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Why a Left Brain society?

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by ahnggk

They are weakly related. People who are left handed are slightly more likely to be so called "right brain" dominant than right-handers.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by kindred
Right brained here also. I can make it spin both ways if I quickly look away and then back again staring at the foot sticking out.

I think people read too much into this as anyone for example can learn to draw, which is a trait predominantly connected with the right side of the brain.

Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz

This is weird!
I took the left/right handed test, and bearing in mind that I have been left-biased all my life, the results came out exactly even, 11-11!
What does that mean?
EDIT: I can make the ballerina spin both ways easily!

[edit on 4/5/2009 by royspeed]

[edit on 4/5/2009 by royspeed]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

I too have learned to live in both right and left brain. It is so peaceful in the right side, I wish I could stay there forever. You do know the right side is the Feminine side of the brain. Information from the right side is an intelligence archive, and those who are connected to the right side are gifted in some way or other. My gift comes in the way of mechanical things. If it has wheels, or runs with a power source I can fix it, and I can drive it or make it run. My PC sits right up on my desk. If it is sitting on the left side I feel one way, if it sits on the right side I think in a different way. Of course the PC tower is an electromagnetic power source, and has a certain draw on my brain. As of late, my gift has evolved into computers, I can easily see that the computer works a lot like the human mind does. Hardware and Software working together, easily altered, easily affected my programming, and folks, the mind does not have a firewall, or virus protection. The trick is Awareness.

Our mindset is distracted in so many ways, television, cell phone texting, video games, the MSM, holiday shopping....the list goes on and on. The PLAN, I think, is to distract us to the point they can take us over in spirit, and use our collective power as a whole to further their unknown agenda, perhaps TPTB wants to fight the Annunuki? I am certain they now more than we do, and surely have made deals with an alien force from the 4th dimension, the very ones who have trapped us all in the birth/death cycle we cannot seem to escape from, the Matrix.

These creatures, for lack of a better word, are all about control. They are inter-dimensional beings, and can easily travel from one to the other. I have seen some of these creatures before, and they looked like what we call Tall Greys. They walk among us, in different disguises, and some wear suits. who they owe allegiance to I do not know.

We are moving into a new way of thinking here, as we approach the end of time as we know it. Let us all open our minds to all the possibilities.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Yes, it is all interesting. I work in human behavior and find that it is most difficult for exclusively "left brainers" to connect to a higher power outside of themselves. This is where real conflict comes in with this person. Unless there is documentation or formulas they have a hard time!

Often one needs to do "right brain" creative work to bridge the brain so both sides can be used.

To achieve a higher EQ (emotional intelligence) one needs to work the right brain to achieve higher intelligence and this is done through expanding your creative side. Either; one that is totally dormant because you rely on just your left brain, or one that is seldom used.

A truly intelligent person uses both sides of their brain. A left brained person relies on formulas and information that they can memorize, while the one who uses their right brain also, does the inventing!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:35 AM
Well I've been starting to use my hemi sync wave 1 cds from the Monroe Institute. This is supposed to form many more connectors between both spheres, though I did think women already possessed more. Is this something that helps create more balance? Does trying to write with the non-dominant hand also help?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Well I've been starting to use my hemi sync wave 1 cds from the Monroe Institute. This is supposed to form many more connectors between both spheres, though I did think women already possessed more. Is this something that helps create more balance? Does trying to write with the non-dominant hand also help?

Women do possess more ability to connect to both sides of the brain at once. Most men do not.

To achieve the ultimate balance is to "individuate" which includes using our right brains. This connects us to what is at times called; our inner child or inner self. If we connect to this other "self" we grow in our abstract reasoning and our imagination and creativity. So yes!

If you are right handed, try communicating with this inner self. Your right hand being the self you are accustomed to. Use the left hand for the child or inner self. Reverse it if one is left handed. Practice asking the inner self questions and see what happens. It may take several 20 minute sessions to see the difference.

My experience: it is very difficult to grow spiritually if one is not connected to the right brain. This is very hard for the left brain person to hook up with as they tend to only follow what their computer chip (left brain) tells them. It is hard for them to not follow formulas and data to go to the right side that is more abstract.

Society has been taught through academia to use just the left side of the brain. Many of us remember how important art and music classes were in school. In the last decades the school systems have devalued art and music. But studies are now showing how creative right brain activity actually helps the student to do better in school.

Man places a great importance on academia which can be good, except they have created in a sense, a monster in that; it is their way or the highway in thinking. Which produces an automaton society.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

Women, on average, have larger corpus callosum then men. This is the bridge between the two hemispheres. Left handers, and those who are gifted mathematically, have on average an 11% increase in their corpus callosum then the average person.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Women, on average, have larger corpus callosum then men. This is the bridge between the two hemispheres. Left handers, and those who are gifted mathematically, have on average an 11% increase in their corpus callosum then the average person.

Thank you for confirming my post and putting a medical spin on it!

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:19 PM
Using the nude dancer test, I started out left-brain and as I read the lists of traits, the rotation perception flipped on me and now the direction seems to change at random.
When I look away and try to guess which way I'm going to perceive the dancer spinning, I'm not always right.
Hrmm...maybe I should do a statistical analysis?

edit to add: I dunno if this is in any way related to those computer generated 3-D patterns that are supposed to emerge from a seemingly random pattern, but I can never see those things. You know, like the "magic sailboat" scene from Mallrats.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by 4N6310]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 04:58 AM
Finally managed to make her go counter-clockwise by tilting my laptop screen way, way back and staring at her shadow.
On the other test though, I scored 7/7.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 06:08 AM
Its interesting because the first time i saw the ballerina a number of years ago i was definitely left brained and had difficulty making her turn clockwise. This actually annoyed me, because i wanted to get away from my traditional analytical strengths and become more creative (even changed jobs to help me do this).

Now however i always see her turning clockwise, and thus far havent been able to make her spin counter-clockwise. So now i am more right brained than left! I've been actively reading more right-brained type material and exercising my creativity so this confirms to me that you can change the way your brain operates.

On the other test listed on the previous page i was 13:10 right brain dominant.

EDIT: after i typed out the above post, i went back to the image and she was now spinning counter-clockwise. So i guess typing up the post engaged the left side of the brain. It flipped back to clockwise shortly after and has been that way since.

I've taken a strong interest in the way the brain works and psychology in general so this is fascinating.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by seb2882
reply to post by sliceNodice

Thanks for the tip. I tried but it didn't woked either, guess I'm a bit left-impaired lol! Oh well...

Look in the direction you want the ballerina to turn. It is a trigger for your mind to know left or right brain function. You may have to try several times. Look to the right with your eyes and look back at ballerina and she will be going forward. Look to the left and she will go "backward" or to the left.

Same thing with if a person looks to the left up they are remembering and if they look right up they are creating (i.e. - imagination )

If they look left low - lying rehearsed (learned) - looking right low lying on the spot. However this is not a 100% due to the lefties sometimes get that backwards. I do.

I might be reversed on that but you get the idea.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by mhinsey

It can be a ridiculously hard thing to do, to make it spin in the opposite direction that it first appears to turn. But yes, it's interesting that the more times you do it, the easier it gets - atleast until you stop and come back to it ages later.

It's like our brains suddenly work out what we are trying to do, then just overrides itself to change the spin on the ballerina.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:49 PM
Keeps switching on me I looked away to read the text on the left. Looked back and it was going the other way. Anyways what's it mean if it switches out of your control?
If I had to guess it means... A.D.D.
A closer inspection of the ballerina allowed me to notice her nipples were erect. Which side of the brain allowed me to see that!?

[edit on 5-5-2009 by Zealott]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by Zealott

It switching out of your control means nothing. For those of us where it appears to spin in a predetermined way, that's out of our control.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 02:26 PM
I'm right brained, but I have some pretty heavy left brain characteristics too. For example I'm a programmer, so I make a living off logic. And it is something that is second nature for me as well. Even as a kid, I use to love those logic problem puzzles. I've been doing them since I was like 8.

I'm an extremely, and I mean extremely fast learner. What might take the normal person 6 weeks to learn, I can usually learn in less than a week. I knew the alphabet and could spell words at age 2. Started school early and they still wanted to push me ahead grades. That seemed to be more of a left brain description, but it's something that is a huge strength for me as is logic. But on the right brain side, I never graduated high school or went to college. Although most would(do) assume I had done both by what I do for a living. "Where did you go to school" me - "hard knocks U".

So at the same time, I reject most all authority and have my whole life. I was locked up in state custody as a teen, and they said I was bi-polar and had ODD(not ADD), oppositional defiant disorder. I was a wild child, and you if you tell me to do something, or that I must do something, I won't do it just because you told me to do. But if you simply ask me to do the same thing, then I will likely give you the shirt off my back.

That would seem to be a right brain function correct?

Can bi-polar possibly be contributed to the switching on and off of the 2 sides? Where switching to the right brain will give the person the "highs", and then a quick mood change comes as a result of a switch to being left brain focused?

I'm also wondering if the right brain is what gives someone the ability to put themselves into another persons shoes. It seems as though a good many people never put themselves on the other side of things.

The Iraq war for example, I was against that from the start. All I could ever do with the entire situation was ask myself - what if I lived in Iraq, what would I think of things. Or what if someone deemed the US needed a change and did those things to us. But it seems as though many people never thought of these things at all. They just couldn't seem to look at things from the other side.

Or is it kind of a combination there, as what that lady mentioned in the video suggested the left brain was responsible for the sense of self, so I guess maybe one needs to be able to hold a sense of self and then be able to keep that sense of self into the right brain area to exchange the self in the other side.

Maybe that is the key to connecting the 2 sides? As it seems most woman have more "heart" and I would think it would be a result of putting themselves on the other end.

Interesting topic, I am one who believes consciousness resides in the brain, and the brain is more of a tool for that consciousness/soul. Similiar to a driver and a car. But, as it is a tool it's interesting to know if you are driving a geo metro or a ferrari. Such does not really define "me"(right brain), but it certainly does define my experience(left brain). Just as a geo defines you won't be going over 65 mph.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by MatrixProphet
Society has been taught through academia to use just the left side of the brain. Many of us remember how important art and music classes were in school. In the last decades the school systems have devalued art and music. But studies are now showing how creative right brain activity actually helps the student to do better in school.

Man places a great importance on academia which can be good, except they have created in a sense, a monster in that; it is their way or the highway in thinking. Which produces an automaton society.

My take on this, and the reason I quit having any care for schools in general is that it is more focused toward memory than understanding.

I love to learn. It is one of my favorite things to do. If I am not learning, I'm not really happy. Even with work I am constantly looking to add and learn new things into what I do. #1 reason I love my job. I can't stand to work at a factory for more than 2 days. The first 2 days I love the job, I get to learn how something new works and so forth. After that it becomes the process of repeating what you accepted to do over and over.

It seems that we go to school so that we can be told what to know, and what to accept as fact. And we are tested on the ability to memorize those things. Our intelligence is not based on what we can understand or figure out in society, but on how well we are able to remember the information we are told to accept. If you do not agree with the authority or step outside the box of authority, then you are by default wrong and ridiculed for it. Only once it is accepted among the mainstream is it deemed ok, and that is because once the authority accepts it, the rest then accept it.

Education of this form is actually a sign of despotism.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 03:31 PM
The girl spins clockwise and If I try and force her to turn right I can almost get it, but then it feels like even if I strain hard enough it will be fake so I moved on, looking back once to see if she was still turning clockwise, and she was. Then I took this test that royspeed posted above, and I came out Left=6 - Right=11. I am only surprized that I can't seem to get the girl to go counter clockwise, but oh well.

reply to post by mystiq

Well I've been starting to use my hemi sync wave 1 cds from the Monroe Institute. This is supposed to form many more connectors between both spheres, though I did think women already possessed more. Is this something that helps create more balance? Does trying to write with the non-dominant hand also help?

When I started Holo-sync I noticed the effects right away! It has definately improved my personal reality. I'm not sure how to relate this to the dancing girl test being that the program is about balance and whole brain thinking. I can tell you that I thought I had a pretty spiritual view of life already, with my belief in conscious reality and interconnectivity, but I love how much further holosync has taken me so far, whichever way the girl twirls. Enjoy your journey.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 04:45 PM
Left Brain Dominance: 5
Right Brain Dominance: 7

Guess I'm somewhat balanced by that test. The dancer was clockwise for me.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by AlienChaser

The girl spins clockwise and If I try and force her to turn right I can almost get it, but then it feels like even if I strain hard enough it will be fake so I moved on, looking back once to see if she was still turning clockwise, and she was. Then I took this test that royspeed posted above, and I came out Left=6 - Right=11. I am only surprized that I can't seem to get the girl to go counter clockwise, but oh well.

reply to post by mystiq

Well I've been starting to use my hemi sync wave 1 cds from the Monroe Institute. This is supposed to form many more connectors between both spheres, though I did think women already possessed more. Is this something that helps create more balance? Does trying to write with the non-dominant hand also help?

When I started Holo-sync I noticed the effects right away! It has definately improved my personal reality. I'm not sure how to relate this to the dancing girl test being that the program is about balance and whole brain thinking. I can tell you that I thought I had a pretty spiritual view of life already, with my belief in conscious reality and interconnectivity, but I love how much further holosync has taken me so far, whichever way the girl twirls. Enjoy your journey.

Just for the record, AlienChaser, Kindred was the OP for the test we both took, quite interesting results I think.

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