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Here is it FEMINISM again, Taking all we men have.

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posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:50 PM
I have said it several times, even recently about feminists taking all that we men have and claiming they are getting nothing. Here they are with their own Women's council now, THANKS OBAMA, YOU SELLOUT! Look back through all of my posts and know that all of the arguments I had with feminists were founded on reality and that I was right. Look at what Obama just did for these women ...(who get nothing...[laughs]) and notice that MEN are no part of this. They are taking everything from us men and getting away with it because we are letting them. They cry and we buy. Wake up men....women are far more of a threat than any UFO.Look for yourselves online at the patterns evolving, ..OH, and don't argue with a will get nowhere. It's all about THEM apparently. Women's plight by butt. It has just turned into Men's plight look and weep men.

(flag please, this is more important than you know, it needs 2 B heard, THX)

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sinister_scarecrow]

+14 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:55 PM
Oh come on. Blame the president. Blame women. Blame anybody but yourself. A real man takes responsibility for his reality. No one can take anything from you if you are centered in your self. In others words: MAN UP.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by NightVision]

+12 more 
posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

As a man in a "man's world" on a feminine planet, I for one are grateful this planet will be returning into a feminine state of affairs.

As men we have completely and utterly farked this planet like no other - Mars does come to mind for some reason.

We have held women back. We have hurt them by not being real men in letting the feminine nature of Earth (Gaia) rule in all its nurturing ways.

No doubt men like you will continue to cling to false outdated beliefs like you have stated, and I truly feel sorry for you. Surely there are far more important topics that you could 'worry' about?

The masculine has had its chance - the earth demands her femininity back. Now.


posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:04 PM
While feminists are extremely annoying.. im sure they are pretty vexed at the amount of chauvinists around.

Let all be equal and the best person for the best position...

The only thing that will continue to "repress" women's careers is reproduction but soon we will be able to grow our kids in little jars in our sitting rooms so that won't be a problem for long.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:10 PM
As a white male, its hard to find out what group i'm in really, Women have feminists movements, american-africans have there movements, and so on and so on.

What movement do we have, or do we need one, (There is the KKK but noone likes them).

My thought if we get rid of all the B.S BET, Feminists, KKK. And realize the only race that matters is the human race, (I know the polar bears may suffer) then we can get further, instead of micromanaging what race is better, truly were all one.

If your against the feminist movement persay, just copy charlie sheen. Life will be that much easier to deal with them
!!! IMO

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by NightVision
OH come on. Blame the president. Blame women. Blame anybody but yourself. A Real man takes responsibility for his reality. No one can take anything from you if you are centered in your self. in others words: MAN UP!

[edit on 11-3-2009 by NightVision]

I AM taking responsibility for my reality, THAT'S WHY I'M BRING ATTENTION TO THIS TAKEOVER. I blame women because its a feminists takeover (duh). I blame the President because he got his arm twisted by Hillary and traded us out. She didn't make President and soon after she got a panel of feminists together to campaign against him and all men. They twisted his arm and she became Sec. of state. ..and now THIS. You (if a man at all) are a coward and are a pawn and are also a sellout. In the face of reality (yours) you cower and take the side of the enemy. I am MANNING UP by confronting need to MAN up or shut up for you will lose everything to these feminists if you don't realize what they are doing. It is so easy to just sit back (like you have chose to do) and blow it off and insult, than it is to face an apparent enemy to man. YOU MAN UP!. BTW, I can't take responsibility to a design for my life that an organization of the government is creating for you and I. I AM however speaking out about it and will chose to do more, instead of sitting around like you with my head in the sand saying that it isn't happening....look around, the evidence is everywhere. Don't just insult and sit back and say MAN UP, that is easy, go do research and know the real truth, the truth that women are riding the backs of outdated history to gain present day wealth and influence. You are a sellout to man as well.
(flag please, this is more important than you know, it needs 2 B heard, THX)

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sinister_scarecrow]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:21 PM
Hey, I'm a woman, and I agree with you.

What I saw when my fiancee went to court during a custody case made me mad for all the many fathers who love their children.

The court system is predisposed to grant the mother so much leeway no matter what the circumstances are.
(the child's mother was spending the 250.00 a week child support on herself, barhopping etc. and sending the three boys back to their father for things like shoes and clothes. She kicked the youngest son (13) who argued with her out of her house, leaving a message on the phone about it that he heard.)

Also, having been a working mother with two small children, and all the stress that entails for the whole family, and a NON-WORKING mother with a small child, I would have to say that feminisim has seriously HURT women, and men, and their children. Feminisim has made both men and women not value the contribution that a woman (or man) makes by being at home to take care of children and home.

The only thing we can do to counteract the brainwashing involved, is to teach our sons and daughters that men and women are made for each other, and they complement each other, and yes, they are different, but both add something to the other that makes a whole.

One of the most important things we can do as people, is to nurture our children, families and relationships, which are more important, and should be more enduring than any junk you can buy or possessions that just need to be taken care of.

My husband and I and our family have decided to spend our time doing things we like to do that are good for the soul instead, and that means, if the house is dusty, or the garage isn't cleaned out too often, or we drive an older car, so be it.

edited to add:

You should check out a website called, a very good website about the harm feminism has caused our society, especially young men and women. (It used to be called, "save the males")

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sezsue]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sezsue]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:30 PM
First 'they' oppress a group for whatever reason, then they 'liberate' that group and have the pendulum swing so far over to the other side that those liberated become oppressors. This will keep going until everyone realizes how this aspect of "Divide and Rule" works, and starts blaming the puppeteers instead of the puppets.
Women are not sinister succubii after 'all we men have'... that's ridiculous.
We gotta see through these stupid boxes and labels and get together on common ground. Build bridges instead of walls.

Too bad there's (still) no 'burn flag' option for threads like these!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by watchZEITGEISTnow
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

As a man in a "man's world" on a feminine planet, I for one are grateful this planet will be returning into a feminine state of affairs.

As men we have completely and utterly farked this planet like no other - Mars does come to mind for some reason.

We have held women back. We have hurt them by not being real men in letting the feminine nature of Earth (Gaia) rule in all its nurturing ways.

No doubt men like you will continue to cling to false outdated beliefs like you have stated, and I truly feel sorry for you. Surely there are far more important topics that you could 'worry' about?

The masculine has had its chance - the earth demands her femininity back. Now.


--As a man in a "man's world" on a feminine planet, I for one are grateful this planet will be returning into a feminine state of affairs.????--

According to them they have never held power, how is it we would be returning? I have noticed mankinds' fall since the beginning of Man and woman's existence and it has been declining ever since. But I have also noticed that this decline sharply plummeted since the advent of the "women's liberation". Look where we were 40 years ago and look at where we are now! History is rich with events before then, but since the women's movement it has been nothing but a historical trainwreck, nothing means anything anymore. I know many will blame Bush and this is true, but he only could do what he did because of the degradation of the family structure, husband's and wives fighting over head of household,children ownership of authority on raising kids etc. Essentially the degradation of the once strong family fabric which was ripped apart by the feminists movement. You see, now that America no longer has a strong family fiber...and governmental figure can do as he pleases with America, because men are taken to court and their children ripped from them and all of their money is spent on child support and alimony and angered at never being able to see his kids. The court has put women in control of men and the court helps ONLY the women. (Notice the link in my first statement on here as one proof).Look around the net at all the favors women get and financial help that women get and look conversely at the help men get for say, Cancer treatment, help with child visitations in court, jobs (look at recent decline in male job rates and the incline of women rates) etc. I could go on and on, and if pushed I will find the info myself and post it. i would like for YOU men though to look for yourselves instead of just shooting the messenger, and lackadaisically blowing me off as just a pissed off man. I am all for women's 'EQUALITY' but as stated before, this is not's a takeover. Any man who sees otherwise, will either be hit soon with the evidence right in his face, or he is ignorant and just can't see a brick wall right in front of his face, or is a traitor to all mankind if he helps women to accomplish the goal of usurping all of goals, desires, positions, children, money, jobs and claim that it is all in the defense of an enemy receiving reparations for a time they did not live in. I did nothing to women, yet they steal everything i have and the GOV''T HELPS THEM. This has to be a conspiracy against men if the gov't is helping them to do this and not only NOT helping men, but oppressing us now as women claim they were. No one knows our TRUE history, gov't has lied to us for as long as we can remember, most women are not alive today that despicable things happened to under the thumbs of men (if it really happened at all, I suspect its all lies to fit a plan), anyway, why are the women of today getting reparations for something they didn't have to suffer from. I have no claim to penalties of the past nor reward SO WHY DO WOMEN?

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:39 PM
Being a single dad with two daughters, and choosing to stay single for these past 12 years to focus in raising these two, I have found that our system is very biased towards the female sector. We are just not set up for situations where a male is the sole primary care-giver.

I don't have a problem with women seeking to be held as equal to men. For me all people are equal. And I think it time men are also allowed to be equal to women. We should not have to choose between only two choices.. the Sensitive New Age Guy or the Traditional Cave Man Guy. I choose to be Me.

Please Note:
We are not making a return to the Divine Feminine, that is an agenda being purpetrated on the spiritually motivated. What was required at the time was for women to touch bases with their inner self, the inner divine. The same should be available for men, without separating the two as we always have.

We already did the Matriarchal Society thing and it didn't work for everyone, so we moved into the Patriarchal System, which also does not work for everyone. So why would we choose to go backwards?

Why don't we choose an Egalitarian System for our future? Why can't all people be seen as equals? We can do this you know. Raise our children as human beings, not as girls and boys with a huge gap between them that allows one more freedom than the other, etc. Our role modelling stinks!

I am all for people being allowed to be themselves, to find the Teacher within themselves and awaken as an equal soul to all others. Because of this I am fighting the machine that says we must be different, we must always be separate, we must never learn to communicate just as equals and therefore we must maintain the sexual gap. Hogwash to that out-dated perspective.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by sinister_scarecrow

I AM taking responsibility for my reality, THAT'S WHY I'M BRING ATTENTION TO THIS TAKEOVER. I blame women because its a feminists takeover (duh). I blame the President because he got his arm twisted by Hillary and traded us out. She didn't make President and soon after she got a panel of feminists together to campaign against him and all men. They twisted his arm and she became Sec. of state. ..and now THIS. You (if a man at all) are a coward and are a pawn and are also a sellout. In the face of reality (yours) you cower and take the side of the enemy. I am MANNING UP by confronting need to MAN up or shut up for you will lose everything to these feminists if you don't realize what they are doing. It is so easy to just sit back (like you have chose to do) and blow it off and insult, than it is to face an apparent enemy to man. YOU MAN UP!. BTW, I can't take responsibility to a design for my life that an organization of the government is creating for you and I. I AM however speaking out about it and will chose to do more, instead of sitting around like you with my head in the sand saying that it isn't happening....look around, the evidence is everywhere. Don't just insult and sit back and say MAN UP, that is easy, go do research and know the real truth, the truth that women are riding the backs of outdated history to gain present day wealth and influence. You are a sellout to man as well.

I'm sure its quite easy for you to sit back in your chair and type all caps while you paint the broad brush calling all women the 'enemy of man'. I mean, really. We've crossed the threshold of reality into entertainment here.

I agree that the legal system is indeed slanted biased in favor of women. Many of these biases were put in place by, um...MEN. If you don't like it, become a judge. That would require you getting off your computer though. Can u handle it?

Being a man means taking action on behalf of your beliefs. Typing notes on a message board is hardly 'manning up'. Nor is it 'bringing awareness to the masses. Please don't delude yourself into thinking you are waking anybody up. Illegal Immigration would probably be a much safer topic for a real man like you.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by NightVision]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:46 PM
Man has been dominating this planet for years now. Now the women are standing up and saying, "We are sick and tired of men controling this planet." The energy is trying to balance back to normal. They want just as much rights as everyone else. If women dominate this planet they would at least show care to their neighbors, and not start a war.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Shrukin89
Man has been dominating this planet for years now. Now the women are standing up and saying, "We are sick and tired of men controling this planet." The energy is trying to balance back to normal. They want just as much rights as everyone else. If women dominate this planet they would at least show care to their neighbors, and not start a war.

women belong in the kitchen! they were created to serve man.

Well im no christian, but if u ask me, feminists are satan worshippers, because they are going directly against the word of god.

eve was created to serve adam, so says the bible.

these feminists worship the dark lord, in all his glory!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:04 PM
[edit on 11-3-2009 by NightVision] lots of guff

I agree with the man up or shut up call.

I suppose you want a War on Feminism to bring us back to the days when women were chattels, fit to sleep with, make dinner and bring your newspaper, slippers and pipe?

I am a man. I am comfortable in my skin and with my situation. I love women and have no problems with them being in positions of power or decision making.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:14 PM
What ignorant nonsense. Feminists taking over? Where? I don't see any bills passing through congress about putting the toilet seat down. Of all the things happening in this world (threat of war, a tanking economy, climate change) this is the evil you are bring to our attention, your call to arms against the feminists? Wake up buddy, there are men in this world who want to kill you and everyone you know, some of them live in places where women can't even show their skin in public. This country would be just like that if it weren't for the feminists. Respect. A nation is like a child, it needs the nurture of a mother and father figure. Thank god Mommy's stepping up cause Daddy hasn't been doing a very good job and the kids need some love ASAP!

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:24 PM
now, not all women are feminists. And not all men are what feminists describe us as being. It is not a feminist takeover, they just simply get their way most of the time. I'll say it; men are more likely to place themselves in a position of respect and man up. Most of us will not sit there and wait for things to be given to us. Some women on the other hand will get what they want because they are either attractive, very persuasive or both. Now when some women can't and don't get what they want they will sit and whine about it, or play dirty, sell out, etc, until they do. (Please note how i put "some women" and "some men", i am not criticizing everyone.) And when women whine, they will usually get what they want, but lose the respect at the same time. So feminists see the lack of respect and look for reasons to complain and get even more and more to go their way. Women are not the enemy, guys. but...( bro's before ho's...

For all the women out there, please don't take offense to what i've said, and realize that if you take hold of your own life and how you yourself is portrayed, good things will come. Don't sit around blaming guys for the way you are portrayed in modern culture. Many guys have said it before and i'll say it again; There are b@*ches. Rude, violent, stupid, overly sarcastic, dramatic, slutty, cheating, dirty b@*ches. And there are beautiful, loving, intelligent, remarkably respected and respectful women. Don't get mad if society throws the word around, because there are a lot of them in this world. Just as well there are a$$holes and #%ickheads who are irresponsible, stupid, unemotional, cocky, dead-beat, and without morals. But we don't start organizations to whine and stop the spread of a mostly false reputation and the way we're often portrayed. The only all male group i know like that are the Bears (guess you can say they are men, for men..
It's not all black and white, the grey area consists of good and bad men and women. I kinda agree with the OP in the way that there are a lot of women's organizations that take advantage of being feminist. And the president did kinda sell out...
Just let the feminists whine, it is a bit ridiculous now. Let the real women be women, ignore the ones that exaggerate the cause of their own problems and see false solutions.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by SkitzoFrenic
women belong in the kitchen! they were created to serve man.

Well im no christian, but if u ask me, feminists are satan worshippers, because they are going directly against the word of god.

eve was created to serve adam, so says the bible.

these feminists worship the dark lord, in all his glory!

Its been a while since iv heard someone push that many wrong buttons.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:32 PM
What's this about women not starting Wars...from what I can tell from the few books I've read...every major conflict in human history was started by a woman. Men just die out there, for their wives, mothers, daughters and sisters.

It's not really that big a deal but don't blame me for starting no Wars. Baby gets what baby wants.

[edit on 11-3-2009 by huckfinn]

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by sinister_scarecrow

The good news is that thanks to this post, nobody has to wonder why you are such a lonely, lonely human being. Whoever burned you must have burned you to the core, because that is a lot of self-pitying, misdirected bitterness.

posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by sezsue
Hey, I'm a woman, and I agree with you.

What I saw when my fiancee went to court during a custody case made me mad for all the many fathers who love their children.

The court system is predisposed to grant the mother so much leeway no matter what the circumstances are.
(the child's mother was spending the 250.00 a week child support on herself, barhopping etc. and sending the three boys back to their father for things like shoes and clothes. She kicked the youngest son (13) who argued with her out of her house, leaving a message on the phone about it that he heard.)

Also, having been a working mother with two small children, and all the stress that entails for the whole family, and a NON-WORKING mother with a small child, I would have to say that feminisim has seriously HURT women, and men, and their children. Feminisim has made both men and women not value the contribution that a woman (or man) makes by being at home to take care of children and home.

The only thing we can do to counteract the brainwashing involved, is to teach our sons and daughters that men and women are made for each other, and they complement each other, and yes, they are different, but both add something to the other that makes a whole.

One of the most important things we can do as people, is to nurture our children, families and relationships, which are more important, and should be more enduring than any junk you can buy or possessions that just need to be taken care of.

My husband and I and our family have decided to spend our time doing things we like to do that are good for the soul instead, and that means, if the house is dusty, or the garage isn't cleaned out too often, or we drive an older car, so be it.

edited to add:

You should check out a website called, a very good website about the harm feminism has caused our society, especially young men and women. (It used to be called, "save the males")

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sezsue]

[edit on 11-3-2009 by sezsue]

To reiterate and validate my position that "ALL WOMEN SHOULD HAVE EQUALITY." I indeed agree that it is a good thing. That is "EQUALITY" and only a plateau on an equal level not ascension to that of a plateau higher than your commensurate. SEZSUE......YOU truly do deserve equality and are worthy of it as you see both sides of the pong table. Everyone mark this woman's statements and know that THIS is what equality is all about. That man and woman be EQUAL, not to commit to organizations that ascends one and oppresses another such as Feminism is doing. Please don't even respond to my posts with statements of watered down 'it ain't happening' garbage. It is a waste of server space, I have evidence to back me up all over the net, naysayers have nothing but embarrassment to themselves in the face of overwhelming evidence. SEZSUE gets it.

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