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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by lowki2
I ascended when I was a pirate through negative love (acceptance) of my fellow pirates.

I've had three incarnations,
the first I was a male miner of sorts using a relatively unsuccessful hybrid,
I died early as a counsel decided that the host body was causing me too much pain.

Then I incarnated as a female genetic engineer,
I participated in some food lathering orgies in my spare time.

My first two life times I spent underground,
the mining one I was mainly in tunnels,
where as the genetic engineer female I spent mostly under ground buildings.

Then I incarnated as a space ship helper "android" gray alien,
I had Nordic Orion masters,
but I rarely looked much above their waist,
I was getting my orders from a higher ranking gray group leader.

I died in the soviet union in the early 80's from a rifle wound to the chest,
reincarnated as a homo-sapien.
To help we with you ascend.

I can still interact with the gray hive mind -- either directly or through memory.
So if you have any questions about Gray alien society feel free to ask.

Wow excellent, great to hear from you and welcome!
I will read on my friend.

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by lowki2

We do not have genital organs,
The body is more beautiful when it is smooth and clean.
Though there are still patches of greater neuron receptivity ( pleasure centres )
in the groin area ( for obvious historical reasons),
around the ear-hole,
hands and feet,
the face and head (especially top of head,
as we are to feel pleased when patted on head by masters for a job well done,

Oh man thats classic! ha ha you crack me up... tears are welling up... sniff

Im realy glad that your masters apreciate your work so openly.

This has made my day.

Many thanks!

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:34 PM
Hey Lowki2,

What did Jonathan Reed experience (Link below)?

And is the Alien Interview (Link below) true in your opinion?

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:40 PM
I think Carl Sagan might say "extraordinary claims with un-extraordinary evidence"... yet again.

posted on Jul, 5 2009 @ 09:45 AM
i cant take this seriously its sounds so far fetched

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 11:55 PM
I lived in New England in my first life and my name was RD22.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:00 AM
some people on this site have horribly fake stories, like this one.

by the way i was a giraffe in my past life. It's true, i was.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by RoyJones]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Nick_X
What is a food lathering orgy? Is that where you have an orgy and rub food over each other?

Very funny. Thanks for the giggle.

to the OP:

Your mind is delicate. Perhaps you have suppressed issues that are emerging from deep within your subconscious?

Have you considered talking to a Psychologist?

[edit on 7-7-2009 by Thurisaz]

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 05:53 PM

posted on Jul, 22 2009 @ 06:04 PM
Alright people...

believe the story or not, you cannot attack or be uncivil. Please.


posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 08:33 AM
Interesting thread...true or false, you cannot deny the snippets of wisdom. Anyone angered by this thread should simply ignore it.

But, from what I hear, most Gray aliens don't have a 'soul'. Most of the gray alien females died out in a war, rendering reproduction a burden and danger to the race...inbreeding caused deficiencies and many of the grays died out. Only a few have 'souls', the rest are soulless clones. This is why so many abductees report getting a vibe of desolate lifelessness from the eyes of these strange creatures...

[edit on 23-7-2009 by VergeofObscene]

posted on Jul, 24 2009 @ 06:55 PM
this is just absolutely ridiculous. and you guys delete my post. but this #ing guy can go around saying whatever he wants. giving people false hope. this is so pathetic. if any of you actually believe this nonsense you need help.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by trey85

Why do humans tranquilize wild animals and then perform tests on them before letting them go?

What about the pleadians what are they all about?

"We the Arcturians" a channeled book mentions they are good at music.
Several other sources including "Songs of the Arcturians" mentions the Plaedians are in co-operation with the Arcturians.
The Plaedians have large crystal that transmute destructive energy of the earth into more harmonious vibrations.
The Plaedians also sometimes act as interperters for the Arcturians and have co-operated ships.

Alot of people claim to be them in past lifes like you are to the greys.what your outlook on that.

Well about 2 and a 1/2 millenia ago I arrived on this planet as a Nordic alien, perhaps just over 2m in height.
I'm not certain whether it was a Plaedian or Orion group,
but I had only lived amongst them a short time,
I like to hop between different host-bodies and feature-sets.
I've been a reptilian as well, even the flying draco carnivorous reptilian types.

Im a big follower of "David Icke"

David Icke is an interesting character.
I agree with the historical information that he offers, it is quite an interesting perspective.

Well look at the carnviorous reptilians as the cow herders, or even raw vegans, they like how nutritious and tender the young sprouts are.

America is turning out some pretty big children recently. Fat little porklings. mmm tasty.

In a carnivorous society the rich/wealthy/powerful can literally eat the poor. It's quite interesting how United States subsidizes meat production, all those cows make for many little hungry draco's.

REPTILIAN HERD: If you stop feeding us, We'll come out and play.

=== warning rated greusome, skip to *** ==
we'll ransack your homes, get every last living one of ya,
rip open your flesh, and eat out your insides,
lick out your fat, and suck on your eyeballs.
- vision something about fecal matter... something about "left over bones"
"rangbunkchous laughing" 2 or three adolescent reptilian draco

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:07 PM

Originally posted by lowki
REPTILIAN HERD: If you stop feeding us, We'll come out and play.

=== warning rated greusome, skip to *** ==
we'll ransack your homes, get every last living one of ya,
rip open your flesh, and eat out your insides,
lick out your fat, and suck on your eyeballs.
- vision something about fecal matter... something about "left over bones"
"rangbunkchous laughing" 2 or three adolescent reptilian draco

Is this what happens when youre exposed to too much violence porn and video games over the years?
Im not sure this is even creative writing as much as shock/reaction writing

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:12 PM
ok lowki
ok i researched alien species 12 years now i have some questions

what came first adam and eve or the dinosaurs ?

is big foot intellegent and real or an alien preying mantis species ?aswell are the reptilians real?i know that answer.

is your god the father of jesus? native creator sugwideso? or satan? native creator sugwideso?

do u regard us as zoo animals ? what are your intentions with us how many of you are hostile and dont say u are not i had an experience with one

why do you not make your presence known to everyone on planet why keep it a secret for over 70-50000 years

how many past civiliazations here have u invaded and destroyed here ?

what happened to atlantis ?

whats in the burmuda triangle?

how many alien races are there ?

are there other dimensions?

whats going to happen in 2012?

how many people have your race killed or abducted in the last 70 years?

why do you put implants in people?

do u eat human flesh or drink blood or absorb food through your skin in a liquid with human organs ? what do you eat?

how many of you are on earth currently?

how can greys die? what are there weaknesses

how can we block your telepathy?

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:14 PM
sorry mods about my spelling in the post in rush bad storm here lighting thunder my apologies had to ask those questions

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by yayap3

I have heard that some of your race is dying because they traded emotions for intelligence and can't handle the new positive energy coming in, or something like that. Is that true?

Very interesting. Yes and no.
Some of homo sapien race is dieing, and being replaced by other members of the same race.

I've many reasons I remember for it, none of which had anything to do with emotions and intelligence.
Gray aliens experience more emotions than homo sapiens as they have more brain capacity with which to do so.
When I was a gray I had some very vivid emotions, particularly my ability to be interested and being one with something (being it's perspective) was greatly enhanced.
Though I'm sure that different souls would have different experiences with the same gray alien host-body model.

Some of the cited reasons I recall include:

desire for souls. interacting with a new species and having it become interested to incarnate with you increases viability of nearest or closest host body production chamber.

increasing and diversifying activities available to souls from nesting chamber and onwards improves "captive aliens at risk tax".
In short improving amount of hosts that live beyond a certain age.

not all of this is common knowledge even among the grays as they are a diverse eco-system of thought like any hive collective mind complex.
but there is a general allusion of unity that drives progress in a uniform yet logarithmically accelerating manner.
many elders survive the host body complex to support the ecosystem from deep withinside.
multiple reincarnations of notable figures keep lifecycle and uniformity of colonies of going on with the allusion of a totalitarian dictatorship of never ending lineage et
ernal followers of the starved mind complexes of homo-sapien thought.
however this is a homo-sapien earth filter on the thoughts and ideas of the gray anatomy scientists.

- tuning into the hive mind can be confusing, at the best of times, on going serialized discussions, "We're all in the now, the voice of a 1500 years prior, as the hive remembers the arcturian repatriot -
we are more similar than we are alike in general, where alike refers to looking similar, wheras similar as feeling and being and acting similar from within our soul complex
to the host body, which a mother has given us.

many different groups of grays, but actually I call them Zeta Reticulans a lot.

Many different races there are, not of the Zeta reticuli clan of siblings.

old tshinai (whitish skin, sparse hair), a dahidling traveler: The Arcturians have big eyes and small noses, as do the az vak and da hidlingz, yet you never hear of them as they commit no travesty against military arm of homo sapiens.

reply to post by mystiq


Would that be a fourth or fifth dimensional world?

In the third density, you make the choice, of the world you are to live in.
Your thoughts are the targets you set for the multidimensional ship of your soul.

Thats the one I want here and everywhere.

nothing is everywhere.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by michaelhernsin

imagine if we had 8 lives and we had to miss all those things all over and over again
could u truelly learn and be at peace?

well the solution to that is living in the present moment.

Lets look at these interesting things, Oh yes when I was a pirate I had a tricorn hat, I loved it, it was great, now guess what, I bought one on e-Bay, many more present moments now with a tricorn hat

I cast magick spells to attain the perfect spouse for myself, and believe me she's better than expected, which was one of the spells I cast

reply to post by MikeC82

Is the alien in this video (taken from area 51)real?

Real in terms of we with you agree that it happened. Well I agree with it.
Imagination is limited to things within the infinite creator, all of which can be experienced in some part of the infinite now.

and is it one of your kind?

My recent incarnations were a different kind of gray, illustrated in this video:

even used this as my facebook photo:

the transcripts of an interview with the alien survivor from the
Roswell crash , can you tell me,is the information given by that alien

Well I didn't experience it, but they might have.

I liked the first alien girl, she sounded like an authentic legionaire, a product of hard drilling of dense substance.
I've met her kind before, real dady's(doctrine supporters) girls those are.
"we say, you do".

The Airil seemed like a wish wash lyran, humanlike, nordic possibly plaedian, with a lot of exposure to earth ranting, probably with at least 3 or 4 relationships with earth people in the last 1.5 millenia.

I am familiar with soul capture technology.
Earthlings might call it a "prison" but really, it's just a group of peers, where like has attracted like.

If you stay the same or walk in small circles, it might seem like you don't have much room to move or diversity to experience.

You can decide to think and experience new things, increasing your options and thereby freedom.

Old Empire seems to mean the reptilians that most recently kick started civilization on this planet -- teaching agriculture and similar.
Though there were many different races that had a part in our society overall.

I don't really like the blame game.
History is as mutable as the future, the present moment is now, creation infinite.

You are responsible for your current experience, we are infinite, where you are within us, and which of us you interact with, you decide.

History changes as you move through different timelines(or belief systems) by making new decisions, so there is always something different here, then it was there.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by DARREN1976

errr, what i do not understand is that you say you where a grey alien (past tense) not a grey alien, then in your last incarnation, not this one, you where a homo sapien, so why are you coming out with stuff like "we where at obama's inaugration| and |we are in contact with a white balding man" present tense making out you are still a grey when you said you where a grey, it doesnt make sense, which is it, you are a grey or where a grey? sorry to sound picky, if you could clear uo this inconsistency for me then it would be much appreciated , thank you in advance..

lets make it simple:


pirate (human) late 1600's, miner (gray) mid to late 1700's, genetecist (gray) 1800's, flight attendant (gray) 1900's, entrepreneur (human) late 1900's to present.

I am practiced spiritually and can channel and communicate with star beings and other entities.

at times I have a vision or imagining, perhaps called a "day dream" by some, in which this communication occurs.
For your benefit I make transcripts in English to the best of my ability to translate mental sensations into typed words.

Originally posted by Aesthetic
I think Carl Sagan might say "extraordinary claims with un-extraordinary evidence"... yet again.

However the evidence is extra-ordinary. Text is extremely ordinary, more ordinary than say a gray star being taping you on the forehead.

Originally posted by VergeofObscene
Interesting thread...true or false, you cannot deny the snippets of wisdom.

Only a few have 'souls', the rest are soulless clones. This is why so many abductees report getting a vibe of desolate lifelessness from the eyes of these strange creatures...

[edit on 23-7-2009 by VergeofObscene]

Even rocks have souls.

A human earth doctor examining an animal with detachment, is a better analogy for how some gray star beings treat the humans that they study.

The females generally stay indoors, underground, where they giving happy harmonious loving vibes for the colony, working in nurseries and other vocations.
My first two lives as a gray I didn't see outside the caves.

Just as there are relatively few females in the earth military, so there are few female abductors of earth humans, as working with a fearful violent culture averts empathetic individuals.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by patientobserver

Originally posted by lowki
REPTILIAN HERD: If you stop feeding us, We'll come out and play.

"rangbunkchous laughing" 2 or three adolescent reptilian draco

Is this what happens when youre exposed to too much violence porn and video games over the years?
Im not sure this is even creative writing as much as shock/reaction writing

So you admit that this story has been within the earths collective consciousness so long that it is not even creative, just "video and games" replaying what is known.

I love peace and harmony, lets all be happy in beautiful co-existing nature together.

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