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CNN Reporter at Chicago Tea Party: It's "Anti-CNN Since This is Highly Promoted By the Right-Wing,

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:09 AM
I stopped by the one in Boston. Was pretty uneventful and I didn't really see a diverse crowd... Just a bunch of old people with signs that bashing socialism and calling for an impeachment of Obama. I do admire that Fox news was able to organize such a huge protest though, i guess it's the Republicans turn now to be anti-american/patriots.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:15 AM
CNN's behavior is so tacky. Not just this broadcast but yesterday they had so many articles on their website calling the 15th 'Patriot's Day' because patriots pay their taxes and shut up. Fox is disgusting too. They are jumping on the bandwagon pretending they have been right there with the liberty movement all along. Cmon. Think back just to earlier this year! They are the biggest neocon apologist propaganda spewing garbage network ever to air. They aren't anti-big gubmint. They were ardent Bush supporters where the gubmint began it's ridiculous bloating.

I also couldn't care what these two networks think of each other. Honestly they are like freaking children with the name calling. These people are supposed to be professional?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:22 AM
I agree with a few of the other posters. This Tea party thing is, IMO, a distraction. That is why the media jumps all over it. And that is why you get those opposing viewpoints. Here we go again when instead of something that could be considered a positive protest is taken over and made a two-party debate again. As for the people attending, I'm sure they have the best of intentions, but i would be willing to bet most of these things are being led by those that have no interest in our welfare as a country whatsoever.
I fully believe our time as a nation turned empire is over. Instead of protesting to people who couldn't give a F#*# less about our well-being, we should be in preparation for the unavoidable hard times to come. The awakening in people is a good thing but the shouts are falling on deaf ears.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:23 AM
What gets me the most is that CNN reporter saying that Illinois got 50 billion or whatever but what she doesn't realize is the money is ours not the Governments. That money is hers too and why she's not mad about it is beyond me. Then you got other people saying their getting money back from the government on their paychecks. IT"S THEIR MONEY! not the Governments. People who think like that have no business in a voting booth.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:32 AM
I watched this bulldyke liberal this morning. I guess she is hoping to get a liberal talk show hour on CNN because that was the worst example of reporting I have ever seen. I wish I was that father she was shouting down to make her point.

Don't you love how this is being ignored? Obama said he didn't know anything about it... BS. The New York Times this morning has nothing on the front page about hundreds of thousands of people gathering across the nation to protest but they did mention a protest in Afghanistan on the front page.

It's an upside down world we live in thanks to the vote for "change." Muslim extremists are no longer terrorists but our new administration can call veterans possible terrorists.

I've reached a boiling point.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by on_yur_6]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:41 AM
Its funny how quickly the liberals jump on this post calling Glenn Beck a "scumbag", FOX News, Colter (or however you spell it) a witch etc. Keep in mind that it was CNN and MSNBC on the 15th calling the "Tea Parties" "right-wing" and "nuts".

Its always the same old story...they call everyone else names when they don't agree with them. And they cry "bloody murder" when no one wants to listen to them on the radio...let alone TV.

If it were up to most liberals, anyone who doesn't agree with them would be silenced. This from the same people that claim to want the "best" for America. If your idea of "best for America", "Freedom" and "human rights" means calling me names and telling me to shut-up...then its pretty obvious WHO the problem is. I guess that also explains why the current administration will never listen to the people of this country...they would rather us just shut-up.

Not me...not ever...and definitely not for the likes with THAT attitude!

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:02 AM
From an outsider's point of view(non-american) what i see here, is just
the media playing the masses at divide and conquer.
i mean think about it.
opinions are getting polarized,add that to the economic collapse,civil liberties,gun control
this is a one-way street to civil war....and your media knowingly or un-knowinlgy is in on it.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:13 AM
We have Fox and CNN so that we can have our souls ripped apart. Both outlets are in a race to win hearts and minds and have lost the true meaning of ethical journalism. This 'Tea Party' is only symbolic but it is bringing up a very basic point: the government is taking control of the common people and as long as there is a side to pick, the people get some feel good justification in believing that they are on the side which has the moral high ground.

Hey folks, I hate to break it to you but Fox and CNN are owned by the same kind of people that own the good ol' U S of A, i.e., own the government. Fleecing the American public so that the government and their owners can fulfill their own agenda is what this is really about. As I have said before (although I really borrowed it from a bumper sticker), this is not about right vs left... this is about the state vs you! (and me).


posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:15 AM
topic maker you might want to post this video on your main post.

it is anderson cooper saying that the protesters are having a hard time talking because they are too busy teabagging. maybe it isnt my business, but anderson cooper shouldnt be the one making homosexual jokes. hypocrit.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:19 AM
Here's the all important question America; What do you do next?

You decided to voice your opinion, and that opinion was largly ignored by the very government that you protested against.

What is next? Please don't tell me that this is it. When are the people of this great nation going to force the government to bend to the will of the people?

This is our country, our taxes, our government. It is a government by the people and for the people. So what is next?

If those in power refuse to listen to the people that elect them. Are you going to vote for someone else into that office that will listen? Or are you going to repeatedly vote into office people that ignore your voice, ignore your view, ignore your wants and needs?

Both the GOP and the Democrats have failed this country. BOTH sides have failed their constituants. Perhaps it's time to rethink the two party system. Perhaps it's time to elect people outside of the two major parties in this country. Partasan politics is a failed political mechinism.

The Question RAYMOND is what are you going to do?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by Tentickles
You know I was just at the Houston Tea Party and it wasnt "Right Wing" there were Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Liberals!
CNN needs to shut their mouths, biased sh#t hole media.

Yes certain want to define and categorize so they can then control opinions and tear down based on the definitions they have created.

Its not really a tea party its a mass of ignorant social terrorists that dont want to pay their part and play their role in this time of "change'. These people at the tea party are takers and not givers. They need to get on board with the rest of the world. Plus they are simply the whipped up sheep hordes of conservative right wing radio hosts. Nothing to take seriously.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:26 AM
Well fellow Americans I am awake!
I must admit to you all of you out there it is largely due to the information that I have gotten off Fox News Network as a whole.
I have also watched CNN, MSNBC, as well as the main stream - puppies and flowers news in my area.

After I woke up - I kicked my OWN _ss! I have no one to blame for what is going on in this country but myself and as far as I am concerned, neither do you.
We have all been either voting or not voting for these morons so we could go on sipping lattes, renting movies, searching the internet for more conspiracy theories and government cover ups. Hey, we all just want to do what ever it is we are into - right.

Bottom line we have NOT been holding these people accountable.
We can blame Bush, we can blame Obama, we can blame our mothers and our fathers - cause that is what we are so very good at doing. Blaming someone else.
It is like... in our genes or something! But what we need to get better at is taking responsibility and then... INSPECTING what we EXPECT.
What these people are doing out there at these tea parties is exactly that.
That is the bottom line message. It really doesn't have a whole lot to do with who told you about it or who was holding the camera. It has very little to do with Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative. They are AMERICANS!
But after they - like me, WOKE up, kicked their own _ss, they are just letting those who we all have voted into position to represent - that we are going to kick their _ss if they think for a minute there are anymore FREE lunches and they are going to be held accountable.

Sit down and just ask yourselves if YOU love your country.
Sit down and ask yourself if you have any pride for her. She has been weakened, but she has not fallen.
But if you - if WE all don't get on HER side, she will fall, she will DIE. Then my friends, the entire world will change.
There will be no safe place to hide.
That is what these people are trying to say to these people who are VOTED in.
Somehow, somewhere, someway they all got the idea that they could do what ever they wanted to do, and we have been so asleep that they have.
They are out of control. Like spoiled children. They have got to be reined in or we will lose all of our freedoms. It really is that serious.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Logarock

I absolutely can't believe someone thinks like you. You are the ignorant one by calling these people names.

For all of those who keep making this a CNN vs FOX thing, it's not. Stop taking away from what this is really about. Our country has given the reigns to an admistration that wants to take control of everything. Nearly 13 million in the hole in 6 months and we are still hurting. With the expected healthcare reform coming down the pipe you can be sure we will bankrupt ourselves beyond repair. When the administration attempts to limit our 2nd amendment rights all hell is gonna break loose if this country is in any worse shape.

Again, it's not about CNN and FOX. It's about Obama and his administration and what they are doing to this country. If you want a socialist or communist country, get the hell out and move to one.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by Tentickles
You know I was just at the Houston Tea Party and it wasnt "Right Wing" there were Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Liberals!
CNN needs to shut their mouths, biased sh#t hole media.

Yes certain want to define and categorize so they can then control opinions and tear down based on the definitions they have created.

Its not really a tea party its a mass of ignorant social terrorists that dont want to pay their part and play their role in this time of "change'. These people at the tea party are takers and not givers. They need to get on board with the rest of the world. Plus they are simply the whipped up sheep hordes of conservative right wing radio hosts. Nothing to take seriously.

There is so much misinformation in your post it hurts to read. I stopped taking you seriously when I got to "ignorant social terrorists." And Whipped up sheep hordes? It's abundantly clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:37 AM
This is one of the more thoughtless, knee jerk ATS replies and I've seen a lot of them since joining.

How dare you write such nasty, wicked thoughts? How ignorant must you be to proffer such demonstrably false information?

Why can you not comprehend that many people -- especially older citizens who have an entire lifetime of experience and judgment on their side -- reject the socialist envy and greed you were spoonfed your entire life?

Why do you think hard working people wouold absent themselves from jobs and responsibilities to protest the government STEALING THEIR MONEY AND ENSLAVING THEIR LIVES BY PROXY?

Or are only asinine, Soviet-sponsored causes like "civil rights" and "global warming" allowed for protest? Are only stupid college students and the unemployed allowed to protest? Are only recipients of cash grants and government welfare money allowed to protest?

I paid more in taxes last year than you made gross. I have had ENOUGH government intrusion in my life. I have had ENOUGH THEFT OF MY LABOR. And I intend to fight from this point forward, matching the force arrayed against me point-for-point.

It is a shame you miss this entire concept because that means someone else will be forced to support you, in whole or in part, for a very long time.

Originally posted by WinoBot
I stopped by the one in Boston. Was pretty uneventful and I didn't really see a diverse crowd... Just a bunch of old people with signs that bashing socialism and calling for an impeachment of Obama. I do admire that Fox news was able to organize such a huge protest though, i guess it's the Republicans turn now to be anti-american/patriots.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:50 AM
Anyhow, I did not like the cnn reporting, making it sound like these protesters were radicals...

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Adrifter]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by DrZERO

CNN Reporter at Chicago Tea Party: It's "Anti-CNN Since This is Highly Promoted By the Right-Wing, Conservative Network Fox"

CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen could barely get through her live shot at the Chicago tea party this afternoon. Over shouts of, "You're not a reporter," Roesgen quickly wrapped up an interview with an attendee, then said, "I think you get the general tenor of this. It's anti-government, anti-CNN since this is highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."
(visit the link for the full news article)

One thing that I took away from the coverage of the tea parties by fox was that allot of people want to see the CONSTITUTION of the United States restored. People are starting to learn that our founding fathers did not just wake up one day and say well America is going to be a republic. They studied all forms of government, and made a choice based on what history taught them. In fact our founding fathers left us with the wisdom to solve all our problems today, they warned us about entangling alliances with other nations that would cause tensions. Sounds allot like our troubles in the middle east due to an entangled alliance with Israel to me. They warned us about letting banks control the value of our money through inflation and deflation. Right there.

They even warned us about taking god out of our schools, while I agree that their was some point in doing so it taught children morals and values, something parents are failing at miserably, the failure in that though is they did not replace it with something else other then religion that did the same thing.

I know allot of people think that the Constitution is just a piece of paper, your wrong the constitution is America!

On another note I would just like to point out how a lot of the snotty brits on here seem to think they are so much better then Americans, its so nice to see that Americans can protest with out violence and provoking the police. Bravo for everyone who attended these parties wish I could have done so, however I could not get away from work.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
Here's the all important question America; What do you do next?

You decided to voice your opinion, and that opinion was largly ignored by the very government that you protested against.

What is next? Please don't tell me that this is it. When are the people of this great nation going to force the government to bend to the will of the people?

The Question RAYMOND is what are you going to do?

Well they act like they didn't hear but there excessive downplay with words or by just ignoring are symptoms that they are scared. They ignore to much.

In a large way they have responded with a big voice. The revelations from the domestic terrorist report is a clear message manufactured to beat us all down into silence. This only works on people that care what they think. As it is this tactic is backfiring and they knew that was a possibility going out but are so devoid of any substantial arguments to shore up their position that they had to use these classic mind control measures to steam the tide. They are out of touch and/or about to put on the brown shirts and start jackbooting.


By the way, the large turnout yesterday had more to do with information let out by the press since the election. The not so subtle ALL MUST KNEEL TO CHANGE info that is being crammed down minds through the eyes and ears. They know their mind control takeover is not having the cumulative beat down effect so they must blame radio hosts and call these "change" dissenters sheep.

Plus FOX is getting way to much credit. The truth is that there are things going on at the local levels that are operating independently. They are all ready trying to give credit to a "lobbyist" for putting this thing together. The truth is someone has just captured the swell. DO NOT GIVE UP YOU LOCAL INDEPENDENT BATTLES thinking we have had a big blow out. The war goes on and we have to push harder. The fact that so many represented at so many places yesterday just underscores the widespread local unrest.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Logarock]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by on_yur_6
reply to post by Logarock

I absolutely can't believe someone thinks like you. You are the ignorant one by calling these people names.

You right your right. I was being sarcastic. I am on your team.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by merryxmas

Originally posted by Logarock

Originally posted by Tentickles
You know I was just at the Houston Tea Party and it wasnt "Right Wing" there were Democrats, Republicans, Independents and Liberals!
CNN needs to shut their mouths, biased sh#t hole media.

Yes certain want to define and categorize so they can then control opinions and tear down based on the definitions they have created.

Its not really a tea party its a mass of ignorant social terrorists that dont want to pay their part and play their role in this time of "change'. These people at the tea party are takers and not givers. They need to get on board with the rest of the world. Plus they are simply the whipped up sheep hordes of conservative right wing radio hosts. Nothing to take seriously.

There is so much misinformation in your post it hurts to read. I stopped taking you seriously when I got to "ignorant social terrorists." And Whipped up sheep hordes? It's abundantly clear you have no idea what you're talking about.

Again I was being sarcastic and take the blame. This is a hot issue so I should have indicated my sarcasm. Simply pointing out what they think of us.

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