posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:16 PM
With all due respect to the OP,
From someone who says they went to Yale, this has got to be the biggest bunch of silliness I have read in a long time. First, we owe it to all, every
citizen, to help them wake up. If we can't do that, then we owe it to each of us to work to help them see the truth. What we must never do, is stop
just because its hard or because people choose to live in denial!
I mean, just what the hell do you think we are already doing??? We have already been failing as a society because those of us who are awake continue
to ignore or dismiss those who are still asleep. Instead, we should be doing everything we can to wake their lazy, or even more likely, those who are
to freaken scared to think about it! Most people are scared, scared out of their minds, scared to death about what they are seeing happening to our
country and in their neighborhoods. And then we, those who are awake, we allow those who deal in stupidity and socialism to take these scared people
by the hand and lead them to even more pain and suffering? Those people who are destroying our country are able to do this because they know we, the
enlightened ones, are the true lazy ones. They, those who steal from this country, they are the ones taking the time to feed them the lies,
misinformation, and fear... While we, those who hope for the best but continue to do nothing to teach those we think are asleep, we are the ones
making excuses and continue to walk around shaking our heads thinking they are the ones to blame. Shame on us!
From a person who claims to hale from Yale, you haven't thought this out one damn bit. You don't walk away from those who are asleep when their
house is burning down... You must do everything you can to wake them up, and that includes shaking the crap out of them when its called for. Instead
of just walking away... STOP and STAND UP! Continue to show them the truth until they finally stop and look, read, and understand. You, we, all of us
owe this to your communities, to OUR Country! Anything less from anyone of us is on each of our heads, because we are in this together... PERIOD!!!
--Charles Marcello
[edit on 1-3-2009 by littlebunny]