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Emergency Broadcast - New World Order Ahead!

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posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:12 AM
Awesome video, too bad the sheep will never listen

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:26 AM
I got even a better one.

1. People who make things happen. 4%
2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 70%
4. People who knew this would happen for a long
long time because they HEARD about it in the Bible. 19%
4. People who knew this would happen for a long
long time because they READ it in the Bible. 1%

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by thewatchers42

I mean, that is the whole point. Look at these "Bush memos" as an example.
What we have there is a planned coup that was years and years and YEARS in preparation.
But in the end, it never came to be.
The reason was that he could never actually go to the point that he declared himself King. Because then he realized that everyone would just turn on him.
He not only would declare himself king but he would declare his motive to engineer the whole thing from the begining.

The NWO will realize this also. Let them try to chip people. They will be thrown assunder by morning.

9-11 is the perfect example.

When 9-11 happened, my first gut response was "lets go get 'em". Why wouldn't it be? Afterall, I was an infantry soldier for the US Army.
However, I'll admit that not long into the ordeal I started wondering (never voicing these queries) about why that particular date was chosen.

I now know why. It isn't for the benefit of you or I. It is for the benefit of my 7 year old child. He has no recollection of that event. However, forever engrained with him 9-11 will be synonymous with emergency.
It is psychological conditioning.

Long story short, the point is that people know these things. They are just too desinsitized to put the cognitive effort into it to care.
You see, once he names himself King, people say "Wait, you SOB, it was you all along and now YOU ARE TELLING ME ABOUT YOUR MOTIVE FOR IT! BURN NAZI!!!"

Their plan was too meticulous to a fault. They underestimate the good nature of the common man. Being people of priveledge to begin with, they think lesser-folk are simply stupid. They cannot relate to the intelligence of regular folk with their Yale Doctorates.
And to a point regular folk are. But they aren't REALLY stupid. They just don't care much....
As long as things are good, America's Next Top Model and a 12 pack of Budweiser will keep them happy.
Take their food away and tell them you are their new ruler and they will throw you out quicker than sh1t because they have known all along.

PS - Imagine being the dude who finally realizes the plan is doomed after at least 100 years of effort.
What will he do?
He'll try to burn the house down.
So I'd expect a big war any day now.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:52 AM
Inspiring video in desperate times, we need as much material such as this to literally shake the hell out of the mass population out of this incredibility deep sleep.

When world leaders are openly calling for a NWO and a one world currency has it been to little too late? Seems most people don't want to face reality until it's too painful to ignore.

Being an American and having a shred of freedom left I feel stronger then ever I need to use every drop of freedom we have left.

America is a very patient pit bull who can only be beaten so many times before it bits, when a pit bull bits, it doesn't let go. We are at a cross roads, at the point of no return.

I've been a quite observer, mostly preaching to a def congregation. This seems to be a very sad irony today in the country I live in where everyone wants all the freedoms but totally unwilling to fight for there freedoms. We have let our guards down and we wonder why we have been taken advantage of, our country raped and plundered, why we have "free speech zones", why a buck doesn't buy # anymore, why our congress doesn't bow to the will of the people, why we are scared of our government, why we feel belittled and feel what can one person do, why we fight wars not in our best interests. Excuse the run on sentence but I could go all day.

It's easy to get overwhelmed, to loose hope, but as I like to say it's darkest before the dawn. Yes these are dark times we are facing but I welcome the hardship. I wonder why I had such a ruff life, I've come to understand that without discomfort, without pain one would never change.

I could be considered a "terrorist" because I love my country and won't go along with the unconstitutional path were headed. I can't fly because I speak my mind and use my "freedom of speech". I guess I've over drafted my quota to use my voice and my so called right to free speech protesting.

I feel like I'm blue in the face, no one wants to listen, sadly people don't know what's coming, I can't say anyone deserves what's to come yet all the signs and wonders have been staring everyone in the face.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by oconnection]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:53 AM
Look I don't know what version of the bible you are referring too... unless you you have an unedited version I cannot imagined you have concluded what is unfolding in the fashion you have in mind from interpreting the bible. What ever words you can read and decipher are not enough to bring you safety by rehearsing revelations, this is a conscious spiritual war.... rebelling is almost useless... if I were you I would use your dreams as your battleground!

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:03 AM
ladies and gentleman it is time to act. NOW or NEVER. this is not fear mongering this is REAL. over the years i have seen some of the most brilliant minds here on ATS,now is the time to put them together and start figuring out what we should do. too long have we spent time trying to wake up the sheep and arguing amongst one another. doing so we are still in the same place. i know that there isn't much we can do and everything that we have tried has waken up some but still very few. is there any other option before we have to deal our last hand?

it is time to stand up for your freedom. fight for your childrens future and your own.

"fight for your freedom or die a slave"


posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:12 AM
Interesting angle - in regard to the NWO never being able to push it far enough for force the people to ask for there help.

But then again, perhaps those incidents were designed to not push people to the edge just yet. Merely a conditioning phase.

For it to be pushed to the edge, you would have to have constant terrorist attacks. But then again, look at Israel - it was never brought to that level - instead the people carried on with there lives, despite all the attacks.

So what if it happened worldwide? In order to create a worldwide terrorist organization you would have to create either many enemies who form alliances, or one large worldwide organization. Another important factor is being able to sustain the terrorist attacks. If things get calm people will question the need for a global empire (NWO). Getting in a position of power during conflict is not difficult - its keeping that power during times of calm, because people begin to have time to think - there isn't a threat that needs to be dealt with.

Even so, such attacks would have to effect basic living needs (food, water, etc) worldwide in order to get people really fired up.

How many of you after 1 week of starvation would second guess doing something against your 'morals' for some food and water? Aside from the obvious starvation, your going to be delusional and running off of your own body, not to mention extremely sleep deprived from the hunger?

"Kill those terrorists and you'll get some food for you and your family"


"Accept our NWO and put us in charge - in return, we'll take care of terrorists and make sure you have food for you and your family"

Family seems to be the determining factor in what your willing to do, or how far you'll go. Would you let your child starve to death? Or rather, could you watch your child starve to death before your own eyes?

Look at Iraq when Saddam was in power. People joined his party just so that they could provide for there family - even if they knew what they were doing was wrong! Others had nothing else to lose - serve or die. Even after America 'liberated' them - The young and the old loved America for freeing them from Saddam - but adults hated them, supposedly because it was supposed to be there fight, they just hadn't taken action yet. Were talking 18-40 age here - what I would assume is the same age range of people here who think change needs to happen. And even as bad as it was then (which ironically was better then what they have now) nobody stood up!

Its one thing being homeless - its another to be starving to death. Anyone with any brain capacity can build a shelter - whether it be some sticks with leaves over it or a well constructed wooden frame, woven with leaves - efficiency will vary
. People cant just make food appear however. Unless you know what your doing, your taking a chance foraging (finding food in the wild). Ammunition is limited by stock, supply, manufacturing, and resources - so unless you know how to trap, hunting with your firearm is only going to go so far, then there's the ordeal of properly skinning and cleaning/cooking. Assuming you didn't use up all your ammo fending off thugs or something.

Everyone expects a simple solution, but there isn't one. Nothing in life is exempt from the universal principle of dependency. You can either depend on knowledge (farming for food, water purification for water, hunting skills for food, etc) for survival, or you can depend on services (supermarkets, grocery stores, etc) to take care of your survival.

The only choice that remains is who you depend on. Each choice however has its pitfalls. If you depend on yourself to survive, you wont have time to play xbox if you still haven't hunting for the day. On the other side, you'll have plenty of time to play xbox if you heat up a microwave dinner - you just may one day realize you have no freedom.

- Cont.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:13 AM
In a sense, the NWO is justified for doing what they are doing, reminds me of the Matrix actually.

- When Agent Smith is talking to Morpheus in the government building

"Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at it's beauty, it's genius? Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world. Where none suffered. Where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your perfect world. But I believe that as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. The perfect world would dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this, the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization which is of course what this is all about."

Since they have to provide all the resources so that we can survive, they have become our caretakers and feel that because of this responsibility that they have taken, we should worship and serve them in return.

You want to change things? Change that dependency.

I'm not saying that we should only focus on our survival and not help others. What I'm saying is that first, we should focus on our survival, by our own hands. You cant help someone else stay alive if your dieing too. And working together will only work if we understand each other, or rather, willing and open to understand each other. Teamwork only works if the team works together. But more importantly, the team mate needs to be confident in his own abilities - then you can slowly work to have confidence in your team which results in team work. Don't believe me? Look at our militaries. In a firefight, it doesn't matter if you hate the person next to you cause he's black and your white, or if your religion is different then his/her, or if your smarter and dumber.The ONLY thing that matters is whether or not that person if going to cover you when SHTF.

There is much wisdom in the world, but it came from great sacrifices over time at a very high cost. Make those sacrifices worth-while, learn from it.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:53 AM
reply to post by Bombeni

Great post.

No point trying to convert the unconvertable now - it's too late.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 01:57 AM
i cant find a bible i want to desipher it myself, if you all know what is going to happen then post it here on ats cause im sure me and a whole lot of others sure as "heaven" wanna know and dont tell me to read the end of the book cause its the same story 7 angels come down and blow their trumpets and we all systematically die except those who are saved.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

The only way you can possibly stop this is to walk away and stop contributing to society. That is not going to happen unfortunately because people are conditioned to hold onto what they have. If you are going to try anything to stop it remember that.

As for the bible, if people are going to try and condemn someone elses viewpoints at least have the manners to read the damn book and make your OWN interpretation before you comment with someone elses viewpoints. I mean people say they reject religious views yet comment with catholic, protestant, mormon etc stances as their objections against religion as a whole.

IF what the bible says is true, there is nothing you can do to stop it because mankinds time of ruling the planet is up and it will not just be your average joe who can do nothing about it but also the governments, the NWO etc
They will soon see there mistakes IF indeed it is true but it will be far too late. There will be peace first if this is all the case.
At least I made an effort to read the book before I made a comment.

Please remember that I have emphasised the IF's for a reason but more and more things are happening that are indeed in the bible. Perception is everything here because if you strongly disagree with the bible it is coincidence, if you agree with the bible it is a prediction and some are on the fence. It amazes me how the exact same people will listen to someones interpretation of world events and say I believe that yet the same people will have listened to a priest or ministers view and said I reject that because it is organised. Same thing is it not? Why not read all the information available and really make your own mind up? After all the one thing everyone still has is choice.

Look at everything that is going on right now and to come. Could you as a human plan this? Execute it and not bat an eyelid for your fellow men and women suffering?
Do you become evil if you fight evil, after all lets say all these guys are wiped out, will you just start it all over again?

Makes me wonder.

Time will tell as it always does. Im on the fence from personal experiences and I never thought I would have this view right now but I certainly wont be sitting around waiting for it to come to my door if it kicks off.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by spellbound

Surprise surprise... we are even more stupid than I thought.

We have broken every law of nature, every law of God (same thing) and every law against each other - again, same thing.

Does anyone honestly think that we will survive when we can't even help our fellow human, let alone the animals and the plants?

We do not deserve to survive.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:46 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by spellbound

Surprise surprise... we are even more stupid than I thought.

We have broken every law of nature, every law of God (same thing) and every law against each other - again, same thing.

Does anyone honestly think that we will survive when we can't even help our fellow human, let alone the animals and the plants?

We do not deserve to survive.

I disagree with that.

I think that there are many people who help their fellow human.

They just do not demand recognition for it for it is something that is done without demanding respect or anything in return.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 02:54 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Yes, thank the Lord there are many who help, but there are many more who not only don't help - they kill and abuse.

My point is that until humankind realizes that they should be nurturing instead of destroying, we are doomed.

I believe that we are doomed anyway, because there has been too much damage.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by XXXN3O

Yes, thank the Lord there are many who help, but there are many more who not only don't help - they kill and abuse.

My point is that until humankind realizes that they should be nurturing instead of destroying, we are doomed.

I believe that we are doomed anyway, because there has been too much damage.

I think that the reason this happens is mainly deeply rooted fear.

Speak to anyone about the world today and question them about this topic. Many will turn around and say "I cant do anything because nobody will listen, my mortgage wont get paid, I will lose my house, my family will starve" me, me, me, me,me. If people realised that they risk the lives that they say they will never give up every single day with that credit card, the purchases they make, the bills they pay, the loans they take etc.
They would soon see how ridiculous it is to agree with a system that thrives on peoples fear based risks when it comes to basic survival. When you look at the bigger picture it would be a lot easier to actually put it on the line to sort countries out.

I mean how many people when they lose everything will start mugging people, stealing from stores, breaking into other peoples houses? Yet they would never try and make a difference where it counts.

Its a slippery slope once you start doing the easy path of I want my own way and its not many peoples faults as they are born into it, but it is their fault when they realise the error.

Unfortunately until people see that, society will always be mainly about, one mans pain is another mans gain unfortunately.

Doesnt mean that you or anyone has to adopt that way of life.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

Yes, that is why there have always been wars etc.

I don't think that you can sort it out by country - people have been brainwashed by money - hence, the me me me money money money thing.

Why don't we take a minute to think about starving people? Do you know that people did not need to starve, but for the greed of some people? There has always been enough in this world to sustain everyone in it, but some people took more than their share.

That is why we are all wiped out.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by spellbound

About a week ago.

I was driving in my car and saw what looked like a black bag on the road.
I dodged it and looked in my mirror and it was a guy lying flat out on the road.

I turned around and got out the car.

There were about 7 people standing nearby looking at him muttering things such as "f**king junkie", "look at the state that guys in", "what a waste".

I went over and moved him onto the path and slowly moved him round.

Called an ambulance when I saw the gash in his head.

Turned out he had been beaten up and possibly mugged.
I called an ambulance and waited for it with him, spoke with the police and ive never heard about it since. I wonder if he would have died if I didnt look in the mirror??

That speaks volumes to me about people judging others.

Some need to look in the mirror big time.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by XXXN3O

That is great - I know we feel the same - but we can't change it now.

Helping others is mandatory.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by XXXN3O

Yes, that is why there have always been wars etc.

I don't think that you can sort it out by country - people have been brainwashed by money - hence, the me me me money money money thing.

Why don't we take a minute to think about starving people? Do you know that people did not need to starve, but for the greed of some people? There has always been enough in this world to sustain everyone in it, but some people took more than their share.

That is why we are all wiped out.

The way I look at it is.

Everything is based on debt, if you are getting a sum of large cash or even small, someone is missing a payment. Especially right now when banks are not loaning money.

Its a sick system and eventually everyone is going to get caught out with it.

Its not an easy thing to sort out though is it?

You can only do your best after all if you choose and if everyone did that we would maybe make it through.

I have faith in humanity from what I have seen as a whole so far in my life.

I think in the end we will be better people as a whole when we learn from this period.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by spellbound
reply to post by XXXN3O

That is great - I know we feel the same - but we can't change it now.

Helping others is mandatory.

If you feel like this there are people who share your view and help others.

Believe it or not, the masons.

I am just mentioning this to you and I am not in the masons if I was I would not be allowed to say this as no mason can ask you to join.

"Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you"

I wouldnt believe everything you read with conspiracies.

[edit on 27-3-2009 by XXXN3O]

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