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Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:01 PM
The Verdic History, part 2, which you didn't link, though very nicely explained, still looks very strongly like nwo, with a one world government, that still has local rulers and traditions. Those in the higher positions are not elected, but are there by their esoteric knowledge. The vedic emporeror was the most powerful vedic warrior. I really sense danger danger here as well. The history of this world also shows an annanuki or renegade, controlling et one. While I see strongly the historical relevance to this, even the et or cosmic relevance, the highest form of government is proportional democracy and the greatest civlization would be a moneyless, clean high tech resource society with no slaves, and no requirement for religious credo. Spiritual authorities should not be judging crimes. Religion is control. Though personal growth is desired, rule should be non-partisan, with the highest goals of human rights, science and equal universal education.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:01 PM
Development as some stage requires self inventory. By me refering to the Semitic experience as the Beast is a self inventory.

Look above at the things Indigo cited...this happened it is a view of yourself. These men did these things...i accept this as part of my development. it is not what is inevitable, but what can be.

I see that the OP is absolutely convinced of his own goodness and the goodness of his way, many people have been deluded in this manner.

I'll tell you something about people who are conquered...they played in major part in the conquest.

No people has ever been conquered without first being infiltrated. Infiltration is possible because they don't know themselves.

One last question for the OP...

Those passages you you believe them to be true? If so, then why would a Satan tell you the truth about himself? Is this a common behavior of Satans, to tell the truth?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:08 PM
Awesome thread. Ras Kass - Nature of the Threat talks about these truths. The track is amazing, but what I didn't like is that he said basically is that you can't trust all whites. Which is obviously a flawed statement, but just because that is there you can't disregard the rest.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:09 PM
I allways felt it was more a druid viking connection. Not much known about druids becuase of no written langaugge but it is said they were the first world travelers who returned to stone henge to share the tells and knowledge they gained during there yearly explorations.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by arbiture


posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 01:37 PM
Ego is a projection = ideas, emotions, will - that is the aggregate that sucks all energy from human beings, and that is the disease which is now known as schizophrenia - the divided mind.

Its battle cry is Divide and Rule, and what more proof does one need to see what evil comes from this projected self (ego, and its central vampire force generator "id")?

The projected self is fully ignorant and in denial of the true self, murderer of all those who resist domination of ideas and emotions (all social behavior is conditioned behavior and all emotional and intellectual reactions are conditioned and learned, imposed from our birth in this civilization created to support ego).

All those who resist selfish self are either pushed away (marginalized), denounced or simply exterminated throughout history (last 6.000 years at least) up to the present day, and that is a fact.

The spiritual civilization is slandered at all times within this frame of egoistic projection and only the individuals who somehow managed to escape institutionalization and boundaries of established ideological or religious systems (like Buddha or Jesus, and many others) left some trace of the "other" race or species of human beings who were and are still not subjected to this disease (schizophrenia).

In tradition of Vedas it is obvious that the process of mixing and battling between these two approaches was still ongoing in those ancient times, and despite some claims, I believe that Krishna from Bhagavad gita is actually representative of the egoistic cult trying to persuade Arjuna to comply and accept the necessity of crystallization of egoistic approach to human existence.

The egoistic, social approach is the basic principle of creating division (divide et impera) among human (sentient) beings - caste system or any other system where human being is demoted to a simple function of a greater projection.

Reduction of human being (sentient being) to a function is in most cases sufficient to prevent any spiritual or creative behavior, which is the opposite of the order of social hierarchy) usually expressed by the image of pyramid.

In modern times, such creative and independent (individualistic) behavior is usually denounced as "anarchic" and with false comparison to "terrorist" or "destructive" behavior, heavily persecuted with or without any excuse.

There are many sophisticated, spiritual civilizations preceding Aryan civilization, there was one in Vinca (where alphabet was invented 6.000 BC, and older than this one, from Anadolia in Asia Minor, like in Gobekli Tepe, and many others dating even to 10.000 years BC).

This field of exploration, about division which happened amongst human beings, the decrease of spirituality in favor of protocol-conditioned, non-creative and violent behavior, is just opening anew and is already engaged against the so called supporters of theory of survival as dominating force of life, which favors those least spiritual and knowledgeable, united as organized and well armed gangs (states).

The true battle between light and darkness.
Good luck and don't listen to the false promise of survival, because there is no such thing.
One can only live in freedom if there is no oppression of any kind.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

... schizophrenia - the divided mind.

'schizophrenia' means 'to be split-off from reality.'

Someone who may be 'ambivalent' about some issue, that is to say, someone who is 'of two minds' about some issue, is not schizophrenic in a clinical sense ...

Just thought I'd mention that - it's an important distinction ...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:11 PM
This description of the Aryans makes them appear to be elitist and New-Agey, which is not all that different from how the Nazis described the über-mensch. The Vedas and vedic teachings are being utilized by the Illuminati, this is certain

I'm wondering how "Iran" comes from "aryan" since the order of the vowels is reversed. Besides, their ethnicity is "Persian," not Iranian or even Arab. "Iranian" only refers to a nationality.

The word "caucasian" comes from the Caucasus (Kavkas) Mountains which partially mark the border between Europe and Asia, at around modern-day Armenia. "Kavkas" comes from the Persian word کوه قاف (Koh-Qaf, which reversed would be Qaf-Koh) which is the name of a mythical mountain that marked the northern border of the Persian empire. This was also supposedly the area where Noah landed the ark.

Caucasians are said to be the descendents of Noah's son Japheth.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by vcwxvwligen]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

Well, yes effectively, it is the divided mind. Like, the opposition between the analytical mind and the projective mind (ideology, emotions).
In historical sense, it is the Divide and Rule principle.
And if virus of schizophrenia found its way to embed itself in human genome, then "split personality" is normal, not considered a disease...
That is my point.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

As you can see from my name 'light&sound', i am familiar with the concepts of Meditation, inner regions and the 'Game / Illusion' we currently reside in.
My question is 'what mantra or words' express the true language the infinite one hears?

As you are aware there are many Gurus, Masters, Teachers & so called Enlightened souls, especially in India who teach Meditation and 'initiate' their followers in a particular Mantra, which is to be used whenever meditating. This particular mantra being the 'Right One' to enlighten! Many also preach many regions within and to experience these one must practice 'their' Mantras only to allow entrance. Many of these Gurus have huge number of followers and you can imagine benefit in affection and personal wealth i assume.

Therefore i would appreciate your thoughts on this and specifically your idea on which Mantra should be used when Meditating.

Additionally and following on from your other Thread - Depopulation - Have you had a Vision OR have you Spiritually advanced to such a level that you have seen the near destruction of Humanity commencing at the end of the year. Or is it just intuition or a feeling you have?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Hi Mystiq,

I think your suspicision is valid. It is true that Aryan society had a dominant class, and this may sound similar to capitalist or theocratic society because it too has a dominant and ruling class. I want to assure you though the truth is Aryan society is nothing like capitalist society. Rather Aryan society is what in Sociology is called a functional and meriotcratic society. In a functional society, society is divided into several divisions and each division has a function in making society work. If there are no such divisions you would simply have anarchy.

There were 4 main divisions in Aryan society: Teachers/Merchants and Manufacturers/Admin and civil services/labour and workers. Not all classes are equal, an ordinary worker is not equal in position to teacher for example. In different socieities, different classes are dominant.

Capitalism: Merchants
Government: Dictatorship
People: Communism

The problem with these forms of government is that capitalism is based on only profit generation, dictatorship is based only on power, communism is based on pleasure. This is why society is so messed up the world over, we elect the wrong class and the wrong values. In Aryan society, however, they elect the teachers and wise sages to be the dominant class. So the Buddha's of society would be the ones that would guide society. Your position in society was based on your merits and skills. You would only be assigned a position if you had the merits and skills for that post.

The Aryans were aware of the fallbility of humans, from which even wise sages were not exempt, so they had checks and balances and they decentralized all power. Aryan society would consist of several self-contained social units or locales that would generate their own goods and produce and were not under any central authority. They self-governed themselves using democracy. This practice still continues today in Indian villages where village representatives would convene village meeting to discuss issues. In Vedic times, these meeting were far more sophisticated and democratic, and no measures would be passed if there was not near unanimous agreement.

Now here is the most interesting fact. The Brahmins, though were considered the highest position of society, were also the poorest. The Aryan social system stipulated that Brahmins could not produce wealth, because they were the thinkers of society and wealth would only corrupt them.

So basically this is as anti NWO as you can get and this is why the Aryan social systems were demonized. The truth is this system produced great prosperity and little is known that the so-called untouchables in India were prior to the British wealthy, prosperous and very skilled. After the British illegalized the Vedic social system and traditional education of India, turning an erstwhile industrial economy into an agricultural economy, these skilled and prosperous people were forced out of their jobs and impoverished. They became so destittude they had to take on menial and unhygenic jobs like cleaning toilets and sewers, and hence became "untouchable" - because nobody wanted them near them.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

After the British illegalized the Vedic social system and traditional education of India, turning an erstwhile industrial economy into an agricultural economy, these skilled and prosperous people were forced out of their jobs and impoverished. They became so destittude they had to take on menial and unhygenic jobs like cleaning toilets and sewers, and hence became "untouchable" - because nobody wanted them near them.

This is very interesting.
Could you give us some references, books or links which elaborate on this aspect?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

I suggest you read Dharmpal, Ghandi's official historian on how the traditional educational system was torn down by the British, leaving Indians illiterate.

Also read this shocking article on how the British deliberately engineered famines to kill off tens of millions India and turned a once rich country into a poor country.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by audas
Aryian is from Iranian - true.
Mesopotamia is the birth place of civilisation modern iraq, it is believed these people came down from the plain.

Peace out.

He brings pages of info with links and videos to help us understand what he is trying to say and enlighten us with and you respond with 2 lines of opinion with nothing to back it up.

I never believe proof is always needed but in this case I would like you to provide where you got your info from if you can.

I understand we are taught in schools what you have stated. But who taught those people,? And how far back do those teachings go? Do you know where that info originated from and who started spreading that info?

If you don't know , then how can you be so certain that what you type is the truth?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Schizophrenia (pronounced skit-suh-FREH-nee-uh) is a psychotic disorder or group of psychotic disorders that cause a patient to lose touch with reality. It is marked by severely impaired reasoning and emotional instability and can cause violent behavior.

Source : Free Health Encyclopedia

You said :
Well, yes effectively, it is the divided mind. Like, the opposition between the analytical mind and the projective mind (ideology, emotions).
In historical sense, it is the Divide and Rule principle.
And if virus of schizophrenia found its way to embed itself in human genome, then "split personality" is normal, not considered a disease...
That is my point.

Disorganized Schizophrenia

Patients with disorganized schizophrenia have confused, disorganized patterns of speech, thought, and behavior. They may act silly or withdraw from the world around them. At one time, disorganized schizophrenia was called hebephrenia (pronounced HEE-buh-FREN-ee-uh).

Source : Free Health Encyclopedia

Ok, thanks for clearing that up - I think I have 'the picture' now.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

Good post.

I do use this as metaphorical hypothesis, but it is very operational and helps understand the basic difference between personality and ego.
So many people practice self-delusion... It is a trademark of many civilizations based on slavery and oppression.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Krishna does not actually support the egoistical approach, rather his teachings are anti-ego. Arjuna was despondent that he would have to go to war with his own kin and was arguing with Krishna that such a war would be futile, but in actual fact it was Arjuna's ego that did not want to go to war with his own family, because he had personal relations with them. But this was not a valid reason and Krishna using the power of reasoning demonstrated to Arjuna that Arjuna was not being rational. He explains to Arjuna that whom he thinks are his friends and family and whom he thinks he is "killing" is nothing more than holographic projection. Nobody can be killed in reality, the spirit is eternal and indestructible. He describes to Arjuna that his reality is only temporal and his relations with the people whom he thinks are his kin are temporal and will cease to be true in his next life. He explain that the material reality is a transient reality, where everything is changing ceaslessly and if the soul becomes identified with this changing reality it becomes entangled within it and suffers. He then instructs Arjuna that the wise do not grieve for the living or the dead, because what is born will necessarily die, it is an inevitable outcome. So one cannot ground their lifes decisions on temporal things, and this was exactly what Arjuna was going to do by refusing to fight. Instead, Krishna says that one must ground their life in the unchanging transcendent being and in eternal laws of the universe. That is we must be in harmony with truth only.

The truth was that though Arjuna's opponents were also his kin they had decided to fight for an unrighetous cause. If Arjuna had surrendered, then unrighteousness would have won over righteousness, and this would have brought only misery to people. The moral here is that we should always fight against righteousness. The Vedas say this as well.

If you are familiar with the history of the Mahabharata war, you will see yourself that Pandavas went through many ordeals to stop the war. They tolerated several assassination attempts, political conspiracy that robbed them of their kingdom and assets, humilation in front of public, exile, and after all of this using Krishna as their messenger to Hastinapur, they still wanted peace and only asked to be given 5 villages(they were actually entitled to the entire empire) and they were refused with Duryodhana exclaiming, "I will not give them a single inch of land" and this is why the war happened in the end. It was both inevitable and necessary.

War is not an unnoble thing. Sometimes war is the most noble thing you can do.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

I understand your point.
But I think they have mixed certain things in this text that don't really fit well together and this is not a very good example for the philosophy applied. This attempt is very much in conflict in itself.
Arjuna doesn't want to be involved in real politics, that is an ethical standpoint. If one can prove that the political (and all) reality is "illusional or irrational" than where is the motivation for Arjuna's engagement?
It all comes down to persuasion, and it is not very convincing.

To me this looks very much like a reaction to a teaching of the kind Buddha articulated, and Buddha was very much for both social and gender equality, therefore against the caste system.

Buddha proposed "going against the stream", which is also supported by Arjuna, and Krishna is actually pushing him to go "down the stream". I don't see how it is possible to make a compromise between these two attitudes. They are directly opposed.

That's my opinion.

And, yes, I just want to add this: Gandhi was actually very much opposed to Krishna's method. He accomplished a political goal by using non-violence (ahimsa). And as soon as the job was done, well, we know what happened...

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by light_sound

There is no such thing as a "Right Mantra" if a spiritual group or Guru says such a thing, stay away. They are not true Aryans. The Aryans had thousands of Mantras, and new Mantras can be invented as well. However, there is no language other than Sanskrit in which Mantras can be created. Sanskrit was especially constructed to create Mantras. It is advanced spiritual and scientific language which works with sound directly. No other language has the powers Sanskrit does and this is why in most esoteric schools Sanskrit is still the language of choice for Mantras.

Sanskrit is also a language which computer scientists have called a computer language. This is because Sanskrit language has very precise grammar and representational powers that it virtually functions like a computer which generates sentences.

The Aryans were by no means primitive folk. They were a highly advanced scientific and spiritual people.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

WOW!! Thanks for a very informative thread!! You have answered so many questions that I have wondered about but never researched!

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