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Apollo 11 Armrstrong “These babies were huge, sir!”

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by pieman

I would say regardless of them using lights or not they do a very good job of not being detected.

They are probably doing the same things we would be doing. Scientific experiments, surveillance... possibly even covert political influence in an attempt to use us as slave labor to harvest resources for them.

I don't know. The possibilities are endless. Lets hope for our sakes that they are slowly making themselves known to decrease the inevitable shock that will occur once first contact is made (well, the first that is public knowledge) and they hope to trade with us.

The technology could do a lot of good.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by pieman

But they arent really advertising themselves, at least i dont think they are.

I dont think they have a choice about the lights. Maybe whatever they travel in is made of light or energy? They always seem to keep their distance, as if not to scare us, but they also dont seem to mind if we do see them.

I guess they realize that all it does is stir up curiosity, and theyre just aloof to it.

At least thats what i would do.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Very interesting thread- thanks. I have a problem with this firstly:

If some kind of music was heard by Apollo 10 crew- presumably by radio transmission? Wouldn't SETI or Radio Telescopes be picking such stuff up nowadays?

Secondly- There are a couple of probes that have been crashed into the moon - (chinese one recently) If 'The Greys' or other ET's have colonised the moon wouldn't their assumption be that they were being attacked?...and therefore wouldn't they have possibly retaliated by now...

Just a couple of things to think about...

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by pieman

I can see both sides. Yes they should be camoflauged. But on the other hand, like airplanes and their lights, they wanna see each other.

of course, the craft is so advanced, who knows why it is lighting up.

but i doubt they still have light bulbs.

My uncle has a theory that it is just peoople coming from the future to witness events. I am sure many would want to witness the moon landing.

something to think about.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Excellent thread. Starred, and flagged. I wonder if anyone, after reading this thread, will look at the moon the same way again. Theres clearly something going on up there, and it's being covered up by the powers that be.

I would also like to note that Aldrin stated that he really doesn't remember the time that he was on the moon. You would think something like that would be unforgettable.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Jay-in-AR
I would say regardless of them using lights or not they do a very good job of not being detected.
why would you say that, they seem to be noticed quite often. people find them incredible but that's hardly the same thing.

They are probably doing the same things we would be doing. Scientific experiments
they're noticed to often for this to be true. if they are they're really bad at objective observation which would be why they are studing us in our natural environment. if they don't mind being seen it would surely be easier to just abduct us and observe in a controlled environment.

surveillance... possibly even covert political influence in an attempt to use us as slave labor to harvest resources for them.
again, they are way to overt for surveillance and there isn't any natural resources on earth that aren't more easily obtained elsewhere in the solar system.

The possibilities are endless. Lets hope for our sakes that they are slowly making themselves known to decrease the inevitable shock that will occur once first contact is made (well, the first that is public knowledge) and they hope to trade with us.

The technology could do a lot of good.

i can't think of a logical reason, despite the apparently infinite possibilities. even trade seems a waste of time, unless they are big fans of our creative output.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:23 AM
Sorry if this seems like a silly question but how do ham radios pick up transmissions from the moon?

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
My uncle has a theory that it is just peoople coming from the future to witness events. I am sure many would want to witness the moon landing.

that occoured to me too but it seems unlikely that they would allow themselves to be so easily observed given the paradoxes that would occour.

for instance, the possibility that they would be changing the time line in such a way as to destroy themselves.

i would have thought that if NASA could pick it up anyone with a big antenna could do likewise.

[edit on 19/3/09 by pieman]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by pieman
when we study wild life we use a hide to observe in as natural a setting as possible. why would aliens constantly advertise their presence by lighting their ships so garishly if their goal is observation?

You have to take into account precautions for their own safety. Why wouldn't they want their own kind to see and know where they were? Just as we use lights on our own aircraft to alert other aircraft and ground control.

Same can be said for these encounters. This was a fairly new phenomenon to both us and the extraterrestrials.

From the beginnings of the space program to the landing on the moon - we were breaching territory that we'd only imagined. It'd be akin to deer one day sticking their head into your office's front door. Then coming back a week later and taking a walk down the hall way and leaving. Then coming back later to circle the coffee pot before heading back out the front door. And finally one day the deer just decides to come in a make himself a cup and have a seat.

When you first saw the deer would you grab a box to conceal yourself when you were trying to figure out what the hell the deer was doing in your office and how it learned to pour a cup of coffee? A box to hide would be the last thing on my mind.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by pieman

Originally posted by nixie_nox
My uncle has a theory that it is just peoople coming from the future to witness events. I am sure many would want to witness the moon landing.

that occoured to me too but it seems unlikely that they would allow themselves to be so easily observed given the paradoxes that would occour.

for instance, the possibility that they would be changing the time line in such a way as to destroy themselves.

i would have thought that if NASA could pick it up anyone with a big antenna could do likewise.

[edit on 19/3/09 by pieman]

You should look up Dan Burich.

There likely is no such thing as a "Paradox", that's antiquated thinking. Instead, there are multiple timelines; possibly infinite timelines.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:32 AM
Ok, first off, props to chucking this thread up. It's a subject that really should be discussed much more regularly than (yawn) Roswell. I have seen some of the Japanese amateur footage of moon ufo's and movement within some of the moon craters along with all the cool astronaut tales, but I noticed this quote and it really re-kindled my enthusiasm:

moon crater anomalies

primarily because throughout the 1950s, the scientific community had been rocked by observatories around the world, which began reporting and later confirming that "moon craters" were actually disappearing, right out from under the watchful eyes of their state-of-the-art telescopes!

Has anyone ever seen any of this moving crater stuff? We now have the moon surface pretty much mapped and the Chinese are currently taking lots of nice photo's of the place but I was curious if anyone had any evidence, or documentation on this 'moving craters' stuff?

thanks for the help...TGG

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:34 AM
Of course this will confound the Moon landing deniers.

Very nice find, some additional research is called for.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:34 AM
I still find Neil Armstrong's cryptic speech from 1999 rather intriguing:

It would be great for there to be 'disclosure' I don't think it would actually cause panic...I think we are prepared these days as there's too much goin on.

I agree that Buzz Aldrin does seem very 'nonchalant' about the whole experience....Bizarre!

In all aspects of the Moon thing...none of the pieces of the jigsaw seem to fit. This leads to all sorts of confusion...which I guess is what the government wants. I have seen a UFO and there is no way we have the capability to travel at such speed. It was unfortunate I was not able to capture a picture.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by pieman

Now this is just a shot-in-the-dark here, but perhaps they are not trying to hide and observe. Maybe, just maybe, they are "garishly" exposing themselves to alert us to their presence...sort of a hey guys, you're not alone type thing.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by pieman

There is no doubt that people spot them. But as of yet they officially do not exist. Maybe I should have worded myself differently. "Despite the fact that they are 'lit up like a christmas tree' as of 11:36 19Mar09, we still don't know for certain what they are."

As far as the scientific experimentation is concerned, I wasn't speaking of anal probes. I was thinking more along the lines of environmental studies. But I'm sure they dabble in genetics, also.

As far as the resources go, how can you be sure that they can find gold anywhere else in the Solar System?
Also, we mine products here ourselves. Elsewhere they would have to mine it themselves. Sure, they are technologically advanced, but do we know that they have the numbers out in space to carry out such an endeavor? If they have relatively low numbers, they would be better suited to have us mine it for them and then just take it.

Or better yet, they could trade technology for it.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by tyranny22

ah come on now, i can believe that there are aliens on the moon but i find it just silly to imagine that they would require visual landing lights to ensure they don't bump into each other. that's just silly.

besides, it's not equivalent to a deer coming into the office and making a cuppa, aliens on the moon observing us is like me observing a deer from up in a tree. okay, i don't expect the deer to climb up beside me but i don't shout about my presence either.

thrustbucket....if that's the case how did the time travelers figure out exactly which time line involved people landing on the moon at just that moment and why would they wish to observe it if it wasn't part of their time line? what i'm trying to get at is, if the occasion isn't unique it is not worth observing and if it is, observing it in such a noticeable way is dangerous.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Whisper67

The craters at each LZ were named, so they wouldn't have to say "you, know, that crater over there".
Here is "Buster" with his "blocks"

The glass being discussed is found in a lot of moon rocks, it is the result of asteroid impacts.

Lunar breccias range from glassy vitrophyre melt rocks, to glass-rich breccia, to regolith breccias. The vitrophyres are dominantly glassy rocks that represent impact melt sheets that fill large impact structures.

EMU= Extravehicular Mobility Unit (space suit)

PLSS=Primary Life Support System

Domes are volcanic domes. They were there to study geology after all.

A lunar dome is a type of shield volcano that is found on the surface of the Earth's Moon.
In geology, the term structure refers to a formation, not a building.

Code? Give me a break. Taking quotes out of context and saying there is something fishy going on is weak. There's no excuse for not knowing the abbreviations for the equipment. The guy that came up with that is grasping for straws.

Here are the transcripts of Apollo 16. The stuff that guy comes up with is there. If you see it in context you can see the guy is an idiot.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by Phage

As usual, you are right on. Nice crowd control on this runaway topic. Haven't we discussed this ad nauseum before?

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by se7en30

possibly, but wouldn't a TV broadcast be easier?

reply to post by Jay-in-AR

just to be clear, i'm just speculating, not arguing.
there isn't anything special about earth that means that gold is any more plentiful here than elsewhere. even if it was, there's nothing special about gold besides the fact that it looks pretty and doesn't tarnish, as far as i'm aware. it's difficult to imagine a use for the stuff outside ornamentation.

i can't see mining as an issue. given the level of tech required to come here from outside our system and transportation of any mined material back to where ever they come from, mining has to be fairly low on the scale as regards feasability of the journey.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Jools

Hey, thanks for posting that vid up. I'd never seen that one.

Wow. "One of truth's protective layers."

Pretty telling.
About Aldrin though, I've seen something where he made the claim that the Government somehow "wiped" them after the missions during debreifing. He mentions that he feels as if he should remember that day because it was easily one of human's most significant, but he just can't.

Very odd. Then again, I imagine that they would have been in a great state of shock. Which has the possibility of forcing the mind to forget the event naturally. Like when you are in a car wreck.
I imagine that if I landed on the moon (which is significant in itself) and to my surprise saw a fleet of starships there already, I would crap a tulip.

We know they saw stuff up there, it is in the transcripts. It appears that whatever it was was so shocking that they forced it out of the front of the mind.

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