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KT Challenge@Shanksville

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posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by CameronFox


First you should take KT's challenge since it's what I posted first. You are jumping out of line. Second, KT is banned here for political reasons, so he can't come on here to take up your challenge.

Although if he is allowed to come back here, I'm sure he wouldn't be afraid to take your challenge after you take his.


posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by D.Duck

Sorry, don't like ambigous statements. What constitutes "most" and how did you arrive at that conclusion? Where is the "official" comment about the embedded material? Why under the crater? Why not around the crater? Why is the crater being described as shallow? What is the baseline used to determine when a crater is "shallow" or "deep" or "average"?

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by AllTiedTogether

Really? Would like to share this evidence? Maybe with the next of kin? Or the insurance companies.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by D.Duck

First you should take KT's challenge since it's what I posted first.

Oh I have taken it. I collected all the evidence surrounding the flight and deliberate crash of flight 93. I determined by the FACTS: Flight 93 crashed on an old strip mine in Shansksville, PA.

My facts include statements from REAL crash scene investigators. Not one.. let be say it again.. not ONE crash seen investigator that was investigating flight 93 thinks anything but flight 93 crashed there. Let me add that not one legitimate airplane crash scene investigator has stated that they don't think a plane crashed there. Oh, I am sure the response will be that they are all in on it. Just like Wally Miller was in on it.

You are jumping out of line. Second, KT is banned here for political reasons, so he can't come on here to take up your challenge.

I am putting up the same challenge to you as well sir. Find flight 1771. Tell me why the investigators there were not able to see a commercial airline.

It was a high speed crash with very similar consequences.

Although if he is allowed to come back here, I'm sure he wouldn't be afraid to take your challenge after you take his.

Well, you seem to be a fan of his, why don't you step up to the plate.

[edit on 25-3-2009 by CameronFox]

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

Flight 93 crashed on an old strip mine in Shansksville, PA.

If 93 crashed in Shanksville then what landed in Cleveland and disembarked passengers into the NASA terminal side of the airport? They have the news of that day also saying that Flt93 landed safely...

Do you just ignore this information that to me would be crucial in making up ones mind?

Do a search for "93 cleveland passengers' and you'll see the NEWS that states that these passengers were all safely removed from the plane. Oh here..

Now these people were all removed from the plane and then their body parts were all identified from the later remains of 93 that was found in a hole in the earth with not one shred of evidence of a crash.... Until they pulled in the dozer and dug in the hole.

The propaganda is truly amazing that they provide to you isn't it?


posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether
If 93 crashed in Shanksville then what landed in Cleveland

Delta Flight 1989.

My husband] and I and six other fellow [...] employees were on the 8 am flight from Boston to Los Angeles on Tuesday, but we were on the Delta flight [1989], the one out of three 8am flights departing Logan that did not get hijacked. Instead, we were forced to make an emergency landing in Cleveland because there were reports that a bomb or hijacking was taking place on our plane. The pilot had radioed that there was suspicious activity in the cabin since one of the passengers was speaking urgently on his cellphone and ignored repeated flight attendant requests to stop using his cell phone while in flight. Also, there was an irregularity in the passenger manifest because there were two people [with the same middle eastern name] who were listed but only one aboard.

Air traffic controllers believed they had a hijacked plane in the air over Ohio on Sept. 11. They just didn't know which plane.

During tense moments that morning at Cleveland Air Route Traffic Control Center, the first guess was that Delta Flight 1989 was hijacked, not United Airlines Flight 93.

“We knew right away we had a problem. The first thought was, "Is that Delta 1989?' ” said Rick Kettell, manager of the Federal Aviation Administration's busiest regional center.

and disembarked passengers into the NASA terminal side of the airport? They have the news of that day also saying that Flt93 landed safely...

"A KC-135 had to come back to the hangar," says Wessel, as if realizing for the first time that this aircraft may have caused some undue confusion. A team of scientists from the Johnson Space Center in Houston had flown to Cleveland on this KC-135 to conduct micro-gravity experiments. (Also known as "the vomit comet," KC-135's are used to simulate weightlessness. The plane soars to high altitudes, then falls back toward the ground, giving passengers a few seconds of zero-G experience. Scenes for the Tom Hanks movie Apollo 13 were filmed in one.)

The visiting scientists could not return to Houston as scheduled on 9/11 once the FAA ordered all planes to land. "After the facility closed, we had to take those scientists to a hotel." The scientists, dressed as civilians, were boarded onto shuttle buses.

Try researching beyond fantasy sites.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

The fantasy site I got some of this from is ATS... Where you posted your OP...

I think I can believe the ATC during the day of 911 and all the other info that was provided that also corroborates these things... I wouldn't believe the statement from someone that was ushered in and told what to say by the mind police. I can think for myself.... How about a source for all those things you think is relevant? Just so I can get a laugh and show you where your wrong...

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether

The fantasy site I got some of this from is ATS... Where you posted your OP...

So you believe everything you read on a conspiracy blog without check sources?

I think I can believe the ATC during the day of 911 and all the other info that was provided that also corroborates these things... I wouldn't believe the statement from someone that was ushered in and told what to say by the mind police. I can think for myself....

You think for yourself? No, you want there to be a conspiracy. There just isn't one.

How about a source for all those things you think is relevant? Just so I can get a laugh and show you where your wrong...

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

I believe what I check out and find to be true and worthy of belief... do I want a conspiracy? No I don't wish for it or look for one to happen. They are there because they have been caused by a group of people that 'conspire' to do something that is illegal and against my fellow man.

Yet you talk about me using sources that may come into question and you use the Enquirer as a valid source and from almost a year later after they killed those people. Don't you think their story would have gotten out a little sooner had the general population of the world just been told that these people died. Just another example of how the MSM covers up for their government and then some believe the lies.

Then the second link is a personal story about the day and provides no identification who wrote it and has "Part of Gray Watson's propaganda." on the bottom of the page... I'd say propaganda too...

Your 3rd link doesn't work and if the first two are any indication I'd have to say that your choice of defining info is quite questionable at the least...

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by D.Duck

Sorry, don't like ambigous statements. What constitutes "most" and how did you arrive at that conclusion? Where is the "official" comment about the embedded material? Why under the crater? Why not around the crater? Why is the crater being described as shallow? What is the baseline used to determine when a crater is "shallow" or "deep" or "average"?

Hooper, are you saying that the official story as KT has presented it in his video is incorrect?
If so, please tell us what you think the official story of where all the pieces of Flight 93 supposedly went after it allegedly crashed.

Why cant KT be back and join discussion himself, fix it and you are the man.


posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:26 PM
CF with all due respect the challenge was NOT statement(s),but verifyable pictoral evidence,which ought,in my opinion be a dated video of the cranes in operation as digging a thirty foot deep hole is not a backhoe and dozer job.A hole would contain all evidence which would make it easy to find.All of it that wasn't burned.Besides,that hole looks like an old hole,eroded,even.Wasn't it shot down,anyway?These liars can't reconcile their cover stories.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by AllTiedTogether

I believe what I check out and find to be true and worthy of belief... do I want a conspiracy? No I don't wish for it or look for one to happen. They are there because they have been caused by a group of people that 'conspire' to do something that is illegal and against my fellow man.

Yet you talk about me using sources that may come into question and you use the Enquirer as a valid source and from almost a year later after they killed those people.

It wasn't the "National Enquirer" it was an online version of a paper in Cincinnati.

If you had bothered to go to that page (or bothered to read it) you would have seen that it was written by M.R. Kropko of The Associated Press.

In this article you would have also seen that it was quoted by Rick Kettell, who was the manager of the Federal Aviation Administration regional center.

I apologize for the broken link.

There is plenty more information here:

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by trueforger
CF with all due respect the challenge was NOT statement(s),but verifyable pictoral evidence,which ought,in my opinion be a dated video of the cranes in operation as digging a thirty foot deep hole is not a backhoe and dozer job.A hole would contain all evidence which would make it easy to find.All of it that wasn't burned.Besides,that hole looks like an old hole,eroded,even.Wasn't it shot down,anyway?These liars can't reconcile their cover stories.

I provided a video. This was from a plane crash many years ago. This plane was not shot down. This tragedy had a very similar crash scene. Please, I encourage you to watch it.

The pictorial evidence, witness statements, debris, and crater were very similar. This is evidence that the crash scene in Shanksville is consistent with a commercial airline high speed crash.

Again, not a single crash scene investigator has come forward to say that the crash site of flight 93 is not consistent with a commercial airline crash.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by CameronFoxOh I have taken it. I collected all the evidence surrounding the flight and deliberate crash of flight 93. I determined by the FACTS: Flight 93 crashed on an old strip mine in Shansksville, PA.

If you took it, did you pass it? I'd personally love to see your evidence that wins the challenge in the video.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

I did go to the link and checked if you would have noted in my post that I even showed that the second link you provided classified itself as propaganda... which is right in line with your first link being quoted by the FAA.... Funny how the FAA would have to quote an article from a paper though for info...

Even the FAA gets its information from the media...

You still haven't convinced me or anyone else that's reading this... Flt93 landed in Cleveland by the FAAs own account and the passengers were deplaned in the NASA terminal... There bodies later showed up a morgue that was set up before they apparently started digging in this pit and then found the plane... I don't know how this is possible in reality....

I'll believe the truth thanks...

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by CameronFox

There is plenty more information here:

Typical disinfo site, you should pick your reading material more carefully, if you want people to listen to you.

It wasn't the "National Enquirer" it was an online version of a paper in Cincinnati.

LOL what’s the different? LOL

You think for yourself. No, you want there to be a conspiracy. There just isn't one.

Wow! What do you call it when a bunch of people “conspirer” to withhold the truth?
Furthmore, what do you call it when you keep catching your government lying about 911.
I call it a CONSPIRACY!

( No, you want there to be a conspiracy) It shows, you have “never” researched 911 at all.
However, considering the reading materials you chose and support, I can understand why You would believe in such nonsense.

CF, you call that sources, get real!

Try researching beyond fantasy sites.

You don’t have much room to talk, considering those links that you provided.

Come on CF, this is about finding the airplane that supposedly crashed in the ground I have not see any real evidences. Only what he says, and she said, and for all I know where paid to be witness and some phony pictures taken from an airplane bone yard. SHOW ME SOME WRECKAGE THAT HAS SERIAL #s THAT’S MATCH THE CRASHED AIRPLANE, including the serial numbers to the black box that belongs to said planes. The FBI refuses to give us anything even under the freedom of information Act suits that where filed by numerous Agency. Why has our government not dug up the ground to retrieve the airplane? To say there is no conspiracy, is delusional in it self.

I provided a video. This was from a plane crash many years ago. This plane was not shot down. This tragedy had a very similar crash scene. Please, I encourage you to watch it.

The pictorial evidence, witness statements, debris, and crater were very similar. This is evidence that the crash scene in Shanksville is consistent with a commercial airline high speed crash.

Says Whom? Again how can you compare that with Shanksville when we have no PROOF an airplane crashed in PA. (This is evidence) There is no evidence, only what you want to see. You are the only one in here that believes in the OS, none of us do.
CameronFox, why do you believe in the OS, and do not say you don’t because you just said “there is no conspiracy.”

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by CameronFox
I provided a video. This was from a plane crash many years ago. This plane was not shot down. This tragedy had a very similar crash scene. Please, I encourage you to watch it.

Notice how CameronFox is using a typical debunker tactic, trying to steer the thread away from the original post.

This is a thread about Killtown's challenge for the alleged crash of the alleged Flight 93. It's got nothing to do with Cameron's other plane crash.

Stay on topic, CameronFox.

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by screwedagain
If you took it, did you pass it? I'd personally love to see your evidence that wins the challenge in the video.

First of all, the challenge as Killtown set forth is ridiculous. He knows it. The photographic evidence that has been made available to the public, has already hand waved away. So, does he think we as private citizens can magically make more photographs appear? He knows we can't.

So, what to do? Simply look at ALL the other evidence. The evidence has been shown here at this forum many, many times. I would have to say you are a few fries short of a Happy Meal if you think anything BUT flight 93 crashed there.

Killtown thinks that because of the lack of photographic evidence, flight 93 didn't crash there.

Did Killtown see 84% the debris from the space shuttle Columbia? Did it NOT break up in re-entry?

I showed a video on flight 1771. This was a high speed crash that had eerily similar results.

Killtown in his video, showed statements by firefighters, rescue workers, and other first responders. Why didn't he quote any crash scenen investigators??

Why? Not a single... not ONE... NADA... has EVER come out to say that the crash scene/debris field, etc is NOT consistent with what happened.

So, I now have two pretty easy challenges for anyone.

1 - Find Flight 1771

2 - Find one Airplane Crash Investigator that disagrees with the "OCT." (not all of them work for the government)

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 08:16 AM

Originally posted by WonderwomanUSA
Typical disinfo site, you should pick your reading material more carefully, if you want people to listen to you.

Wow, seems you didn't click on the site. Hmmm guess what one of the sources that is used there?

Killtown himself:

So Killtown is Disinfo? I guess I can agree with you on that one.

The other sources at that site:

The Washington Post

A recorded Interview on the scene

9News Staff

Paul Sieger of the AP

Cleveland Free Press

It wasn't the "National Enquirer" it was an online version of a paper in Cincinnati.
LOL what’s the different? LOL

If you don't know the difference between a tabloid magazine and a respected local media outlet...then I guess I should be the on LOL-ing.

The FBI refuses to give us anything even under the freedom of information Act suits that where filed by numerous Agency. Why has our government not dug up the ground to retrieve the airplane? To say there is no conspiracy, is delusional in it self.

Why file an FOIA with the FBI? The remnants of flight 93 is with it's owners. Try contacting United Airlines to see where it is. I can get you some phone numbers if you like. The office that handles these inquiries are in Boston. Let me know via U2U if you are interested.

Says Whom? Again how can you compare that with Shanksville when we have no PROOF an airplane crashed in PA. (This is evidence) There is no evidence, only what you want to see. You are the only one in here that believes in the OS, none of us do.
CameronFox, why do you believe in the OS, and do not say you don’t because you just said “there is no conspiracy.”

Says all the evidence. You refuse to look at it. I don't care if I don't win a popularity contest on a conspiracy forum. People here come to learn and to seek the "truth." I offer the facts for people to review and do what they want with it.

you said " There is no evidence, only what you want to see." I have studied flight 93 more than any of the other conspiracies. I thought for certain that it was shot down. It took me about 4 hours to squash THAT conspiracy theory.

Because you can't see large parts of an airplane, you think that one didn't crash there? I posted to video of flight 1771 to show that during high speed crashes...there isn't much left. This is what happens.

Besides the lack of photographic evidence WonderWoman, why don't you think UA Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville?

posted on Mar, 26 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw

Notice how CameronFox is using a typical debunker tactic, trying to steer the thread away from the original post.

This is a thread about Killtown's challenge for the alleged crash of the alleged Flight 93. It's got nothing to do with Cameron's other plane crash.

Stay on topic, CameronFox.

Hmmm... Someone posts a video with dance music being played showing pictures of a massive tragedy. During this video it throws out a ridiculous "Challenge." As I posted above, Killtown knows what photographs were made available to the public. He hand waved all of that (Along with all the other evidence) away.

I simply showed that there is not a lot of an aircraft left that crashes at a high speed. If you watched the video of flight 1771 Tezz, you will see the eerily similar reports that almost parallel those of flight 93.

If you feel my posts are off topic, please click the ALERT button at the bottom of my posts. I am sure the MODS will remove them if they feel it is necessary.

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