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NY cartoon appears to link Obama to dead chimp

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posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by ScRuFFy63

Well since you notice that the monkey as a racist thing in the cartoon you obviously seperate blacks and other races by just making that assumption. If you viewed blacks as equals then you would have never noticed in your mind the relationship between a black man and a monkey...Just thinking about this whole thing right now, I'm happy there are people that think this is racist. They will be the ones to prevent complete equality in this world which I realized is a good thing after reading the short story Harrison Bergeron.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by SonsOfAnarchy

I did not personally come to that conclusion we are not speaking about me. Again I say blacks have been referred to as monkeys based on their skin color. Denying that is just plain wrong. I have personally been a witness to this so I can see why the toon can be viewed as racist. Are you so blind that you can't see how?

You are in no form or fashion qualified to say how I feel about blacks in any way. Only I can do that. You also cannot specify how people should perceive something. Thats what the govt. is for

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:02 AM
As part of his four page 'manisfesto,' Knoxville TN Unitarian church shooter Jim David Adkisson wrote the following:

"I'm protesting the DNC running such a radical leftist candidate Osama Husseing OBama, yo mama. No experience, no brains, a joke. Dangerous to America. Hell, he looks like Curious George!"

Though the shooting happened back in July, they only released the transcript in the last two weeks. Coincidence? Or.......????

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by ScRuFFy63

You make it sound like that was your conclusion...but I will not waste any more time on this monkey business...I just find it pointless, have a good night.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by ScRuFFy63

Yes as a matter of fact, I see blacks as the sole cause of continued racial tensions in this country. No, I am not racist, I am just a realist and I call it as I see it, no I don't feel it is all blacks fault that it is this way, liberal whites are guilty of allowing blacks to selectively segregate themselves. You have affirmative action on your side, you have black television, you have black magazines, black sororities, black funding associations, black this and black that. It has become so engrained in the black mentality that it is ok to segregate themselves that they have developed an almost snobbish outlook on whites.

No race should be able to have selective institutions that cater to one perticular race over another. You will not see any caucasion television network or Ivory magazine because it is downright racist and what we see now is a double standard that is irresponcible of us as a human race.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:12 AM
reply to post by Sheeper

While blacks may continue to segregate themselves, the mentality that causes that was not our fault. And while I won't condone it what we now have as a people is nothing compared to what we have been through as a people.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by ScRuFFy63

Yes I understand that, but I see how things are and I realize that things need to change, this is not the dream that MLK had in mind, I believe MLK was a great man with a great vision and that vision didn't have whites oppresing themselves and blacks segregating themselves. I hope one day all of us can get over what a bunch of dead people did and went through and race baters like Al Sharpton and the like that see racism in a cartoon such as this cease to exist.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Sheeper]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by Djarums
And comparing members of Congress to dead chimps that had to be killed is less offensive?

I don't know why people are coming up with answers that this is ok based on who it's about or based on what has transpired in the past.

The important point (at least in my mind) is that this is unbelievably offensive and represents a new low in political coverage and/or satire.

Yes it would be less offensive. That is why the title of your thread doesn't read.

NY cartoon appears to link Congress to dead Chimp.

When it is painted as a racial cartoon it develops into a huge story and gets everyone into an uproar about how racist that paper is.

This is just another smear campaign against a media outlet that doesn't coat everything Obama does with a layer of sugar.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by ScRuFFy63
reply to post by Sheeper

While blacks may continue to segregate themselves, the mentality that causes that was not our fault. And while I won't condone it what we now have as a people is nothing compared to what we have been through as a people.
Dont mean to jump on you here Scruff, but I have issues with a few things here.

The mentality is not your fault? Sooner or later you people ( and I say you people because thats how you refer to yourself) have to get out from under that shadow and take responsibility for yourself and your actions. You weren't a slave. Instead of being a generation of people oppressed by The Man, be the generation that overcame. Encourage your people to get educated and get involved and make a difference, and work to convince those that dont to join you. Leave the past behind and move forward to a future you have the power to shape. I'm not saying forget it, but look ahead, not behind you.

What you have is nothing compared to what you went through? Try living in Africa and tell me you wish things had worked out differently. Yes slavery was a horrible thing, if I had been around those days I would have been one of the many white people that risked their lives and their property to help those people escape or gain their freedom. But look at where the ancestors of those people are now. Doctors, lawyers, inventors, actors, musicians, athletes, teachers, scientists, politicians, PRESIDENT. That's a long freaking way from not being able to drink at the water fountain.

Yes, there are many poor black folks, too many I'd say. But you know what, there's poor white people too, along with mexicans, asians, Native Americans(can't forget about them, how's that for a rough history?). All races have suffered and paid heavy prices and gotten the shaft in some way shape or form. How about all those white people that served their country with honor and courage and faces horrors we couldn't believe and came home and were forgotten about by the same government that used them like a pawn? The point is, no race has a monopoly on oppression. How about the Jews? They sure had it rough eh? Or the Soviets under Stalin? The Palestinians are having a regular picnic over in Gaza these days huh?Oh and how about the genocide in Darfur? Compared to some of these other oppressed people black folks in the US are doing mighty fine.

Racism is bad mmkay? But, BUT! White people dont have a monopoly on that either, every race has people that are racists. In fact, Racism is not a race specific quality, it's a character flaw. And it's reactionary, people who see racism everywhere tend to be racists themselves on some level as a reaction. Because you say hey, that cartoonist made a racist cartooon, he must be racist, I bet hes white too. Freaking white racist! That's the problem with racism, it makes racists out of everybody.

If you think I am racist, don't blame my skin color, blame my character, or else you're a racist too. Regarding the cartoon in question, see it how you want, nobody can stop you and nobody should judge you. But if you think it's racist, blame the man not the color of the man.

All that being said, I applaud you for your composure and level- headedness. You got some steel in you to be able to say what you mean and feel in the face of people with less conviction and more bias.

Edit to add the Darfur comment, seems especially relevant here.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Gigatronix]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:33 AM
I saw this in my local paper and they were screaming "racist".
I am sorry, but I don't see it.

Political imagery is supposed to represent the political person through depicting them in certain situations or as certain characters (in this case a chimp).
However, I do not see Obama's face in that chimp so it leads me to believe that this is not directed at Obama. So who is it directed at?
I cannot see any member of Congress depicted in the face of that chimp ... so who is it directed at?

I personally think that it is saying that the bill was written with no real thought and passion i.e. by a bunch of monkeys.

People are just screaming racist because the President is African American, nothing more. The cartoon is not linked to the President through imagery.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 05:10 AM
reply to post by Djarums

If that is the actual image, first time I've seen it, I don't see it. As far as I know, Democrats, not President Obama wrote the "Stimulus Package".

Maybe I'm not seeing it?

Here's a YouTube Vid that explains it who wrote the stimulus.

I could be wrong, I just don't get it from looking at the image. Maybe an article said something but the Image posted, in my opinion, has no reference to the President.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by emsed1

Awesome reference. I've been watching that too. Tomorrow promises to be an interesting day for the markets.

Asian markets are down tonight/day..

I'd say it could be a black friday.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 08:13 AM
I missed the Stamford, CT PD shooting of Travis the chimp. I now realize what the author was getting at. I agree that if we can only see this color or that, or more to the point if we only see things as "us" against "them" then we truly are doomed never to progress beyond that which we could be. We have more important things to occupy us than racism, which has been made rather clear in the past(remember Rodney King?).

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 09:34 AM
Its just Al Sharpton's Irrelevance showing once again. He will use anything to CRY RACE. He thrives on being the instigator. The modern society who elected Obama has made the AL Sharptons of the world a thing of the past.
He is a reverse racist in that he's constantly calling race.

Clearly it refers to the Raging CHIMP in the news the past few days.

It can mean a monkey worte it, or congress is outta control. As far as racism goes, Sorry none present.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 09:55 AM
So are we to assume that all those pictures of George W Bush portrayed as a monkey are therefore racist?

Just wondering...

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by whatukno
So are we to assume that all those pictures of George W Bush portrayed as a monkey are therefore racist?

Just wondering...

no those are ok because thats a republican being made fun of. Sorry but have you seen Obama's ears? he looks as much like a monkey as george bush does.

the paper gave into these liberal idiots and apologized for the comic today. panzys.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Swatman

well one could say that george w looks like dumbo with the ears. Get it Republican? Dumbo? ah forghettaboutit.

Of course us americans being cowards on the subject and having to fear being called racist can't possibly say anything derogitory about obama.

Otherwise Id say more like a taxicab with the doors open.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:46 AM
This inst about racism its about control of dissent and money. If we criticize Obama we simply get told you wouldn't say that if he was white you must be racist. And the second reason is people like the NAACP and Al Sharpton need racism to stay in business, With a black man being president its hard to say blacks are oppressed cant get a fair shake and are held back because racism. In truth if people would stop trying to say the man wont let me and get out there and make something of themselves that is when racism truly dies and the NAACP will close its doors.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Gigatronix

You weren't a slave.

Neither was any black person living in America. Go back far enough and all of our ancestors were slaves to somebody at some time.

Just saying.

Originally posted by whatukno
So are we to assume that all those pictures of George W Bush portrayed as a monkey are therefore racist?

Just wondering...

It either is, or it isn't. All human beings bear a resemblance to primates. You cant say its ok to compare this group of humans to chimps, but not this other one.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by Kyūzō]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:01 AM
I must be the only one that thought the cartoon was entertaining.

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