posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 03:48 PM
1. Money! and our whole system of resource trade and assigning value
2. MIND CONTROL, its everywhere.
3. Global warming / climate change/ magnetic pole shifts... 2012?
I put importance on the last one because JFK, 9/11 or flouride in the water isn't going to mean anything if our planet just decides to die on us in a
few ears.
So who knows what's really going on with that.
4.The creation of a worldwide police state / global fascism.
5. Technology. In a world that seems to depend on it, most of us know very little of it. I'm talking damage from cell phones, microwaves killing 99%
of nutrients supposedly, screen refresh rates / the affects of frequency programing through tvs/ computers etc. Theres so much electrical
interference and I think we know little of the true nature.
6. I'd say aliens but i'm trying to stick to what's clearly in front of us. I think there is much to the whole alien thing but many people haven't
see an alien, a ufo, or heard the lectures, read the books, seen the videos. etc.
7. This sort of goes under mind control, but the media as well as games/movies. I'm starting to see a pattern. It seems like they concentrate on a
theme they want to implant in us and the story is a mask, its secondary. They're trying to get us to accept certain things, I believe this to be so.
I think there's something goin on in hollywood.
8. Superman is not gay.