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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by lowki

Kudos, Lowki! I'm checking out this Choline Bitartrate online, and there's alot of stuff about lucid dreaming being connected with the supplement.

Very much thanks. I will get this stuff asap. Good stuff, man.

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 04:19 PM
so I made you a picture but my camera is broken, so I made you one on paint lol

Your a very wise spirit. The best of luck in all that you do.
If you can communicate with the greys, tell them a kid wants to hug them

Do the greys think humans are cute? Do they look at us like we would look at a cat or a dog? Like a little animal, or does outward apperances not matter to them?

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 09:02 PM

Do the greys think humans are cute? Do they look at us like we would look at a cat or a dog? Like a little animal, or does outward apperances not matter to them?

^ What's crazy about those questions above is, today, I was thinking the exact same thing!!!

Are we cute lowki???

Or is there anything we do that particularly freaks Grey's out?
I mean, for example, would Grey's interpret smiles the same way we would? Would they want to hug us? And when we speak do they understand us or do they only understand us when we think? (In other words do they hear; like humans do through our ears
? or only communicate telepathically? If so then talking to them would be pretty pointless then wouldn't it? lol)

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

[edit on 20-8-2009 by Before2017Victor]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by lowki
not your friends choose or the majority choose
you choose
you float through the multiverse
you make your path through possibility
you and we be infinite
you make choice change your vibration,
you float to universe of similar vibration,
where we are similar
there are infinite me's and infinite you's and infinite we's

me used to live in a world of not happy people,
but then me changed my vibration,
now people me meet are happy and loving

I have thought this for a while. By changing me vibration, I can attract similar vibrations, as indicated by the Holographic Universe theory and the Law of Attraction
So, are you saying that my universe is not everyone's universe?? And so I change what I want by changing my vibration. If i want to succeed, I can...

I don't know why I have a fear of them - probably some childhood experience that I can't recall.. I have a fear of heights too

Originally posted by lowki
that be then
you be now
let's be happy
disolve your fears with love
send love to spiders and heights
find a spider or height and send love to it appreciating it's beauty of appearance and function


Originally posted by lowki
though homo sapien collective unconscious points to many reptilian bloodlines,
like the ancient chinese royalty.

Hmm, is that perhaps why the dragon is a lucky symbol in their tradition??

In the prose, the OP mentioned that we have no need to fear the reptilians,
that they are of little threat to us.. Is this true, from your perspective?

Originally posted by lowki
well we be quite safe now.
they be self-sufficient most likely.
interaction with humans for entertainment.

But this is going to change, I presume?

Originally posted by lowki

What does it mean??

Originally posted by lowki
ya ku shi na ha ra bo li ga da

Glossolalia? As in, speaking in tongues?? How does it happen?

Originally posted by lowki
fiction be true experience at other part of infinite multiverse
if you really want to you can get there from here, though it might require some dedication.
I suggest getting to a thought activated portal, and then can open portal to destination universe.
I used to live in those magical worlds, but eventually got lost,
now am in this very stable world, where people use "technology" rather than magick.
to live in magical world, mind must be very stable, or it turns into a dream.

A thought activated portal? Can magic happen here if we imagine it to?

Originally posted by lowki
well, technically me be indigo child.
influx of spiritually advanced souls to take advantage of upcoming opportunities.

Upcoming opportunities? Like those described in your 'After the Disruption' thread?? Our future doesn't look very opportunistic in some parts, from what you have told..

Originally posted by lowki
perhaps he be wish for you to be abducted

You may be right.. wouldn't be surprised

Originally posted by lowki
ya je me be suspicious of healers
ya je heal be local phenomena
ya je healing be power trip for some people by feeling greater than to be healed
ya je healer vibration be create tu sick people for learning opportunity

Why are you suspicious?? Oh, when you say 'local phenomena', do you mean that healing isn't likely to be achieved over a certain distance?
My pop doesn't charge any money for his healings, but does go a bit overboard with his beliefs, or so is the opinion of my dad.. but my dad thinks he does have some ability there, despite that. That website that I shared is his website..

Originally posted by lowki
hypnoregression or watch thought or telepathically ask star beings

Ask through meditation?? What is the most effective way of contacting them??

Also, I have heard and read of many people experiencing seeing the number '11' more and more frequently. Is there any significance in this?? Is it somehow connected with a collective unconscious? For example, I began seeing 9:11 on the clock at least once everyday over a year ago. It gradually transformed into 11:11 and other numbers - 5:11, 2:11, xx:11 etc. There are a few theories that I've heard, but what do you know of it? There are few threads around the site in case you wanted to read more.

Ta, ♥ Vacant


Originally posted by lowki
make enlightenment, oh what a cute baby, *tugs at cheek*
aww, you're so cute, it's just adorable.
lol *hugs*

Originally posted by lowki
I remember before avasting a ship, I would practice our Argh faces with the crew,
to scare them senseless, women fainting, men shivering,
and all in a line, all nice like, didn't have to ask, they know already,
lol tsal gud.

I was lmao at some of your earlier posts!
Quite the funny one!

[edit on 20/8/09 by pretty_vacant]

posted on Aug, 20 2009 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by DragonriderGal
reply to post by lowki

is what is cluing me in to your misguided views of how the universe/multiverse is.

we may have different views.

The human race's making physical enlightenment is what ALL of this is for,

what do you mean by "physical enlightenment"?

Oh, it sounds all 'wise' and you are a sweetie for sure,

thanks, me be appreciate harmonious interaction

but it only clouds the real issues and needs, from what I can see.

your needs and issues so true issues and needs.

me be have different needs and topics of interest.

Hence I have to seriously wonder about your sources and your true spiritual level of awareness/focus.


I don't doubt that you can pull information out of the spirit realm,
but you are missing the most important part

so what's the most important part?

I suspect most of those 'past' lives you remember may have been fed you.

me have first person perspective experience of past lives

For sure you don't know nearly enough about the true greys to have been one.

the greys you interact with, may be different than mine.
ants have different cultures in different nests.

And I checked with both of the grey groups I am familiar with,
and both are quite adamant that never would they hybridize a grey with some other being.
One of them said "We would never commit such sacrilege on the flesh of our mother".

gray human hybrid information
maybe your asian plant based hominids be different from the north american gray dwarves

So, more likely you are one of the new indigo spirits who can access the spirit realm much more easily than most of the rest of us,


and the NWO found you floating around and fed you some memories and ideas
that are minimal truth with a LOT of misinformation filler,
and you don't really know the difference yet, since you are so young.

there you go, giving power to an abstract entity,
you're an NWO fearing individual.
so that makes NWO your personal god.

And you do have much in common with a number of the new-agers
I have met in the local metaphysical community.
They float and they fluff

like clouds

and never really do get down to the hard work of healing themselves.
And it is hard work, the healing.

inventing pain for entertainment?

that they have elephants under the living room carpet;
ivory under the floor boards?

aka not think about these problems and voila' they don't have them any more. Huh. *rolls eyes*

ya rolling eyes be a form of yoga,
me be support this activity

your problem or you not feeling well is at a certain vibration
once you change your vibrational location
you be in a new place

Or else they may actually not remember them.
Denial is a wonderful thing for surviving childhood,

well amnesia be a natural part of being a child.
like I don't remember most of it.
though from what I do remember, it was relatively uneventful.
my parents treated me as a communist worker.
the sometimes I talked about philosophy or science with my father.
usually the only interaction was for various chores that I could do.
my dad would say "they need to be done".

but I'm very good at evading work.

but having access to the spirit realm only adds a level
It doesn't automatically make you wise about yourself.

I can't tell you how many new-age psychics I know that can't,
for the life of them, see the beam in their own eye,
although they can see the minutest speck in yours.

what beam?
be this a happy thing?

So really, you are still a puppy,

pants and licks your face

None of us live in a vacuum.

but most of an atom is vacuum.
so every atom lives in a vacuum.
if everything we are made of is surrounded by vacuum,
then my induction we are also surrounded by vacuum.

There is an over arching 'reality' that holds sway.
Pretending it doesn't exist, really doesn't make it go away, eh? i

it works for me,
maybe you aren't pretending completly enough,
to pretend to be happy,
you should smile, for a start.

look in the mirror, make facial expressions of delight, joy, and love.
laugh at how funny they are.
you be beautiful.

You don't have to live by those rules, so true,
but to wander around like a wide-eyed naive child
thinking you aren't living here with the rest of us,

well I'm living with samantha and two kittens.

I am experiencing you, that be my choice.

isn't going to make that go away either.

things don't go away,
you move in relation to them.
so you can leave a problem at a certain vibration.
and go to a happy place.
it might apear like it is going a way, but it's actually you that are moving.

At 21, I was pretty fuzzy and floating too,
but now, 40 years later,
things have settled for me
and I see the patterns in the racial unconscious quite clearly.

patterns in your consciousness,
hmm maybe your mind be less flexible and plyable?

I would be interested to see how much you change your 'view' by the time you are in your 50s.

well, as me be walk along a path, me be view different things.

And also when we actually start making true physical enlightenment,
and you have to realize that, no, you so aren't really there.
I am guessing it may come as a bit of a shock.

Buddhism & Hinduism. A blessed state in which the individual transcends desire and suffering and attains Nirvana.

I am happy but I still maintain the activity of my orange chakra, so I have desires.

people that can't use their orange chakra are disabled from my perspective.
not having a desire to live or continue experience usually leads to death shortly thereafter.

so really Guatama Buddha was not enlightened, since he had desires, else he would have stopped breathing.

however all the statues of Guatama Buddha have achieved enlightenment, and they be physical.
A rock only has pure awareness, pure vipassana, there are no desires, and no suffering.
So if your aim is to turn into a rock,
well maybe you could reincarnate as a rock,
to experience physical enlightenment

[edit on 20-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by lowki

DRG says:

I suspect most of those 'past' lives you remember may have been fed you.

Lowki says:

me have first person perspective experience of past lives

One says:

to see from the eyes of another does not make them your own. it never hurts to question, for if what your told is right than there shall only be confirmation.

DRG says:

There is an over arching 'reality' that holds sway. Pretending it doesn't exist, really doesn't make it go away, eh?

Lowki says:

it works for me, maybe you aren't pretending completly enough, to pretend to be happy, you should smile, for a start. look in the mirror, make facial expressions of delight, joy, and love. laugh at how funny they are. you be beautiful.

One says:

to ignore the gears behind the face of a watch does not make them disapear, for if it did then the watch would no longer work.

an open mind is an open book...
just be sure that no one spills ink on it

[edit on 21-8-2009 by RokNinja]

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 01:34 PM
Epic troll is epic

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
I am starting to seriously doubt that greys are extra terrestrial,

there be terrestrial bases of grays on all continents
asian himalayas, central west africa, south american chilean andes, america has several locations, a hive in south
west central underground base, even a minor encampment in the swiss alps.

and beginging to think they are man made actually.

some be

The time I remeber an attempt abduction, there was a human man and woman in lab coats there as well, and my roomamte kicked the "alien" and it died instantly

is your friend a marital artists?
how and where did he kick the gray dwarf?

and all this goop came out of it that smelled like poop mixed with motor oil....

the food may have a peculiar smell to it, if the dwarf fed recently it can seep out of the skin.

because for some reason on this occasion, my roomate and I BOTH rembered.....

a gray dwarf was not available to perform memory wiping procedure.

I wonder if it was because we drank redbull earlier that night or something???

caffeinated beverage increasing awareness and amount of adrenalin in body,
may have made your friends kick extra powerful.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by summerdreary
so I made you a picture but my camera is broken, so I made you one on paint lol


If you can communicate with the greys, tell them a kid wants to hug them


Do the greys think humans are cute?

depends on the gray,
though our features are more complex,
so they may be inclined to thinking we're relatively ugly.
a simple circle being a most beautiful object from it's simplicity.

Do they look at us like we would look at a cat or a dog?
Like a little animal, or does outward apperances not matter to them?

well they can see us, and so can tell we are different.
we be certainly hairier, taller, and other features as well

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Are we cute lowki???

Or is there anything we do that particularly freaks Grey's out?
I mean, for example, would Grey's interpret smiles the same way we would?

gray dwarves tend to utilize telepathy to much greater degree.
so it be more important what you are thinking and feeling than necessarily your facial expression.
some can get used to looking at humans and then from past experience associate human facial expressions with feelings.

Would they want to hug us?

that depends on your vibration and relationship.
some may be willing to, some not,
there are many different cultures amongst the gray dwarves.

And when we speak do they understand us or do they only understand us when we think?
(In other words do they hear; like humans do through our ears
? or only communicate telepathically? If so then talking to them would be pretty pointless then wouldn't it? lol)

talking with your mouth can make your thoughts project less without as much precision.
the inter species telepathy usually consists of image videos and feelings.
perhaps with some narrative overlay,
like making a movie in the mind,
then watching the movie they send back,
and so goes a conversation.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by lowki

Hold on there and back up a bit. Good struff though.
You were asked if earth is a prison planet. I would like to add that it is for our souls. Do you deny you and your kind are not in control of the human spirit? My info has it that your kind deceid where, when and what our human spirit is to be. Is this true?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Are we cute lowki???

Or is there anything we do that particularly freaks Grey's out?
I mean, for example, would Grey's interpret smiles the same way we would?

gray dwarves tend to utilize telepathy to much greater degree.
so it be more important what you are thinking and feeling than necessarily your facial expression.
some can get used to looking at humans and then from past experience associate human facial expressions with feelings.

Would they want to hug us?

that depends on your vibration and relationship.
some may be willing to, some not,
there are many different cultures amongst the gray dwarves.

And when we speak do they understand us or do they only understand us when we think?
(In other words do they hear; like humans do through our ears
? or only communicate telepathically? If so then talking to them would be pretty pointless then wouldn't it? lol)

talking with your mouth can make your thoughts project less without as much precision.
the inter species telepathy usually consists of image videos and feelings.
perhaps with some narrative overlay,
like making a movie in the mind,
then watching the movie they send back,
and so goes a conversation.

Thank you for the response Lowki!

I am much more used to talking with my mouth. I hope this wouldn't confuse Aliens.

I can imagine me trying to talk to the Grey's and then they say to each other, "That human is talking with it's mouth! I cannot fully understand!"

I really like the idea of telepathy being like movies.
So, would you say I could compare telepathy with how youtube how people send video responses?
Something like that...idk...that's what came to my mind when you said that.

Oh, and to add, would you say then that the Grey's understand intentions more than our expressions?

Oh and another question...can Grey's smell things?
Cause if some wouldn't want to hug I'd understand much more if they could smell, because I don't think any living creature really likes the stench of human odors.

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by RokNinja
reply to post by lowki

Lowki says:

me have first person perspective experience of past lives

One says:

to see from the eyes of another does not make them your own.

all be one from nothing

it never hurts to question,

safe to question.
safe to view result.

for if what your told is right

from a view

than there shall only be confirmation.

every view can be confirmed

One says:
to ignore the gears behind the face
of a watch
does not make them disapear,
for if it did
then the watch would no longer work.

some watches have microchips and not gears.
before observed might be anything.

a measuring device measures,
how it works only important for making and fixing.
many different paths to making or fixing a measuring device.

an open mind is an open book...
just be sure that no one spills ink on it

what mental experience would that be equivalent to?

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:03 PM
I admit to not having read the whole thread, but I have a few questions, my apologies if they have already been asked/answered.

1) How many kinds of Grays are there? I mean, short, tall, etc. You can compare it on how we have Chinese, dark skinned, white people etc. or at least, with which have you been in contact?

2) Are the grays an independent race or are they collaborating with/working for/"keeping" other races? If there are others, which ones are they and what are their roles/way of living?

3) Are the Grays more advanced than us on a community/spiritual level? How big is the role of telepathy etc?

4) How advanced is the technology? Can they time travel, teleport etc..

5) Do the Grays know anything about the human history, or did they get here "recently" when humans were already around? If you do know anything at all, care to elaborate?

6) Do they breathe oxygen like we do? Or something else?

7) How does the reproduction take place?

8) Do you know anything about the origins of the Grays, or even of life itself? If so, care to share?

9) Any connections between Grays and Crop Circles, Nazca Lines or any other anomalies?

I think that's it for now..

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by pretty_vacant
So, are you saying that my universe is not everyone's universe??
And so I change what I want by changing my vibration.
If i want to succeed, I can...

so there may be people outside you
perhaps something in them you don't like
realize that be something in yourself
change it in yourself or love and accept it
and witness how they change as well

Originally posted by lowki
reptilian bloodlines,
like the ancient chinese royalty.

Hmm, is that perhaps why the dragon is a lucky symbol in their tradition??

quite possibly.

But this is going to change, I presume?

all things change,
what, how and when,
depends on what you choose.

Glossolalia? As in, speaking in tongues?? How does it happen?

well I've practiced making different phonemic sounds for constructing languages.
been working on a one world language for years.

sometimes utter telepathy including responses that hear inside head, for clarity.
then into basic sounds like clicking for a beat to the telepathic conversation.

used to hum musically
then started adding in more sounds
now I sing quite regularly with "random phonemes or glossolia"
it's part of the language construction process,
want to make a language that is simple and beautiful to sing.

me have some songs me made,
here be a song me made while writing this reply

A thought activated portal?

like the kind described in the book "Montauk Project".
it accessed a part of the multiverse that brought out the "Montauk Monster"

Can magic happen here if we imagine it to?

magic happens often.
when someone makes a plan and it succeeds,
when someone thinks about something and it happens.
has to do with thought vibrations turning into physical vibrations.

what I meant by magical worlds, is where the distance between thought vibration and manifestation be shorter.

Upcoming opportunities?
Like those described in your 'After the Disruption' thread??
Our future doesn't look very opportunistic in some parts, from what you have told..

that be one of many possibilities.
every person can be the most important in their own universe.
many indigo children are now together, as our paths are still similar.

there be worlds where the disruption be peaceful.
the people that were in the military decide to leave to become forest gardening eco villagers.
it be a possibility, that there be other future event time lines of peace and harmony.
personally I like eco village forest gardens, but can have cities.
plans drawn out for every two stories of a high rise building to be a communal village. recommending max of 5 villages per building -- housing about 450 peoples.

what be happening now with the royalty
be that royalty be a group of social villages
that feel they should take care of all the other social villages

with nuclear families frequently social villages consist of 2 or 3 peoples, extended families having 8 or more.
in Toronto groups of people usually don't exceed 7 or 8 people at a time,
with house parties hovering between 20 or 40 people, perhaps 12 of which are regular.

people be averted by conspiracies and dire predictions if they be happy with their lives.
more recently me be think that transhumanist biomechanical future may be more interesting to witness.
have spoken to some grays about electronic fetal implants,
yesterday were saying two wires on side of head for digital output to computer, and two in back of head for sensory data storage.

be good to think of future where many children grow ancient

Why are you suspicious of healers??

ya je healing be power trip for some people by feeling greater than to be healed
ya je healer vibration be create tu sick people for learning opportunity

Oh, when you say 'local phenomena',
do you mean that healing isn't likely to be achieved over a certain distance?

sick people and healing be recent invention that be popular in this galaxy

I remember living in some wizardly worlds,
where people did not get sick,
so there were no healers I can remember,
some people wanted new features though,
like flying ability or stronger muscles,
that was the purpose of wizards.

imagine a unhappy or sick person to be less than 0,
then a healer gets a person from negative integer to 0,
a wizard gets a person from 0 to higher integer.

a function such as addition can not get sick, and have requisite for healing,
it would have to be broken first, and who broke it? well who benefits? the healer.

My pop doesn't charge any money for his healings,

charges attention and respect

That website that I shared is his website..

couldn't find the link or website.

Ask through meditation??
What is the most effective way of contacting them??

ya, stilling the mind and watching thoughts will help you see their responses to your thoughts.
if me want to contact an alien species
me usually reads a book and viola they start mind probing me.
the meditation helps to recognize your mind being probed.
my mother while reading "we the arcturians" felt like she was being mind probed,
but she did not pursue the telepathy and so said they eventually stopped probing her mind.

Also, I have heard and read of many people experiencing seeing the number '11' more and more frequently. Is there any significance in this?? Is it somehow connected with a collective unconscious?
It gradually transformed into 11:11 and other numbers - 5:11, 2:11, xx:11 etc.
what do you know of it?

me be born on 11/11/1987 my numerology sign be also 11
typically this kind of experience of seeing 11 or 22 or 33 helps you see the world as a more mystical place,
perhaps your spirit guide wishes to contact you.
listen call out to it.

Originally posted by lowki
I remember before avasting a ship, I would practice our Argh faces with the crew,
to scare them senseless, women fainting, men shivering,
and all in a line, all nice like, didn't have to ask, they know already,
lol tsal gud.

I was lmao at some of your earlier posts!
Quite the funny one!

Argh pirate face

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 10:29 PM
1. Are aliens involved in the Bermuda Triangle?

2. Are there underwater alien bases on Earth? Do aliens live deep in the oceans/seas on Earth?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by kitos
reply to post by lowki

Do you deny you and your kind are not in control of the human spirit?

depends on what you mean by my kind.
we be all responsible in some way for each others experience.

me mind see mother gaya earth be take care of souls that live on her skin.

My info has it that your kind deceid where, when and what our human spirit is to be.

michael newton be author "Journey of Souls" of between life experience from many hypnotized humans.
your soul chooses incarnation point and life with aid of guides and elders and timeview portals.

many interesting things happen between lives.
all very well documented by hypnotherapists.
you can experience the "soul world" through theta meditation or hypnosis.

samantha be hypnotize me for past life regression quite simply,
remember we be experienced meditators.
simple hypnotic regression:
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
you be in a trance state.
all be dark and you float in void.
go to a past life.
report to me as you experience.
(reply, reply)
(drift off)
what are you experiencing now?
what would you like to do now?
(end session)
okay I'm going to count up to ten and you'll feel awake and alert
and remember what you have experienced.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10"

can do it with a friend.
record on audio for sharing primary source.

[edit on 22-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:41 AM

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Thank you for the response Lowki!

I really like the idea of telepathy being like movies.
So, would you say I could compare telepathy with how youtube how people send video responses?
Something like that...idk...that's what came to my mind when you said that.

quite similar, in that frequently me be mind see the sender of telepathy
but also with cut scenes,
for instance a medium gray walking in the forest,
and looking up to see a bright light in the sky approaching,
can be a movie.

third person perspective possible with help of spirit orbs.
how you can imagine being outside yourself and looking at your body in third person.

Oh, and to add, would you say then that the Grey's understand intentions more than our expressions?

me be give you quote of human interpertation of gray speaking

"The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end."
so in this way yes
grays and multiversal being often speak using goals
and describing the goal

many paths to any destination,
we will get there, by land, air or water,
the destination be important for recognizing achievement.

Oh and another question...can Grey's smell things?

ya, sensitivity varies

[edit on 22-8-2009 by lowki]

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by Before2017Victor
Oh and another question...can Grey's smell things?

ya, sensitivity varies

So, obviously the ones that don't smell very well would want to come closer to humans.

Here's an odd question for you lowki (just out of pure curiosity since you're so kind at answering practically all questions) Grey's fart?

posted on Aug, 22 2009 @ 03:33 PM
reply to post by lowki

Hmm, well, you do make some sense.

Yes he IS a martial arts guy. He kicked it right in the stomach area.......

I felt bad for the thing, even though I didn't like the situation, I hate violence etc....

I wonder if like Steven Greer said.....they may have cloned some, and those may be the ones the people with the labs coats were using...the clones?

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