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Emergency Broadcast - New World Order Ahead!

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posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 08:41 PM
Non-violence trumps all.

I pray we learn this soon. Perhaps if only we'd learn from history. Violence is short term resolution. The band-aid upon my severed arm.

Or to let them play their card, order out of chaos.

Now we must evolve.

Be In Peace.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

There are about 1100 billionaires in the world today and I'm guessing that a good number of them are involved in the conspiracy of the Elite, so what would happen if the other 5.9 Billion people on the planet decide they've had enough? Its all about education, if everyone knows its coming and everyone resists than there's no way they can implement it. They need the people to beg for it and support it which is why they have world leaders using the phrase New World Order to get people used to it so that as soon as a big enough catastrophe hits they can come out with this "new" plan to save the world. They need us, at least until they can build robots that do all our jobs for us, so let's take back the world before it gets that far

We are the ones who allowed this to happen, we are the ones who because of our greed, apathy, and human nature, allowed the power to fall into so few hands. Its only a matter of time now...

The only way to save the world is for the 5.9 Billion people who aren't evil manipulative power-hungry Elites to rise up and take back our planet, which honestly we should've done long long ago....

[edit on 26-3-2009 by Titen-Sxull]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 09:47 PM

Non-violence trumps all.

I have to respectfully disagree. Violence should be a last resort, yes, but when an oppressive regime pens you in a corner and leaves you no other option, it's time to fight back. This once great nation was founded when a group of brave, freedom loving men and women decided they had had enough of the tyranny under which they struggled and decided to fight back. Violence is a necessary evil.


posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 09:57 PM
It is true, its funny the bible is mentioned here because the illuminati and the masons and such are satanic freaks. In my research into the illuminati from people like David Icke, Alex Jones, and my own research into illuminati teachings of Aleister Crowley, which I would highly recomend. these people actually worship the devil. It creeps me out as I am not a christian but when you start to understand the truth you understand the devil is as real as anything else because people have created him. The devil exists in the matrix of concioiusness as an entity. This is what david icke speaks of when he talks about the matrix and the reptialian overlords. This may sound crazy so take it or leave it but it explains why there are mass sacrifices on dates that have significance in their sick religion. Why do you think we are in Iraq, the land of mesopotamia? It has religious significance of course. The conciousness of mandkind has been diluded and we are coming to the end time. I am no christian nor any religion Im just a man seeking the truth and once you realize that existance is so much greater than the world of form you can see how the vices of man act as demons to enslave the soul. Think of it as a Virus on a computer. It perpetuates it self. If anyone believes anything that I say look within to find the truth. Dont believe in any conjecture but instead follow the truth. Whether or not the devil exists the masons and the illuminati hail him and sacrifice to him. Why do you think they wanted to plant us with chips in our hands? Its the mark of the beast! as revelations states the mark of the beast will be used for trading goods, you can even find the mark on products serial code. The Riders of the Apocolypse are among us. The NWO is the beast of revelations. Whether or not your religious the illuminati is and they will do whatever they can to fullfill this prophecy

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

Yes, apparently we are all asleep at the wheel.

Much unlike yourself that is doing ummmm what about it all again?

Buying guns? Stocking up? Buying Gold? Making community plans??

LOL... sorry, but in all the years I have been on/reading/watching/posting on ATS, I keep seeing the same things over, and over, and over... NWO, NWO, NWO, that damn falling sky...and with ALL that, are you saying that YOU are the only one paying attention? That YOU are ultimately the pinnacle of preparedness for this so-called NWO? That only YOU aren't in your own words "asleep at the wheel"?

Or now really, are you just spouting off in such a widely read forum as ATS because you think there will be a greater gathering of like minded individuals with whom you can clambor for this NWO paranoia in hopes that it either happens catastrophically (because lets face some semantics here my friend, NWO -new world ORDER- ORDER being the operative word here) could ACTUALLY be miscontrued by SOME knowledgeable individuals as some kind of POSITIVE word, or so that when your perceived catastrophe does occur you can be in the forefront of the obligatory soothsaying I told you so's? You see ORDER to say, I dunno, a person with OCD to pull an obsession out of the hat, might ACTUALLY have a POSITIVE connotation attached to it.

ORDER, the antithesis of technically speaking, if you're not a proponent of order, then clearly you must be a proponent of chaos. But you see, there ARE those of us who know that BETWEEN absolute order AND absolute chaos is acceptable middleground.

give the topic a rest already.


posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:10 PM
We all talk about the "knowledge" that we have acquired by visiting this site, reading good books by authors such as "The Fourth Riech" by Jim Marrs and the such, but what have we done to prevent the elite from executing this plan, and what can we do?

The ruling elite is extrodinarily small; however, the poeple they control through the media, religion, and the chain of command in the military, private military (Halliberton, Black Water, etc...), and police forces is immense.

I know I am being negative, but I just don't see the masses suddenly being enlightened. I see them looking at us as kooks. I see them accepting the governmental controls on their lives in exchange for the illusion of safety. I see them going along with the government, any government, because they are affraid and don't what to rock the boat.

Look at Nazi Germany. I'm sure many Germans circa 1939 hated Jews, but I am also sure that many more Germans either were brainwashed by the government to hate Jews or simply didn't hate Jews but didn't see anyway to do anything about the injustice.

I think the Government is really good, and always has been really good at conditioning the masses to do as it suits them.

Watch the movie Hotel Rowanda. People were slaughtering their neighbors because the People in charge told them too.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SLAYER69

I think Europe will switch to cashless economic system June 2009.
A chip will be put under the skin.
The USA will not use that system.
Everyone is looking for 666 mark of the beast.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:36 PM
Veritas Omnia Vincula Vincit

"Truth Overcomes All Things"

We shall overcome and win this no doubt. The only question is to how much must be sacrificed and how long we must endure.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:48 PM
Yeah, the question arises again how do we take action?
Well in order to take action we must as a people have a basis to stand on that we can be unified in enough to the point where we agree on basic and necessary principles of action. This will create a strength within numbers and purpose.

The only way we can do anything against the NWO is to unify with each other with the knowledge that is available over the net and in books and in what is obviously happening.

The problem remains although in that we are not unified. As stated in the OP, trivial things separate us. Trivial things that have been strategically placed within our world for that very same reason. We have been purposefully confused, we have been purposefully led into not knowing what to believe so that when the time comes we will not know what action to take necessary to stop all this BS.

Through disinformation, conspiracies, politics, religion and many more hot and debatable topics we are led into a mess of endless opinion and information.

This is a refined process in which the PTB understand the inner cogs and gears. They know the in's and out's of the machine they have created. We outnumber them for sure but as we are so concerned by everything else (as established) we remain un- unified.

Now to those who can put away the dividing factors of triviality and materialism. The few percentage that can look over distractions and realize what is happening. To those that can subdue their religious beliefs and personal opinions for the important things happening, I am with you.

Either we do this or we will forever remain lost to our selfish purposes as the world dissolves rapidly around us.

The small percentage can grow but first we must find some common grounds in which are powerful enough to temporarily drown everything else. We need to prioritize and take back our freedom.

After enough of us can become unified, only then can we truly take necessary action. Only then can we make a difference. Only then can fear be smothered with purpose.

But until then.....

[edit on 26-3-2009 by N3krostatic]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:55 PM
Mmmkay, so we hear about this all the time on here.
Everything that is coming at us, and how we aren't doing anything.
"asleep at the wheel" as you said, I'm just wondering what do you expect us to be doing? What possible things can we be doing to prevent this?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
I just have something to add to your list:

1. People who make things happen. 4%

2. People who watch things happen. 6 %

3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 70%

4. People who knew this would happen for a long
long time because they read it in the Bible. 20%

1. People who make things happen. 4%

2. People who watch things happen. 6 %

3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 70%

4. People who knew this would happen for a long
long time because they read it in the Bible. 20%

5. People who make it happen because the Bible says so, 7%

6. People who just dont' give a rats, 15%

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by Bombeni

you do know that the bible is a collection of books, that was put together 1500 years ago. They picked the books that they thought told the story they were trying to tell. The old testament is older, but ....

Yeah, more christians are not very christ like. Stopped going to church for that reason. Still read the bible, have over 50 copies of it, and my mother works for the bible society which translates and distributes bibles. When I visit the store to pick her up, I often snatch up a bible I havent seen yet, and look up verses to see how the structure of the sentances change.

Youd be surprised how one or two words change, could actually change the meaning of things.

The bible does not belong in this thread.

NWO can suck on my clean shaven Balls.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by zombieslettuce
Mmmkay, so we hear about this all the time on here.
Everything that is coming at us, and how we aren't doing anything.
"asleep at the wheel" as you said, I'm just wondering what do you expect us to be doing? What possible things can we be doing to prevent this?

if you dont know what to do, then just keep yourself informed of current and past events so that you will not be caught with your pants down. If you cant fight it, then at least be able to spot it when it does happen (if, i mean if it happens)

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:18 PM
The New World Order for conspiracy theorists seems to be like the end of the world for the faithful. Every crop thinks it'll be their time, and every time they have been wrong. I could make an argument that the New World Order was coming with the collapse of the USSR, that it was coming when Kennedy was assassinated and Johnson took office, or any number of other 'turning points' that didn't result in jackbooted thugs marching along our capital roads.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:24 PM
I've actually gained a good deal of hope due to recent happenings.

In particular, those Bush memos. It appears that Bush was actually trying to take this country over with military force.
But it never happened.
Why? Because no matter how well planned they thought they were, they could never accomplish one thing (and this is where I think the 'nwo' will fail also), they couldn't put the final push into action without tipping their hand.

You see, they realized something. Once they make their agenda OPEN (and I mean really open here... not in the sense we think of with these politicos talking about new world order) but meaning "Hey, call me king george bush"... Then they have the problem with trying to quell the obvious outrage following the realization of their deceivious intent by the masses...
All the false flags. 9-11 (twice) The Cole, The Economic Collapse... and they never could take it FAR ENOUGH to make the people come to them for help.
All of the "elevated terror threats"... But go ahead and go shopping, and while you're out, buy some plastic sheeting and duct tape in case of a nuclear blast...
These were all attempts, but they never could go far enough to push people over the edge...
I think it is a combination of a few things. People in the General Public, unlike them, still believe in good. And most still believe in God. (Yes, the bible is a part of this topic.) The other factor is something of their own device. They have dumbed people down too far. As Skeptical Al said, a lot of people just don't give a damn. No matter what.

How many people do you guys know that rushed out and bought that plastic sheeting and duct tape after 9-11?

People know what is going on, they just don't care and don't want to admit it.

But lets see them try to implant people with chips.
It will never happen. Talk about a crap-storm.
Once they take it to the edge, they lose.
And they'll realize that soon. Real soon. Like in a few days at that G20 summit. Crap will hit the fan HARD that day.

[edit on 26-3-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR

Why? Because no matter how well planned they thought they were, they could never accomplish one thing (and this is where I think the 'nwo' will fail also), they couldn't put the final push into action without tipping their hand.

You see, they realized something. Once they make their agenda OPEN (and I mean really open here... not in the sense we think of with these politicos talking about new world order) but meaning "Hey, call me king george bush"... Then they have the problem with trying to quell the obvious outrage following the realization of their deceivious intent by the masses

[edit on 26-3-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

That is exactly where the NWO will fail, once the sheeple realize that they were robbed of their freedoms, and their own country.. well lets just say whoever is in charge will never have enough bodyguards or security, an endless flood of pissed off armed citizens. Who would you bet on? My moneys on the people. I am not an American but believe me, no matter what country they are from the government will not succeed, the people are way too numerous. Once NWO is implemented it will not last long...

Nobody will stand up to the government until it is absolutely necessary, when they are up against the wall with no way out.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by spitefulgod

You must protest peacefully and stand your ground!!! Do what you can and protest the new world order.

Have you ever been caught in the middle of Massive Protests? I am from Washington, D.C., and I have been witness to quite a few. I have YET to see for myself a "Peaceful Protest", they always end up engulfed in Violence, Law Breaking, and all sorts of illogical craziness.

It seems that the last Major Protests which we had on a National Level (i.e., within and across the United States), wherein the participants were actually peaceful, happen to have been the Civil Rights Marches and sit-ins of the 1950's and 1960's. Those protestors actually presented themselves in a Professional, Composed, and Classy manner, which is far more than I can say for the Massive Protests of this Modern Era.

Typically, wherever you attract young liberals, you attract some serious Anarchists and whackos as well.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by TheAssociate

Then we will never evolve. I wish you luck.

And so history will remain the same.

Be In Peace.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by drphilxr

Fight or flight are the only choices in that scenario.

Nobody is wishing for anything. Just doing my part to keep people in the know.
I cannot control how many pay attention all I can do is post and hope people pay attention. After that my hands are washed.

posted on Mar, 27 2009 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by SLAYER69

There are about 1100 billionaires in the world today and I'm guessing that a good number of them are involved in the conspiracy of the Elite, so what would happen if the other 5.9 Billion people on the planet decide they've had enough?

I know it doesn't make sense does it. But just how many are preoccupied with everyday life then say "What happened"

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