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The Three Different Types of Greys

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Yes, I notice their posts and threads a lot. Mikesingh does some really good work. I also go to the livingmoon website by Lear and read up on as much info as I can. There is just far too much discovered to accept the lame explanations given for this, when often theres actual evidence of tampering and many disclosures by credentialled folk that they were paid to airbrush pictures. We have to get over our inability to accept the evidence thats already there and move on to what this means for the human race, especially since many of us are being personally affected by our visitors, and ultimately it is the planet that is being affected. In other words, it rains and both the believers, experiencers and the skeptics alike. What is the agendas will affect all of us in the same way as well.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Well that's creativity and innovation. And that is not from a big brain either. Homo erectus, are closest non-human relative, and the common ancestor of us and Neanderthals, couldn't imagine either, nor draw, nor create that well. That's a human trait that we picked up from an unknown event that occurred and pushed us to the limit of near extinction. And again, that cannot happen twice the same way. If it did, I'd be looking at some kind of God, because such events just don't happen the same way twice all on their own.

What is known is that humans nearly went extinct, and came limping out changed, as a new species: homo sapiens. What changed was that we could think and imagine. We are the only species that can see see beyond what is there, like the afterlife. That, however, never needed a big brain.

reply to post by mystiq

Trees are very odd in evolution. How is it that the first flowering weed in the Jurassic (or Cretaceous, whatever) evolved through the same exact path into a flowering tree, even though it's non-flowering relative did the same thing millions of years earlier.

It's almost like trees can only evolve on way and no other.

But animals, as you well know, can change into anything, and diversify limitless.

Also, marks on the land don't do much. I mean, I've always thought the face was something, but again, these are human minds looking at rocks. Weren't we the same species that made random dots in the sky into constellations? It is the human mind's nature to make things into familiar sites. I mean, you don't actually believe the New Hampshire face in the rock was really someone making that? There are countless places on Earth named for looking like someone or something. Why would another planet be any different?

And if you've seen greys, I would really like you to give me a picture for my own studies. I enjoy looking at them. Lets me nit pick and also inspires me to write down my own thoughts.

Thanks if you can. I'd really appreciate it.

like one of those biology drawings of birds and tings.

All and all I've enjoyed this discussion and it's inspired me to make a topic of my own on other life. See, I tried that remote viewing stuff a long time go and never really typed about what I saw. But I believe the comprehension that I dreamed up is pretty cool

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Gorman91]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Internos does good work as well in analyzing videos and pics of ufos,etc.So do you remember anything of an agenda?

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:58 PM
For me, I keep attempting to work around the blocks which are a large part of it.
And in addition to their blocking my memories, my thyroid has completely quit, and is 100% nonfunctional, so I have to deal with thyroid fog and major health problems. By the way the thyroid issue is found amongst experiencers quite a lot, and its pretty strange. Two of my friends on ats have the same problem as well, who are experiencers. Thyroid not only affects health, metabolism and memory, but also makes dream work hard, and I sleep deeply.

My first of the two books on remote viewing by Joseph McMoneagle just came, this one is "Remote Viewing Secrets" and I'm looking at tools that can shed more light on the agendas. So far, the glimpses I have are very positive, except the first memory that surfaced a bit, and the dreams I had were my father and brother an myself were in danger at some kind of water treatment plant. I felt that there were many reason for the suppression of memories, probably related to sensitive information on their parts, never mind anything negative surfacing such as dna or medical procedures. The other memories are short glimpses and I really feel like I didn't want to be returned back home, especially as a child around 8-11. I wanted them to keep me.

But the contact with the sitings of the crafts, and the really strong knowledge that we're being judged and we need to become caretakers of this planet, as well as live in equality like their moneyless societies, this is the thing that leaps out of my memory blocks. The nordics in November after pinging both my son and me in September, October and November in sighting their soundless craft each time it flew over or close out back, gave me a message in a postcard type deal. It had to do with working at a local level, grass roots to wake people up, region by region. Close to home. And our leadership was not on humanities side.

I understood that this was being addressed but the sense I got then was this would take time. Which is one of the reasons we need to speed up disclosure as well. Theres too many disaster predictions, and even if they don't come to pass, other things such as depleted uranium bonded to our atmoshpere, breaks in the food chain, depletion of the oceans, threats of nuclear annihilation, climate change and numerous natural consequences still exist. Whenever I've asked for help or guidance for the people here, knowing full well from my own experiences that we're heard, I've felt monitored and that this was a very good idea for many to do.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:28 PM
hmmm, well I could tell you some really freaky stuff from that remote viewing phenomenon. I've done it once or twice. Maybe it was aliens, maybe not. I certainly asked to be taken away because I was depressed, though I didn't see any little gray guys or anything. I can relate to the whole "take me with you" feeling. I just wanted to leave and never come back. Go somewhere else, live there, and be happy.

I can't find myself believing what I saw was real, but it most certainly was odd. The one image that is burned into my mind is a dream where I'm some soldier in Brooklyn fighting some unknown enemy. I turn around and saw a burning New York, and the freedom tower, still with construction cranes on it, getting bombed and the whole city going to hell. The sky was orange with fire, almost like the sky was burning. It was something, that's for sure. That was the opening of the dream. I remember bits and pieces, but the ending was interesting. I was sitting on some cliff or edge of a building, the sky above was gray and the environment dead, with a dieing tree right next to me. Behind me was a large white tower in what appeared to be a wasteland. Inside were plants and man made jungles, towered, like a vertical farm or something. The machine was sucking up the bad air and ejecting massive amounts of good air. In the distance there were more of these white towers. The towers were apparently scrubbing the skies. The war I saw in the beginning had ended in no one's victory. All the nations lost, and many died. What survived were some military generals who agreed to stop fighting and basically made a world union. All the governments of the past had been exterminated from the war. The war left no nation untouched, and had left maybe a billion dead. What I saw were Americans, Russians, Europeans, English, all kinds of generals from all kinds of nations at a summit, forming a new post-war government. It was like the governments had simply collapsed and only dictators were left.

I was just sitting, watching a valley, and listening to the hum of a sky scrubber. The sun wasn't really able to be seen, but the air could still be breathed. Maybe it's because the sky scrubber was near by, but the sky above me was definably what looked like extreme pollution. Then I started to leave myself, zoom out, and see all the hundreds of sky scrubbers in this wasteland. I zoomed out enough to notice that it was the Mississippi valley area, somewhere near the dead middle of the US. The river was a blackened valley. Apparently, there was a battle down it, because all I saw was the carcasses of tank chassis and enough used bullets on the ground to smelt into a ship.

I get those kinds of freaky dreams alot more and more so these days.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Gorman91]

In any case, I challenge the 3 types of greys with what I've seen in my own dreams and thoughts.

This first is a sentient mammal-like reptile. It has a separated respiratory system from its digestive system. On this world, fish never evolved a jaw, nor did they get to land first. Fish were beaten to it by squids (I talked about this world earlier I think, or it could have been elsewhere). Instead, fish were forced to be tubular suckers, that sucked up food that passed by on the sea floor. As they evolved to get on land, they developed lungs and a respiratory system, but their tubular suckers became their limbs. Meaning that what they walked on was also what they eat with. Over eons, as bones formed and limbs advanced, the tubes became slits that had web structures and ate anything in the air. This species in particular evolved more advanced eating techniques, allowing it to eat pieces of meat from hunting. A bigger brain soon evolved, but this species is still what we would call advancing. It's brain is roughly equal in development to that of homo erectus, but a bit less developed on the logical side of things.

Next one is a failed intelligent squid of the same world. They went extinct a lot earlier and only got as advanced as ape men. They had the potential, but a meteorite came and vaporize them

This next one is a flightless bird as wise as man. It is the height of an ostrich. It has a brain equally as large as man, but rather then go upright, it simply evolved better neck muscles. It has evolved a balancing act as well. Because of its top-heavy load, it can easily balance on one foot, and use the other one to hold a simple spear. It has feet-hands, like a monkey. It's specialized tows can do what our specialized hands can.

Finally we come to the smart dinosaur. This one is from a raptor branch, not a trodon branch. In fact, this creature hunts trodons. This little raptor, like the bird above, has specialized feet-hands. It also has taken after man in brain size and leg posture. The creature's brain is basically a bird version of the human brain. It, like man, has evolved lowered ankles. but this has not made legs like man. Instead, it uses these ankles that touch the ground as a method to hide itself, making it easier to hunt. The legs are like kangaroo legs now, allowing it to pounce on a bigger dinosaur, or fish easily. The dinosaur has feathered (not shown), but specialized communication feathers as well. This creature has evolved to manage its heavy brain by taking after the Pachycephalosaurs. it has a dome. The area is also very gray and stone like, allowing the critter to look like a rock in the plants. It's hands are not sophisticated enough like ours, and still serve only as grappling hooks for pack hunting onto a large animal. The animals use their specialized bodies to tackle onto upper body of an animal and use their long legs to stab the unprotected under body. This enables the creature to have an edge on hunting. Other raptors have to use their mouths and stabbing sickle foot to bring down prey, launched on with their arms. This creature can do the same, but stab deeper into the body, taking down prey faster, and using full frontal assaults, rather than the traditional raptor hunting method of stab-wait-eat. So this way, the creature can bring down prey faster, and in turn, have more meat.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Gorman91]

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Gorman91]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Gorman91

Well those are certainly some possibilities.One reported alien(from Dulce reports)is supposed to be so ugly you have to get used to it.Maybe it is something like your squid creature.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:58 AM
You know, while there may be some very unusual types of ets in the universe, I don't automatically buy into every creature reported as a galactic visitor.
Dr. Michael Wolf talked about the cloning that was done and I have a feeling some of what is represented as associated with the military is some of theirs.
He has 3 series of interviews that I could find and watch on youtube and google.

He also talks about altair, which is spoken of by reconpilot alot too here on ATS.

Most of what we encounter as far the ets go are humanoid. Sgt. Clifford Stone talks about over 50 species.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:32 AM
hey guys i saw you post before about the possibility that dolphins are somehow connected to greys because of thier echo location. i saw read a news article about 1000 dolphins blocking a somali pirates. Maybe this incident sheds some light on intelligence shown by the dolphins. could be something

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:05 AM
Well I really can't see why any species would come into direct contact. No medical technology can prepare you for another world's life that may be toxic to yourself. And I believe there's been quite numerous reports of alien life not being able to live here that long.

So then why risk contact at all? You could even have some hologram be used that looks human so you can talk with them. There's plenty of ways. Again, Humans need to be able to talk to something they can relate to. Most people would be kind of fearful at the unknown. So giving something so unknown a friendly face helps, like when interrogators use things like good cop, bad cop.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Gorman91]

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

No medical technology can prepare you for any form of atmosphere on another planet?

You have to be kidding,you cant seriously think that true!We are talking creatures billions of years ahead of us!We can live at depths of under 3000 feet below sea level!We can also live in space!You don't think an advanced civ. would develop something that would allow them to live in any form of "semi-hospitable"(Earth) environment?I strongly disagree.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:15 PM
Great post! Im always trying to find out more about our intersteller neighbors, kinda scary that most of them are aparantly part reptillian... Kinda like how i figured it would be with the "sumarian reptillians and the blond aryans" they seem to be the only types of e.t.s out there
tell me if you find any more

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by TheAryanHope

Here is a good place to start learning about the multitudes of

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:05 PM
"Most people would be kind of fearful at the unknown. So giving something so unknown a friendly face helps, like when interrogators use things like good cop, bad cop. "
ok your making no sense, please stop. Im pretty sure most people would be estatic to see alien life regardless of how they actually looked because by then we would be at peace with the fact that all life has a fundamental element or soul that resides in all life and its that, that brings us together, not how we look at one another

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Thanks, im having a lot of fun reading all over this site, but the orion wars seem a little... well, funny to me. To think, George was right all along, mabey we should just ask him how to make a warp drive
he might know

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by TheAryanHope

Yea, some of it seems a little out there. But who knows right?

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

Indeed, who does know. Overall i like reading about aliens because they make really good storys and every now and then some make a little to much sense and may be real, but how are we to know. I thnk im just gunna wait till 2012 before i start taking any sides on a ufo disscusion board, but wouldnt it be trippy if even 90% of ufo storys really were real? Its like waiting for a cristmas present, only its an intersteller mothership
i also have some questions about luminessent and gravitational propulsion systems if you could provide a link to a more detailed site about that stuff... I wanta try and make a tiny experimental craft and see if i can just break the stratosphere with it

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by TheAryanHope

Here is a few links on gravitational propulsion....

On the luminescent propulsion are you talking about solar sails?

If your are interested in Superluminal propulsion (Faster than light) I have a thread about it, it is in my signature, the one called "On Superluminal Propulsion".

Hope that helps, google is a wonderful tool,lol.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by mystiq

Originally posted by jkrog08
reply to post by Revolution-2012

I personally dont think most do,but some people think so.I have never heard much good from them.Lets just say I would like to meet a Pleadian before I met a Grey or Reptilian.

Everyone I talk to feels that way. Though I would like to say the nordics that flew over gave "postcards" not face to face contact. They would ping me psi, my son too. We would see the soundless craft flying around out back then go over our roof. I would be sent a clear picture of a nordic couple. I don't know if they look like that really, or if its their calling card for me. There is only a few couples I've seen online and this couple is one of those couples. Thats all they did in September. In October I got a psi message and November. A postcard is a clear picture and psi message often. This year I've had a few of them, and a few without a craft showing itself as well. I don't talk about those much except to a few close friends because they are too wierd. But this is some of how ets communicate. Face to face would be preferable.

But there is a difference between the nordics I experienced and the greys. The greys showed me warmth and the actual feeling I get that I call a recognition protocol, is a strong happy feeling. If the ets don't make me feel this way, wrong ets! In any case, the nordics were cooler than the greys were with me. But it doesn't mean they are cold bot type people, instead it could mean that when you're "telepathic plus" as they are, you have to have extreme control over your mind and emotions and everthing is compartmentalized. They also don't want other et groups to be able to read them easily. So everything would be kept controlled in hard to reach boxes that they share only if they wish to. Also this may be the reason that some are reported to be bots. Perhaps they use combinations of robotic technology as well to keep information from other groups. I don't know. The last part I've only recently been thinking after reading Ingo Swann's book "penetration".

The thing reconpilot and smokingman said is the Annanuki look like us, human looking, only colder. Some reptilians and some greys may have sided with them, but they were more the tall whites people talk about and are nordics. How would you tell which were the good nordics and which were the bad ones, ie. for example like the Sirians that were reported to have given the looking glass technology at Montaulk, not with our best interests at heart? How would you tell. They're super psi and can rearrange the furniture in our heads easily and mess with our feelings. How can we tell?

Maybe they're just like us,humans.
There are good and bad aliens despite of their race.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by jkrog08

jkrog08, are you familiar with the allege Roswell autopsy report? It concluded that the reported grey was of "robot or android like" origin. Lead to the significant belief that the 3 - 4ft greys are cybernetic organisms.

posted on Jan, 12 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
Yet some of the experiencers, myself and even my 17 year old son, feel they're very positive people, and Dr. Michael Wolf said there wasn't an et he met that wasn't good, its our leaders that are evil.

You might not want to close your book on this quite yet.

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