posted on Mar, 11 2009 @ 02:59 PM
oooooooo ah i gotta think here. and i hate thinking it wastes to many brain cells.
no seriously .
1)911 is at the top of my list .
2)Roswell,(area 51)
3)the murder of Jim Morrsion,
oh you wanted 10 , well i had some time to think on it , here are the 7 good ones as far as im concerned.
4)the chathlic church and what they stand for.
5)the bible. in its entirety
6) credit cards, APRs( anuual % rates on everything that makes people in dept for ages).
7) how far we advanced scientifly . ( they could be lieing about it. they have advances we dont even know about for example time travel and the fact
that this realaty is alternite.)
[edit on 11/3/09 by alysha.angel]