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"Zionist Conspiracy Theory" = Black Propaganda

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posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by lee anoma

I'm not sure I understand what that means, exactly.
Are you saying I am jealous of successful people?

Hi Lee.

I am saying that most people would love to be in that position and yet, in their hypocrisy hate those at the top.

In the power-game, one group wants to beat the other group. So what they do is identify someone who has power and diminish their reputation. Once the attacked empire has fallen, they take their place and reign just as brutally or even more tyrannical than the system they were supposedly opposing.

Another thing is that success is equated with evil. This is what the puppet-masters would love the average joe to believe. "Success is evil. Money is the root of all evil. Stay small, stay powerless".

Whats more: The people on those lists (Forbes 500 etc.) are not all in league with each other.

And whats more: Illuminati-Type conspirators would never be out in the open. Ever. Should such a vast conspiracy exist it could only be maintained by not even being known.

You cant attack someone who is not known.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Your source for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors does not agree with what is currently sourced for the Board of Governors membership. You aren't being dishonest are you?

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

One listed on wikipedia is vacant. Another is an expired term (which is not listed on the actual FRB website). Two of those members are probably not Jewish.

But anyway, if it's a statistical question we're trying to ask....suppose we look at the complete lists of Boards of Governors, Directors, etc....and see if Jewish representation is anomalous.

Here's the hard part for you and the're gonna' need to slog through those lists to understand this next bit.

So...No, I don't think it is a coincidence. I don't think anyone can argue that people of Jewish descent have a remarkable track record in the financial and business world. Why does it seem odd that one particular group has a tendency to rise to the top of their profession? Either through innate abiltiy or dogged persistence. Doesn't seem odd to me...white guys can't jump and are dramatically outnumbered in professional basketball. Conversely, there appear to be very few black Olympic swimmers. And that doesn't bother me....I don't think it's a cabal of sport manipulators.

Dishonest? No not at all maybe some of the info I have is old but not dishonest. Ok so you seem to think that the Federal Reserve is not ran by Jews. Ok lets run down the list here.....
Chairman Ben Bernenke-Jewish
Vice Chairman Donal Kohn-Jewish
Kevin Warsh-Jewish
Elizabeth Duke-Not Sure I Cant Find Out If She is or Isnt
Daniel Tarullo-Not Sure I Cant Find Out If She is or Isnt

Ok so that takes care of the Federal Reserve so we will move onto the Federal Reserve Bank Presidents...
FRB of Boston Eric Rosengren-Jewish
FRB of New York William Dudly-Jewish
FRB of Philadelphia Charles Plosser-Jewish
FRB of Richmond: Jeffrey M. Lacker - Jewish
FRB of St. Louis: James B. Bullard - Jewish
FRB of Minneapolis: Gary H. Stern - Jewish
FRB of Kansas City: Thomas M. Hoenig - Jewish
FRB of Dallas: Richard W. Fisher - Jewish
FRB of San Francisco: Janet L. Yellen - Jewish
FRB of Cleveland: Sandra Pianalto - gentile
FRB of Atlanta: Dennis P. Lockhart - gentile
FRB of Chicago: Charles L. Evans - gentile

Ok so we now see that the Federal Reserve and the regional banks are headed by mostly Jewish people. So the big boys of American banking are mostly of the Jewish religion. Now is this a coincidence is this just a group excelling at a certain career? Maybe but I doubt it. I think its more of keeping it in the family and please dont compare the banking industry to the sports industry. Remember the conspiracy we are talking about here is taking over the world and not taking over Madison Garden. Now that is a lot of power for such a small group isnt it?

In regards to the IMF
there are 30 Senior Members and I count 5 Jews to 25 Gentiles

Chairman of Board-Guillermo Ortiz-Christian
General Manager-Jewish

Board is 4 Jews to 18 Gentiles.

World Bank
Once again Im looking for the Senior Members and not every schlep that is in the joint. I want the people who run the place.....,00.html

President Robert Zoellick-Jewish

So here is the conclusion I come to on the international banks. The top of management tend to be Jewish and as you go down the chain they are gentiles which outnumbers Jews quite a bit. I dont know whether to call that a victory for your cause however because the people who run the show tend to be Jewish. I think the reason for them not being Jewish is because there isnt to many Jews in places like China, Japan, and the middle east which make up a majority of the gentile numbers.

So I stand by my claims the Jews do indeed run the banking system. They may be outnumbered but still do run the show for when you look at the top of the chain you will see. This might be a case of one group excelling. Now to your questions...

Your turn.....are these questions and what is implied, what you "feel"? Or, is it what you know and can spell out with some academic rigor and discipline? If it's what you "feel", how can you be sure it isn't the result of poor perception or conversely, the very accurate application of rhetoric and suggestion?

Here's my point....about everything....darn near about everything this discussion has encompassed....

Until people break away from the "micro" view of these type of issues....until they stop looking and perceiving them through the tunnel vision of the Internet....they'll never realize the "macro" view. That view is that what is being discussed here has been going on for all of human history. The jealousy, the suspicion, the name it, been there done that. Doesn't matter what demographic is being maligned or're simply repeating history.

Many people here really are convinced they have the "big picture" and they are "in the know".....when all that's happened is your attention has been focused thanks to TCP/IP and the Internet.

I'm the one that is having trouble with this picture? I'm asking people to expand their perceptions and the scope of this issue, and I'm catching grief?

It is not only how I feel but as I pointed out the Jews pretty much run the banking system both locally and abroad. Maybe not in numbers in abroad as much as they are at the top of the food chain...they run the show. So in my eyes if they run the banking system by proxy they run the world for in my eyes the banks do run the world. Through the issuance of the fiat currency they literally have the power to boom and bust economies and anyone who doesnt play the game gets shut out.

Now more so on an international front the American banking cartel has especially enormous powers because our currency is the reserve currency of the world. We can crush nations through inflation and deflation of our currency. Because our currency is the reserve currency it forces countries to buy our currency to do international transactions once again giving our banking interests that much more power. When you look at our Constitution and when you here the words of our founding fathers they warned us of giving control of our currency to the manipulating banking interests because it would not only create high taxes for us as a free society but it would also be the theft of our real assets and resources of the people. With the Depression and what has happened recently this is very apparent that if you dont follow the extortion/blackmail of the banking cartel you will be crushed. Through the trillions we have given we have bought off the thugs and bought ourselves another 100 years of "stability"

Then when you look at our unrelenting support for Israel via the welfare and weapons we give them on a yearly basis this only builds on the conspiracy. Why is it when anyone questions our relations both on a political and a strategic point of view you get "the label"? Then when the question is raised no one can give a real strategic value which leads me to believe that Israel has us by the balls in some way. So when answers arent given and we watch our money and blood continue to go to the middle east o me this breads more and more hate and conspiracy theories. My personal opinion in my perfect world would be as follows and this would be for all countries including that of Israel. Thomas Jefferson said it the best and here it is... "Commerce with all, alliance with none." If Israel wanted to buy our weapons we would be glad to sell it to them. If they need to borrow money we would be glad to lend it to them. This goes for ALL nations in my opinion. We would rid ourselves of the illegal banking system we have and get off the debt based currency. We need to pull our troops from all the countries we occupy and come home hence calming the inflammation of hate towards us here in the US. At this point if someone decides they still want a piece of the US Im all for blowing the hell out of them.

So there is my academic view. If you need any facts to back up my view please feel free to ask but otherwise the ball is now in your court

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Star for you on your three part post. Excellent well thought out post.....

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by MrPenny

Im quite amazed at how nobody seems to care about your last post which wipes out the "Federal Reserve are belongs to da Joooos" "Theory".

I think I just disproved his FED theory...
Thanks for the

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Thank you for explaining that, Sky.

Sorry I actually wasn't sure but didn't want to assume and have that it viewed as something that didn't represent me.

Honestly, as the days go by I feel less a part of the real world than I choose to admit and spiritually I spend most of my significant time somewhere else.

I even feel I argue points of my personal opinions of justice, fairness and morality in vain because it all doesn't matter. These identities are not us and this is a part of something I hesitate to call a game because it reduces this amazing school to something trivial.

I suppose I'll see what my opinions are in my next incarnation.

Perhaps they will change.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:28 PM
It's ironic with claims of the US government tracking people and the diminishment of Constitutionally mandated basic rights to religious affiliations and privacy, there are people vociferously enumerating who is Jewish and who is not.

Do you know for sure that the bankers listed are Jewish beyond what you consider an obvious Jewish name? Do you know whether they are half-Jewish, one quarter, etc? Are you using the Nazi data system - one Jewish grandparent and you're toast?

Can you determine a person's political and religious affiliations by determining they are Jewish and that they are beholden totally to the State of Israel with your magical intelligence gathering system?

This tracking of a disproportionate number of Jews in banking, media, shoe lace manufacturing, whatever - and the blithe assumption without question that this is automatically an indicator of malevolent intent speaks volumes of those who attach importance to it.

What is it you want? A quota system, the elimination of Jews in positions of power and decision making? Who do you propose replace them for your satisfactory balance? As the Chinese represent something like a quarter of the world's population, does this have to reflected in the makeup? Does it matter at all if they are qualified or have their own political agendas?

The sickness I see in all this is beyond elaborating.

Bu here we are in March 2009, and Jew hunting season is open.

Mike F

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:40 PM
This conspiracy is not completely black propaganda, just as 9/11 is not black propaganda; just because a radical movement leader like Alex Jones represents the issue on a wide scale, doesn't make the facts go away. Just as the Disclosure Project is mostly real, but Steven M. Greer is one bad representative.

[edit on 14/3/09 by Majorion]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

This is are you determining who is Jewish, and who is not? How are you doing that?

Are you arbitrarily determining "Jewish-ness" by the name? Seriously....what is your criteria for deciding that?

BTW...the Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks are appointed by the Board of really need to include that demographic.

But whatever. I think I've proved my point.

[edit on 14-3-2009 by MrPenny]

[edit on 14-3-2009 by MrPenny]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Star for you on your three part post. Excellent well thought out post.....

Just my little attempt to reverse engineer history. I think the further back you go and look at the history as it unfolds and avoid relying on the religious history incorporated into the various scriptures you get a clearer picture of what likely happened and why.

By the way I like to think there are no coincidences or accidents in the world so lets ask ourselves in regards to the actual capstone what might have taken place.

The Hebrews have voluntarily left Israel for Baghdad apparently crushed for being rebellious by the mighty Roman Army, but both the Hebrews and the Romans are armed with the script...(isn't it funny how the religious texts are called scriptures and story lines for plays and movies are called scripts ) of the continued conquest of the entire world. Rome appears as mighty as ever having destroyed Jerusalem and sacked it's Temple but the resilient Hebrews fall right into life in Baghdad waiting behind the scenes for their next act but making good use of the time.

The growing Islamic religion based ostensibly off the same Hebrew God is becoming the dominant Religion in Baghdad, they are tricked almost into accepting the unknown Christ because of one passage in the story of his birth, the Three Wise Men from the East following the Star of Bethlehem are obviously not Jewish. They play a prominent role in the story though because they are all wise kings of the Islamic East. For this alone the must find the story of Christ attractive and want to incorporate parts of it if only for vanity. Behind the scenes in Baghdad are the Jews, who already know that the final outcome of the plan will be to return to Jerusalem and establish a Third Temple. Part of then forcing conformity to the new one world Government will have to be eliminating at least two if not all three of the religious sects. No one knows what's between G-d except the Elders so in fact what are the Hebrews worshiping, or more likely imagining they are worshiping since it would be impossible for so many people to keep a secret. The Jews have been assigned a unique role based on religion and Judaism Christianity and Islam are all supposed to be based on the same God but are they when in fact that God is spelled G-d and kept secret by the people who introduced it. The average Jew becomes just as expendable as the average Christian or Muslim as a result that the average Jew is worshiping something unknown to them on a leap of faith, all they really have is a distinct culture that is tangible, but their mystique is based on the religion and their allure is based on their money and willingness to loan it. The plot has included two sides to play against the middle. The Muslims are now set up by the Jews in Baghdad who likely give them Mohamed to further the religion along just like Christ was given to the Christians. The first thing the Jews do is send Mohamed of all places to Jerusalem with enough money to build the first ever Mosque on top of the ruins of the Second Temple!

Now we have the capstone in place to set of the conflagration to set off the final war of consolidation. There can be no Third Temple built on the ruins of the first two without tearing down Islam's very first and holiest Mosque that just happened to coincidentally for some strange reason been built on top of the Second Temple. The laity of the Muslim faith of course will be outraged to see their very first Mosque and holiest one torn down, it would be assumed they would never agree to it. That it would drive every Muslim the world over to all out war against the people who would tear it down. The only people who would tear it down would be Jews to build the Third Temple the Scriptures proclaim. To the relatively small in number Jews it is just their center of religion and cultural life and government. They place no other great event on it because they do not believe in Christ. To the much more numerous and better armed Christians it is the place that ushers in the long awaited return of their Lord. The Christians have no choice but to fight against the Muslims to see it is maintained and restored to the Hebrews or the Christian Lord never returns. The trap is set, the capstone in place, now it's just a slow process of exporting these three religions throughout the world. Christians to conquest rich fertile lands full of minerals and to convert pagans and heathens. Jews to set up commerce and usury and banking in their wake, Muslims to develop science and keep working on the arts of Alchemy and Astrology and Astronomy while the dark ages are imposed on Europe for a thousand years while the pagans living it are slowly brought to heel and heed the Roman authority of the Catholic Church. Once all of Europe is under this system the veil of darkness imposed by the Catholic Church is lifted and the long suppression of technology and art and astronomy is lifted to set the stage for conquest across the oceans.

Once the Americas are populated and any sizable population of pagans is exterminated the stage is set for rapid industrialization, arming and equipping it to fight the European Wars to validate the expulsion of the indigenous population of Palestine and return the Hebrews to Jerusalem.

The job is deliberately botched by the British so that what on paper looks really like a religious and humanitarian small equitable settlement that denies them access to Jerusalem and any chance to tare down the Dome of the Rock and establish a Third Temple seems remote but soon spins out of hand as the skillful British inflame passions on both sides and provide lax enough security in the process to get the situation heated rapidly.

The new Jewish Nation keeps receiving funds and weapons from other exiles in Diaspora and charitable Christians excited that the time might be drawing near for Christs return. The Islamic world is up in arms and must know the grave threat to their continued viability should the Mosque come down and they are forced to fight. Poorly armed, poorly trained, and lacking critical intelligence and key communications abilities their piecemeal attacks are easily repelled by an Israeli army backed up by superior weapons better cohesiveness and intelligence passed on by Western Embassies and Military Units.

The attempts to destroy Israel will galvanize especially some of the splinter groups of Christianity who anxiously await their Lords return to rescue them from the decaying morality and growing tide of deviant and wicked behavior brought on by the erosion of the traditional family, the feminist and gay rights movements, and increasingly liberal ideas that shock and frighten them.

Other nations assigned guilt in their persecutions and failures to protect the Jews will pay a penance in money and weapons but bow to a new word in shame called Anti-Semite coined and rapidly introduced through the Anti-Defamation League and an apologetic press as people still real from the horrible sights and accounts of the inhuman Holocaust primarily visited upon Eastern Europe's and Russia's non-ethnic Jews.

The Jews of the world are elevated to a level of almost beyond reproach, guilt plagues everyone especially those in the Christian religion long taught to be self loathers for their Lord Christ having to die a similarly barbaric death for their very own sins and redemption.

The CIA at first alarmed at all of this and worried about the strategic oil supply in the Middle East at first plots against the growing Israeli state but by the time Truman is ready for election switches sides and starts preparing for the fallout sure to come from the Islamic World.

The stage is set Baghdad will be retaken. Operation Cast Lead begins...

[edit on 14/3/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by mybigunit

No, not even close.....what you did is, again, squeeze your sample down to a subset that finally looked good to you. And if you'll check my last post, I'd like to know how your breaking down the elements of those sets into subsets.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Star for you on your three part post. Excellent well thought out post.....

I am very impressed with the amount of research you put into your posts by the way. You do a great job at breaking down the different support structures and who seems to control them.

It kind of fits in my over all reversed engineered history how different participants of different sects are assigned specific areas of operation and tasks.

The logistics of it all are so impressive. I am in awe of the minds that planned all these things out and pulled them all together.

Really nice work!

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny
reply to post by mybigunit

This is are you determining who is Jewish, and who is not? How are you doing that?

Are you arbitrarily determining "Jewish-ness" by the name? Seriously....what is your criteria for deciding that?

But whatever. I think I've proved my point.

Mainly by last name and I google their names on the internet and look at personal profiles on the people. This is how I come to this conclusion and I stated people that I couldnt find any info on if they were Jewish or not.

As far as proving points Ive stated my case and my reasoning for thinking the way I think. Ive backed them up with what I feel are facts and and am basing my assumptions on the conspiracy on those facts. I dont think Im going to change your mind just like you probably will not change mine but I do leave open the fact that it is just a coincidence that maybe Jews are just better at certain aspects. Maybe they do something different at home or maybe Jews are just some superior beings or chosen people.

Ill continue to watch this debate and Ill continue to add my thoughts as I see they are warranted.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

No, not even close.....what you did is, again, squeeze your sample down to a subset that finally looked good to you. And if you'll check my last post, I'd like to know how your breaking down the elements of those sets into subsets.

What Ive stated are facts and if you can disprove anything please feel free to. I saw the comment on elections and Im of the belief that people in power arent elected they are selected. I feel this way not only about the banking system but I feel this way about our presidency also. Joseph Stalin said "Its not who votes that counts, its who counts the votes." The facts are the Jews hold a lot of power in the financial industry and we didnt even delve into the media or entertainment industry which too are essential if you would want to take over the world.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by mybigunitMainly by last name and I google their names on the internet and look at personal profiles on the people.

Okay....I checked one at random, Richard W. Fisher, who you have identified as Jewish....from his wikipedia entry...

A first-generation American, Fisher was born in Los Angeles, California but grew up in Mexico. His father was Australian, while his mother was South African, of Norwegian descent.[3] Following graduation from Admiral Farragut Academy, he attended the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland from 1967 to 1969, before transferring to Harvard University, where he earned a bachelor's degree in economics in 1971. From 1972 to 1973, he studied Latin American studies at Oxford University. Completing his education in 1975, he earned an M.B.A. from Stanford University.

Fisher is married to Nancy Miles Collins, the daughter of former U.S. Congressman James M. Collins. They have four children, including their son, actor Miles Fisher. Source

I also looked up Thomas M. Hoenig, who you've also identified as Jewish.....I'm pretty good at Internet searches and I can't find any hint of this man's religion....have you got a source for that?

Same thing with Janet L. Yellen....can't find a single damned source that identifies her as Jewish. Can you help me with that?

In short, I think you're making stuff up.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Mainly by last name and I google their names on the internet and look at personal profiles on the people. This is how I come to this conclusion and I stated people that I couldnt find any info on if they were Jewish or not.

As far as proving points Ive stated my case and my reasoning for thinking the way I think. Ive backed them up with what I feel are facts and and am basing my assumptions on the conspiracy on those facts. I dont think Im going to change your mind just like you probably will not change mine but I do leave open the fact that it is just a coincidence that maybe Jews are just better at certain aspects. Maybe they do something different at home or maybe Jews are just some superior beings or chosen people.

Fair enough position. Mine is not dissimilar. But I think determining who is Jewish by name can be dicey. People change religions but keep names. Others change their names. Many Americans of German and Eastern European extraction have similar names, Christian or Jewish.

The great joke is how the latest fad Chinese books with titles like "How to Get Rich the Jewish Way" often cite Rockefeller and Roosevelt as successful Jews.

Growing up in Canada I noted so many Scotsmen were politicians, bankers, company owners, etc. It seemed pretty evident that even though they were a minority, they came at the right time, were hungry, highly motivated, willing to work hard, and figured out how to make money beyond sustenance levels. I don't think there was a conspiracy and a long term agenda.

Mike F

[edit on 14-3-2009 by mmiichael]

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 09:48 PM
I always thought that the ptb's honestly did infiltrate the world governments, one form being the zionist, simply the manipulate the bible, or fulfill their manipulations of the bible. It is quite a card to be able to play.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 10:09 PM
reply to post by mmiichael

Growing up in Canada I noted so many Scotsmen were politicians, bankers, company owners, etc. It seemed pretty evident that even though they were a minority, they came at the right time, were hungry, highly motivated, willing to work hard, and figured out how to make money beyond sustenance levels. I don't think there was a conspiracy and a long term agenda.

You just might want to check the origins of the coronation stone taken from the Scot's to dwell to this day underneath the Monarch of England's coronation throne.

The stone is from Israel and arrived in Scotland at a time when historically it had no business being there.

Then think a bit further about the Scottish Rite Freemason movement.

Then think about what a great job the rugged Scots did at training superb Jewish volunteer commandos who took part in daring suicide missions behind enemy lines in occupied Europe and Africa.

The Scots have a fascinating history and prominent place in the overall scheme of things.

They also have really wonderful festivals and you have to admire a man who will wear a skirt, and one cruel enough to play the bagpipes!

I really would like to have words with who ever taught them to play the Beer Barrel Polka on those things!

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by mybigunit

Originally posted by MrPenny

No, not even close.....what you did is, again, squeeze your sample down to a subset that finally looked good to you. And if you'll check my last post, I'd like to know how your breaking down the elements of those sets into subsets.

What Ive stated are facts and if you can disprove anything please feel free to. I saw the comment on elections and Im of the belief that people in power arent elected they are selected. I feel this way not only about the banking system but I feel this way about our presidency also. Joseph Stalin said "Its not who votes that counts, its who counts the votes." The facts are the Jews hold a lot of power in the financial industry and we didnt even delve into the media or entertainment industry which too are essential if you would want to take over the world.

I can honestly say through first hand experience that there really is no need to rig the vote in the United States.

The candidates are all first selected and then regardless which ever one wins they are on board with the powers that be. Every candidate is preselected most often for their work in the field of law. They are invited to dinner by a point man for the powers that be. This person is always someone who's reputation would be known to them, and the meeting would be an invitation to discuss your political future. The person being screened is gauged casually at first for their reliability in keeping secrets and desire for further power and wealth. Their past accomplishments are heavily considered as well as their abilities. If they are deemed trustworthy they are invited to run for the office in question. Some of them will know nothing more than that, they will be funded just enough and given just enough press to create the illusion of a viable candidate. Others who have more talent and capability and are already privy more or less to the the system will be better funded, and given better press. One more tier of candidates is selected who are extremely talented, aware of the system, and can be told flat out what's expected of them, both of these, one democrat and one republican will not only receive excellent funding above anyone else and superior press coverage but will also be fed the issues the Powers that Be want to be introduced once they are elected. These will be the most two dynamic candidates. They still will have a favorite of those two perhaps because of talent perhaps because of family ties, and that very favorite will be given the absolute best press coverage and the absolute biggest campaign chest.

The powers that be are almost assured at least one suitable victor in this way, and it almost always is in fact the favorite from the pool that they selected the entire pool of.

They are happy to let you choose for yourself, who ever you have to choose from suits their purpose except for the rare independent or break away from the Powers that Be guy. If anyone is familiar with Lyndon B LaRouche who has run for the Democratic and Independent nomination for President in every election since 1980 including once from his Federal Prison Cell his candidacy from his Federal Prison cell was because he broke with the Powers that Be and found himself persecuted by the Reagan Justice Department in one of the grossest miscarriages of Justice his lawyer a fellow by the name of Cyrus Vance claims he ever saw on trumped up charges of mail fraud.

If you run in certain circles and you suspect you are talking to a Power that Be mention Lyndon LaRouche's name, if they spit on the sidewalk and utter a few expletives despite their good breeding and wealth, you have just met a Power that Be.

You do get to elect who they select for you to choose.

By the way that is WASP controlled, but the overall plan always requires at the highest level furthering the goal of Israel's success. Only because getting someone on that throne of the Third Temple is how you win the game.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by MrPenny

Okay....I checked one at random, Richard W. Fisher, who you have identified as Jewish....from his wikipedia entry...

I also looked up Thomas M. Hoenig, who you've also identified as Jewish.....I'm pretty good at Internet searches and I can't find any hint of this man's religion....have you got a source for that?

Same thing with Janet L. Yellen....can't find a single damned source that identifies her as Jewish. Can you help me with that?

In short, I think you're making stuff up.

Hmmm Im making stuff up. First Ive been accused of being dishonest which it turns out I just had old information which was fact just changed fact and not the most updated and now Im being told Im just making stuff up. Is this what this has come to now?

If your a search expert then type in "(name) + Jewish" You will find many sites. But here is a link that actually has a the same debate you and I are having down in the comment section.

but otherwise there are 50 sites that state the religions but some of the sites may be considered "illegitimate"

If those sites dont work for you then by all means check the last names themselves. Fisher is up in the air for sure but Hoenig and Yellen or Yellin are both known Jewish last names.

posted on Mar, 14 2009 @ 11:42 PM
Everyone needs to keep in mind one basic sociological trend: similar and similar minded people tend to group together. It is a natural response, not necessarily due to any type of hate, dislike, etc.
Many different communities of people have experienced different types of biggotry. Being said, the Jewish community is no different. Since the dawn of man, many Jews have been pushed out of the countries that they lived in, killed, etc. Jewish people have been very strong-willed throughout time. They have realized that education , money , and some other things will help them to survive. I think that this is why their resolve is so strong, as they have taught each other down the line in order to protect themselves. That's why their are so many educated Jews in high ranking jobs and monetary has nothing to do with them trying to take over the world or anything like that. It all boils down to a survival mechanism, period.
Thanks, Rev. Jeff D.

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