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There was a Roman religious establishment that existed and had an official status inside the government. This institution was pagan and had a hierarchy that officiated over it that just so happened to be from the pagan priesthood. Once the religion of Christ became the official religion, these same upper echelon of pagans went right into the same positions they had, but now were inside the "church". They were not required nor bothered to be actually converted to Christians.
Originally posted by JesusisTruth
\No. those men from 325 ad are the leaders of Gods church, you may not think so but I do.
Not including the miracles and saints that this church has provided. And the fact is that scripture itself says that the interpreting body or hiearchy will have the ability to loose and bind on Earth.
after death God wil show you the mystery I am talking about and I can't wait.
bye. peace.
Mardi Gras is considered a religious observance by the Catholic Church. Feasting, drunkenness and revelry ,parties and parades? That is pagan, sorry to disappoint you. Jesus did not teach mardi gras.
JD dewey the church does not teach pagansism, this is false. Secondly God predicted a church with a governing body to spread throughout the entire world with a sacrafice that would last until the end of time.
and create souls like the one in my signature from communion which is predicted all the way back to daniel. And infact will be taken away during antichrist reign.
but anyways, this is the ONLY church to spread throughout the world, existed well before protestantism and before the bible was put together by the same church.
Originally posted by JesusisTruth
JD dewey the church does not teach pagansism, this is false.
Secondly God predicted a church with a governing body to spread throughout the entire world with a sacrafice that would last until the end of time.
but anyways, this is the ONLY church to spread throughout the world, existed well before protestantism and before the bible was put together by the same church.
You just provided that scripture.
" to their own destruction "
Yet you do the same exact thing on your interpretation of the holy ghost, which is your opinion, just like I interpret differently.
That's the problem with you protestants, is your pride in your own interpetation which is why 3,000 different churches exist since 1500
" Baptise all creatures in the name of the father and son and holy ghost "
Why? Why baptise in Jesus and the holy ghost name if they aren't divine like God
Now as for the right hand. Being at the right hand is irrelevant concerning those scriptures because the bottom line is that he's still at the right hand which like those passages say, means a position of power. And jesus is that power.
The only reason I say that is because the heart is on the left side. And like I said, I could be wrong about this mystery but I don't believe it;s a coincidence that those 3 points are like a triangle and perfectly constructed that way.
so on that note, nomore circular argument for me. continue with the thread.
Originally posted by JesusisTruth
That website is bias. I garuntee you that our church has not taught an ounce of paganism and has condmend it forever, go read council of trent documents and catechism. This is more bias.
He did not say it would be right after the first apostles. That is just not true, he said unless the apostasy come first and the revolt ect..... Which was the protestant reformation in the 1500s
No no no, good Lord. God made a hiearchy just like the OT to interpret scripture. How can you not see this? And alot of those wars were from defense from the muslims so that blood just like what God did in the OT. God is filled with blood stains on his people in the OT too, just like that he needs to war because of powers against his church. So again you don't know the full story of those events.
I believe we are walking trinities implanted on our torso, but I could be wrong.
This is correct, but your interpretation of scripture on your own merits is just like protestants.
1 john 5:20 But we know that the Son of God has come, and he has given us intellectual capacity that we may gain the knowledge of the true one. And we are in union with the true one, by means of his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and life everlasting.
please... stop waiting until you die to know the truth, ¨for there is... knowledge nor wisdom in She´ol¨. study the bible for yourself.
Oh so i'm going to hell? You don'y know me like that and don't assume.
Miriam I do read the bible but that bible cannot be interpreted by ME alone which is the difference between you and me.
If everybody can interpret scripture by themselves which is what you are doing, then division comes. So whos the head? Who settles the argument?
God created an orginization for that and I'm sorry you can't see it.
A little over the heads of people not students of history. This is what was on my mind, and it says a lot that is not so readily apparent from a casual glance. I thought it interesting how much of a contrast there was between the catholic and non catholic cantons of the area around Switzerland back in the reformation times. It became very evident if you showed up at Mardi Gras time. Any serious business had to be postponed, even if it possibly meant the destruction of your country because of a military alliance that was not agreed upon.
From Zurich, February 3-13,1655. The council here may do well hereafter to look into the almanack before they appoint days for general meetings. Some in the popish cantons take it for a kind of affront that Zurich called them to appear at Baden on Shrove Sunday. No political consultations must be thought so considerable as the continuing of old customs : gluttony, drunkenness, and foolery, the first three days of the week for a carnival, and then, the rest of the week, ashes and mortification. But their uncatholic neighbours think it had been no great matter for two of a canton to have been from home in that week, especially when they were to be in Baden, a catholic town. The truth is, those of Zurich thought not on it, Shrove Sunday in the old style being four weeks later than the new style this year. The deputies of Bern were come as far as Arraw before they heard that the meeting was put off. Basil had signified how glad they were of such a meeting ; and they were about to have written to Zurich for a general assembly, because of some urgent affairs of theirs. Hereafter, when we are assured that our popish neighbours are in the humour to go from home, we shall be ready to gratify Basil ; for by that time, it may be, the occasion will be past which made Bern desire that meeting.
Your story about your brother made me think of this. He was lucky this happened in America when we still operated under the Constitution. He probably should have charged the priest with battery. Your grandmother would have had herself thrown in the fire along with her Bible if this incident would have happened back in reformation times.
An Observantine monk, preaching one day at Imola, told the people, that it behoved them to purchase heaven by the merit of their good works. A boy, who was present, exclaimed, “That’s blasphemy! for the Bible tells us that Christ purchased heaven by his sufferings and death, and bestows it on us freely by his mercy.” A dispute of considerable length ensued between the youth and the preacher. Provoked at the pertinent replies of his juvenile opponent, and at the favourable reception which the audience gave them, “Get you gone, you young rascal! (ex-claimed the monk) you are but just come from the cradle, and will you take it upon you to judge of sacred things, which the most learned cannot explain?”—“Did you never read these words, ‘Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings God perfects praise?’” rejoined the youth; upon which the preacher quitted the pulpit in wrathful confusion, breathing out threatenings against the poor boy, who was instantly thrown into prison, “where he still lies,” says the writer of the letter, which was dated on the 31st of December, 1544.
Your story about your brother made me think of this. He was lucky this happened in America when we still operated under the Constitution. He probably should have charged the priest with battery. Your grandmother would have had herself thrown in the fire along with her Bible if this incident would have happened back in reformation times.
On 24 October Servetus was sentenced to death by burning for denying the Trinity and infant baptism. When Calvin requested that Servetus be executed by decapitation rather than fire, Farel, in a letter of September 8, chided him for undue lenience. The Geneva Council refused his request. On 27 October 1553 Servetus was burned at the stake just outside Geneva with what was believed to be the last copy of his book chained to his leg. Historians record his last words as: "Jesus, Son of the Eternal God, have mercy on me."
The book gets into the controversy because the people who were labeled "Socinians" seem to have their beginning at Venice and from followers of Servetus. The author, M'Crie, includes this in a section of the book where he goes into the various reasons why the Reformation ultimately failed in Italy. My opinion is that the people who started the protests against the corruptions of the church became successful in Germany and decided it was because they were right. Once they found themselves in position of authority, they decided they had established a good working system and did not allow any descent from it. The Italians are of a different nature and instead of falling in line, they would rather consider the finer points and find their own opinions. The leaders of the Protestant movement doomed it to stagnation and doomed the movement in Italy to complete failure by attacking those who questioned their own authority as stridently as the papists attacked protestants in general.
The letter addressed by Melanchthon to the senate of Venice in the year 1538, and from which a quotation has already been made, shows that the antitrinitarian tenets had then gained admission into that state. “I know, (says he) that very different judgments have always prevailed in the world respecting religion, and that the devil has been intent from the beginning on sowing impious doctrines, and inciting men of curious and depraved minds to corrupt and overthrow the truth. Aware of the dangers arising from this to the church, we have been careful to keep within due bounds; and while we have rejected certain errors more recently introduced, have not departed from the apostolical writings, from the Nicene and Athanasian creeds, nor even from the ancient consent of the catholic church. I understand there has lately been introduced among you a book of Servetus, who has revived the error of Samosatenus, condemned by the primitive church, and seeks to overthrow the doctrine of the two natures in Christ by denying that the Word is to be understood of a person, when John says, ‘In the beginning was the word.’ Although my opinion on that controversy is already in print, and I have condemned the sentiment of Servetus by name in my Common Places, yet I have thought it proper at present to admonish and obtest you to use your utmost exertions to persuade persons to avoid, reject, and execrate that impious tenet.”
Originally posted by JesusisTruth
JD dewey the church does not teach pagansism, this is false. Secondly God predicted a church with a governing body to spread throughout the entire world with a sacrafice that would last until the end of time.
and create souls like the one in my signature from communion which is predicted all the way back to daniel. And infact will be taken away during antichrist reign.
but anyways, this is the ONLY church to spread throughout the world, existed well before protestantism and before the bible was put together by the same church.