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Apollo 11 Armrstrong “These babies were huge, sir!”

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by pieman

Actually, gold is an outstanding conductor.
We use it in cables all the time. They're pricey, too.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:58 AM
I've been fascinated by these so called, but as of yet unsubstantiated conversations between Capcom and the astronauts. When Apollo 8 first orbited the moon in December 1968 Jim Lovell told Capcom that there was indeed a Santa Claus. Sounds like he's using a code word to me to confirm something he's seen on the moon. Also when Apollo 16 had finished investigating the Flagg and Buster craters they were asked why they had taken a detour on the way back to the LEM. Duke replied, "We came upon Barbara." Who or what could Barbara be?
Something similar happened during Apollo 17's mission to Taurus Littrow.
While Cernon and Schmitt where on the moon Ron Evans was aboard the orbiter waiting their return. While looking down at Mare Orientale he saw a bright flash of light. When he reported it to mission control they asked him whether it could be Vostok!!! This is remarkable as the Soviet Vostok only orbited the Earth. How could it ever have turned up on the moon? Surely anyone bright enough to work for NASA would have known that. . . wouldn't they?
Evans wasn't the only astronaut rumoured to have seen objects on the moon while aboard the Lunar Orbiter. There are stories which say that Australian ham radio enthusiasts listened to Michael Collins describing how he was looking at a seven or eight storey moon building through binoculars.
Put all this together with the testimony given by Farouk el Baz, a much respected NASA scientist who worked on Apollo who said in an interview with Saga magazine that not all discoveries made on the moon have been made public and you start to realise that there's something on the moon which NASA don't want you or I knowing about.

Also please be warned. As we speak I can hear the heavy approaching tread of Phage who will shortly attempt to blow the very idea of buildings on the moon right out out of the water.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Great thread, Whisper!

Can you believe there are ding-a-lings that are still so overwhelmingly egotistical thinking 'humans' are the only life existing in these universes?

Ha ha, I love reading the comments trying to debunk it... you guys are just driving yourselves crazy!!

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:59 AM
So as for the Ufo sightings and the ETs "on earth" , there's not a single piece of STRONG evidence ??? Only transcripts that could have been modified and sound recordings out of their context so no one can understand anything about what they were doing and all ...

Like the poster Phage said , taking the transcripts out of their context is weak . Of course if we don't know what they were doing , their vocabulary may sound strange and covered up ... Read the full thing and it shouldn't sound as strange as it does out of the context

And about the coded names they use , no one knows REALLY what they mean , and someone who told you isn't a reliable source . Just tell me who said that Santa claus referred to ufos or ETs
John Lear ?

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Asset1911]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Some random dudes pictures of flashing ? lights on moon.

I think some of this light theory could be scientifically explained.

I am sure there's some kind of activity even in 0 gravity that we still don't understand fully. The Moon could still be active from it's original cosmological state and could have core activity....which potentiates some kind of storms in it's craters....

Who knows?

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Phage

Armstrong: What was it? What the hell was it? That’s all I want to know!
Mission Control: What’s there? Malfunction (garble).Mission Control calling Apollo 11
Apollo 11: These babies were huge, sir!.... Enormous!... Oh God! You wouldn’t believe it!....I’m telling you there are other space-craft out there…lined up on the far side of the crater edge!...They’re on the Moon watching us!

yes, clearly they are volcanic glass?
selective debunking at it's finest. some of the stuff has a logical explanation so it must all be crap........

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Jools

More out of context quotes. Pick a few interesting words and ignore the rest. It works great, especially when it's what people want to hear.

Armstrong was talking to a group of kids at the White House. His speech was meant to inspire. He was speaking of discoveries yet to be made.

Today we have with us a group of students, among America's best. To you we say we have only completed a beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers. There are many places to go beyond belief. Those challenges are yours--in many fields, not the least of which is space, because there lies human destiny.


[edit on 3/19/2009 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by pieman

I don't believe the conversation ever occured. There is the supposed word of one dead man that it did.

[edit on 3/19/2009 by Phage]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Whisper67

According to Otto Binder*, who was a member of the NASA space team, when the moon-walkers, Aldrin and Armstrong were making their rounds some distance from the LEM, Armstrong clutched Aldrins’s arm excitedly and exclaimed:

[edit on 3/19/2009 by Whisper67]

*name made bold for emphasis

I have heard this story before. Frankly, the first time that I heard this "tale" was at a science fiction convention (Alpha Draconis Con - Toronto '77). The reason why I have made this connection is because of the name I made bold in the above quote from the OP. This leads me to believe that this entire episode is either a hoax or it is simply an elaboration of a true event that has picked up details in the retelling.

Otto Binder was a noted figure in the world of Comic Books and Science Fiction. He was a comic book writer who often collaborated with his brother Earl. When he worked with his brother, together they would assume the pseudonym Eando Binder. This, by the way, is the only reason that Otto might be considered "noted", at least in my mind. I've never really came to appreciate his work.

Nevertheless, seeing the name "Otto Binder" listed as a source for this
account raised the red flags in my mind. I did a google search for Otto and, well, I didn't turn up any Nasa related listings. I did, however, reacquaint myself with some old comic book history.

While this account is fascinating, I don't believe that I would tout this anecdote as incontrovertible evidence. It's just an interesting story as it stands -- a story with a number of undocumented keypoints presented as fact.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

if you can explain it away, you do, if you can't you decide you don't believe it, to use your words, pretty weak.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

Ok , so no conversation with a mysterious professor who doesn't want to mention his name , like someone previously stated here ?

Third line ....

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:09 PM
I think he say Frank, I hear clearly an A , so unless he say THANG.

And it does sound like he say : PUT john young ON.

Just my quarter mill. on it !

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by Phage

I thank you for your comment of which being a new member I find a tad doubt we will have many debates to

However to quote the lovely Mr Armstrong again....

'to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers'.

The fact remains that this is completely out of context for a man who very possibly has struggled for years with something- this is psychologically totally out of context to the topic he is discussing with the students.

Have you seen the post news conference of Aldrin, Collins and Armstrong?...At first I thought it was Rocket Lag...but they are struggling to comprehend anything...I am not a disbeliever nor a believer...I sit in the middle...I merely seek the truth. When there is so much confusion surrounding our knowledge for the 'Space Race' (being of that age group where we saw the launches of the Apollo missions) I feel I deserve to know.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:21 PM
reply to post by pieman

One can assume that whatever civilization has to have laws in order to promote safety aboard spacecraft. Our planes have lights on them. It's probably safe to assume that alien spacecraft also must have safety lights on them as well.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by whatukno


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:27 PM
What exactly is meant by "breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth's protective layers." ??

What exactly is the one of the truth's that is requireing a protective layer that needs to be removed to make a breakthrough?

Somehow that seems to be not only a suggestive statement, but a riddle wrapped up inside an enigma.


posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by Jools

See even when im not joking someone thinks im funny

Im just saying doesn't it make sense that a vehicle, whether its a spacecraft or a car has to have some sort of visual safety system on it? Could that be why UFO's are most often described with lights? I mean when your flying around in space wouldn't it be nice to not run into another space traveler? Lights might just help with that. Especially if your vehicle doesn't get detected by radar.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by pieman
ah come on now, i can believe that there are aliens on the moon but i find it just silly to imagine that they would require visual landing lights to ensure they don't bump into each other. that's just silly.

I guess they wouldn't need eyes either?

We have radar, sonar, GPS and numerous other means by which to navigate. Why do we still use lights on all of our means of transportation? Safety. Subway trams still have headlights on them. Do they need them? No.

Originally posted by pieman
besides, it's not equivalent to a deer coming into the office and making a cuppa, aliens on the moon observing us is like me observing a deer from up in a tree. okay, i don't expect the deer to climb up beside me but i don't shout about my presence either.

What would you be doing in the tree? Did you climb up there to specifically examine the deer? Or were you up there picking walnuts? If you were there picking walnuts, that's a different story. If you were there to spy on the deer, of course you'd want to conceal yourself. Besides, it's not unexpected to see a deer walking through a field. It is very uncommon to see one walking through an office - where it shouldn't be. I think it's very equatable to aliens seeing man in space for the first time. Back then you didn't see man drifting through space like deer walking through a field.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:35 PM
Time travelers, not Aliens.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Jools

It was a very short speech. Why not present the whole thing? Perhaps because it would then harder to misunderstand? Blatant (and shameful) manipulation by the makers of the video.

Any aggression was not directed at you. You did not make the video, it is directed toward those who did. As is my attitude about the author of the "coded" messages.

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