posted on Mar, 3 2009 @ 06:36 AM
K let me explain this shortly, I will do a full thread when I have time.
You guys all seem to be in agreement that the big bad government has unlimited power, technology far beyond what civilians have, and an extensive
network to hide the "reality" of UFOs, and sway public opinion that they do not exist.
I offer unto you thus: Could the all-powerful government have not created this whole phenomena, period?
And you will say, No, of course not. I know some pictures and videos are fake. You could even say they all are. But I've seen the witness
Again I propose unto you, couldnt they have been lying? The people you believe most, or consider most credible, are those who come out from the
government. I should say they are the least credible.
You have organisations like the CIA, who so many people claim cover up UFOs. If that is a possibility, there is an equally good possibility they have
the ability to create UFO sightings. They are one of the most notorious propaganda machines in the world. Psychological warfare is of the highest
order. It is extremely possible that the whole subject is just another of their impositions.
Lets explore further. When they 'create' an agent (assuming they operate like more familiar intelligence agencies) they fabricate passports, birth
certificates, documents, photographs, videos, histories, birthdays, etc. It is unbelievably easy to create something that never existed. To the point
everyone will not question it. It is paralleled to aliens. They can easily fabricate countless photos, videos, staged events, and 'witnesses', and
then pretend to cover them up so as to look like there is a problem.
I will have to cut this short, so watch for my thread on this.
For ancient paintings, drawings, etc, how do you know how old they are? Carbon dating. Historical reference. And how do you know those arent flawed?
You could easily have 12 'independent' scientists verify that this carving is genuine and 5000 years old. Who is to say they are telling the truth.
Who is to say they even exist...