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Former astronaut: Man not alone in universe

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posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Sherlock2009

No one is saying that alien life isn't out there in the universe,just that its very very unlikely that they are visiting our little planet.The sheer size of the universe for one thing means its unlikely.Couple that with the fact humans have only lived on this planet for the blink of an eye in terms of the age of the Earth...hence even IF they did find this Planet and then even IF it was when we humans were about..its a very very very improbable scenario all in all.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by alyosha1981

Proof is still required. This is the guys last claim to fame. Otherwise he would fade into the history books so he has a vested interest in keeping the whole 'we are not alone' type talk alive.

It beats having to say "you want fries with that?", or "welcome to Wal-Mart!",
but just barely.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by SpacePunk]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by johnsky

We wouldn't know an alien signal if it were directly sent to us because we don't have the same frame of reference. It's like the binary signal we sent years ago. Unless someone is listening at the exact moment the signal passes their way, they won't see it, and if they did, they may not recognize it as such. Then there's the decoding of it which I find doubtfull.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:40 AM

Originally posted by OrigiVal

Mankind has long wondered if we're "alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we're not alone," Mitchell said

So what's new? That's not news any more! He's been saying this for years! Even the skeptics concede that there may be life out there in this huge universe. That's not a big deal. What is, is the proof that we are being visited by ET civilizations. And this proof he doesn't have. He doesn't say anything about having met aliens himself or that the powers that be are in possession of crashed UFOs that he himself has seen first hand.

He also mentions someone who knows about the so called Roswell crash but Mitchell has no first hand knowledge himself.

Is there anywhere he mentions that he's had a close encounter of the third kind or himself seen UFOs in orbit around the Earth/Moon or on the Moon itself?

In fact what he says is nothing Earth shaking! So why all this fuss just because an astronaut 'BELIEVES' is the truth? We need something more than just 'belief'. We need the first hand accounts of actual encounters from astronauts like him. Otherwise it's just more blah!


[edit on 21-4-2009 by mikesingh]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 08:49 AM
I was able to hear him speak this weekend at the X-conference and I couldn't help but notice that he REALLY seemed as though he wanted to say more but would not. It was almost as if he was saying "look people, I cannot talk about this because of certain goverment restrictions regarding classified info, but I'm telling you without actually telling you. THEY EXIST!"

He went on to say that he has no first hand knowledge but kept referring to them as Aliens.

I got the impression that after the Kerrang interview that he was warned to hush up. He stated that he believes what he does because the "old timers" from Roswell opened up to him after his moon walk. When Steven Basset asked him if any of these old timers were former High Ranking military officials him softly stated "yes they were" then appeared to be ready for the next question. He did not appear to want to get back into that topic. After hearing him speak I believe that he knows alot and simply cannot say anymore than he already has.

My 2 pennies

[edit on 21-4-2009 by kleverone]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by Sherlock2009

No one is saying that alien life isn't out there in the universe,just that its very very unlikely that they are visiting our little planet.The sheer size of the universe for one thing means its unlikely.Couple that with the fact humans have only lived on this planet for the blink of an eye in terms of the age of the Earth...hence even IF they did find this Planet and then even IF it was when we humans were about..its a very very very improbable scenario all in all.

Why would the size of the universe make visitation unlikely? I would say it makes it more likely then not. Its almost like standing in a Mcdonalds in NYC and saying "NYC is so Big, there could not be another Mcdonalds out there."

Once the terrestrial planet finders start finding Earthlike planets I have the feeling not only will we find more "McDonalds" in the neighborhood but also lots of Bugerkings and Taco Bells too...

So to me your very improbable scenarios are near certainty.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:35 AM
The really great thing right now is that this story is #2 on CNN's site of most viewed. People needed to be directed to this so that they can do some of their own digging and come to their own conclusions.

Grats, CNN!

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by OrigiVal

I read this story yesterday evening - was very interesting? Maybe this guy's cashing in on the conference circuit?

The more I learn about UFO encounters/experiences, the more I am convinced not only that these things ARE real and happening to people, but that they perhaps can plausibly originate outside our own planet.

One thing I am becoming more and more certain of, is that time travelling humans/humans from another planet/beings from another planet similar to humans DID travel to Earth in the ancient periods.

I find this perhaps even more plausible given the evidence, than the reports we have of abduction/visitation in our own time.

Either way - whether all of the cave drawings, eye witness accounts, similarities between experiences in completely unconnected areas of the world, unexplained events AREN'T of alien/future origin - then in the very least, something unexplained was happening which I think in itself is amazingly enthralling.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Helmkat

Originally posted by Solomons
reply to post by Sherlock2009

Once the terrestrial planet finders start finding Earthlike planets I have the feeling not only will we find more "McDonalds" in the neighborhood but also lots of Bugerkings and Taco Bells too...

If we do find other ones, I hope they are more advanced to the point where your order is not screwed up at the drive-thru all the time.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Helmkat

"Why would the size of the universe make visitation unlikely? I would say it makes it more likely then not. Its almost like standing in a Mcdonalds in NYC and saying "NYC is so Big, there could not be another Mcdonalds out there.""

It actually like saying, "Russia is so big I'll never walk across it." Your version needs some serious work.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Gawdzilla
reply to post by Helmkat

"Why would the size of the universe make visitation unlikely? I would say it makes it more likely then not. Its almost like standing in a Mcdonalds in NYC and saying "NYC is so Big, there could not be another Mcdonalds out there.""

It actually like saying, "Russia is so big I'll never walk across it." Your version needs some serious work.

Really? I would think they are one in the same as they both clearly point out to those saying "It's not possible" that it certainly is. Its really a question of how common life is, if you believe we are alone, then nothing is out there. However if life is squeezing through every crack it can then we are dealing with a crowded neighborhood.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:53 PM
Dr. Mitchell is about to do an interview on CNN.

They're really running with this stuff, this is two days in a row now that they are talking about it. They've also been alluding to a possible words from the White House as far as disclosure goes soon. Exciting!

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by dwiggen

You could call it exciting. I'd call it the perfect distraction from the bank bailouts, the stimulus spending, the interrogation memos, etc... It's very convenient at the moment.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by SpacePunk
reply to post by dwiggen

You could call it exciting. I'd call it the perfect distraction from the bank bailouts, the stimulus spending, the interrogation memos, etc... It's very convenient at the moment.

Or, maybe it have been the other way around; The bank bailouts and stilumus and so on, have been the distraction.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Come on guys seriously. What benefit would the "Government" have from withholding information from the public about such events and/or intelligent life? Really? Is there one good explanation to consider researching? Does everyone think they are getting their jollies from holding information from the public and its making them feel good inside knowing you guys don't know the "secret." Is that it?

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Cds4344
Come on guys seriously. What benefit would the "Government" have from withholding information from the public about such events and/or intelligent life? Really? Is there one good explanation to consider researching?

Yep! Plenty of explanations why disclosure may not be a good idea.

So why are they hiding it from the public? Well, my take is that any disclosure of life on another planetary body whether primitive or advanced, especially the latter, would have wide ranging ramifications. What will be the short-term and long-term effects of such disclosure on people, institutions, and cultures?

• General panic in vast segments of populations leading to breakdown of law and order. This, of course, would vary profoundly in different cultures and between groups within societies.

• Profound emotional and intellectual consequences resulting in a sea change in attitudes and human values.

• The fear of disintegration of our society when confronted by a superior one, becoming a ‘slave’ race as a consequence.

• Stock markets further crashing around the world due to fear and uncertainty resulting in a world wide economic meltdown with across-the-board consequences. The present recession is bad enough. It will make it worse. Probably a complete collapse of the system.

• Far reaching implications on our religious belief systems.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, if free energy is made available through ET technology the energy conglomerates/cartels would stand to lose trillions of dollars and the enormous influence they have over governments. They will not allow that to happen. There is also the requirement /necessity of keeping secret very advanced alien technology that can be used for military purposes.

So now you know what you are up against! If you were in a position of authority in the government would you opt for disclosure? Maybe not! At least not yet.

Perhaps graduated disclosure is what is needed and probably already happening. But it would need a paradigm shift and evolutionary change in the human psyche to accept and absorb the reality that we are not alone, but just a miniscule part of the greater whole of universal life in the cosmos.

Today, for most, it is incomprehensible that there could be advanced alien cultures probably billions of years ahead of us spiritually and technologically. How many can accept that? Our thinking is driven by our religious belief systems, that we are the only intelligent species God created in the universe. How can there be others more advanced than us?

That said, let’s consider the positive side of what would happen if there was disclosure resulting in open contact and interaction with technologically and spiritually advanced extra terrestrial cultures. This, needless to say, after we’re ready for it, perhaps a couple hundred years in the future:

• The birth of humanism, a system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities, worth and the welfare of humanity as a whole.

• Graduate into a Type 1 civilization harnessing free, unlimited energy, and utilizing all its forms and manifestations in a positive way for the common good of mankind. There would be no wars of domination for oil, an inefficient and non renewable source of energy. We would finally break out from the energy stranglehold to become a truly planetary civilization.

• Control of weather and radiation for ideal crop management throughout the world. There would be no hunger, no children dying of starvation.

• Join the so called Galactic Federation (If there is such a thing) for the overall progress of mankind on the spiritual and technological planes.

• Reaching out for the stars – the final frontier - with advanced technology that we can only dream of at present.

• The renaissance of the human spirit, graduating to a higher plane of existence.

• Finally, through the doorway to the grandeur of a Type 2 civilization, harnessing the energy of the galaxy in the not too distant future.

But as per Dr Edgar Mitchell: "This is really starting to open up. I think we're headed for real disclosure.”

I think not! The paradigm shift in the human psyche to comprehend, understand and accept would probably take another couple hundred years, maybe more and the psyche of 'believers' cannot be taken as a yard stick. So don’t be under the impression that disclosure by the governments is close at hand. It’s not going to be - at least not in our lifetimes! We’re not ready yet and more importantly, there’s too much at stake for the powers that be.

Disappointed? Well, that’s the way it is!

Have a nice day!


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:53 AM
I wonder if he browses ATS?

Edgar, if you're reading this, sign up and post. Robbie Williams did about his UFO accounts.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:14 AM
Well, with NASA aiming for an operational moon facility by 2020 then the governments will have no choice but to either disclose or admit to the possibility we are not alone.

Mankind cannot spread her wings under a cloud of silence.

With the commercialisation of space tourism and the Virgin low atmosphere aircraft soon to become available to the public, something has to be acknowledge.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Blanca Rose
I wonder what his financial status is at this point?

He's in danger of losing his house at the moment, or at least he was a few months back.

Makes the sudden rush of books, and attempts at paid interviews. And even trying to get ATS to pay him for interviews, pretty suspect. In my opinion at least.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:31 AM
I find it amazing that billions of people can accept the possibility of an infinite being (GOD) that is all around them, omnipotent, omniprescent, and completely invisible to their eye. Yet........when someone suggests the same conditions exist with aliens, they are ridiculed.

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