posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:01 AM
hey wai- we never fought so that we in the uk could be isolationist forever, This guy Hitler didn't like the terms our empire had imposed and wasn't
happy with the Leauge of Nations (he said it was a plot by the power elites to take over the world (it was) further the logo in his eyes was a star of
david leaning over to point at Israel)
World War one was a war of pure empire, it caused the tension which lead to WW2, you can't say any of it was caused by a desire to keep the world
nationalist, it ws more a case of which NWO would take over, in fact no one won, the battle changed from being european empires fighting for control
to europe being stuck in the middle of the capitalist money empire fighting the peoples freedom movement which soon turned into (long ago by the end
of ww2) Stalins personal war machine.
These two wars were only the end of a long line of violence, back through Bismark's franko-prusian war and Napolion right back to Rome and the
catholics empires which battled in Gaul to overrun the germanic tribes (and lost).
Europe learned that ultimate devistation would ruin europe should it continue so everyone agreed to work together to create a better world, thus the
EU was born. Yes, it's one big gravy train, big business pays for which ever laws it wants and corrupt political figures try to crush any disidence
with whatever means come to hand -is national politics any different? Local politics? Office politics?
We live in a world where most things are quiet simply done wrong, the price of failing is immense and the more power/money you have the more you can
get. National productivity is the obsession of political leaders as if we're in some form of game and the winner gets a prize, fairness and justice
are basically unknown in their true form and greed really is the ultimate force - it's not the idea that's wrong it's the world as it is.
The EU #could# be the force which stops inter-european conflict for ever, the ability to roam the earth freely will once again be the right of all men
and so many of the other evil things which come with being foes (weather declared or not) will fade away.
If anything the lines on a map which require paperwork and often money to cross are in fact the evil plot created by the power elites to subjugate us,
the rules which force you to work only in a limited area and force you to stay the property of the lord who's 'farm' you were reared on are the
real evil plot - I was born on a rock spinning in space, that i can't walk right round it without 'their' approval is crazy!
The system we have at the moment is out of date and unfair, My solution would be to stop taxing the passing time (i.e. tax paid on a set date) and to
tax only things people do and buy. Then it wouldn't matter if i worked in spain and payed PAYE tax straight to my employer who as a registered
business then paid my share to the gov, if i brought stuff in france because the share of that money needed to facilitate my presence in the country
and use of roads, etc would be paid to the french. This is of course impossible with nation states, only a government working closely together could
ever make this change in europe.-it would also require them to cut some fat from the system, stop wasting so much money.
Why are people fighting so strongly to keep the power elites which have time and time again screwed over the british people and have proven themselves
to be in the pockets of large multinational companies anyway?