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CNN Reporter at Chicago Tea Party: It's "Anti-CNN Since This is Highly Promoted By the Right-Wing,

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posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by Tentickles

Sorry but I don't believe that Rupert Murdoch has been kicked out of Bilderberg, he's too important for them. Fox News is only turning against the government because it's Obama and want to continue the image that democrats and republicans are differents when it's not the case.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo
When someone says "Everybody knows. I tend to become highy suspicious. Where do you get your facts that "Everybody knows that Fox is a right-wing government mouthpiece and is highly discredited?" Discredited by whom?
I have watched Fox, Cnn, and MSNBC. Only Fox consistently presents both sides of the argument.
You call Glen Beck a scumbag. I find Beck informing and entertaining, and as a student of history, I find he presents the facts correctly. He readily admits to being opinionated, but encourages viewers to form their own opinion.
Did you bother to watch is program Friday or Saturday? It was called "Dested to Repeat?" If you didn't, I'd recommend you find a friend, if you have any, and watch it. Watch it more than once. It is extremely informative.
I am really tired of all the Fox bashing. To those of you who are expecting TSTHTF, I'd recommend you pay more attention to Fox. Their military, intellegence and economic experts might give you a clue so you have time to bug out.
(In case anyone is interested, I don't really care for Sean Hannity. He's a little over the top for me. I only watch him when I know he's having a guest I'm interested in. And I can't tell you when I last watch "On The Record. And I freguently spend my time listening to talk radio. The station I listen to offers a fair variety of shows and opinions.)
I attened the Tea Party in my small town today. It was on the Court House Square. The turn out in our town was relatively small, but it was a good turn out for a city of our size.
And it's a start.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by kettlebellysmith]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
reply to post by Tentickles

Sorry but I don't believe that Rupert Murdoch has been kicked out of Bilderberg, he's too important for them. Fox News is only turning against the government because it's Obama and want to continue the image that democrats and republicans are differents when it's not the case.

You are still incorrect because it has nothing to do with Obama. Fox News has not changed. The same people on Fox were complaining when Bush did things wrong like his Bailout and stance on illegal immigration.

Perhaps you should try and actually watching instead of spewing talking points you apparently know nothing about.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by WhatTheory

Originally posted by Jacob08
It's unfortunate you can't see the manipulation going on here. Fox news is putting focus to the wrong people within the movement

You still have not answered my simple question. Perhaps you don't know the answer but I will ask again. How exactly has Fox News hijacked the tea parties?

Also, how are they focusing on the wrong people? All I see is coverage of the movement with the people giving their opinions. Are you saying they should not be focusing on the people?

whattheory you just have to laugh at these people and let it roll off of your shoulder. half of them claim fox news is running the tea party. the other half are saying that fox hijacked the tea party, and both of them are running out of kool aid and latte cream.

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Swatman]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:41 PM

You call Glen Beck a scumbag. I find Beck informing and entertaining, and as a student of history, I find he presents the facts correctly. He readily admits to being opinionated, but encourages viewers to form their own opinion.

Sorry, but I don't trust Glenn Beck, he's gonna backstab you in the end. I know what he have done in the past, I don't trust him at all. And Ann Coulter, COME ON. ANN COULTER for god sake!! There's no bigger neo-con out there.

I was against the Bush administration for all their crimes, I'm still against Obama for all his lies and plans because they follow the same pattern.

I won't get in your left-right paradigm, because it's fake.

You can trust him, but I don't trust people who stabbed me a hundred time for years than say that they want to be my best friend.

And I don't need Fox News for information, thank you very much, I can read by myself and study history and read documents. And TV isn't fast enough with all the commercials and ect...

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Vitchilo]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by TrueBrit

TrueBrit, our problems, all our problems were not due to capitalism and a free market.

All of our problems, AIG, the banking industry, the financial industry, were the result of government intervention or personal decisions.

You make bad decisions, you suffer. You get greedy and it catches up, you suffer. Bernie Madoff quite frankly was promising more than anyone else could deliver. Trust me, if it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is, and only a fool would invest all their biscuits in one oven.

Our federal regulations compelled - COMPELLED the banking industry to engage in housing welfare. Had banks been left to their own devices, many of these faulty loans would have never been made.

What's the old saying? Banks only lend to those who do not need the loan. At least in a capitalist market. And it works.

We don't need socialism here in the US. We don't need the drones sucking the life out of the producers.

If the drones don't drive new cars, eat steak, and watch TV on their HD big screen, then it's just tough.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:45 PM
WHen Fox News puts ol Joe the PLumber up there to speak for 'the movement' - ug - well, I won't say EVERYONE KNOWS but **I** know that no democrat is going to be wanting to go and be part of THAT.

Remember ol Jo the Plumber in Isreal? hahaha

THey are using it to divide. Any potential for the protest movement has now been cut in half or more.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:46 PM
What everyone needs to remember is that if the Media discredits this, it only goes to serve their purposes. I think what the crowd in Chicago was really showing was it's disapproval of the way the media has been a lap dog for the President and have a condescending tone toward the backbone of the country. This reporter couldn't have been more condescending to the crowd if she had tried.

Remember MSM has always changed the names of items to make them sound nicer when it serves there purpose, for example (Pro Choice or Death Penalty). When it is something they don't like they find the harshest terms or examples for it, for example finding signs in the tea party crowds comparing the President to Hitler.

We know that these type of events are always going to bring out some of the nut jobs, but for most of us who agree with the idea, it is due to principles.

The United States is made up of 50 states who provide the federal government the right to do what it needs to do for the country. It is not up to the federal government to tell the states how to behave.

This is a country of the people, for the people and by the people.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:53 PM
What should scare people about this is that any Reporter from any Channel is in the hip pocket of any Politician. That woman is not a reporter, she is a Partisan Hack. No wonder their ratings tanked. She was not reporting, she was creating the news.

Fox is easy to understand. They produce what will bring the highest ratings. It is perfectly normal they would evolve with time. Just good marketing and astute observation of potential viewers.

They are freaking out because these protests are ordinary working folks engaging in peaceful protest. The scariest thing that could happen to them. They can't demonize the protesters who are obeying the law, have permits and are not hurting anyone. Now is when we find out who the phonies are. That woman from CNN is one of them. She clearly is suffering from Delusions of Grandeur.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
What should scare people about this is that any Reporter from any Channel is in the hip pocket of any Politician. That woman is not a reporter, she is a Partisan Hack. No wonder their ratings tanked. She was not reporting, she was creating the news.

Fox is easy to understand. They produce what will bring the highest ratings. It is perfectly normal they would evolve with time. Just good marketing and astute observation of potential viewers.

They are freaking out because these protests are ordinary working folks engaging in peaceful protest. The scariest thing that could happen to them. They can't demonize the protesters who are obeying the law, have permits and are not hurting anyone. Now is when we find out who the phonies are. That woman from CNN is one of them. She clearly is suffering from Delusions of Grandeur.

its a sad day when a reporter goes to a rally and spews liberal talking points. im surprised she still has a job. reporters should report the information, not interrupt people after you just asked them a question. hopefully she cannot sleep tonight because of the angry mob outside of her house.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by hadriana
WHen Fox News puts ol Joe the PLumber up there to speak for 'the movement' - ug - well, I won't say EVERYONE KNOWS but **I** know that no democrat is going to be wanting to go and be part of THAT.

Wow, your ignorance is astounding.
Joe the plumber was NOT speaking for the movement.

He was giving his reasons for being there. They also had lots of other guests including lots of ordinary people who are in the crowds who want to express their disappointment in what our government is becoming.

BTW, there are lots of democrats, independents and republicans at these tea parties. You do realize that there are lots of old school democrats also don't want the government raping them and leading our country to socialism, communism or marxism.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:04 PM
Keep in mind that this is midweek, and a lot of folks WHO HAVE JOBS and are paying taxes, were AT WORK!

Imagine what the crowds could have been, had this been a Saturday or other holiday.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Fox is easy to understand. They produce what will bring the highest ratings. It is perfectly normal they would evolve with time. Just good marketing and astute observation of potential viewers.

That's not the image that most of their leaked memos portray of them, which I pointed out in this thread.

I don't know why I even bothered with that, it's obvious when you watch FOX "news" that they get a woody for the republicans. Not that the Democrats are perfect, they suck too.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:37 PM
IMHO, the libs are so bent out of shape because fiscal conservatives, be they Republican, Democrats, Libertarians, or Independents, don't protest. For years, conservatives have sat back, called and written their Congressional reps and taken the crap the liberals have thrown out and now that they have had a belly full of it, they are hitting the streets just like the libs have done for years for whatever reason. AND it scares the h*ll out of the libs because FINALLY we are mad enough to get off our butts and do something.

The libs are responding the only way they know how - by calling names, marginalizing and demonizing.

Actually, Rick Santella on CNBC is the one who got this ball rolling with his rant about the bailouts. If FOX picked up the ball and ran with it, good on them. Conservatives (and libs) watch FOX news, and if that's what it took to get conservatives mad as h*ll, out of their recliners to hit the streets and let our voices be heard, more power to Fox. I could care less who actually started it, or for what particular reason they had in mind, conservatives are finally standing up the the liberal crap that has done so much to destroy this country.

People are sick and tired of the governnment's constant interference in our lives and it's about time we send a loud and clear message to the criminals in DC.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo
You say Glen Beck has stabbed you in the back a hundred times. Would you care to elaborate on how a tv/radio personality can stab you in the baci. You have the on/off control. Just turn them off or change the channel.
I realize that a great many people on this sight don't like Ann Coulter. I readily admit that much of her writing is over the top, and she may well be a neo con. But much of her writing is satirical, a style of writing that has been used for centuries to poke fun at th
e falings or excesses of society and political parties. (Read Gulliver's Travels, in the historical and political context in which it was written and you will see what I mean.)
I don't get all my info from TV. And I probably spend more time than most people on this board reading history, as well as biographies and auto biographies of historically influential people. So don't think you are the4 only one on this site who bothers to read or do dreasearch.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:09 PM
The CNN Reporter sounds like a whining imbecile, who has an infantile nature about her prospects and mindset indeed. She just flagrantly ousted CNN as a Partisan mouthpiece with an ulterior agenda behind their coverage of todays Protests. FOX News, whether you rely upon it as your news source of choice, or not, was in fact far more professional in nature, even during the heated Presidential Campaigning of last Fall. Even such personalities as Bill O'Reilly, when they involved themselves in a crowd built heavily upon the shoulders of Obama supporters, still managed to act in a far more mature manner as opposed to this farce of a journalist.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by hadriana

WHen Fox News puts ol Joe the PLumber up there to speak for 'the movement'

People did not show up for Joe the Plumber to speak for them.

They showed up to have their own voice.

The media had better start being more careful of their's going to backfire if you don't give some of these people a fair shake.

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by CuriousSkeptic
Fox News went from being the anti-christ to now being the savior? CNN gets blasted by Fox News watchers. I am perplexed and somewhat alarmed that Fox News is now taking claim for these tea parties at the least and responsible for them at the most.

Lets be fair, Fox News is the highest rated news organization, it trumps CNN and MSNBC, etc, in viewership combined... So people are watching it. As for it being the anti-christ, im sure to some liberals it is...

[edit on 15-4-2009 by Fox News]

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by DrZERO
Typical biotch spoting typical bs in front of a typical bs camera with a typical bs live report from somewhere her bs self shouldn't have been.
Was that too much ?

posted on Apr, 15 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by dooper

Exactly! The CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) is a big reason why there was a housing bubble to begin with. The government wanted to GAURANTEE LOAN'S even if they were bad! So a bad government regulation is really the cause of the housing collapse. This and this alone is a big reason why the economy is so bad, whats not helping is an influx in government spending.

Governments growing, while the economy abroad shrinks, how long will this last before government consumes everything? And then what?

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