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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on May, 2 2009 @ 11:42 PM

looks like you might be well on your way to 4th density.
Congrats *hugs*

Haha! For real? I must have you know that I am still afraid of that entire thing.
I am still a little afraid of the dark. This is why I cant have an OBE. Hell though, I used to be scared of people so I think Im making progress.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by lowki

So how come in you're brand new post on android aliens, do you say greys are born in tubes filled with liquids separately. What happen to the nest all of a sudden, Where you state you were are born, not raised, born.

Just like you started the thread stating you were incarnated 3 times. As your story grew so did your incarnate numbers. Last I counted you were up to 7.

Should this not be moved to creative writing?

Just asking

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by dcmb1490
reply to post by lowki

So how come in you're brand new post on android aliens, do you say greys are born in tubes filled with liquids separately. What happen to the nest all of a sudden, Where you state you were are born, not raised, born.

Yes, born as in released from the womb-egg -- filled with a greenish-blue nutritious gel-liquid. Then I was raised along with my nest brothers and sisters by various assigned nursery teachers.
Though even in the womb the nursery carers telepathically encouraged us to grow, be healthy, and told us of the wonders of their world.

Just like you started the thread stating you were incarnated 3 times. As your story grew so did your incarnate numbers. Last I counted you were up to 7.

still only 3 gray alien incarnations in the recent past.
How did you find 7? LOL

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:21 AM
What are the chances of being able to experience such wonders myself. Story sounds good but no proof always seems to get the best of me.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:19 AM
Do you remember WHERE you were when you were incarnated as a grey,any of the times?Aside from being in the test tube of course.

What did you do to allow yourself to feel pleasure as a grey?

Who decides what you will incarnate as?

Do you feel a greater loyalty to any one incarnation more than the others?

Would you possibly consider taking actions in the form you are now in that would possibly support a previous lifeforms survival or belief system that you prefer over the current one you are experiencing?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:26 AM
In regards to the fourth dimension or ascension process upwards. I don't quite understand your answer to Wisen Heimer, because isn't that the astral plane, or the plane, where disembodied beings dwell? Why would someone ascend there.
Plus isn't that in between the dimensions, whatever they are, and I see them as frequencies? Are you implying that ets are disembodied spirits rather than emodied people? This is the way this dimension talk really confuses me.

Edit to add: because if the fourth is the astral plane, then this talk about ascension would be only the mass murder or death of everyone. Not much of an ascension.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by DazE777
What are the chances of being able to experience such wonders myself. Story sounds good but no proof always seems to get the best of me.

Proof is what you have loved/bonded/anded into your experience.
All stories can be true. A story is true from a perspective.
What you decide to be your story will be is up to you -- as a free willed third density entity you can make choices.

Originally posted by one4all
Do you remember WHERE you were when you were incarnated as a grey,any of the times?Aside from being in the test tube of course.

From my perspective, my first incarnation was mainly in caves, my second mainly in buildings that were in these caves, my third mainly on star ships of one variety or another.

What did you do to allow yourself to feel pleasure as a grey?

What did you do to allow yourself to feel pleasure as a human?
It happens.
Pleasure can be said to be any sensation that is below the pain threshhold.

Who decides what you will incarnate as?

Well I decide in the spirit world, though I can ask for advice from peers or guides. Can read Michael Newtons "Journey of Souls" or related books for more info -- or opt for life-between-lives hypno-regression-therapy for a personal experience.

Do you feel a greater loyalty to any one incarnation more than the others?

Do you feel a greater loyalty to one clothing than an other?
Different host bodies and setting have different features.
Fire can get a lot done really fast and make a large impact quickly.
Whirlwinds think/talk really fast and explore many possibilities.
Water/liquid is good at connecting/combining/mixing/love.
Rocks have wonderful staying power and live very long.
Plants have wonderful abilities to absorb energy from sunlight and lead self-sustaining lives.
Homo-sapiens have wonderful abilities to ingest and excrete solid matter.
Grays have wonderful telepathic abilities as well as sight -- one of the best experiences was watching the stars and galaxies from the mothership through a viewport.
I am currently striving towards host-bodies with a greater diversity of experience -- such as robots with plug-and-play organs/limbs.

Would you possibly consider taking actions in the form you are now


in that would possibly support a previous lifeforms survival

they are already in the past, though it is possible to go back and make a new time-line with thought or physical-time-travel-technology.

or belief system that you prefer over the current one you are experiencing?

To support a belief system I need only believe in it.
So I do draw on previous belief systems in formulating my present day beliefs.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
In regards to the fourth dimension or ascension process upwards.
I don't quite understand your answer to Wisen Heimer, because isn't that the astral plane, or the plane, where disembodied beings dwell?

You are refering to time/space or the "spirit world" life-between-lives.

Why would someone ascend there.

People go to the spirit-world between incarnations, to figure things out, engage in spirit activities, as well as find new host bodies.
Ascending from reference of the spirit world is a change in ambient color of the soul.

Plus isn't that in between the dimensions, whatever they are, and I see them as frequencies?

Based on michael newtons work, soul coloration ascends in the following order: white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo/violet
Which corelates to chakras and densities so it is coherant with many ancient teachings.
Someone that ascends from third(yellow) to fourth(green) can change color correspondingly.

Though changing density might imply a change in octave (so in the spirit world of homo-sapiens you might find yourself (and most of michael newtons patients) in a third-density sub-octave.
I'm not quite sure, more research can be done to clarify this,
potentially via hypnotherapy and the experiences of different density entities of various planets.

Are you implying that ets are disembodied spirits rather than emodied people?

Most ET's have bodies in space/time or incarnated space.
Though some of the higher level ones (5th and above) can't find suitable/advanced-enough host-bodies to entertain an incarnation -- yet another reason for the development of robotic host-bodies which can be far more entertaining than these hominid water based vehicles.

This is the way this dimension talk really confuses me.

Edit to add: because if the fourth is the astral plane, then this talk about ascension would be only the mass murder or death of everyone. Not much of an ascension.
[edit on 4-5-2009 by mystiq]

Not everyone ascends simultaneously, for instance as you will note there are first density(earth,water,air,fire), second density (slime, fungi, plant, animal), third-density (cetaceans, homo-sapiens) on this third-density planet.
When the planet becomes "4th density" in Dec 21, 2012, this simply means that it can support fourth-density life, it opens the door for that possibility -- just as even though us third-densities are here there are still second and first density creatures.
Some beings that desire to live on a 3rd density planet -- that does not support higher life forms -- can move elsewhere.
Change takes time.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by lowki]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:04 AM
Thank you for answering. I admit to being still confused, I guess we all can't have a scientific mind, but I feel theres something to this nonetheless. The only way I really can see it is just layers of 3d like living on different densities or frequencies, so vibrations. Anything beyond that thinking and I'm lost.

One of my memories aboard the craft as a child was looking out through a window at the breathtaking stars, something beyond description or what we used to see all the time camping in the mountains with my grandfather. I didn't want to go back home! Standing beside me was a male grey who was touching my mind with his, and he was sharing his joy at my response to his gift. Though I believe my memories are a bit one sided, as the short glimpses I've had since early childhood are primarily positive, interested or curious, and I found these people to have great integrity, intelligence and love them, theres all these memory blocks and I keep hearing the negative things they do medically to people.

posted on May, 30 2009 @ 10:15 PM
This is all very interesting ,especially to me becuase weather this is a giant hoax or not I honestly feel alot of this is true.I dont know if, like someone said in an earlier post that you are just using someone elses materials or yall just share beliefs.The possibility that you are bringing the more aware people to a certain point then misguiding them is a possibility.Theres also the possibility that you are totally sincere and channeling/imaging false information.If you are the real deal please forgive me but its hard to prove yourself on the internet with an issue like this.Although you have invested alot of time to be just pulling off a big joke.What Im getting at isnt there something you can give us we can bite into more.For instance tell me something about myself a normal person wouldnt know like an obstacle in my life Im goin against or something Im on the brink of descovering etc.Anyway I really dont expect you to do this b/c if you could you would have done it by now,but I still would like to ask you some questions (Im not gonna take it as gold becuase there to many random people on the internet sending false info on purpose or not,not saying you cant be "possibly" 100% correct) but you have defenely sparked my interest so heres my questions.Most(not all) of the information I have researched always makes the greys out to be bad and alot of times there made out to be nothing but a race of beings created from higher ones" to do all there work for them.Why do they take the people by force and terrify them instead of finding an easier approach(they could knock on my front door and ask me if I wanted to go for a ride and I would be all for it,just an example).What about the pleadians what are they all about?Alot of people claim to be them in past lifes like you are to the greys.what your outlook on that.One more far as my research and intuition go Im a big follower of "David Icke",by follower I mean see him to be more correct than anyone else I still question him and find my own truth.I think he is really hitting the nail on the head or like I said earlier is being used to take the ones with higher awarness to a certain point and mislead them.What do you think about him how correct is he?

posted on May, 31 2009 @ 12:47 AM
Please don't take offense to this, I just have an important question. I have heard that some of your race is dying because they traded emotions for intelligence and can't handle the new positive energy coming in, or something like that. Is that true? I realize there must be many different groups of grays, but actually I call them Zeta Reticulans a lot. I do wish you well though. It's very kind and brave of you to post all this information.

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by lowki

Rather than it getting too confusing, can't it be called an upgrade, with upgraded multidimensional awareness taking place. The world I envision is cosmic and members of the federation or similar positive organizations. Moneyless, where people help each other erect homes, such as recycled and enviro friendly earthship homes, and help each other with their gardens. Always a helping hand. No ownership of ideas or patents, higher education continually available, and people always trained to wonder how they can contribute, or volunteer, and joining projects and groups or sharing their abilties and training with others, multi-specied, living peacefully, with respect and equality, and having many cosmic visitors. Not to mention developing their psi and mind and heart through meditation, frequency, remote viewing and developing advanced genetics. Would that be a fourth or fifth dimensional world? Thats the one I want here and everywhere.

[edit on 1-6-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 01:55 PM
"Upgraded multi-dimensional awareness",this is a unique way to explain a concept I fully subscribe to ,but with a twist.

We are learning that we can choose a new perspective at any time we want THIS IS CALLED FREE WILL,this leads us to the next step which is learning that by choosing a certain perspective we CREATE our own reality as per our free will choice like majic,the next step is learning that by combining our freely chosen perspective with the freely chosen perspectives of others we creat a cumulative reality,a reality that will override any existing reality BASED ON NUMBERS OF HUMANS CHOOSING A CUMULATIVE REALITY TOGETHER ,THE MORE THE MERRIER.This is where the concept of good vs evil came from,really a struggle for reality or control of humanities path.This takes us to the next step which is learning that we can eliminate all of the realities that happen to include all of the bad things on our planet instantly, if we can somehow bring a majority of the humans alive on earth on board at the same time.In other words all we have to do is inform this majority of the available perspectives by educating them, then allowing them to make a free will choice to change our world.All of humanity will or a majority of humanity will choose the right or the good perspective or reality if given the chance,all of the evil in our world is committed by a minority of mankind that has abused the spread and availability of knowledge and consequently "crippled"humanitys ability to excercize free will.

I believe this multi-dimensional awareness idea is similar to the "perspectives"I am speaking about ,I somehow feel we could interchange the terms and somehow arrive at the same destination.

I think we are both speaking to the awakening that is happaning all around us right now,this awakening is really only a remembering of what free will really is.

We are beginning to learn that we each have a great responsibility to each others future and to our planet,but we are learning the hard way and running out of time.We are learning that ONLY WE are responsible ,100% responsible for our own history,there is no God to look to for forgiveness when we err,we must look to ourselves 100%of the time ,accountability for all of our actions.If you think your god whomever he or she may be will repair the earth before we wipe ourselves out you are sorely mistaken,and this is what awakening truly is,it is the shedding of our spiritual placenta and ceasing our constant relinquishing of our humanitarian responsibilities in the name of our gods.

Before people CAN DEVELOPE THE STRENGTH AND ABILITY to accept the reality that they can "create reality"like magik,they have to go through the steps of realization I listed earlier,they must go through all the steps or they will have a difficult time.

I call it a multi-perspective or reality awareness but I think we are dancing here.

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

we can barley live with things we do IN THIS
imagine if we had 8 lives and we had to miss all those things all over and over again
could u truelly learn and be at peace?

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by lowki

Originally posted by sticky
I read the first post and thought to myself that this was a joke.

Then Lowki responed to every single post with some very wise words.

What I really want to know is his/her opinion of how much blood is going to be shed in the possible upcomming war?

Well that is up to you, as you are the creator of your experience.
I intend on living in a peaceful world,
but everyone has their own universe of experience,
and you can experience a different me than I am right now.

i think the ORACLE from THE MATRIX said it best...
all i can do is tell you, its up to YOU to make your own damn decision

posted on Jun, 19 2009 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by dcmb1490
This is exactly why ufology and aliens are still in the dark ages in regards to public opinion. Everything that you have been babbling about is found on "others" websites and on utube. Did some extensive research last night.

Even the eating or food orgy is not original ( Richard Doty ) . So far you have not shown anything new and just spout off about new age stuff like an alien Jesus.

I would not have come back and commented except that the thread was still active and you responded to my last post.

You also state for me to go online and read and watch utube (I did) and you are taking concepts from other people's hard work. And If all of these people are aliens, then I must be the only earthling left out there.

If you were a scientist and a grey, show some non earth technology or describe it. I can google and pull what you do, don't forget.

Peace and alaakbar

[edit on 1-5-2009 by dcmb1490]

i thought of that awhile ago...and i guess the answer is simple...
CAN YOU make a refrigirator?
can YOU make a battery plant?
CAN YOU TELL ME EEEEEEXACTLY how a plane works? from start to finish?
CAN YOU TELL ME how to bio engineer genes, and how to break down the DNA code?
no...obviously we HAVE THINGS, and have a relative idea of it...but to DESCRIBE how it works...AND how to make it...that is totally 100% a different thing.

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by trey85
This is all very interesting ,especially to me becuase weather this is a giant hoax or not I honestly feel alot of this is true.I dont know if, like someone said in an earlier post that you are just using someone elses materials or yall just share beliefs.The possibility that you are bringing the more aware people to a certain point then misguiding them is a possibility.Theres also the possibility that you are totally sincere and channeling/imaging false information.If you are the real deal please forgive me but its hard to prove yourself on the internet with an issue like this.Although you have invested alot of time to be just pulling off a big joke.What Im getting at isnt there something you can give us we can bite into more.For instance tell me something about myself a normal person wouldnt know like an obstacle in my life Im goin against or something Im on the brink of descovering etc.Anyway I really dont expect you to do this b/c if you could you would have done it by now,but I still would like to ask you some questions (Im not gonna take it as gold becuase there to many random people on the internet sending false info on purpose or not,not saying you cant be "possibly" 100% correct) but you have defenely sparked my interest so heres my questions.Most(not all) of the information I have researched always makes the greys out to be bad and alot of times there made out to be nothing but a race of beings created from higher ones" to do all there work for them.Why do they take the people by force and terrify them instead of finding an easier approach(they could knock on my front door and ask me if I wanted to go for a ride and I would be all for it,just an example).What about the pleadians what are they all about?Alot of people claim to be them in past lifes like you are to the greys.what your outlook on that.One more far as my research and intuition go Im a big follower of "David Icke",by follower I mean see him to be more correct than anyone else I still question him and find my own truth.I think he is really hitting the nail on the head or like I said earlier is being used to take the ones with higher awarness to a certain point and mislead them.What do you think about him how correct is he?

I think the MAIN POINT of this life (has he said) is that WE HAVE CHOSE, and WE HAVE TO MAKE CHOOSES, whats the point of HAVING the answer...if you DONT UNDERSTAND IT...

how does a car work?
well it has an engine and wheels and it makes it move.
but do you truelly UNDERSTAND IT?...not likley
same thing...we are put in this 3rd density (of course going off of what he says)
whats the point of getting answers you dont understand?
in short..were supposed to be guided but NOT TAUGHT...we have to LEARN from ourselves...
make sense? lol

posted on Jun, 20 2009 @ 08:35 AM
You know, as far as I know you may be lying or crazy, but this thread actually seems surprisingly legit! It corresponds with most UFO lore, though I still think there are at least some negative greys - because i have had bad experiences? or maybe it is not the zetas who have abused me?

posted on Jun, 21 2009 @ 05:39 PM
Is the alien in this video (taken from area 51)real? and is it one of your kind?

The 1947 crash near Roswell , was that one of your craft ?
Do you know about this:

the transcripts of an interview with the alien survivor from the
Roswell crash , can you tell me,is the information given by that alien

posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 04:04 PM
errr, what i do not understand is that you say you where a grey alien (past tense) not a grey alien, then in your last incarnation, not this one, you where a homo sapien, so why are you coming out with stuff like "we where at obama's inaugration| and |we are in contact with a white balding man" present tense making out you are still a grey when you said you where a grey, it doesnt make sense, which is it, you are a grey or where a grey? sorry to sound picky, if you could clear uo this inconsistency for me then it would be much appreciated , thank you in advance..

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