Sorry, but you blew it when you cited the Walter Reed case, and his "Medical Examiner"friend that analyzed the supposed tissue samples.
The tether incident is amazing at first glance, but when you see hundreds, and hundreds of photos takes by everyday people that when go out of focus,
bloop, theres the signature circle, with the notch cut out of it. It's a lense abborition.(sp?)
The alleged implants are also up for debate, as well as this "disclosure project" that never seems to happen.
I still see ZERO concrete evidence here, just words.
Until I see it5for myself, I have to remain skeptical. I'm open to any and all ideas, as Time and Space are infinite, one would be a fool not to
believe anything that can happen probably has already happend, and/or will happen.
But again I need solid evidence, in front of me, I cannot trust just hearsay. There's a reason this is not allowed in our judicial system.
I also don't like all the copy and pasting in your posts, I'd rather read your own personal thoughts on the matter. But please use spell check, when
you aren't copying and pasting
Mine seems to be not working at the moment, ironic, huh?
It makes it much easier to read. When your useing the words can, when it's obvious you meant can't, it confuses me, and makes for a rather trying
read. Because the supposed Lockheed employer said nothing about ET's, he say the proof WAS out there if we looked. Not that is wasn't, although this
may have been another typo.
His point was mostly all if not all UFO sightings can be attributed to new man made military propulsion systems and a huge advance in technology that
WILL be revealed to the public in the 3rd or 4th quarter of this year. I won't hold my breath. But I will remain hopeful.
Look.., many of these sources are trying to sell you something. Books,Videos,ideals, or just plain fear mongering. You must take this into account.
I'd suggest you drop the Walter Reed case from you repetoire(sp?)(sorry my spelling is also suspect I guess I'm a hypocrite there). But really,
citing his case might get youl laughed off the forum. Just some friendly advice.
But yea, the Reed case was a flim flam scam, it's not even the guys real name, he's not a Doctor as he first claimed to be, and his Latin Medical
examiner is also under question, as to his credentials.
Just because it's on Coast to Coast, or he got an interview with George Nory doesn't immediatly make him credible. that radio show is nearly turning
into the Enquirer, or the Sun, or internet radio. It's like Tabloid Radio at this point.
In closing although I may not agree here, I am glad your trying to revive that thread, cause it was interesting, and I was sad to see it locked down.
However, I wonder where that OP went? MrJenka..., if I remember correctly. Or is this you, under a new Screen name. I did happen to notice
similarities in writing style. As it was looked at in the original thread, how poorly this supposed Lockheed employee in charge of monies and other
things could be such a poor speller, and have terrible grammar. But that's gonna get this topic off I leave it at that.
But again, I remain open ,and hope you can provide something concrete. Which unfortunately you can't over the internet. Especially when serious
people want to see things in person in order to believe them. Images can be faked, as well as video, and audio. Eyewitness testimony, is
unfortunately, VERY, VERY bad. I've seen studies on it.
This debate will continue until the old cliche comes to pass, you know when "They land on the White House Lawn".
EDIT* Wow, My apologies Mr.Jenka, I see you've been posting in this thread all along. That huge Homer Simpson Avatar, just mesmerized me, I
didn't even see your name. *DOH!*
[edit on 22-2-2009 by Nola213]