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HR 1388 just passed

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 03:45 PM
People need to wake up and understand that neither Republicans or Democrats have the good of the ordinary citizen in mind. They are too busy hating each other to love America. This country has to be taken back one politician at a time. To talk about armed revolution or civil war is crazy, but if we pledge to ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren that we will never ever elect another Democrat or Republican to public office, then we will have launched the revolution in a more peaceful manner. Maybe we can save America before it is too late.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:03 PM
I do not fully understand this bill and it is probably the purpose of it as well.

BUT - as a student in high school at the moment, it is truly amazing how many kids are wasting their life's away at the moment.

This is coming from someone who goes to a relatively decent school at that.

Most kids will continue doing stupid things until the hammer hits them in the head.

Why am I complaining though...less competition, and I will need someone to make my fries and hash brown's while on my way to work.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Bombeni
This is the best thing since sliced bread. Who knows, maybe some of these aimless drugged-out punks will put on a uniform and be transformed into a contributing member of society rather than a menace to society. Obama may win me over yet.

Please read my post above yours.

I think you have discolored glasses on. [/quote

The parents aren't doing the job. I challenge you to make a request to audit a school day at your own child's school or the child of a relative; by the time the poor teacher gets the little darlings settled down (oh gawd it took every bit of strength to type the word darlings as opposed to something else) the bell rings! These teachers are battle-scarred. I am not talking low-rent neighborhoods, but middle and even upper-middle income schools. I have been in higher ed 23 years, my sister teaches at an all black high school where the teachers are escorted by armed security personnel. YaY for Mandatory Community Service. Put a uniform on these punks. Who knows maybe some of them might see a glimmer into a world they never knew existed, one of servitude and HONEST PAY. All I can say is where do I sign up to volunteer to get this thing going?

Edit to add: There's plenty of them who could use a little Hitler philosphy too. Don't get me wrong the Holocaust was horrible, but these 16 year olds who think they rule the world are going to the only ones left in 30-40 years when we wise and knowledgeable citizens are gone. Not a pretty picture, not a pretty picture Atall.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:06 PM
A healthy discussion on this bill is here as well

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni

Originally posted by Amaterasu

Originally posted by Bombeni
This is the best thing since sliced bread. Who knows, maybe some of these aimless drugged-out punks will put on a uniform and be transformed into a contributing member of society rather than a menace to society. Obama may win me over yet.

Please read my post above yours.

I think you have discolored glasses on.

The parents aren't doing the job.

So? That's how you see it. But that does not mean it is in our interest to discard American values, implement slavery and indoctrination, to solve this "problem." Why not place ads on TV with good instructions?

Why open the door to enslave us all?

I challenge you to make a request to audit a school day at your own child's school or the child of a relative; by the time the poor teacher gets the little darlings settled down (oh gawd it took every bit of strength to type the word darlings as opposed to something else) the bell rings! These teachers are battle-scarred.

I am sure there are better solutions to any issues in school than to enslave our children (and adults and seniors...).

I am not talking low-rent neighborhoods, but middle and even upper-middle income schools. I have been in higher ed 23 years, my sister teaches at an all black high school where the teachers are escorted by armed security personnel. YaY for Mandatory Community Service. Put a uniform on these punks.

And have them do...what? Assist at abortion clinics (if you're against abortion)? Clean the waste at a nursing home and risk infection? And if these are YOUR children?

Sure, if the kids break laws, make them do something service-like. But MY child is sweet, polite, well-mannered, conscientious, and loves to help others. WHY should my child be enslaved?

Who knows maybe some of them might see a glimmer into a world they never knew existed, one of servitude and HONEST PAY. All I can say is where do I sign up to volunteer to get this thing going?

You are buying into the altruistic paint job of this Naziesque move. They are not speaking of PAYING these children (and adults and seniors). They are talking about FORCING THEM INTO LABOR - UNPAID. That, my dear, is SLAVERY.

Edit to add: There's plenty of them who could use a little Hitler philosphy too. Don't get me wrong the Holocaust was horrible, but these 16 year olds who think they rule the world are going to the only ones left in 30-40 years when we wise and knowledgeable citizens are gone. Not a pretty picture, not a pretty picture Atall.

Wow! I mean WOW!!! If we Nazi-ize our children, expect Naziism in all.

So much for American values. I guess you don't believe in the American principles, eh?

[edit on 3/19/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

American Values, that's the whole idea; they don't exist anymore not for the generation of 12-26 years olds. Slavery and indocrination, blah blah blah. Somebody's gotta teach these no-accounts how to conduct themselves, and yes I am willing to use my tax dollars to do it.

Tell me the better issues you think are out there to stop the madness at Public Schools. I'm listening.

Assist at abortion clinics? What are you atalking about. That is just propaganda crap you've thrown in hoping someone here might believe that. I seriously doubt they'll be assisting abortion doctors. LOL

You say if kids break laws, make them do community service. What kind of laws you talking bout? I've had three, count them 3, cars stolen by juveniles and completely trashed. No jail time. You think that dab of 3 days community service spread out over a 6 month period (their choice) made one bit of difference? Wow. And if your child is sweet, polite, well-mannered, conscientious, and loves to help others well honey then this is right up his or her alley. Enslaved? Give me a freakin break. I think I'm gonna be sick (as if the blowhard descrip of your kid didn't already do that). Sorry to tell you, but even mothers of convicted murderers will use those same words in describing their child.

You need to step back and take a reality check. Our young generation is heading to hell in a handbasket and I am proud to see this administration making a last ditch effort to save them. As I said earlier though, I'm proud I won't be around when they are running things.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Roper
Dgtempe for President.

Don't stop telling the people about communism.


Not so fast. Let's see her birth certificate, first.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by sos37]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Bombeni
reply to post by Amaterasu

American Values, that's the whole idea; they don't exist anymore not for the generation of 12-26 years olds. Slavery and indocrination, blah blah blah. Somebody's gotta teach these no-accounts how to conduct themselves, and yes I am willing to use my tax dollars to do it.

I think Plato said the same thing. About the unruly kids.

Take a chill-pill, and get over it.

As for American values...I guess it's people like you that allowed the evil into our system.

Maybe rather than talking about Nazifying our country and enslaving our citizens, we should be trying to win back what we lost. Guess you won't be of assistance on THAT effort.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu


Who's American values are we talking about here anyways? Wasn't this country and the Constitution that it is founded on SUPPOSED to limit the power of government, and provide the people with freedom and liberty to do as they please without worry of government intervention? We are losing our rights with this kind of legislation, it is a slippery slope as has been said a million times in this thread. It's about control, it's not about a civilian workforce doing good for their local community. If you want to do something for your community, it is quite easy to volunteer to do so.

The problems with parenting and bad children, in my opinion, is that we have a system of government in place that allows the parents to sit on their butts all day and collect welfare if they feel like it. We need to stop babying people with these massive government programs, and something like welfare should be taken on a case-to-case basis instead of opening the floodgates for anybody who just doesn't feel like working.

Government programs could be set in place to help people find jobs and make productive members of society out of themselves, but it should NEVER be mandatory in my opinion.

Shouldn't we have the freedom to determine our future in this country?
I for one will NOT participate in something that I feel is not in my best interest, as I am an American citizen and should be able to freely decide what I want to do with my life.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by mpriebe81]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by mpriebe81
reply to post by Amaterasu


Who's American values are we talking about here anyways? Wasn't this country and the Constitution that it is founded on SUPPOSED to limit the power of government, and provide the people with freedom and liberty to do as they please without worry of government intervention? We are losing our rights with this kind of legislation, it is a slippery slope as has been said a million times in this thread. It's about control, it's not about a civilian workforce doing good for their local community. If you want to do something for your community, it is quite easy to volunteer to do so.

Fully with ya on this!

The problems with parenting and bad children, in my opinion, is that we have a system of government in place that allows the parents to sit on their butts all day and collect welfare if they feel like it.

I'm going to disagree with this. The average time on welfare is two years. And yes, there are a few who abuse this. But most don't.

The problem is in the mindset promulgated though the media. The things we glorify in our media (or they give us to glorify, more precisely). It's all part of the plan. Disintegrate us, revert us, step on us and crush us. All the while distracting us from looking at what we are becoming.

Government programs could be set in place to help people find jobs and make productive members of society out of themselves, but it should NEVER be mandatory in my opinion.

Having worked for the Employment Development Department ("Unemployment" Office), I know there already ARE Government programs assigned the task of assisting people in finding work. They even offer job retraining... They offer a LOT.

But when there are no jobs, the EDD can't help.

Shouldn't we have the freedom to determine our future in this country?

Absolutely. And that is why I am vehemently opposed to enslaving our citizens in the guise of "service."

I for one will NOT participate in something that I feel is not in my best interest, as I am an American citizen and should be able to freely decide what I want to do with my life.

Me too!

[edit on 3/19/2009 by Amaterasu]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 06:43 PM
Hey Guys - Nice thread!

FYI - I am a noob to ATS, I like the topics! Not much of a conspiracy type (I've noticed some are like that here) - I do not think anybody is smart enough to pull "it", whatever "it" might be, off...

Next - I am sure everybody actually read the summary, right?

If not - here it is -

Ok - a quote from the summary

"Makes anyone 55 years of age or older eligible as Senior Corps volunteers.
Provides, under the Senior Corps demonstration program, incentive matching grants to Senior Corps programs that exceed specified performance measures, enroll most of their volunteers in outcome-based service programs, and increase their enrollment of Baby Boomer volunteers.
Expresses the sense of the Congress that the number of AmeriCorps, VISTA, and NCCC participants should reach 250,000 by 2014"

I zero in on this "over 55" area becuase the largess majority of the people whom are truly affected by the current political, economic and social enviroment - and that actually have true power do to thier aquired wealth, prestige and what ever else it is that makes people "king" these days - are the ones they are targeting.

You see, a 15 year old has nothing really that isn't given to him out of the good graces of an elder. This is true until most people are in thier 30's. There are exceptions obviously. I have friends whom made thier first 200k by the time they graduated from high school (through hard work, not silver spoons). But the majority of us were to into MTV, SNL, babes (or hunks for the lady folk), cool cars and such.

This bill is designed, from my perspective as a Recovered Liberal, to simply force us to relinquish more power to the Government. And if they can eliminate the threat of those who oppose him (Messiah Obama), the safer it will be for those who are currently power grabbing when the real stuff hits the fan.

The rest, concerning all the youth - is to force the "dissenters" to follow along. FYI - here were I live, they have all these "Highway" adoption programs. Can you guess were they came from? The bills that are to be replaced by this one. Does anybody remember whom they used to use to keep our freeways looking clean? Yep, the hardened criminals. So, basically, if you are a dissenter - pro-life, pro-creation, pro-Jesus, pro-gun, pro-accepting responsibilities for ones own actions instead of blaming it on anybody else - they will liken you unto a "hardened criminal". It is likely you will be forced into "volunteer work groups" to "clean and beautify" our roads and such. That will grow into worse things to be sure. They will have to do something with those "dissenters".

But, as the Constitution looses it power through the inevitable socialism of this Republic, expect those that oppose it to become "dissenters". And there is nothing like teenagers for rebeliousness...

And let me guess, you think those in control do not realize this???

I shall repeat - I do not think anybody is smart enough to pull "it", whatever "it" might be, off...But let me add, there are "powers and prinicipalities" that are...

Again, thanks for letting put in my 2 cents!

[edit on 19-3-2009 by BBTN_Trinity]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Obviously you are more in the know about quite a few aspects of current policy, such as welfare and the job re-training/job help programs that are already in place. I have seen quite a few people here in Phoenix abusing the access program here in the state, that much i CAN say.
The one thing that I actually liked that Obama talked about for awhile was that he wanted to fix our crumbling infrastructure and start moving towards putting more energy efficient means of powering the nation in place. These kinds of programs could definitely benefit those who are unemployed or struggling right now. I just wonder, is it ever going to happen??? The infrastructure is undoubtedly more a state issue, but if there were a mandate put in place by the fed than states could use the funding and repair roads and bridges that are currently crumbling.

One ride down the streets of Detroit and your a** feels like it's been pummeled.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 06:58 PM
Wow some people here truly hate the youths huh?
Gee I wish they had so much passion towards the banksters and elites who make sure the kids have NOTHING to do but hang out at Walmart and stir up some trouble.
Or watch reality tv in which adults backstab each other, or in which they encourage cut throat competition or anorexia.
Chldren are children, get your hatred in check people!

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Psynarchist
Wow some people here truly hate the youths huh?
Gee I wish they had so much passion towards the banksters and elites who make sure the kids have NOTHING to do but hang out at Walmart and stir up some trouble.
Or watch reality tv in which adults backstab each other, or in which they encourage cut throat competition or anorexia.
Chldren are children, get your hatred in check people!

I never said that I hated children - I really hope you were not insinuating that I was!! I have a great desire of wanting more of them in this world! Young folks, though naive about many things, produce a level of passion and desire most old people loose.

I heard a quote once - I believe it was Thomas Jefferson - Who said "Most men die at 25, they just wait until they are much older to be buried" (somewhat paraphrased, as i do not have a "photographic memory"). Meaning - you are likely to loose your passions of youth that drove you to accomplish whatever it is you desired to accomplish.

Please note - Most bankers make less than 40k a year (My father in law for example, managed a bank for 40 years and his most ever pay was 52k one, mega bucks...). And well, I am not found of "those elites" much myself - Desiring to give my children an "easier" life than what I experienced growing up is not a bad thing...How i raise my children can be though...

Obviously you are more in the know about quite a few aspects of current policy, such as welfare and the job re-training/job help programs that are already in place.

I work in the automotive industry. 80% of the workforce is in danger of becoming those that are "dissenters". I am the last of a dieing breed - self educated engineers like Henry Ford, The Chrysler family, and so on. Those tought by the "college" profs now rule the world - And they really have no clue...Sad really...

One ride down the streets of Detroit and your a** feels like it's been pummeled.

Is that what that is? I thought i was just hemmroids??

Been in Metro Detroit my whole life - Never seen roads worse, anywhere - Even California has better roads after a quake hits!!

On subject - Volunteer work is great, when it comes from ones sense and desire just to be a caring, concerned and respectable human being. Most youngsters I know (and it is no shortage of them, thanks to a teenage son who is very popular) are very generous and like to do "good works" just because it makes them feel like they belong to something greater and better than themselves.

Forced "niceness" usually ends up in social disasters like what generally has been happening to our Australian neighbors...Where you can do the time if you witness a crime and do not attempt to at least do something about it - So the gal in the car next to you gets car jacked at gun point - You live in an "un-armed" society - do you -
A: Get shot trying to "save the girl"
B: Act like you see nothing
C: Yell out loud - No take my car - I can not afford to put gas in it anymore!!
D: Call 911 and go to prison because you didn't do A...

Was that on subject??

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Roper

Thank you, and i wont. Some of these people need to know something about this world.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Creepy is right. I didnt search for American children signing to Obama but I heard of a school that Pledged the allegiance to the flag while staring at Obama, rather than the flag.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 09:23 PM
Here is another thread in which some member discuss this bill, and where some others and I present more information on what the bill is implementing.

This bill is not good in the least. Now the Corporation has the right to dictate what learn-based programs should teach children, and it gives power to the Corporation to indoctrinate also teachers, and professors, as well as students.

Remember what Rham Emmanuel declared...he, and Obama want ALL Americans to do some sort of mandatory service. Even if you are retired, or disabled. You are not given a choice, and you will lose benefits if you refuse.

Already another bill is passing in which the Government can tell doctors what sort of treatment older patients should recieve...

This nation is being converted into either 1930s Germany, or another Communist dictatorship. Both have Socialist programs in which children, and even adults are indoctrinated and told what they should do, how they should think etc, etc.

We have to make sure to tell the government this is not what we want. We don't want this Great Republic to be replaced by a dictatorship controlled by a Corporation, or by anyone but the people.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 09:28 PM
So can anyone point out the part of this thing where they talk about mandatory service? From the summary I read, all it talks about is volunteer work. I can't find anything in there at all that talks about mandatory service. Thanks in advance.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by ldunquist
So can anyone point out the part of this thing where they talk about mandatory service? From the summary I read, all it talks about is volunteer work. I can't find anything in there at all that talks about mandatory service. Thanks in advance.

First of all, please do take the time to read at least the summary of the bill.

The Corporation has all the power over the Voluntary, and Required/Mandatory Service.

Even if you are in a private school, or are part of an Indian tribe, the Corporation can decide to put you to work if they want to, without your consent.


`(a) In General- To the extent consistent with the number of students in the State, Territory, or Indian tribe or in the school district of the local educational agency involved who are enrolled in private nonprofit elementary and secondary schools, such State, Territory, Indian tribe, or agency shall (after consultation with appropriate private school representatives) make provision--

`(1) for the inclusion of services and arrangements for the benefit of such students so as to allow for the equitable participation of such students in the programs implemented to carry out the objectives and provide the benefits described in this part; and

`(2) for the training of the teachers of such students so as to allow for the equitable participation of such teachers in the programs implemented to carry out the objectives and provide the benefits described in this part.

`(b) Waiver- If a State, Territory, Indian tribe, or local educational agency is prohibited by law from providing for the participation of students or teachers from private nonprofit schools as required by subsection (a), or if the Corporation determines that a State, Territory, Indian tribe, or local educational agency substantially fails or is unwilling to provide for such participation on an equitable basis, the Chief Executive Officer shall waive such requirements and shall arrange for the provision of services to such students and teachers. Such waivers shall be subject to the requirements of sections 9503 and 9504 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7883 and 7884).

Who do you think can describe the objectives if not the Corporation?

This bill also allows the Corporation to implement and I quote:

centralized electronic citizenship verification system...

According to this bill there is a volunteer program, but also the Required program which is called the "National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC),".

They devised the bill to hide in plain sight that this will be REQUIRED/MANDATORY, if people don't want to participate on their free will.


Section 122 is amended to read as follows:


`(a) Required National Service Corps- The recipient of a grant under section 121(a) and each Federal agency operating or supporting a national service program under section 121(b) shall, directly or through grants or subgrants to other entities, carry out or support the following national service corps, as full- or part-time corps, including during the summer months, to address unmet educational, health, veteran, or environmental needs:

Throughout the entire bill there is mention of the REQUIRED National Service Corps. Required is Mandatory and not voluntary.

This bill is full of jargon and if you don't take the time to read it you won't find that this bill is implementing a dictatorship in this Great Republic.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:31 PM
Since most students need grants, this bill requires for each student to perform Required Community Service as the Corporation sees fit.

There is also mention of older Americans doing service. The problem is that the bill is made in a way that includes addendums which confuses most people to think they will have a choice, but then when you read the addendums and how they apply to how the Corporation has the power to do as it wishes, then it becomes clear that you have no choice.

This will be done exactly the way that Obama's website posted it until it was erased.

Every child starting from Junior high will be required to do Civil Service of 50 hours a year at least.

Every adult going to College will be REQUIRED to do 100 hours a year, plus every student from 18-25 will have to go through an indoctrination/training program which could last 3 months or more.

Rham Emmanuel described it all, as well as Obama.

This mandatory Civil service will be as strong, as well founded, and as well trained as the military...

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