the cover-up going on and it was driving him crazy. Like everyone was blind.

Reminds me of the "Emperor with a New Suit" story written so long ago. The only one in the crowd who had no denial was the kid who said, "No he's naked!"

He's very smart, ol' Woodsie. Wiki:
"Woods received a score of 1580 on the SAT, which included a perfect score of 800 on the verbal section of the test."

He's also and avid video gamer ^_^

[edit on 10-5-2009 by Welfhard]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Welfhard

He's very smart, ol' Woodsie. Wiki:
"Woods received a score of 1580 on the SAT, which included a perfect score of 800 on the verbal section of the test."

He's also and avid video gamer ^_^

Wow, I knew he was smart but he also is showing how in tune he is with his right brain.

He is one that I would thoroughly enjoy a deep conversation with (I may do most of the listening hehehe)! I don't care about most actors, but he has always intrigued me.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 12:32 PM
I don't buy this, for several reasons.

1) I'm left brained. I showed this to a couple of like-minded people and we all saw it spinning clockwise. Whatever this is testing isn't tightly coupled with the stereotypical left brain characteristics listed.

2) Do you really believe a simple visual test could categorize such complex organisms as humans? This is just a poorly-researched gimmick .. I'll bet half the people here believe the banner ads that say "YOU'RE OUR 10,000 VISITOR, CLICK HERE TO CLAIM YOUR PRIZE!!!"

3) Watch the elevation outstretched toe through each half-cycle. Notice that its elevation changes? Your brain is going to interpret this as perspective, and (correctly) see the ballerina rotating clockwise.

Isn't it funny how so many ATS posters fall over themselves to appear "right brained"?

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