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Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I understand where your hope lies, but language itself is a second grade mediator only, the first mediator is the ability called speech. And being a mediator (medium) it is actually separating oneself from "god" rather than "uniting" with it.

Knowledge, or understanding, on the other hand, when it reaches its object - truth, does it in direct manner (intuition - insight) and does not need a medium.

Medium as language is only used in an attempt to systematically articulate and relate this knowledge in order to overcome the confusion of reflective mind, and so it "pacifies" it.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Hindus and Buddhists co-existed with each other all along. Are you familiar with the famous Buddhist university of Nalanda? It taught both both Hindu subjects and Buddhist subjects. The distinction between the Buddhists and Hindus is considered by many Hindus and Buddhists alike, especially in India, to be artificial. I have read on both and I have not really seen any major differences.

The reason Buddhists are such a minoirty in India today is because they were hated with a passion by the Muslims invaders, even more than the Hindus. They destroyed all Buddhist universities and monestaries and caused many Buddhists to flee or convert. This is because they considered Buddhists to be atheists and could not tolerate them. They were very brutal to the Buddhists.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by thenothingorchid

Reclaiming ones culture is fantastic. I just hope this doesn't end like the last time some people calling themselves Aryans tried to reclaim something they said was taken from them.

I'm sure things will turn out differently for you though.
With Reza Pahlavi at your side how can you go wrong?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by DangerDeath

Hindus and Buddhists co-existed with each other all along. Are you familiar with the famous Buddhist university of Nalanda? It taught both both Hindu subjects and Buddhist subjects. The distinction between the Buddhists and Hindus is considered by many Hindus and Buddhists like, especially in India, to be artificial. I have read on both and I have not really seen any major differences.

The reason Buddhists are such a minoirty in India today is because they were hated with a passion by the Muslims invaders, even more than the Hindus. They destroyed all Buddhist universities and monestaries and caused many Buddhists to flee or convert. This is because they considered Buddhists to be atheists and could not tolerate them. They were very brutal to the Buddhists.

Oh yes, the Taliban destroyed Buddha's statues in Afghanistan recently. Such a great feat of faith!

Well, Buddha is hated by many Christians too, that is a fact. Some of them consider him next to Satan.

The reason for Buddhism being pushed aside is because it is not really applicable to any form of society. It is a strictly ethical philosophy and it doesn't like to make compromises. For that matter, it is appreciated in some sciences, same as Descartes' analytical method, or as an existentialist philosophy, and is applicable in arts (as a method) and by all those who seek self realization, but concrete appliance in society is just wishful thinking. It is opposed to any kind of violence and that's it.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by DangerDeath

Ascestic philosophy, you got to love it

Suppose everybody became Buddhist and there is no society.

Really what are you going on about?

All the Hindu ascetics charging for snake dancers etc, and retiring to mangrooves to meditate, what about them?

Why do Buddhist communities in your opinion stop society?

Really what are you talking about....sources.

How are newborn children going to learn?

MMM in schools like they do in Buddhist, christain, muslim, hindu, and western societies?

Who is going to feed them?

Their parents?

Are they all to born from lotus's or something?

Who is going to manufacture the clothes, build the homes, irrigate and farm the fields,

The factory workers? Builders? farmers?

treat the ill and injured,

Oh god if your christian be careful the mother of modern hospitals and nursing Florence Nightingale was a Nun , quick beware the children will starve and fields go bad.... Or the current Mentally ill and orphanage kids being helped by Buddhist Monks in all of Asia... beware..

protect against enemies and animals?

The army? well cant do much about a funnel web in the shoe...

You say Buddhism is not a religion, but in my opinion the philosophy you describe is very religious

Maybe but very difficult to really say so, as there is no GODS to WORSHIP and SUPPLICATE to.

and very destructive,

How so? to societies or the individuals?

selfish and lazy.

What like asking a God to help you with a self imposed and created problem?

If followed sincerely would lead to the extinction of the human race.

Like the Yoga's?

It is sophistry, it sounds nice on paper of everybody retiring to a mountain or cave and meditating all their life, but it is impractical in the real world.

I know th main emphasise of the veda's was such a devotion and following of God's desires, so what happened in the pre Buddhist Asia where the Aryans not followers of God's desires enough?

Are you therefore a bit threatened that maybe the Buddhist faith followers would actually follow the teachings of their scriptures more closely than the Hindu's did?

In the real world

Well well that is very telling for a dream of god no?

we need society and its many divisions to keep it going.

I believe so to, who ever in the Buddhist tradition ever said anything diffarant for the householders?

We need our schools to become educated, we need leaders to govern us, we need our artisans and workers to build homes, roads for us. We need our doctors and scientists to ease our ills.

Why are you stating well known universal facts about human society in an apparent argument against another faith that never said anything different?

We need our armies to protect us.

Well that is a matter of interpretation, however I am sure you knew about Shakamuni Buddha being a Clan leader? And also in some previous lives leading his men in defense of the innocent WHEN attacked first?

Simply put we need society and society needs us.

Lol the biggest non a priori I have ever seen stated.

Krishna successfuly refutes this sophistic doctrine in the Gita. I will cite his argument which is completely agreeable to the intellect:

Do you actually know he said it? as oppossed to the actual historical and separate country, and faiths records of the Buddha's existence and acts and preachings?

If you have proof of such a thing, of which the Buddha's is accepted in Historical Research circumstances as being more substantive than any prrof of Jesus outside the Bible... well if you have such proof of Krishna... you are on for about 20 Nobel Prizes, and WILL be on the front of Time magazine, and top of all News for months to come.

How does one act selflessly? A Vedic maxim says, "All for society, nothing for me" when you cease being the doer and actor and rather dedicate your life to the betterment of others you are acting selflessly and your work is not binding, but liberating(karma yoga)

This is true, however as stated the origin of such actual words is unprovable now as the age. I fell like in the very Abrahamic religions you dislike, the original wisdom was adulterated, to allow a form of control over the populus, by powerful political, or early egotistical Brahmans. So the twist of all for society (because a leader or religious figure says so) is made.

Society surely is the society of humanity? All man.

Kind Regards,


[edit on 26-4-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:38 PM
Good Work indigo Child.

I agree with you cent percent.

Ultimately all this conspiracies that are happening around is is only to hide the real power within ourselves from ourselves( or torsion technology implicatations.. david wilcock's videos in camelot has more information on this range of technologies)

It is very important to be aware of the super consciousness inherent within each man, to access one's own divine powers. Vedanta, philosophy pertaining to the vedas throws a good picture on this.

I think someone above was questioning the origin of the word Aryan, as he was quoting some answer from or something which referred to its Iranian connection as per "popular" knowledge. I suggest you do a lil bit more in depth google search(origin of the word aryan arya). This is what I came up with :

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Now when you say Buddhism you have to be careful what Buddhism you mean, because there are almost 30 sects of Buddhism and many braches of Buddhism which have significant doctrinal differences. Mahayana Buddhism for example does not accept the doctrine of anatman and claims Buddha never claimed this. On the other hand, the Theravada Buddhism teaches the doctrine of Anatman.

Buddha very much gets the Jesus treatment by his followers. Nobody really knows what his teachings were, his teachings were only written down after he passed away.

One thing is for certain Buddha was born with a certain Hindu culture and most of his concepts and techniques are borrowed directly from it. The eightfold path is taken from Yoga which is described in the Yogasutras and the various Upanishads. The Buddhist meditation techniques too are taken from it.

In the end it all comes to the Vedas and the original Vedic Aryans and their noble civilisation. Around 5000 years ago after the cataclysms, the world entered a dark age and especially India and everybody lost their real heritage and lost their ways. This is why reformers were needed later to restore Aryan religion. Buddha, Mahavira, Sanakarcharya, Swami Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekanda, Swami Ramana Maharishi.

Our true Aryan past has been lost and everything we have today in the form of spirituality is corrupted. We must wade through a lot of superstition, disinformation to get to the real core. Hopefully we will all reawaken to our Aryan heritage and resurrect that beautiful spiritual culture we once had. A time when we lived in complete harmony with the universe and lived noble lives.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:40 PM
If the Aryans were very spiritual, were they able to use any psychic abilities like psychokinesis, precognition, telepathy, etc.

I would like to know this because I am training myself to unlock my mind more and hopefully learn to acomplish these abilities.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath

The reason for Buddhism being pushed aside is because it is not really applicable to any form of society.

Please again provide links to this belief structure that seems prominent?

It is a strictly ethical philosophy and it doesn't like to make compromises.

As opposed to a monotheistic religion, where there is a God and a unbending law, and this and that is the way it is?

For that matter, it is appreciated in some sciences,

Very true much like quantum mechanics etc and the Hindu dance of Shiva!

same as Descartes' analytical method,

Explore Shinay or mindfulness the main Buddhist analysis, many in the west unsure of the thrust of Buddhist practise focus on the logical reasoning and analytical meditations, which in reality are a small part of it.

or as an existentialist philosophy, and is applicable in arts (as a method) and by all those who seek self realization,

After the ) very true, before a rather western intellectual approach to it. As one great Master said to his brightest student who was surpassed by the dumber classmates for many years by his peers in realisations and experiences....

Too Intellectual

but concrete appliance in society is just wishful thinking.

Again please again, sources, what about the myriad and many past and present Buddhist countries and societies?

It is opposed to any kind of violence and that's it.

In general....


The Buddha in a previous lifetime was on a Boat, he was a trader and wealthy, but not yet enlightened but close, His co passengers were wealthy to, and he knew through his psychic evaluation, of a man on board who had arranged the trip on the pretence that he was going to take them to a business conference or such like... that in fact this man intended to kill them all, dump the bodies overboard and steal their wealth.

He was very troubled....

Extremely, and through his compassion for the suffering of the Man that would do this if he did, the huge karmic consequences to do this motivated through Greed... and the suffering of his fellow passengers, and their families and employees, he decided to take the Karma on himself and Killed humanely as possible the greedy plotter.

NOW this is the difference between what the op states in krishna's case and the Buddha's, he did not do it blindly for the good of society because he was told so, he had genuine compassion for the suffering he know the plotter would reap for many many rebirths and stays in other realms, and also the other merchants and friends and family. He couldn't stand the Pain he knew they would suffer, the plotters to, he felt that pain as his own, and took it on himself.

In a deep talk this month in fact with a Tibetan Rinpoche (highly recognised Buddhist reincarnation/Teacher) on this very story, he stated most of us could not do this, we would do it with some pride, look at the good we are doing saving these men, how great am I taking this on myself.... (PROUD
) that we had done it, but the Buddha had no such Like "I" "ID" "EGO" to satisfy he was very nearly enlightened in that life, and his only motivation was that it was better for him to suffer the karmic and immediate consequences of doing it than to imagine the suffering the man who planned to kill him through greed would endure in the future.

Says it all really.

Kind regards,


posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:49 PM
One more time people Aryans are IRANIANS - go pick up a history book - its like speculating on what Romans were - some mysterious beings with odd powers, no - absolutely not - we know exactly what the Romans were as we know where Aryan comes from - sheesh.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

I believe you have a misconception. I was arguing against danger's notion that no society is needed - the ascetic doctrine. I was not condoning it. Yes even a buddhist needs to live in and contribute to society as you argued

I am not favouring the Hindus or the Buddhists. In fact the Aryans are neither Hindu or Buddhist, they are the noble and enlightened ones of our past and their heritage belongs to everybody. Their heritage is our heritage. No single human group owns them. The Aryan culture is a cosmic culture and deals with creation, being and the eternal laws and principles of the universe. It is a culture that promotes balance and harmony and spiritual growth. It a culture of freedom and divinity.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by huckfinn
reply to post by thenothingorchid

Reclaiming ones culture is fantastic. I just hope this doesn't end like the last time some people calling themselves Aryans tried to reclaim something they said was taken from them.

I'm sure things will turn out differently for you though.
With Reza Pahlavi at your side how can you go wrong?

Just because you're Aryan and proud doesn't mean you want to exterminate the Jews. Pride in one's culture doesn't automatically mean genocide is going to be a product of it. I don't want to hurt or kill anyone. I just want to know and embrace the blood that flows through my veins.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:58 PM
Ok. You took this thread a totally different direction than what I expected.

I was expecting the "conspiracy" against Germany, Germanics, and Whites in general...the one that says that we are the root of all evil and baby eaters in general.

God forbid we stand for ourselves (Enoch Powell and the like)

I digress.

I agree that the "Church" has been a fairly negative force in the world...
This is NOT due to the teachings of the Nazerene-his teachings were upsurped and twisted for power.

I have no beef with Jesus (I am a Germanic Pagan) though I do have issues with the "Church".

If you are of Northern extraction, why do you not follow an indiginous faith? Why do you follow that of an alien and TOTALLY non-western religion? We Northern types DO NOT seek "oblivion". We revel in the things of happiness and life.
We look forward to the things on the otherside (provided they are as we hope).

This is not to flame you friend. Just questioning. If you are looking to find your roots (and you are Germanic/Norse extraction) i recommend Skadi.Net

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

I am the source. And if you don't believe it, please do your own research, as I have done. I never took anything for granted from anyone, and sources I used only to compare my own experience.

So, "Come and see" - that is all you will ever get from Buddha.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:11 PM
The other expression for the "noble" is "kesava" in Hindu tradition, which means "hair" (in Serbian it is "kosa"), and has the same root as Latin "caesar". "Hair" in this context means lion's or horse's mane, and is a sign of the noble. Horse and lion have the same implication (horseman is the noble one).

This is very old historic tradition and is preserved in languages, and is proof of close connection between now seemingly separated civilizations. So Aryan or Cesar or whatever else it is called, is the same in most societies which have roots deep in the past.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by thenothingorchid

I can dig it, what you're saying. Something is going on...people are moving and a major event is underway. Can't you feel it?

I hope you find what you are looking for, but it seems the whole, I am an Aryan, it is my spiritual heritage thing has the potential of leading you somewhere you don't want to go.

Just to be fair, If you said...I am a Christian, a Muslim, a Jewish a etc. the same thing can be true.

I am an Elf, I want to restore my spiritual heritage too.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by The Killah29
If the Aryans were very spiritual, were they able to use any psychic abilities like psychokinesis, precognition, telepathy, etc.

I would like to know this because I am training myself to unlock my mind more and hopefully learn to acomplish these abilities.

If you want to unlock your mind, you certainly don't want to gain these "abilities" to use them against someone?

So, satisfy your curiosity, but refrain from using them. Thus you will unlock yourself from lowly instincts and free yourself.

From my experience, it is possible with simple meditation to hear sound from afar, or see details in distance, unlike anything you have experienced so far (I guess). But acquiring those abilities is strictly connected with ethics, and as you advance in acquiring knowledge, any manipulative usage of those abilities is out of question.

Therefore, Aryans, as members of ruling class could never acquire such abilities without automatically disqualifying and decommissioning themselves from social or state functions. It simply is not possible to have this kind of knowledge and be unethical at the same time.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by audas

You might not want to believe the truth about Atheism, but I told you the truth about it. It's your responsibility to accept the facts presented to you. You & others in denial of the truth have been crying out loud & denying the facts about life for no good reason.

You & people of your ilk (as well as other man-made religious organizations) will never trick wise folks to believe in man-made religion(s).

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I am familiar with Theravada Buddhism and with Zen (through D.T. Suzuki).

Anando, one of Buddha's disciples, was the one who remembered and wrote down Buddha's sermons (sutras).

Sutras are heavily affected by traditional etiquette, but apart from that, they are very concise and non speculative, so it is very easy to determine whether they are a good guidance or not through simple practice of Buddha's doctrine.

The criteria, of course, comes from one's personal experience. And I don't approve of these various conflicting sectarian behavior.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by The Killah29

Yes, Aryans had significantly developed their mental abilities to superhuman levels. The Aryan literature is full of examples where these powers are being used. There are even entire Sanskrit texts dedicated to developing psychic powers, but I think many of these have been lost or are not available to public access. There is however one major Sanskrit text known as the Yoga sutras which has an entire chapter describing all of the psychic powers one can develop through the practice of Yoga.

Psychic powers are more like side-effects of spiritual development. The more you develop your mind, the more powerful your concentration powers become, the greater your psychic powers. In Yoga sutras there is a special Yogic technique known as "Samyama" which literally means perfect concentration on an object. To perform "Samyama" you must first reach the highest state of consciousness in meditation. Then by doing Samyama on various objects you gain various powers:

On thought impressions - one gains the knowledge of all past lives and of future lives
On Astral body - one gains the powers of becoming invisible and materialising any form
On friendliness - perfect emotional and moral strength
On strength - physical strength and endurance of an elephant
On the sun - knowledge of the entire universe and all its dimensions
On the crown of the head - visions of perfect spiritual beings and masters
On the heart - perfect knowledge of consciousness
On force - the power to levitate, fly and walk on water
On hearing - perfect clairaudience
On elements - complete mastery of the entire physical universe, god-like powers

There are many others which naturally occur without having to do Samayama

The ability to read others minds
The ability to teleport anywhere in the universe in an instant
The ability to enter another body inanimate or animate
The ability to shrink or expand in size

I hate to dishearten you though, these abilities require innumerable life times of spiritual development. You literally must evolve to the point of becoming a demi-god before you can have the true god-like abilities.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

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