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Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

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posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Fremd

Do you honestly feel that well-to-do white people do not discriminate against racial minorities?

I am sure they do and they discriminate based on income across the board on all races even their own. But like I said I lived in a black neighborhood for almost a decade so I know there is plenty of discrimination there based on just being white! And god help you if you are a poor white and look anything like a stereotypical white 'hick" or "honky". (by the way the last time someone called me a honky it was a white guy :lol

Anyway I can tell you, with blacks its more about the green than it is the skin color although thats still a problem.

I helped coach a little league football team that was mostly black kids and actually had some parents tell their kids not to listen to me becouse I was white. I also had a guy turn his German Shepard lose on me and my daughter had her hair cut with scissors by some black girls on the school bus with accompanying racial slurs.

I could go on. But Rush is coming on soon so I must do some mental exercises so as to be prepared for the masters wisdom.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Logarock]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by Fremd
Do you honestly feel that well-to-do white people do not discriminate against racial minorities?

Spare me the tired theory that only White people can be racist. Try being the only white family living in an all black neighborhood. You'll find out that skin color doesn't mean squat when it comes to hate and racism.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by jerico65

You try and be on the recieving end of 350 years of enslavement and discrimination and bigotry and tell me how charitable you are going to be to the race/ruling class that imposed it.

Be all that as it may though I have found being a white man who married into a black family and knowing and having a lot of friends in the black community as with so many other things much depends on the attitude they get from you.

So how long have you lived in an all black community as the only white person? Or have you ever?

As for the topic at hand mush loosebowels is certainly racist... the list of ugly comments he tries to pass off as humor is too long for it to be anything else.

I have an aquaintence who listens to mush loosebowels all day... he is pretty conservative and whenever he has to deal with reality, like call up the city or state about something... he will end up saying something like "I got this black woman (or man) on the phone and she gave me nothing but grief... now mind you I'm not racist but..." or something to that effect. I confronted him on it once and pointed out he never said I got this white woman or Asian woman or Hispanic woman or older woman or what not... it was always a black. Now I know this guy fairly well and I have a pretty good idea what happens and I am certain that he gives whoever it is a ration of poo and they respond in kind but when he is complaining about it... its always a black... and maybe it was but then again maybe it wasn't.

How this applies to mush is simple... he can make of color comments about race all he wants and thinks if he can complain that he is misunderstood or that he was taken out of context but its really pretty simple... a racist sounding comment is usually racist and if you give someone attitude be them black or white, man or woman odds are they are going to return the favor...

But is the qualifer and odds are when someone says I'm not racist or sexist or what not and then says but... odds are they are.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by grover]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by Fremd
Do you honestly feel that well-to-do white people do not discriminate against racial minorities?

Spare me the tired theory that only White people can be racist. Try being the only white family living in an all black neighborhood. You'll find out that skin color doesn't mean squat when it comes to hate and racism.

This song ain't about you.
This song is about some white people being racist against blacks.
It's about the history of it.

You saying "Well, black people can be racist too"

No kidding?

But just because they can be racist, doesn't make it okay for well-to-do white people, like Rush Limbaugh, to spread his discrimination in the form of "pearls of wisdom"

and then people like you condoning it because "they're racist too" is one of the biggest parts of the problem

Thats the point. if you fail to see it, well...that's a problem you'll have to live with.

Racism will always exist as long as man-kind is still around. That doesn't make it right.

edit to add:

you said

Try being the only white family living in an all black neighborhood. You'll find out that skin color doesn't mean squat when it comes to hate and racism.

If "skin color" doesn't mean squat...then why was it an issue for you to be the only white family in a black neighborhood?

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Fremd]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 05:33 PM
Why we listen...Rush quotes 5/4/09

"A lot of people don't like absolutes, right and wrong. It makes them uncomfortable. But I guaran-damn-tee you life is filled with absolutes."

"The Democrats are saying, 'You know, you Republicans need to become more like us.' They know full well what they're doing. They want to encourage the McCains of the world to go out and continue to muddy the water of what a Republican or conservative is."

"If you have the money to buy a Rolex, why would you go buy a $60 knock-off? If you can vote for a real liberal Democrat, why vote for a Republican who says he wants to be one?"

"When you strip all the talk about the-era-of-Reagan-is-over away, you'll see it's aimed at Sarah Palin. Because last year the most prominent, articulate voice for standard, run-of-the-mill, good old-fashioned American conservatism was Sarah Palin."

"There is no cash back with cap-and-trade. The correct way to describe cap-and-trade is, 'cap-and-tax-your-ass-off'."

"The truth is, in order for an act to be a sacrifice, it must be voluntary. If the sacrifice is forced, it ain't sacrifice. It's authoritarianism, totalitarianism, or what have you."

"I maintain that when a politician says, 'We have to listen to the American people and learn,' that we are pandering and not leading."

"Now, when Jeb Bush says that the Democrats have something and we don't, that's not true. We have conservatism. Conservatism is timeless. Conservatism is freedom. Conservative is the nation's founding."

"Snerdley asked me, 'How can these Republicans be so blind as to what the Republican Party's successes were with Reagan?' They're not blind. They're threatened. They're threatened that somebody might surface, or maybe has, that can advance and articulate the issues that would lead to a landslide victory."

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Cut the sex and what? You are lost dude. Go reread it!
You spent way too much time in the 5% it sounds like to me.
I am glad for you. Likewise I am fine while the world collapses.
I am glad you have seen the corruption that IS this country.
Any doubt, just look who owns the biggest buildings in town.
Regardless of if we want to run ourselves into extinction or oblivion,
your kids' future concerns me. No biggie, sorry I care.
I don't have any kids anyway. I really shouldn't care about mankind, but I do. I can see the good side in every situation. But it doesnt make it much easier. I wish everyone the best surviving these times. I hope we make it as a nation. Would be a shame if we didn't.
Whatever you think rok, if you like rush, listen to him till the cows come home. From some of these posts I would have to answer the title this way:
Because they are in their work truck and they dont have a choice!
Been there, done that. Or they are just really friggin' bored!

No,...I think I'll stick with my first answer: they need their egos massaged.
(sorry couldnt help it)

Just remember who makes the big bux and whos listening to whom is all.
Btw, if you seen what happened in ohio, how can you back the repubs?
Or anyone? I take it you are an independant like so many here.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Conservatism is timeless. Conservatism is freedom. Conservative is the nation's founding."

That is idiotic. The Declaration of independence, the bill of rights and the constitution are all documents right out of the 18th century enlightenment which was a repudiation of the conservatism of the Ancient Regime and the whole old world order that was unraveling at the time.

Conservatism is timeless... he is right about that... but it is always the losing gambit of history.

the Pharisees and Sadducees in the time of Jesus were the conservatives of Judah.
The Inquisition was a conservative institution.
The Tories of the American Revolution were the conservatives of their day.
The southern slave owners were the conservatives of the civil war.
The segregationists of the civil rights movement were conservatives...

Need I go on... In short whenever you look at the historical record the conservatives of their time stood in opposition of progress and in the long run they all lost.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
"Now, when Jeb Bush says that the Democrats have something and we don't, that's not true. We have conservatism. Conservatism is timeless. Conservatism is freedom. Conservative is the nation's founding."

What conservatism, what conservatist.

Even if conservatism is good I see no conservatist, none at all. I see a lot of posers. I see a lot of snake oil salesmen. I see a lot of people who think they're righteous people... but not really. I see hypocrites. I see people who are IN DENIAL.

reply to post by grover

It's a waste of time convincing people who're in denial, they need to grow up first.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Jazzyguy
It is the same thing with the supporting our troops thing.
We can support the troops but not the war! People get stuff all mixed up!
I'll admit right here in front of everyone I used to listen to him everyday!
My work pickup had am radio and that was your choice.
Finally after a couple months I realized, what the h*** am I doing?
He put me in a nasty frame of mind is all I can describe it.
I guess that is why I have a personal distain for him.
I felt "corrupted" or "led" whenever he talks.
He sounds just like a rich, money preacher.

Hes a preacher of division

I thought I was being "patriotic", I was really just being idiotic.
Too lazy or afraid to do the research and civil duty myself and relying on
ANYONE elses idea of whats right instead of on my maker.
That is why I post and feel as I do. SIMO. I grew up. Amen.
Hes not even good enough for am radio.

(btw, I bought a walkman)!

[edit on 4-5-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Fremd
This song ain't about you.

Not about you, either.

Originally posted by Fremd
But just because they can be racist, doesn't make it okay for well-to-do white people, like Rush Limbaugh, to spread his discrimination in the form of "pearls of wisdom" and then people like you condoning it because "they're racist too" is one of the biggest parts of the problem

So I condone it? Obviously, you don't have a single clue about me or what I believe in. You may want to step back and [SNIP] your statement just a bit.

I don't condone racism at all, no matter if Rush, or Rev Wright, or Louis Farrakhan are spewing it.

Originally posted by Fremd
If "skin color" doesn't mean squat...then why was it an issue for you to be the only white family in a black neighborhood?

Oh, I'm sorry that my example offended you in some way. I guess you're not as hard as you wish you were.

How about a _____ family living in a ______ neighborhood.

Pick two opposites, pick up a crayon and fill in the blanks. Get back to me if you need help.

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by dodadoom

Wow. I, for one, commend your heartfelt admission. Honesty, accountability and humility is not expected in a topic devoted to Rush Limbaugh.

Your truthfulness and sincerity are both refreshing and inspiring.

Glad you awoke from the fog, Welcome back aboard the sanity train.

First Star from me.


[edit on 4-5-2009 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by RRconservative
Why we listen...Rush quotes 5/4/09

"I maintain that when a politician says, 'We have to listen to the American people and learn,' that we are pandering and not leading."

RR, did you miss the part where he slammed the RepubliCons for attempting to 're-brand' the Party? Did he talk about the silly 'Pizza Party' they held Monday morning (one host was Eric Cantor) here in Arlington??
Talk was of 'working' across the aisle, but no Democrats were invited. This new effort to be run from Mitch McConnell's office?

The GOP better be careful, they're poking their de-facto spokesman, and he may erupt!

edit - still learning this -quote- thingy.

[edit on 5/4/0909 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

Thanks for your reply and star! Also for your compassion.
It is not easy to open yourself up but ultimately healthy to do so.
Thank you for the kind sentiments and I am glad too!
I had to be honest with myself is all. Part of growin' up.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by Facefirst

Yes, really!

The same Rush that mocked a dying man's illness? Actually accused Michael J. Fox of exaggerating his symptoms to gain the pity vote?

This shows that you don't listen to Rush and only spew the liberal talking points which are always wrong. Rush said that MJF purposefully did not take his meds to control the shaking on the day he was testify regarding stem cell research.

In fact, MJF has admitted to not taking meds before some public appearences. Just google or YouTube diane sawyer and inside edition on ABC and I'm sure you can find the video.

The same Rush that was blasted out of his mind on Oxy while delivering his hate filled rants?

You mean like the same Obama who was blasted out of his mind, or should I say nose, on coke. Rush got hooked because of back problems, so what was Obama's reason for snorting coke?

Also, you and other liberals always spew erroneous comments like 'hate filled speech' but never give any examples. More brainwashed liberals I suspect but please give me a hate filled rant.

The same Rush that giggled when one of his toothless listeners said Obama looked like Curious George?

Oh the humanity, he giggled!
Good grief, is that all you got.
Plus Rush did not even make the comment. Your entire point is moot.
I feel embarrassed for you for even making that comment.

The same Rush Limbaugh that plays "Barack The Magic Negro" on his radio show?

Again showing your ignorance.
First of all, the term "magic negro" was used first by a BLACK columnist writing a article about white guilt and that is what the term refers to. It's a long explanation, so I will refer you to a link which explains everything. It has nothing to do with Rush and proves that you only get your info from the liberal talking heads instead of doing research on your own.

Barack the Majic Negro, explained.

Who exactly is stooping to name calling here?

Well, it's certainly not Rush and you have not provided any evidence to the contrary. The only people who name call because they cannot make a valid argument are liberals. Thanks for proving my point.

Check your facts

Well I did and proved you otherwise. This is because you are spewing your opinion or liberal talking points without doing your own research.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 04:43 AM
I want to thank RR conservative for posting all of those mush loosebowels quotes...

let the big fat leaking bag of drug addled poo speak for himself...

he proves himself to be the idiot far more throughly than I ever could.

Sadly the more you read those quotes the more you really have to question... if not the intellect, then certainly the reasoning skills or his fanatic fan base.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by dodadoom
reply to post by Logarock

Just remember who makes the big bux and whos listening to whom is all.
Btw, if you seen what happened in ohio, how can you back the repubs?
Or anyone? I take it you are an independant like so many here.

Do we have some cognitive here?

The dems rigged all that. They had the story ready. It was manufactured and dirty. Like I said they had out of state DEMS making sure everything went off well.

There was a large turnout that day. Very large. Voting stations are allotted the number of machines based on past turn outs and by that record there were plenty of voting machines. I vote there before several times no problems. On the day in question, as a result of a local massive voter registration drive, the lines were long. Thats all.

It was spun instantly into the "man" trying to keep black voters down by making sure there were not enough machines. It was even said afterwords that some of the machines had been moved out before election day and taken to stations with more whites living in the surrounding area. But I was in the station to vote and before I heard this story and there were as many machines as were normally there.

There were also some out of state agitators there. One with NJ license plates. He was asking everybody that left the building if they we able to vote. Those who said they couldn't wait in line were hassled to get back in there. This guy was some hard ass white guy that reminded me of a hard union or mob heavy.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Fremd

Originally posted by jerico65

Originally posted by Fremd
Do you honestly feel that well-to-do white people do not discriminate against racial minorities?

Spare me the tired theory that only White people can be racist. Try being the only white family living in an all black neighborhood. You'll find out that skin color doesn't mean squat when it comes to hate and racism.

This song ain't about you.
This song is about some white people being racist against blacks.
It's about the history of it.

You saying "Well, black people can be racist too"

No kidding?

But just because they can be racist, doesn't make it okay for well-to-do white people, like Rush Limbaugh, to spread his discrimination in the form of "pearls of wisdom"

Nice try there buddy. This guy says he was the only white, I was in about a 5% white, and you guys want to diminish the real world authority to speak that this would give a white man. Thats is were my largest disrespect for liberals in this case resides. If we whites that lived with blacks cant use our experience to become an advocate for the liberal spin and become down for the struggle then our experience is discounted. Typical.

I didn't spend my time with the 5%.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by kinda kurious
reply to post by dodadoom

Glad you awoke from the fog, Welcome back aboard the sanity train.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by kinda kurious]

There is no sanity train to get back on. You dont want to listen then tune. But you want to make sure that its tuned out for everybody. Dont need no Rush or others on the way to Utopia.

Some on here just prove up the opinion of Rush and say Mark Levine with your self fancy better educated, more enlightened, all that disagree are mentally deficient. You should be warred against at all costs.

Like a great man once said, the face of demagoguery more often than not hides behind the espousal of the rights of the people.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Nice try there buddy. This guy says he was the only white, I was in about a 5% white, and you guys want to diminish the real world authority to speak that this would give a white man. Thats is were my largest disrespect for liberals in this case resides. If we whites that lived with blacks cant use our experience to become an advocate for the liberal spin and become down for the struggle then our experience is discounted. Typical

What are you talking about?

I'm saying who cares if someone was treated with discrimination IF all they're going to do in turn is treat others the same way.

We say "People like Rush Limbaugh are racist"

And rush limbaugh supports say "So? Black people discriminated against me!!!!"

That's not what we're talking about. Go start your own thread. We are talking about Apples, you're talking about Celery.

Saying that it's okay for Rush to spread his filthy discrimination in the form of his Radio show BECAUSE black people were racist against you, makes you no better than the black people who treated you the way they did.

If you fail to see wouldn't understand anyways then

[edit on 5-5-2009 by Fremd]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Logarock

With all due respect, I would love to respond to your post. But there seem to be words missing. ( Not to mention any common sense.)

Could you kindly rephrase? I would hate to read between your lines or put words in your mouth. Something apparently slipped through your cracks.

Back On Topic for mod appeasement:

Why Do People Listen to Rush Limbaugh?

Because he never learned "He who throws mud loses ground." - Fat Albert


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