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Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage

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posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 05:51 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair
and makes the creator, [which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one], an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'.
How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!?
Does not one express love in many different languages and many different ways. All of which are reciprocated as the expression has the same meanings. Would not the creator indeed be of an inferior nature if the souls desires cannot be understood in any language.

Indigo_child you have not answered my previous question on Depopulation.....Is it indeed a Spiritual understanding / awareness, which has resulted in your predictions?

Many so called spiritualist and insightful souls such as Hidden Hand, who attended here in October '08, with very plausible views and expressions beyond that of this realm. They appear, at one point to be genuine but alas it transpires their knowledge is that of books and research and not of Experience.....i hope your knowledge is of that of the latter.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :
Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by visible_villain
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :
Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

Well I don't know about you, but i'm not going to let a bunch of dictators and fascists mold my vocabulary.

If Aryans are ever going to be able to reclaim our culture, then we can't change our name just to make a bunch of people who can't pick up a history book happy.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by visible_villain
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :
Oh hell no! That is as good as defeat.

It is what it is, my friend.

The term 'Aryan' is 'completely toxic.'

It's use in any 'positive endeavor' is totally counterproductive.

Any reasoning you can present to the contrary will be faulty.

I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.


Edit to add, I have no idea whether or not I'm 'Aryan', I was more pointing out the 'counterproductive method' visible villain was 'advising', to allow people to 'ignore' past discretions. You don't ignore a problem, you deal with it and move on.

And also!

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair
and makes the creator, [which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one], an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'.
How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!?

I was thinking along the same lines, it is partly the reason I asked the question about cymatics, since it wouldn't be the language that mattered, but the sounds spoken, 'incantations' if that helps you visualise my meaning.


[edit on 26-4-2009 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

The usage of the expression "Aryan" is quite consensual. I agree that Vedanta may be a better choice.

Something else.
It is interesting, Serbian (Slavic) language is one of the most closely related to Sanskrit.

In Serbian, "vedeti" (not in use anymore) means "knowing", and the verb "videti" (to see) is directly derived from it. In Sanskrit "vidya" is knowledge.

There is a phrase in Serbian folklore "Indian books", referring to certain very old, prehistoric knowledge (but maybe also to the Codex of Mani, which is from historic times). Still, the usage of "Indian" rather than Persian, indicates much older tradition.

"Budan" in Serbian means "awake" = Buddho in Sanskrit. Practically the same word.

These are only very few examples as a proof that connections between prehistoric peoples were very close at certain point, but were pushed deep into the darkness of historic times. The research on these connection is gaining momentum and soon there will be a serious revision of the "official" historical theories.

In historic times many nations disappeared, especially when they were conquered by someone, their language and name cease to "exist". But really? There are ways to revive it all, hopefully.

And the science of genetics will certainly give some answers on what really happened.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by light_sound
reply to post by Indigo_Child

So what you are saying, the billions of souls which are not familiar with the language of the soul - Sanskrit - will never attain enlightenment or experience the higher regions. If one regularly attends to meditation and has a deep desire but uses the Mantra, for example 'I seek the truth my infinite creator' they will never find that truth. That would be totally unfair
and makes the creator, [which i believe we are an expression of and experiencing as one], an elitist based on discriminatory factors. Or are you going to say 'this all depends on Karma', which in itself is an illusion due to the 'Veil of Forgetfulness'.
How can language be a barrier to the Infinite Creator whose creation this is supposed to be.........all seeing all being creator?!?
Does not one express love in many different languages and many different ways. All of which are reciprocated as the expression has the same meanings. Would not the creator indeed be of an inferior nature if the souls desires cannot be understood in any language.

Indigo_child you have not answered my previous question on Depopulation.....Is it indeed a Spiritual understanding / awareness, which has resulted in your predictions?

Many so called spiritualist and insightful souls such as Hidden Hand, who attended here in October '08, with very plausible views and expressions beyond that of this realm. They appear, at one point to be genuine but alas it transpires their knowledge is that of books and research and not of Experience.....i hope your knowledge is of that of the latter.

I think you may have missed the OP's post about the gravity behind the Sanskrit language. The words are just as important as the sounds the words make. It is a mystery, wrapped in a science, just as much as it is the original language of the Aryans. I think someone may be playing Devil's advocate a little to quickly here.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:12 PM
I am confused. None of the Aryan want to tell me their feelings concerning the Illustrious Leader, Reza Pahlavi.

I figure it like this...if Aryans and Reza Pahlavi are on a mission to reclaim their culture, I want to know where to point these nukes...that sounds like trouble a brewing.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :
I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.

Suit yourself.

My 'judgement', or 'advice' as you put it, is sound.

Why people get hung up on 'semantics' is still quite mysterious to me ...

Good luck.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Ascestic philosophy, you got to love it

Suppose everybody became Buddhist and there is no society. How are newborn children going to learn? Who is going to feed them? Who is going to manufacture the clothes, build the homes, irrigate and farm the fields, treat the ill and injured, protect against enemies and animals?

You say Buddhism is not a religion, but in my opinion the philosophy you describe is very religious and very destructive, selfish and lazy. If followed sincerely would lead to the extinction of the human race. It is sophistry, it sounds nice on paper of everybody retiring to a mountain or cave and meditating all their life, but it is impractical in the real world. In the real world we need society and its many divisions to keep it going. We need our schools to become educated, we need leaders to govern us, we need our artisans and workers to build homes, roads for us. We need our doctors and scientists to ease our ills. We need our armies to protect us. Simply put we need society and society needs us.

Krishna successfuly refutes this sophistic doctrine in the Gita. I will cite his argument which is completely agreeable to the intellect:

Arjuna: If it be thought by Thee that knowledge is superior to action, O Krishna, why then, O Kesava, dost Thou ask me to engage in this terrible action?

With these apparently perplexing words Thou confusest, as it were, my understanding; therefore, tell me that one way for certain by which I may attain bliss.

Krishna: In this world there is a twofold path, as I said before, O sinless one,—the path of knowledge of the Sankhyas and the path of action of the Yogis!

Not by the non-performance of actions does man reach actionlessness, nor by mere renunciation does he attain to perfection.

COMMENTARY: Even if a man abandons action, his mind may be active. One cannot reach perfection or freedom from action or knowledge of the Self, merely by renouncing action. He must possess knowledge of the Self.

Verily none can ever remain for even a moment without performing action; for, everyone is made to act helplessly indeed by the qualities born of Nature.

COMMENTARY: The ignorant man is driven to action helplessly by the actions of the Gunas—Rajas, Tamas and Sattwa.

He who, restraining the organs of action, sits thinking of the sense-objects in mind, he, of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite.

But whosoever, controlling the senses by the mind, O Arjuna, engages himself in Karma Yoga with the organs of action, without attachment, he excels!

Do thou perform thy bounden duty, for action is superior to inaction and even the maintenance of the body would not be possible for thee by inaction.

The world is bound by actions other than those performed for the sake of sacrifice; do thou, therefore, O son of Kunti, perform action for that sake (for sacrifice) alone, free from attachment!

(The commentaries are by Swami Sivananda)


Arjuna asks Krishna that if knowledge is the highest virtue(I agree, look at my sig) then why does Krishna urge him to fight, why cannot Arjuna just retire into a forest or mountain and meditate and gain knowledge. In other words your ascetic doctine.

Krishna explains that if one does not act, they are not commiting to non-action. In fact their decision to not act is an action itself. The real deteminents of their actions and non-actions are the unconscious forces which are always acting. They do not cease acting as long as you are in time. If I say I am a non-actor and and decide to do nothing, not even move, this will not stop time from acting on me, it will not stop the electrical currents and organs from running in my body, it will not stop the Earth from revolving, it will not stop the solar system from from travelling in the galaxy, it will not stop others from acting on me. So the truth is I cannot cease to act, I am acting every moment.

So even our non-actions actually create actions for us. If you being a buddhist see an innocent person being hurt and it is within your power to help that person, but you do not, then your inaction is generating an action. The laws of karma state that every action will generate a reaction and hence your non-action will generate a reaction. Therefore if you continuely choose to non-act you will continously generate reactions and be stuck in a vicious loop. Hence why Krishna tells Arjuna that one must act, because one cannot help it, but if one acts for sacrifice i.e., selfless action one is not subject to the laws of karma.

How does one act selflessly? A Vedic maxim says, "All for society, nothing for me" when you cease being the doer and actor and rather dedicate your life to the betterment of others you are acting selflessly and your work is not binding, but liberating(karma yoga)

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

If Reza Pahlavi is dead who then is managing his website and giving speeches on Iranian Democracy.

Wait, how long have I been asleep.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by huckfinn
I am confused. None of the Aryan want to tell me their feelings concerning the Illustrious Leader, Reza Pahlavi.

I figure it like this...if Aryans and Reza Pahlavi are on a mission to reclaim their culture, I want to know where to point these nukes...that sounds like trouble a brewing.

I believe your question was already answered in a previous post. We are talking about a culture that spans thousands of years. You are talking about a dynasty that gained power in 1925. Maybe you should reformulate your argument, whatever that may be, and pay attention more. Maybe pick up a history book.

I promise you that when we reclaim our culture for good, the sky won't fall down, and the earth won't stop turning.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

Oh, that's easy. There will be no more children to worry about

He who, restraining the organs of action, sits thinking of the sense-objects in mind, he, of deluded understanding, is called a hypocrite.

Thinking and meditating is by no means the same.
Meditation, analytical observation is very different from "reflection", to which is here obviously referred as "thinking".

The real action is the understanding (knowledge) because it resolves all conflicts on the ethical levels and the man of knowledge does not get involved in such deluding dilemmas in the first place, by means of anticipation. Therefore this is the only true action (of mindfulness and insight) and action in sense of reacting to the input of gunas is in reality - reaction.

And that is a perfect karma generator.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by DangerDeath]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by visible_villain
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

You said :
I'm sure it is. Seems like a cosey little corner you've got yourself there, best for me not to disturb you.

Suit yourself.

My 'judgement', or 'advice' as you put it, is sound.

Why people get hung up on 'semantics' is still quite mysterious to me ...

Good luck.

Are we sure we know what "semantics" means? And i'm going to go ahead and disagree with you about your "judgment" being "sound." Saying that th word "Aryan" shouldn't be used to refer to a culture is like saying we shouldn't refer to anyone in the US as "Americans." We committed Genocide, have invaded multiple countries, and are the only civilization on earth who have ever used nuclear weapons on civilian populations. So shouldn't we call ourselves something else, according to your "sound judgment?"

Or maybe you mean that because the way we are using the word "Aryan" isn't relevant anymore, that we should stop using it?

Well, in that case, call off the excavations. We don't need to know what's under the sand. Stop learning a foreign language, because your friends and colleagues won't know what you're saying when you're talking to someone from Korea!!! Don't bother getting educated at all!

Have I understood you correctly?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by DangerDeath

Hehe, exactly, which is why I said if one follows this philosophy sincerely it would lead to the extinction of the human race.

By the way have you heard of the theory that the reason for the decline of India and its fall to many invaders was because it had adopted Buddhist philosophy?

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by huckfinn

Originally posted by DangerDeath
reply to post by huckfinn

Reza Pahlavi is dead.

May he rest in pieces.

So we now have only to deal with the HungAryan, BulgAryan, and of course with MalArya.

If Reza Pahlavi is dead who then is managing his website and giving speeches on Iranian Democracy.

Wait, how long have I been asleep.

Maybe his wife?

Aha! There's another one!

Sorry, I meant the late Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the father of Reza Pahlavi, who died in 1980. How confusing...

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by DangerDeath

Hehe, exactly, which is why I said if one follows this philosophy sincerely it would lead to the extinction of the human race.

By the way have you heard of the theory that the reason for the decline of India and its fall to many invaders was because it had adopted Buddhist philosophy?

After Ashoka united most of India, he proclaimed Buddhism the state religion. Well, so what? When Genghis Khan started his conquests he beat almost everyone... And his successors, and other great empires fell. Rome fell, Byzantine fell... they were certainly not Buddhist people.

In India, Buddhism was relatively quickly immersed into Hindu tradition. I've heard that there are no more than 2 million Buddhists in India today.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by News And History
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Atheists are religious too. They have their own system of beliefs. A lot of them even believe in "magic" (ie: "evolution"; monkeys, who become human, & other theories). Of course, miracles are real, and magic is trickery. Your definitions of "atheism" & "hypocrite" are probably amusing to read to others, but I wouldn't bother adopting your beliefs or man-made religions. Stick with the truth & light of the universe. Even Christians "try" to do that, as well as other seekers of truth.

Atheism Religion

Google Video Link

[edit on 26-4-2009 by News And History]

No - No we don't - we base our thoughts on the best of our knowledge on the facts before us, religious people have a belief system, it is not based on knowledge it is based on belief, all the facts point to their being no god, that religions are man made to enslave society in a control structure and that life as we know it has evolved over billions of years.
Religious beliefs are simply told to children and they believe it. You can not believe facts, for they are facts, you can of course deny facts and believe lies.
Religion is a lie - pure and simple.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by light_sound

No, I am not at all saying that those do not know Sanskrit are spiritually doomed. I said that Sanskrit is the language of Mantras and it is the only language that Mantras can be constructed in. This language is the closest to our universal language of thoughts, which is a language every living entity can speak. This is why Naom Chomsky, who was an admirer of Sanskrit, dreamed of a universal language just like it.

What Sanskrit Mantra do is help arrange vibrations in such a manner that they create a certain thought-forms within your mind which are so powerful that have profound effects on your mind and in higher states of consciousness they reveal encoded meanings which the composer of the Mantra encoded them with. Many mantras for example are encoded with geometrical patterns(mandalas/yantras) which are able to form your consciousness into patterns that perfectly channel certain powers of the universe. Hence why each Mantra has a purpose.

But Mantras are only aids and I personally do not use mantras for my meditations. Nobody needs anything external to meditate, and in fact external aids are considered by the Aryans to be necessariy onlyfor the lesser developed minds, the more developed minds can meditate on pure emptiness itself and reach the highest states of being.

Regarding the depopulation question. Why not pose the same question to me in the other thread so as not to derail this one with an off-topic discussion

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by audas

Very much agree. Knowledge will lead you to God, as knowledge itself is the force, and no mystification there or manipulation.
While belief is certainly not a "leap of faith", it is rather an "act" (reaction) of ignorance and an emotional state like "fear" or "self pity".
Religion is always an attempt to subjugate people by offering them a surrogate of knowledge, and is always supported by raw power of the ruling caste.

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