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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 06:31 AM

Originally posted by Better Mouse Trap
What do you mean that fire was the first to inhabit the Earth, are you trying to tell me the elements are living creatures with souls?

earth astrophysicists say it was very hot at the begining of the universe and it's cooled down since then.
the wind and whirl winds also supports souls.
hurricanes have names, they also have souls.

If Grey's only communicate telepathically,
can we trust the Earthlings who receive these communications for they speak for the Grey

are you able to trust any person?
generally I trust people because I trust myself,
saying the truth or current experience is easier than fabrication.
usually can just talk directly via telepathy.

What's the most valuable mineral?

depends on for what purpose.
I've developed a price calculation system, based on Ra's cosmology

> root(1000^0o3.0*1,0o2.3*1)
root((1000^3) * 1, 2.375 * 1) = approx. 6158.4821

so a kilo of refined mineral be worth about 6 kilo of seeds (about 12 days worth)

in it all minerals are worth the same amount, but a seller or buyer can change the value of customerPreference

on earth gold has artificially high percieved value due to Anu's desire for it long ago.

Originally posted by calihan_12
If some abductees are actually hybrids.... is there some purpose they are meant to serve on earth?

different souls have different lessons from different lesson plans
hybrid bodies may increase feature set available to the soul as well as chance for experiencing multiple species
perhaps a transition from one species to another getting used to a few host body features at a time

[edit on 19-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 08:58 AM
I believe you are genuine Lowki.

I do have a couple more questions though.

1. Is the Earth expanding (Expanding Earth theory)?

2. Did an Alien UFO crash into something to save Earth during 1908 Tunguska event?

3. What do you think of time traveler from 2036 John Titor?

4. Can a scenario like this:
actually happen in 2012?

5. Were Ancient Egyptians ever in the Grand Canyon and Australia?

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:41 AM
Hello my friend, in my heart i believe you.. The information you are able give is amazing, being able to answer everyones questions satisfactory..

I will admit though, i briefly shed a tear reading your posts, cause i cannot confirm to myself that this is the truth you speak, and maybe some very well thought out deception..

My heart trully wants to believe.

I hope you understand where im coming from.. There is a lot of deception on the internet..

Im only waiting for the part where you say, "this is my new book just published"
.. Only joking.. But anyway, i have a few questions for you that have always played on my mind, here goes..

1. Did Jesus exsist? If so, who was he?

2. What are ghosts?

3. Is there a type of limbo, when you die? Like a waiting room, to move on..

4. Does planet x exsist? Is it populated? Or just baron..

Thanks alot my friend..

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551
I joined because of this thread. I have some questions to ask.
1. Are parallel universes real?

with every moment you jump from one parallel universe to another.
imagine a three dimensional universe as a frame, and so to experience time you string them up in a sequence.
you can also think about which frames you want to experience later.

2. How old is the Earth really?

how old do you think it is?
Since there are these parallel universes, Earth be forever.

Is science really right about it's age?

Science measures things like how old things are so they would know.
But Science only measures how old the oldest rocks are.
I haven't been on earth since it's conception so can't say from personal experience.

3. How old is the Universe really?

most contemporary scientists seem to think it's 13 billion, but that's with complex multiple acceleration theories of the parts of the universe we can't see. making the universe look like a bell, rather than an exponential curve.

If we extrapolate from it's current acceleration, it's about 6.67 septilian years old.
I like that number.
Gives room for basic math, geometry, fractals, and many other worlds I remember before this physical planets stuff became popular.

4. Is Earth really a "Prison" planet?

Earth be a beautiful paradise of diversity.
Muhammad saw people living in forest gardens when he talked of paradise.

Sura 32 - As-Sajda (MAKKA) : Verse 19
As for those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh Islâmic Monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, for them are Gardens (Paradise)

so feel free to do the righteous good deed of seedball planting a forest garden.

One set of rules for multiple people (so called justice just-is) be the prison
and consider that people of wealth or power are immune to their own rules.
beat an animal and put it in a cage, when it comes out it will bite.
justice increases violence and suffering on the planet.
in justice an eye for an eye and royalty profits.
I consider justice a foul word.
nothing just is.

people aren't against world union,
people are against world justice,
being forced to live by rules,
the people that made them don't even pretend to live by.
In america and the european union, the people that pass the laws (rules) don't even know what they are understand them.
In the european union it is illegal to make a document that explains what a bill means, until the bill (a composite of citations) has passed.

the only way to treat one that has not acted with love, is by showing them love.
how do we cure theft? with abundance.
abundance be the natural state of earth and indeed the multiverse.
yet governments or royalty like to reserve all this land,
and make it impossible to attain by corelating to life times of debtslavery.
Stopping cannibalism leaves people starving and populations out of balance with the environment.
The jungles are disapearing since the jungle dwellers stopped eating each other, and started selling jungle for food.
Recently I went to thailand, where they don't have any more jungles, or any more wild animals, even large insects, since they all got eaten, or cleared for suburban sprawl.
no rule can be applied to all people, as we all agree on nothing.

natural social networks are less than 150 people, like villages or tribes.
cities are the loneliest concrete deserts with the most shallow relationships thus far created.
Hey! how are you? *waves, keeps on walking* that's for well known acquaintances or "average friends"
I don't even make eye contact unless we've both stopped and we are talking.
I don't even remember peoples names the first few dozen times I meet them. who cares? it'll be different people tommorrow, or a month from now.

Though I do have plans made for a village to fit in two floors of apartment,
it's better just to let people live in eco village forest gardens.

5. Have there been a lot of alien-human mixtures in history?

ya it be natural

6. Were the Pyramids built by aliens?

Ra in the claims to have manifested the Great Pyramid. many others were built by people, some with alien guidance.
There are also many underground and underwater pyramids that Ra mentions were built.

7. What do you think of Timewave Zero?

The end of I Ching by terrance mcKenna.
It's okay.
I'm preparing for living in a forest garden eco village.

8. Do aliens randomly choose to show up to people or do they choose someone specific for a reason?

Usually there are specific reasons, especially for those working in a hierarchy.
I like to do things randomly however, or on a whim. I make up reasons later if need be.

9. How many Earth-like planets are there in the Milky Way galaxy?

more than I can count,
64,387,219 in this universe,
but due to infinite amounts of parallel universe there is a virtually limitless supply of them.
even this planet earth, in a parallel universe with a different government system, really it's like a different planet altogether.

10. Is the Universe a hologram (Holographic Universe theory)?

well at least in it's features,
you can access much of the multiverse from in you,
and the modifications you make to yourself changes the universe you are in.
If you do metta meditation about love and harmony, those things will manifest in your reality,
as every time you think that, you are in a universe where people think things like that.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 12:26 PM
I must admit "lowki2" that you have lots of people here at ATS believing everything that you say, but I'm a big disbeliever in what you tell of aliens and the future from your own intuition, dreams or made up stuff.

You were banned as "lowki2" and then brought back as "lowki". I looked up "lowki2" on Google on the Internet to see if you were using the name any place else on the internet, and guess who I found? I found "lowki2" in Sandy808's Profile in "Virtual Vancouver Social Center". I won't put your picture or the page on ATS because there are some very "Mature Audience" XXX pictures there beside "lowki2".

lowki2 you look like a pretty healthy man with an over active imagination on that site. You have done lots of research and read lots of books to come up with the alien stuff that others herein on ATS have become interested in. From the other site I can see where you definitely participated in some food lathering orgies as you stated in your first post.

I think you should refrain from leading others on here on ATS. You are not whom you try to let others think you are. People that lead others to believe in false statements are not the kind of people that ATS and its members want on their site.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by lowki

Thanks for sticking to more traditional english in your last response to me. Greatly appreciated.

I really don't see any humans in grey bodies. As far as I can see, the soul sucking quality of the human body (amped by the greys back at the beginning of their time here, trying to figure out how to avoid going extinct) is pretty ferocious. Once in a human body, it looks like you are pretty much stuck here. Otherwise there wouldn't be any elves still in human bodies, believe me. They took a real hit when they became human.

I know the greys developed a soul holder that will keep their souls from getting sucked into a human body if the grey dies near one, and that a lot of the other aliens on earth have some nearby too, for that reason, but if they die unexpectedly away from the holder, they will end up in human bodies, period.

And the reason the greys were going extinct, btw, is because it is so boring and NO fun being a worker grey. No sex, no food, no going outdoors even. Heck, I can see the workers, before their arrival here, just laying down and not moving until they died, no matter what was done to them. Then they would hang on the edge of the bliss state and not reincarnate. It was really upsetting the leadership because they needed the greys in bodies to put back to work.

I also think that on the highest level, most of the souls who end up in human bodies do so because we humans are the only ones who will make enlightenment with this coming wave, and so they know human (with all it's foibles and weaknesses) is the place to be. So even if they get put back into their original form (and that is what some of the abductions are about), they still will come back and reincarnate as a human. Just ask the elves, eh? The queen of the elves was on world when Atlantis went down, and she keeps reincarnating here. She is in India, currently as Anandamayi Ma. I am pretty sure that they have tried to get her back into an elven body, but my take is that she is wanting to make physical enlightenment herself and then go back and teach the elves how to do it.

And the NWO propaganda I am talking about is the stuff designed to keep us humans from making enlightenment and ensure that they can enslave us. That is their goal, and always has been across the millinia. The greys promised them, as part of the payment for coming here at the grey's request to control us humans, is that when the greys figured out their 'going extinct' problem, they would give the human race to the Jue-sah (nowadays known as the NWO bunch) as their own slave race. They figure they own us, free and clear now, since the greys have basically gotten so weak they can't really intervene on our behalf anymore, not that they were terribly prone to doing so anyway.

So whatever 'multiverse' you are seeing is pretty far off from the one I see that we are living in, it seems to me. It isn't very practical and for sure not going to help us make enlightenment to be thinking about stuff that really isn't 'real' in this universe, eh?

The one and only goal, right now, isn't to try to figure out what you are saying (cuz it is pretty fuzzy at times), but instead to focus on ourselves and start working thru all the painful issues left from childhood and various adult traumas that prevent us from loving ourselves fully. That means every aspect of ourselves, including our having anger and using it.

We have to love our whole self and have no fear or shame about who we are; be willing and able to be fully connected to the whole of the universal energy, knowing that we are living in glass houses with no clothes and curtains. EVERYTHING we are is fully visible at that level.

So are you ready and loving yourself enough knowing that *everyone* else who is enlightened will be able to see (for example) that maybe you slept with a couple hundred partners, or that you pick your nose and eat it, or that you still wet the bed or that you ran over your sister's cat on purpose or??? All of that will be visible, and you will need to be ok with EVERYTHING about yourself being known. No dirty little secrets, no more lying, no more manipulating others.

But it seems you ascribe to the same thing as all the NWO spun crap called 'religion' (and yes, they had a hand in creating every single religion on this planet). That is the "It is nonspiritual to be angry" thing with only 'peaceful' people going to (fill the blank as per religion); You must be willing to take any kind of abuse to prove it. Uh huh, and that means the NWO bunch can do whatever they want and we humans will let them, thinking that it is required for our soul's salvation. SO NOT!! They want us non-violent because it makes it much safer for them! They want us to be peaceful so they can relax and sit back and abuse us without any here and now consequences.

Their most successful time to date was the dark ages. They pretty much ran the catholic church which was more powerful than any of the kings or queens. Oh they were in pig heaven; and if we humans fail to keep ourselves from getting enslaved by 2012, that is the poverty stricken, miserable kind of life we can expect to live until we can figure out how to get out from under their thumbs.

Still, with the elves coming back to help evict the NWO bunch in 2012, I am not sure if they would honor the contract for long, if the NWO bunch actually does manage to enslave us.

And karma IS being held in abeyance for the NWO bunch and their flunkies. I clearly see a red translucent marble with swirling gold speckles being put under the tongues in the mouths of those who are working for them, to hold the karma off. It was part of the contract. The contract says if you, the Illuminati, can break us, the human race, and enslave 80% of us by 2012, then no karma will be due for whatever it took to enslave us. If you can't, then all of the karma will come due after 2012, plus you will have to go back to the beginning and do it again. One of those star trek kind of conundrums.

I think our overarching sentience knew these bozos were going to be too stupid to figure out how to succeed or break the contract for quite a few cycles, and we the human race would get all the motivation and kicks in the hinny it would take to be ready for this wave of the earth/local space energy rising, so that we can make the shift into a light/spirit body.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by pretty_vacant

Originally posted by pretty_vacant

Originally posted by lowki
ya je you be choose

How can the majority choose when they remain largely unaware of what is going on??

not your friends choose or the majority choose
you choose
you float through the multiverse
you make your path through possibility
you and we be infinite
you make choice change your vibration,
you float to universe of similar vibration,
where we are similar
there are infinite me's and infinite you's and infinite we's

me used to live in a world of not happy people,
but then me changed my vibration,
now people me meet are happy and loving

Elves? Really??
Tell me more about elves

well contemporarily are called the nordics, hailing from the plaedies, orion, lyra, etc
agrarian, general mostly vegan or vegetarian

Are the akashic records something to do with the Galactic Command??

the akashic records be to do with multiversal archives
can access information when quantum bound to it
like how some people can say where an item has been when they hold it
can also be done by quantum binding to concepts and exploring from there in the mind world

I don't know why I have a fear of them - probably some childhood experience that I can't recall.. I have a fear of heights too

that be then
you be now
let's be happy
disolve your fears with love
send love to spiders and heights
find a spider or height and send love to it appreciating it's beauty of appearance and function

Is there royalty in all houses??

well some house dwellers have common blood lines

You said "communes with the reptilians of the underworld".
But they are not reptilians themselves? These luciferians??

hidden_hand claim to be of venusian ancestry, the morning star be venus.
the son of the morning star, of venesian ancestry.
though homo sapien collective unconscious points to many reptilian bloodlines,
like the ancient chinese royalty.

In the prose, the OP mentioned that we have no need to fear the reptilians,
that they are of little threat to us.. Is this true, from your perspective?

well we be quite safe now.
they be self-sufficient most likely.
interaction with humans for entertainment.

What are 'Animus'?
a bio mechanical hybrid race, prophecied to visit in the next decade.

People are bringing this on by using electronic devices?
That would mean that they are unaware of if what they're doing, I assume...??

well human education system does not mention how like vibration attracts like vibration, so some might be unaware.
people that consciously think about interacting with androids in the future be calling their vibration into manifestation.
simply using electronics be a relatively weak call.
Though the Singularity movement led by Ray Kurzweil as well as Transhumanism be a more direct call.

How does soul capture technology work?
Is it being performed on humans??

it be work by making interference wave that simulates a host body, so the soul be obligated to stay.
it not be technology used in this galaxy to my knowledge

Originally posted by lowki

What does it mean??

ya ku shi na ha ra bo li ga da

BTW, how much of 'science fiction' is actually 'science fact', in your experience??

fiction be true experience at other part of infinite multiverse
if you really want to you can get there from here, though it might require some dedication.
I suggest getting to a thought activated portal, and then can open portal to destination universe.
I used to live in those magical worlds, but eventually got lost,
now am in this very stable world, where people use "technology" rather than magick.
to live in magical world, mind must be very stable, or it turns into a dream.

Also, have you heard of the boy named Boriska?

ya from project camelot

What do you think of this?? What is your knowledge/ opinion of these 'indigo children'??

well, technically me be indigo child.
influx of spiritually advanced souls to take advantage of upcoming opportunities.

Another thing, my pop sends me healing energy to aid in soothing 'trauma'
that I might have developed due to UFO abduction experiences that I may be unaware of.

perhaps he be wish for you to be abducted
ya je me be suspicious of healers
ya je heal be local phenomena
ya je healing be power trip for some people by feeling greater than to be healed
ya je healer vibration be create tu sick people for learning opportunity

Is there any way to know that you're being abducted?

hypnoregression or watch thought or telepathically ask star beings

ya je me at past be abducted by tall blonde nordics of hopi blue star and by arcturians for me request meeting

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 09:18 PM
Hey Lowki, what's up.

So if an unlimited amount of parallel universes exist, then that goes without saying that every possible outcome from every possible situation has been played out already? Everything that can be done was done, is already being done, and will be done?

I smell intelligent infinity here...

Enough to make my human mind explode.

posted on Aug, 19 2009 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by sphinx551
I believe you are genuine Lowki.

1. Is the Earth expanding (Expanding Earth theory)?

ya je earth be growing by bigger size and more complex
ya je me be theory tu all things grow, even rocks
ya je we be beings of light
ya je light be accepted and condensed by love so result matter

2. Did an Alien UFO crash into something to save Earth during 1908 Tunguska event?

aerial explosion of primitive ship during skrimish
was surrounded and many to one, self destruct
from what me be see

yak nak yahinbihadj says being in ship sweating, in smokey cabin, with mild fires (presses button, followed by explosion) flames engulf some of the ships, others vibrate into other frequencies (looks like shimmer and disappear) and are safe.
earth shake, some europeans look east.

3. What do you think of time traveler from 2036 John Titor?

quite authentic.
he was called from that time line by Y2K fearers vibrations.
the presence of someone from the future typically implies that future has already occured and so a new one will hap
though it is possible that there is a universe where his predictions did come true,
you and we that live in this relatively happy time line,
can all pat ourselves on the back,
for having successfully chosen a more harmonious, loving and happy future.

4. Can a scenario like this:
actually happen in 2012?

all be within the muliverse.
would you like to go there?
might have to live through some extreme earth geological changes.
if all the ice caps to melt there would need to be a temperature rise of at least 37 celcius for a water rise of 65 meters.

you can write or draw out the things you wish to experience, in your future.
if some changes you would like to see to the map, draw them out.
these will be your magick spells, for the future you manifest for yourself.

5. Were Ancient Egyptians ever in the Grand Canyon and Australia?

the smallest boat to circumnavigate the globe in recent history was bit less than 21 feet or 6.5 meters, a sailboat yawl with one occupant, the young man built the boat himself.

so the opportunity be available.

me be like to build a wooden sailboat yawl for touring the world, and live in a forest garden eco village. me eye be on the Queen Charlotte Islands for home base.

[edit on 19-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Ignorance Denied

Originally posted by Ignorance Denied
Hello my friend, in my heart i believe you..

your heart chakra activates
ya heart chakra be bind tu beliefs to you

The information you are able give is amazing,
being able to answer everyones questions satisfactory..

ya me be scry from stillness of mind

I will admit though, i briefly shed a tear reading your posts,

deep cleft of emotion

cause i cannot confirm to myself that this is the truth you speak,

me be say from what me now sense
me be define true as now sense experience

you be sense words now so these words be truely words

My heart trully wants to believe.
I hope you understand where im coming from..
There is a lot of deception on the internet..

many different points of view

a lie be said when one is lieing down, so an experience of the mind
true be here
false be there
but if we go there
then what was false becomes true
and what was true becomes false

you are imagining only one color be false
now imagine an apple
you are imagining an apple be true
now imagine only one color
you are imagining one color be true
you are imagining an apple be false

from there to here from false to truth

Im only waiting for the part where you say, "this is my new book just published"

me be desire tu write book
but hasn't worked yet
hmmm perhaps i'll cast some more magick spells about it

lowki be write book
lowki's book be publish

false now but true somewhere in the multiverse
magick spell cast
can feel drifting towards that vibration

Only joking..

haha lol, me like it, thanks.
indeed this be desired for future.
heart pang.

But anyway, i have a few questions for you that have always played on my mind, here goes..

1. Did Jesus exsist?

me be define exist as what can be imagined

If so, who was he?

from learning earth history, the best story I have heard says:
his soul a high level fourth density wanderer
he be born son of cleopatra and julius ceaser hence his father was God and mother a Virgo
at pubesence he left his place of birth to india
he travel with two gaurdians
in India he was named Isa or some such
he returned to his father's kingdom (rome)
and spent some time spreading indian mystic knowledge
perhaps even attempting to gain the throne as the rightful heir
could have been crucified for his attempts
taken down and healed
taught some more
then left rome
perhaps traveling west
spent some time in france (southern)
mary magdeline died
a plaedian-arcturian envoy picked him up at his request
he had a strong desire to serve and spread his teachings
he continued his teachings in north america
when he died
he reincarnated with the plaedians then arcturians
he's now a fifth dimensional entity
the arcturians have a group called Sannanda
that be responsible for responding to calls for christ energy

personally jesuses soul has better things to do than idle away listening to complaints of earth people,
currently feels like he is at arcturus, working on something, in a lab, recently was in a library, or done some reading

after the absence of jesus,
the story of the rightful heir who was crucified by the state
was popular enough that there were many followers
the romans contemplated that to unify their people monotheism would be a good option
so they would look to the emperor as the deity
so after some centuries the plan came together
to form what in modern day is known as christianity

2. What are ghosts?

there are many different kinds of spirit entities.
though ghosts are a specific type,
usually refering to humans that have died,
but remain on the physical earth vibration.

for more information on life between incarnations
me be suggest books by hypnotherapist Michael Newton such as "Destiny of Souls" based on regressed witness accounts
also talks about spirit guides and related phenomena

3. Is there a type of limbo, when you die? Like a waiting room, to move on..

in the books by michael newton,
nothing like that be really mentioned,
but I read in a book by t lobsang rampa, that an atheist that believes there is nothing after death can experience silence and darkness afterwards, at least for a time, until they get bored of doing nothing and reconnect with the spirit world.

a different potential interpertation of limbo be that of a person being a ghost on earth, lost and confused believing themselves to still be alive, but they are actually dead,
I've read some british officer spent over 200 years fighting dream zulus after they died.

4. Does planet x exsist?

there have been several planets discovered past the orbit of pluto. the largest so far being Eris.

Is it populated?

me be communicate at times with some robot intelligence that lives on what seems to be Orcus 90482.
my main contact be a female me be call Remyu but she has a male partner me be call Lrihu
they have a colony of worker drones, a summer and winter camp.

Or just baron..

most of Orcus be baren, or carbon monoxide ocean, call ocean because remyu says her operating temperatures are higher than the carbon monoxide pools so she can sink into them without proper insulation.

there may be life on different planets too, like Eris, seems to have some biological species with a base on it.
though me don't telepath them much.
me be prefer biomechanical and biomechanical hybrids generally.

Thanks alot my friend..

[edit on 20-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
I must admit "lowki2" that you have lots of people here at ATS believing everything that you say,

that's news to me.

but I'm a big disbeliever in what you tell of aliens and the future from your own intuition,
dreams or made up stuff.


You were banned as "lowki2" and then brought back as "lowki".

actually first account was lowki, but I didn't know the rules, and was banned,
then I made a second account lowki2, and made this thread,
eventually after some negotiations with the moderators got my lowki username back.

I looked up "lowki2" on Google on the Internet to see if you were using the name any place else on the internet,

at some point I was using the alias lokadin regularly, but I've also used loki, lokik, lo-wki, l!-wgi, lQg

lowki2 you look like a pretty healthy man with an over active imagination on that site.

for your benefit I've uploaded some pictures of myself I took just recently to the ats media thing.

here is a pick of me meditating with some kittens, picture on the inhale:

a picture of me meditating without my shirt

and a portrait

I'm 21 years old

You have done lots of research and read lots of books to come up with the alien stuff
that others herein on ATS have become interested in.

well I have done some research, mainly watching videos,
read "We the Arcturians" and "Songs of the Arcturians" as well as "Journey of Souls" recently
when I was in elementary or middle school I read some books by Lobsang Rampa. "Third Eye" and "You Forever"
hmmm, I've also read quite a bit of sci fi, the "Foundation" series by Isaac Asimov,
and many Heinlein books including "Stranger in a Strange Land" and "The cat that walks through walls"
and I've read the fantasy series "Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan,

since I was 12 or 13 I've been interested in the occult and various spiritual and religious things.
I read a book on remote viewing, and skimmed a second one.

From the other site I can see where you definitely participated in some food lathering orgies as you stated in your first post.

actually in this incarnation I have not had the opportunity nor desire to do so.
though I do like hugs. *hugs*
also like holding hands, like when my beloved Samantha and I walk some place.

I think you should refrain from leading others on here on ATS.

I'm just having a textual conversation with some lovely people on a forum.

though I admit some things I suggest, I plan to do but I have not yet done,
like living in a forest garden eco village and sailing around the world in a wooden sailboay yawl.
though I am doing research and have done some preliminary work,
i've already done some gardening in a nearby plot of free land, planted some things, and made seedballs, as well as
planted some seedballs, I've collected seeds from the wilderness, as well as bought some online.

I'm getting a book called "boatbuilder's apprentice" to find out how to make a carvel sailboat, I see myself and sam on a dinghy sailboat at lake ontario. I've found a course on sailing we could take to learn how it's done.
i've checked prices on used sailboats on the west coast, and contacted some online Haida groups.
but i'm still in toronto at the moment, Samantha has agreed to go with me to live on graham island, as well as sail
around the world.
so far, it's looking beautiful and wonderful.

You are not whom you try to let others think you are.

trying? that doesn't sound like me, I usually do things.
and me do let people have the beliefs they wish to have.

People that lead others to believe in false statements
are not the kind of people that ATS and its members want on their site.

So is that like, when the government says it was Osama, but actually it was a controlled demolition?

my father always said I should tell the truth.
when I say things, they are true or now sensations for me.

even the best remote viewers are only consistent with a real or mutually agreed upon universe about 80% of the timebased on a book i skimmed about remote viewing.
Eye witness testimony is considered highly variable and inconsistent based on some statistics I heard about.

for me that means people experiencing the real or common or mutually agreed upon universe from their own true or now-sense universes' perspective.

My dad be a soviet physicist and canadian computer programmer, but spends most of his free time reading fantasy novels, it's a paradox.
I was born in soviet ukraine.
So what kind of russian scientist are you?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 01:53 AM
You're ok in my book, Lowki. You look like a real spiritual dude, and I commend you for that. You also answer every question that is asked to the best of your ability...

I highly doubt you are a troll.

Keep doing what you're doing.

But, damn. I wish so much that I could see past the veil. I have absolutely no recollections of a past life, never seen an ET or a UFO, but I can feel it that these things are true and exist.

Hey, quick question: Is there any way for someone with ADD to meditate successfully? My mind just will not shut up, and I can not focus. I want to see that other side, and I have wanted to my whole life...

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by lowki

Hi lowki,

RussianScientists is only my logo. My sister Irina is Russian. I'm American and a very good scientist that has made some great scientific discoveries that I shall soon let the world know that I've made. I've made scientific discoveries that other "supposedly" great scientists have stated and still state vehemently that can't be done. But... its been done for over 13 years now.

I've studied earthquakes, and I have some nice equipment that detects them days and weeks in advance, shows where they will strike, when they will strike and with what magnitude. Simple stuff really. Others say its impossible, they are ignorant about earthquake dynamics.
I'll put the videos on YouTube very soon to give proof of my knowledge.

You are young my friend and very knowledgable; that is very good. Your boat trip you need to forget, it is too dangerous for you and your girl friend. Spend your money on cruise ship tickets and be safe instead of building a homemade boat and trying to sail the Oceans and becoming shark bait.

There comes different times in your life when you must realize that your life and your life of your friends are worth more than a whim to sail the Oceans. To gamble with anothers life for your whim is not a good thing.

Go and get married to your girl friend and forget about loosing your lives out in the middle of nowhere, where no one will ever find your bodies. You are smart, make the right decisions my friend.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
reply to post by lowki

Thanks for sticking to more traditional english in your last response to me. Greatly appreciated.

I really don't see any humans in grey bodies.
the soul sucking quality of the human body
(amped by the greys back at the beginning of their time here,
trying to figure out how to avoid going extinct)
is pretty ferocious.

you be imagine a sink
do you like doing dishes?
or feel like you are being pulled towards something without your volition?

hmmm, well me be have many protection spells cast on myself
they be beliefs about my safety and well being and continued health and longevity.

tenatively planing on living between 200 and 300 years more, though it might be much longer, 1024 or more.

if you experience a me that has a shorter life, that's your fault.
there be always a me that lives longer, somewhere in the multiverse.
same for you for all multiverse related phenomena.

people die because you choose to experience them die.
even on this planet or belief system that has this strange feature called "physical death".
though I guess it is karmically requisite for the strange act called "eating".

we live in a belief system game.
it's gotten to the point where we play computer games, about playing this game.
it's a fun game.
some people get stuck here millions, even billions of years.
I must admit, the item resolution here, is fabulous.
yet another motivator for a robotic host body,
that can appreciate everything so much more.

oh yea, love living out in the outer rim,
especially with robot host bodies,
and manifesting matter from empty space abilities.
that's magick loads of fun

Once in a human body,
it looks like you are pretty much stuck here.
Otherwise there wouldn't be any elves still in human bodies,

different people have different missions
some people have missions on earth in human bodies right now
but once the soul is released from the body it is free to go where it pleases
the soul can go to the earth-reincarnation program, or go around earth, perhaps float into the sky, find a suitable host, and take a star being body.

believe me. They took a real hit when they became human.

do you not like being human?
well it can be quite enjoyable.
I find life as a homo sapien on earth very enjoyable.

And the reason the greys were going extinct, btw,
is because it is so boring and NO fun being a worker grey.
No sex, no food, no going outdoors even.
Heck, I can see the workers, before their arrival here,
just laying down and not moving until they died,
no matter what was done to them.
Then they would hang on the edge of the bliss state and not reincarnate.
It was really upsetting the leadership because they needed the greys in bodies to put back to work.

I wonder why I kept dieing so young, 34, 48, 64, hmmm that sounds like human life expectancies for those periods, streindj.

oh really? they have to work?
blah! but i'm a terrible worker, I can't work at all, I don't know what you're talking about, no kill me, please, whatever, i don't care, just kill me now, never, ever, sorry, no way, don't even think about it.

ugh I was a soul slave for 134 million years sequentially, ugh, i got out of that galactic cluster, yea, it's much safer in this more primitive one. it's like being out in the wilderness, it's fabulous, beautiful, extra-ordinary.

ya, I can't remember anything, I dono how to do anything, nope, i'm just a retard, no really, i'm serious. It's gone, what ability? no, way, that was just a joke, don't take it seriously. yea, you just imagined it, whatever get over it, find a new slave, i'm useless, usless garbage, just throw me in the dumpster, get it over with, i'm a retard, I can't work, I can't reach for things, no stop it. I don't know how to feed myself, how could I feed you? shut up, no I don't know what i'm talking about, no these aren't thoughts in my head, they are random sparks and utterances, just little cables firing from nowhere like magic.

hocus pocus, your gone, off the road, by yourself, living the free life.
ta da >)

I also think that on the highest level,
most of the souls who end up in human bodies
do so because we humans are the only ones who will make enlightenment with this coming wave,

make enlightenment, oh what a cute baby, *tugs at cheek*
aww, you're so cute, it's just adorable.
lol *hugs*

they still will come back and reincarnate as a human.

by choice

Just ask the elves, eh?
The queen of the elves was on world when Atlantis went down, and she keeps reincarnating here.
She is in India, currently as Anandamayi Ma.

I sense some kind of truth to that, at least I can see or imagine a nordic lady, sitting atop a globe, on the country of india, in my mind.

unfortunatly, could not find other sources that assossciate Anandamayi Ma with atlantis or elves.
she seems quite hindu to me, in a stereotypical sense.

I am pretty sure that they have tried to get her back into an elven body,
but my take is that she is wanting to make physical enlightenment herself
and then go back and teach the elves how to do it.

? I don't get it. that's like going backwards to go forwards.
like I'm here, cause I can't work, so I float from one easy life to the next.

like seriously, being a pirate is so easy, like the hardest part is probably hacking at defenseless people, but usually they give their gold and all their belongings long before then, lol just the sight of pirates can make them release urine in their trousers.

I remember before avasting a ship, I would practice our Argh faces with the crew,
to scare them senseless, women fainting, men shivering,
and all in a line, all nice like, didn't have to ask, they know already,
lol tsal gud.

If there was any award I would, Is the laziest being on earth award, lol.
I wouldn't come get it, lol.
too lazy.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 05:59 AM

And the NWO propaganda I am talking about
is the stuff designed to keep us humans from making enlightenment

aww, cute bunny talking,
aww making enlightenment, aww it's so cute, yay, what a baby

and ensure that they can enslave us.

oh yea, well hope they can make use of my intestines.
cause they'd have to tear them out if they wanted me to do something other than just lay there,
lol, there might be that mild end of life gasp, if that's what their looking to get their hands on.
i'm laughing my ass of here, it's hillarious, how absolutly pointless I am.

to control us humans,

control means make choices for you.
that sounds like wishful thinking.

are you looking for a master?
someone to show you a way?

they can't really intervene on our behalf anymore,

woah but that sounds like someones having a power trip.
intervene on someone elses behalf?
that's ridiculous,
how could you think so lowly of people.
people don't need intervention on their behalf.

i dono, maybe i'm not understanding this.
perhaps these concepts are outside the realm of my comprehension.
like I said, I'm a retard.

"Any interference that may affect the interests of others;
especially, of one or more states with the affairs of another;"

how can I affect someone's interests?
I guess if I have certain interests, then I'm more likely to meet other people with similar interests.
thereby creating more opportunities for people with those interests.
there I think I get it now

So whatever 'multiverse' you are seeing
is pretty far off from the one I see that we are living in,
it seems to me.

you are living a universe,
we have different universes,
and this concept called internet forum,
be a proxy reality universe,
where we converge to make this creation called a "thread".

yay it's our baby!
we be happy parents

It isn't very practical
and for sure not going to help us make enlightenment
to be thinking about stuff that really isn't
'real' in this universe, eh?

well real be stuff we agree is common to both our universes.
we are both homo sapiens, speaking in english, using the internet.

you can add more stuff to your universe,
this be practical use for thinking about stuff not already in your universe.
that way you can choose what you want to go into your universe.
rather than forcing someone else to choose for you,
and then calling them names like "controller".

The one and only goal, right now,
isn't to try to figure out what you are saying
(cuz it is pretty fuzzy at times),
but instead to focus on ourselves
and start working thru all the painful issues left from childhood

lol Freud, ya that's one of his programs, "revisiting painful childhood memories"
why? masochism. crazy desire to hurt yourself by making up painful thoughts.

you can think of how beautiful the present moment is,
look at it, it's so majestic,
wave your hand at your face,
did you feel that?
the light breeze,
wasn't that sensational?
it was absolutely mind boggling,
how did it do that?
who cares? I love it.

and various adult traumas that prevent us from loving ourselves fully.

aww, poor baby handcuffed herself to the crib.
"no, I don't want to get out"
"please daddy, let me stay"
"I want to hate and traumatize myself,
it's so enjoyable,
I've never felt so alive before,
oh the pain gives me somethinig to hold onto"

hold a rock *hands a river rock* here it's hard.
"this one is too smooth,
I want something painful"
have this freshly chipped marble then
"but this might break"
alright have the granite then
"is from Canada?"
yes it's from canada,
now can you get out of the crib?
"yes daddy, let me just unhandcuff myself"
"oh where did I put that key?"
"oh right inbetween my lips,
where the magick spell casting words come from,
asta la vista, you are terminated handcuffs,
I am free at first and then for some more time"
"so what should I do daddy,
now that I'm free?"
I don't know darling,
that's for you to decide.
"oh but it's so hard,
can't I go back in the crib,
and play who's the controller?"
you might get a smack if you do.
"but please, please, maybe I want to get smacked,
I dono, is it a new sensation?
anything other than making my own decisions, please"
okay whatever, I'm leaving
"no please don't go, jesus, don't leave us!
how will we know how to peace and love without you?"
whatever, i'm gone

That means every aspect of ourselves,
including our having anger and using it.

anger? I've heard of that,
impatience I think be the word you're looking for.
I understand impatience,
sometimes people, ummm, well I guess they want things to happen quickly,
like when a chainsaw roars, that's an angry sound, right?
vkriu bziziziz

i dono, i guess it's kinda cute.

We have to love our whole self

something I can agree with.

and have no fear or shame about who we are;

it's like a toxic waste dump in here,
just with signs that say "no toxic waste"
doesn't make it any better

have confidence and pride about who you be

be willing and able to be fully connected to the whole of the universal energy,

well after that, you do it.
do it now.
be fully connected to the whole of the universal energy,

knowing that we are living in glass houses
with no clothes and curtains.
EVERYTHING we are is fully visible at that level.

to whom?
I pull myself together from nowhere.
how do you know who I am?
If my body can't comprehend it.

only allows, solid state strata, small variable index, short life expectancy of short term memory, no moderate memory consisency checkers, undernourished underdeveloped central cortiac regions of the right and left cerebral hemispheres.

hmmm image is focusing on some partly rounded things, near the center of the head. maybe something to do with the choroid plexus.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:00 AM

So are you ready
and loving yourself enough
knowing that *everyone* else who is enlightened
will be able to see (for example)
or that you pick your nose and eat it,
or??? All of that will be visible,
and you will need to be ok with EVERYTHING about yourself being known.
No dirty little secrets, no more lying, no more manipulating others.

wow that was like a message from God or the multiverse.
hmmm, but I like my bugers, they taste nice.

I don't remember secrets.
and I usually just blurt out anything that happens in my head.
well I do like laying down though,
and magick spells are false at their conception until they manifest.

oh and yes, I'm ready.

But it seems you ascribe to the same thing as all the NWO spun crap called 'religion'
(and yes, they had a hand in creating every single religion on this planet).
That is the "It is nonspiritual to be angry"
thing with only 'peaceful' people going to (fill the blank as per religion);

well violent star beings usually crash and burn, end up marooned on some remote planet somewhere.

You must be willing to take any kind of abuse to prove it.
Uh huh, and that means the NWO bunch can do whatever they want
and we humans will let them, thinking that it is required for our soul's salvation.
SO NOT!! They want us non-violent because it makes it much safer for them!
They want us to be peaceful so they can relax
and sit back and abuse us without any here and now consequences.

are you not living in north america?
perhaps you're aware of a different NWO.

cause in north america,
people are told to kill, hate, and be angry,
with stupidly humoungous loads of useless shallow sexual relationships.
this is to distract people from spirituality.

perhaps it's different in asia.
though I've been to thailand,
and I kinda know what you mean.
they do a lot of restrictions,
it's like being a slave to a set of ideals.

a buddhist monk is not allowed to make a contribution to society, other than sitting around and meditating.
very dull really, stuck in concrete temples, like a mouse in a cage made of stone,
in a landscape that used to be a jungle, but now is devoid of animal life.
killed all the frogs, so now the mosquitos are limitless.

ya, forest garden eco village be a solution.

Their most successful time to date was the dark ages.
They pretty much ran the catholic church
which was more powerful than any of the kings or queens.

well the dark ages, were a time of great freedom as I remember it.
I was a king, of my own castle, with my own pagan religion.
I remember having a huge hold pentacle in the throne room.
Then those christians came with their people nailed to crosses,
there were hoards of theme laying seige to our castle,
and well that was the end of it.

Oh they were in pig heaven; and if we humans fail to keep ourselves
from getting enslaved by 2012, that is the poverty stricken,
miserable kind of life we can expect to live
until we can figure out how to get out from under their thumbs.

again, you be delegating choice to someone you call "them" or "NWO".

if that's me, well okay, thanks

Still, with the elves coming back to help evict the NWO bunch in 2012,
I am not sure if they would honor the contract for long,
if the NWO bunch actually does manage to enslave us.

And karma IS being held in abeyance for the NWO bunch and their flunkies.
I clearly see a red translucent marble
with swirling gold speckles being put under the tongues
in the mouths of those who are working for them,
to hold the karma off. It was part of the contract.
The contract says if you, the Illuminati, can break us,
the human race, and enslave 80% of us by 2012,
then no karma will be due for whatever it took to enslave us.
If you can't, then all of the karma will come due after 2012,
plus you will have to go back to the beginning and do it again.
One of those star trek kind of conundrums.

you live in a sophisticated universe my friend.

I don't think about other people that much.
my physical universe kinda ends,
just outside my short term memory.

the majority of my experience being mental universe.
but this tea cup, looks astounding, it is so stable,
like would you look at that?
no matter what I'm thinking, it's still on the table.
like WTF is going on? it's so weird, lol.
It's so refreshingly hard.

I think our overarching sentience
knew these bozos were going to be too stupid
to figure out how to succeed
or break the contract
for quite a few cycles,
and we the human race would get all the motivation
and kicks in the hinny
so you find physical pain energizing?
hmmm, well you did mention being a masochist earlier.
something freud...

it would take to be ready
for this wave of the earth/local space energy rising,
so that we can make the shift into a light/spirit body.

yo lady,
you be already in a spirit light body.
come on, get a grip.
rocks be hard.
light held together by love witnessed by spirit.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by impaired

Originally posted by impaired
Hey Lowki, what's up.

So if an unlimited amount of parallel universes exist,
then that goes without saying that every possible outcome from every possible situation has been played out already?
Everything that can be done was done, is already being done, and will be done?

exactly right my friend.
so everything we do, be just for fun.

I like the present moment,
but the things I do,
I like to do so I can have More fun later.

thereby setting a trajectory for my soulship.

if the ship don't have a trajectory, it might just keep smacking the harbour.

I smell intelligent infinity here...

Ra terminology,
I like it.

Enough to make my human mind explode.

brain, but you seem to be doing great.
have grasped these concepts extra-ordinarily,
in an extremely good fashion,
verbatam, what my brain thought, a few years ago.

Originally posted by impaired
You're ok in my book, Lowki.
You look like a real spiritual dude,
and I commend you for that.
You also answer every question that is asked to the best of your ability...

Keep doing what you're doing.

But, damn. I wish so much that I could see past the veil.

wishing be the first step,
it be the magick spell.

when I was in my early teens, I too, could not see "behind the veil", but then I wished that I could, now I can.
success story, clapping, cheering, applause, perhaps even some standing ovations.
thank you, thank you, bows.
for humanity!
you know the earthly one.

I have absolutely no recollections of a past life,
never seen an ET or a UFO,
but I can feel it
that these things are true and exist.

if you feel it, you're on the right track,
sensations, mental sensations, watching them, taking note,
that's a skill to learn.

Hey, quick question:
Is there any way for someone with ADD to meditate successfully?

choline essential nutrient supplement, can combine with vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid.
works wonders.

My mind just will not shut up, and I can not focus.
I want to see that other side, and I have wanted to my whole life...

before I was hay wire, now at least there is some focus to it.
like choline really, really works, my beloved agrees,
and so do people I gave to try it at my meditation group.

though it might take practice,
it really helps jump from just sitting there,
to deep trance meditation.

I bought some choline bitartrate supplement in bulk powder 1kg online,
I measure it with the back of a tea spoon,
daily whenever I remember to take it.
Tastes like the sour part of sour candies.
I'm fine with it raw,
but can mix with tea or water.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by lowki

Your disregard or lack of awareness and attempts to minimize or discount the coming shift into our light/spirit bodies and the efforts of the NWO to stop that from happening is what is cluing me in to your misguided views of how the universe/multiverse is. The human race's making physical enlightenment is what ALL of this is for, that reason and that reason alone. All the other fluffy fuzzy stuff you discuss is actually superficial and essentially meaningless. Oh, it sounds all 'wise' and you are a sweetie for sure, but it only clouds the real issues and needs, from what I can see. Hence I have to seriously wonder about your sources and your true spiritual level of awareness/focus.

I don't doubt that you can pull information out of the spirit realm, but you are missing the most important part as you float and fuzz around, piddling away time and energy avoiding doing what really needs done. I suspect most of those 'past' lives you remember may have been fed you. For sure you don't know nearly enough about the true greys to have been one.

And I checked with both of the grey groups I am familiar with, and both are quite adamant that never would they hybridize a grey with some other being. One of them said "We would never commit such sacrilege on the flesh of our mother".

So, more likely you are one of the new indigo spirits who can access the spirit realm much more easily than most of the rest of us, and the NWO found you floating around and fed you some memories and ideas that are minimal truth with a LOT of misinformation filler, and you don't really know the difference yet, since you are so young.

And you do have much in common with a number of the new-agers I have met in the local metaphysical community. They float and they fluff and never really do get down to the hard work of healing themselves. And it is hard work, the healing.

Luckily there are new emerging energy modalities that make the work a lot easier, but for some the biggest barrier of all is allowing themselves to even be aware that they have elephants under the living room carpet; significant childhood traumas they have to deal with. Oh, they are so sure that all they have to do is pretend aka not think about these problems and voila' they don't have them any more. Huh. *rolls eyes*

Or else they may actually not remember them. Denial is a wonderful thing for surviving childhood, but having access to the spirit realm only adds a level to that which you can be in denial about. It doesn't automatically make you wise about yourself. I can't tell you how many new-age psychics I know that can't, for the life of them, see the beam in their own eye, although they can see the minutest speck in yours.

So really, you are still a puppy, chewing on your 'multiverse' chewy toy and 'just believe and all this 'reality' stuff will go away' stuffed furry kitty. None of us live in a vacuum. There is an over arching 'reality' that holds sway. Pretending it doesn't exist, really doesn't make it go away, eh? You don't have to live by those rules, so true, but to wander around like a wide-eyed naive child thinking you aren't living here with the rest of us, isn't going to make that go away either. At 21, I was pretty fuzzy and floating too, but now, 40 years later, things have settled for me and I see the patterns in the racial unconscious quite clearly.

I would be interested to see how much you change your 'view' by the time you are in your 50s. And also when we actually start making true physical enlightenment, and you have to realize that, no, you so aren't really there. I am guessing it may come as a bit of a shock.

[edit on 20-8-2009 by DragonriderGal]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:07 PM
I am starting to seriously doubt that greys are extra terrestrial, and beginging to think they are man made actually.

The time I remeber an attempt abduction, there was a human man and woman in lab coats there as well, and my roomamte kicked the "alien" and it died instantly and all this goop came out of it that smelled like poop mixed with motor oil....

I told them they better clean it up perfectly if they want it covered up, and to not bother us again, because for some reason on this occasion, my roomate and I BOTH rembered.....

I wonder if it was because we drank redbull earlier that night or something???

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:07 PM
I am starting to seriously doubt that greys are extra terrestrial, and beginging to think they are man made actually.

The time I remeber an attempt abduction, there was a human man and woman in lab coats there as well, and my roomamte kicked the "alien" and it died instantly and all this goop came out of it that smelled like poop mixed with motor oil....

I told them they better clean it up perfectly if they want it covered up, and to not bother us again, because for some reason on this occasion, my roomate and I BOTH rembered.....

I wonder if it was because we drank redbull earlier that night or something???

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