reply to post by calihan_12
wow your like wrong. I wasn't popular and I pick clothes I like not what was on TV.
I did have friends but they were geeky kinda like me. The popular kids played tricks with me. Mean tricks and other stuff popular kids do. They
skipped classess got all A'S went to top colleges yet if you ask them any question that they should of learned in those classes that they Aced they
couldn't answer them.
It's not the media fault. It's the government and society that are the problem.
I mean we say porn is ok for adults but not for kids We allow porn in our society what makes you think that it dosen't get in the hands of
The problem is that the government allows porn or sexual stuff, drugs, and violence.
I mean look at the new scary movies they are getting more gory.
I mean you get all that bad stuff in peoples minds and not expect them to do them?
I mean if we grew up in a area where everyone even parents didn't care what kids watch and lets say every kid in the nabor hood watched porn. Your
kid would think it's ok because others are doing it. It will feel to them that it's ok. So they join. They then grow up and their kids would be
the same as her.
The reason is that when we grow up we were taught what's ok and what's not. Then we had media to teach or preach garbage to the kids and theeir you
Media isn't the problem they are a mirror of our society if they know we will buy their products if they had nude or hot people using it or on tv
that says to buy it we will buy it.
I am in a business class right now and our bsiness teach told us flat out that sex sells.
So what I am saying it's our socirty we accept sex, porn, and all that stuff even drugs.
I mean medical mairo , I seen a old lady in our college libary I thought she was a bum.
she had dirty clothes and looks like she never showered and looked drugged up.
She had a pertician thing to allow mairo drug as a pain killer. she wouldn't allow me to pass without signing it so I told her no and yelled to her
saying no. I told her off saying that I am not going to sign it just so you can legally puff the magic dragon. She then stopped when everyone in the
libary looked at us.
I mean I hear americans making fun of Islam saying why are girls covered. They say oh they must be butt ulgy.
I mean hearing that tells alot. Islam teaches that ladies have to respect themselves.
This means to not expose your body in otherwords don't show alot of skin. Cover up.
Cause if you don't guys may rape you or disrespect you by looking at you as if your a perice of meat.
Islamic people even the law says if a lady is raped and got pregnant then it's their fault.
The reason that laws exist is that if they followed Islam in the first place they would of covered themselves. Which would avoided the problem. So the
girl gets punished.
I mean in the U.S their is alot of sexual offenders. The reason is that usally they are alot or watch too much porn.
When someone watches too much porn they start to get bored of watching it so they think it's exciting to do those things to strangers they don't
It's some kind of thrill they get.
So this girl should be tried like the rest. The law is the law. If it applies to grown men or even young men then why not young women?
I mean she had 30 pics on myspace,
I listen to songs and even a music band called slipknot. They expressed in one song I think dead memories not sure.
Anyways they expressed that their is no true love. In todays world marriage is becoming a contract.
I know alot of people who got married and then devorced .
So marriage in America is going down the drain. I am speaking about a majority of America has divorces it's on a rise.
The reason why is that people are not growing up and on top of that how the U.S law makes it seem that marriage is a contract.
If you breach the contract your going to have penalties meaning fees. So it seems America is becoming more of a corperate operation in many cases.
I hope you get my point. I still don't want the girl to go to jail but want her to learn a lesson.
On the other side we need to lighten up on sexual predators .
South Park really shows america in a comedy way.
You should watch the Disney episode. They show mickey with jonas brothers.
And also the latest one about the economy.
well I hope someone looks at my post and really look at it in a openminded way.
It's society that is the problem. If we accept porn and sex as being natural then why won't you think kids would get involved with that?
I grew up in america and I had classes in school . Sex ed stuff I was ticked off hearing the same thing over and over.
I had sex ed in 5th grade which included how to shower and keep yourself clean.
They then in middle school incorperate it into the health class. Then I got it again in highschool class.
All them tell us that it's ok. As long you wear a condom. So I mean I am like thinking what did they just say?
I was surprised. I mean the schools are telling kids that it's ok and normal to forplay etc.
this is true. I was upset cause these classes took time out of my life and it was a waste.
I looking at these posts and I see people blaming the media and some blaming the parents.
This seems like it's own episode of south park. We should blame canada cuz canada isn't a country anyway.
Your quickly throwing the blame game to random people.
It's not the parents nor the media. It's society what ever society accepts your kids will accept.
The reason is that My dad is from pakistan and in the country side they never had girls raped or anything.
In the cities yes the reason why is that in the cities that are developed they have western stuff influencing them. Inda do make porn and people in
Pakistan in the cities do watch them even though it's illegal.
So I am just saying I can give examples of other countries on what they are doing and why they don't have rapings yet over here and other countries
that accept porn get these crimes.
Media is a brainwashing tool. Yet it can be stopped if society doesn't accept it. You will get riots.
Yet America accepts it and therefor this is why these things come up.
Hope this kinda get you thinking like I alwasy say their is more then what meets the eye.
Meaning their is always a reason behind what you see and what you hear. Their is a hidden story or a hidden message.
I hope I didn't go overboard but it's just my thoughts on this subject.