reply to post by JacobNH
No, they don't come through the door. Its something to do with the training I believe anyway. My earliest memory leaks of the abductions showed
that we were with a group of children, and I do believe some of it was psi work. I don't have a clue if they're still taking me. The last time I
had an indication of anything was last spring I had one of the familiar small marks I've had for years, that I hadn't known what it was, and saw a
picture of a punch biopsy on rense and realized that I'd had a lot of those.
Postcards are clear images that are sent, like looking at a computer screen image, often with a message. In other words some kind of psi message. I
would never have known what someone meant by them, and I've heard this term before, until this year because this year I've had some. Most of them
were associated with a siting of a craft. Some aren't, so with those theres no feedback or any kind, something tangible. And since I'd prefer them
to knock on my back door and face to face, and have reported for duty, project "save earth and its people" many times, I don't really like
intangible things.
Now in the past I've had enough feedback with my psi to know its accurate, but not when you're doing experiments with it, or trying to increase it.
Then you would need some kind of feedback to guage accuracy and if its increasing. But when it happens spontaneously I end up assuming somethings up.
For example there are many nights when I sense a craft, hidden in the clouds. I don't see it, but I feel the "greys" or sometimes its a nordic
and I'm usually greeted. When I sense their presence, especially the greys, we usually see something. Not the nordics anymore, and I think thats
because of the surveillance.
Hialiens asked me about postcards and I gave him a detailed description of two different ones, these are the ones connected to sitings of crafts, I
didn't include one that was about the prime directive when I was feeling very upset about everything and trying to flesh my earlier memories, because
there was no craft sited, but I'll never forget that one. Its the last post on this page where I answer, a long one, because I went into a bit of
I will give the one without the siting of the craft just to show what occasionally happens. The pocket of energy involved in the postcard is
interative for me. I can explore it a bit afterwards and broaden the picture.
For example, in the postcard sent, I wondered afterwards how her outfit could be comfortable, and suddenly it was on me and was more comfy than my
clothes. An another example, I saw a just below the shoulders, up portrait of her, and then when I was wondering where she was, it widened and I saw
she was in a craft, with a console and technology in front of her.
In any case I was doing the dishes, and had had a few days of feeling rough, trying to broaden my memory leaks. Mediation hadn't worked as some had
suggested it might, but writing to a friend about what I did remember, and trying to find pictures of the greys, telling him to combine the two,
brought back more scenes, and a feeling of danger with the humans, not the ets. They made me feel safe and must have been on top of things, I was
really upset at how we are treated, often since childhood, by our visitors, and their "joint" programs.
Now I often feel monitored, have a sense of being monitored. This time a postcard image of a blond woman, hair around shoulder length or a touch
below, light blond, wearing a skin tight blue uniform came into my mind. She asked me what the prime directive was.
I fumbled for words, and was really surprised. I said something about helping everyone and saving them. She looked like she was talking to a child.
She said, "To free the world" I asked quickly, because it was fading, "Does it matter how many people get harmed in this process?" She said, "I
can't say any more, I'd be in trouble." And was gone.
The ones that I get postcards from wear these blue uniforms.
Theres also ets that live here, and they do some monitoring too. But I'm not going into that at all. I was writing this to a friend, and the entire
message disappeared when I pushed send. Sufficient to say, ets live and work amongst us too.
[edit on 12-4-2009 by mystiq]