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Proof of Aliens & UFO'S!!!

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by mrjenka

Well, I guess I don't qualify to join in these group discussions with you academic elitists.

So are the TR3B's and other experimental triangular aircraft are using gravity field wave disruptors to make the airships lighter and protect them from friction at speeds of 13,000 miles per hour through the atmosphere?

What about microwave propulsion, particle beam weapons, EMP canons etc.?

How about project looking glass? Did we make the devices shown in the movie "Contact" with Jody Foster in the lead role?

C'mon man....spill the beans and lets have a fruitful chat here!!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Personally, I believe this guy 100%, and I'll tell you why. I have a good friend from high school who used to work for the Navy as a civilian engineer. We're still friends and still talk, although not as much since we moved out of the same city a few years ago. He oversaw several ongoing projects that had to do with radars and such. I don't want to go into too much detail here because he still works for another contractor in the private sector. He would tell me things that he could disclose, about all the cool NASs and bases he got to visit and things like that. Never anything about work, though. He is very good at keeping secrets, believe me, I've tried prying stuff out of him to no avail. I am quite sure he has TS clearance with the stuff he works on.

So one day he tells me about this meeting he attended at a NAS on the west coast. He said it was an all-day thing, with breaks in the morning, for lunch, and an afternoon break. There were many management types from different companies and a bunch of Navy brass as well (they were conducting the meeting, I think). So he sits there in this meeting talking about various projects, delivering progress reports, etc., and then they take their mid-morning break. The meeting continues, and more of the same, but he notices the room is somewhat emptier. They break for lunch, and they come back to the meeting, and within 10 minutes, he interrupts the navy guy conducting the meeting, and informs him that he's not sure he has proper clearance for the discussion he is hearing. He is asked what his clearance is, and he'd told that his assumption is correct and that he leave the room immediately. He gets debriefed, made to sign a bunch of nondisclosures, and gets a good ass-chewing from his boss. Turns out that as the meeting progressed, the clearance level required to attend the subsequent segments was increased as they discussed more sensitive information. No one informed him, though, which is why he heard what he did.

At this point in his story, I ask him what it was that he heard (of course). He said that he couldn't talk about it - BUT - that even if he DID tell me, I probably wouldn't believe it anyway. He then told me, without going into any specifics, that the Navy is doing some # that you would NOT believe. He seemed bothered by the information he knew, to be honest. I didn't press the issue with him, but he knows something, and someday I will get it out of him. He is not someone who would make this kind of thing up, and I believe he is telling the truth, even though he told me very little.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:10 PM
I read this thread late last night but was too tired to reply. I have to agree with the OP on many points. In a sense, we have had disclousure and we do have photographic and film evidence of ufos, but I don't know about aliens. Then again some of the aliens might be the things we call ufos.

I could write a lot about this subject but one thing always brings me back to a man made explaination to many ufos and that is that they are widely reported in the United States as can be witnessed on the Nuforc and Mufon reports. Is there another big organization for reporting UFOs in other countries?

I think there were a few crop circles of possibly non-human origin and those were the ones that talked about the deceivers, perhaps in reference to the man-made ufos flying under the guise of non-human/otherworldly craft when they are not.

Taking time and care to reveal sources of great power seems prudent given our history of violence.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:20 PM

Many crafts are MAN-MADE! Rather than sit on Abovetopsecret forums and speculate and guess why don't you guys take as much time into studying various reports, releases and information that is very public and out there.

Unfortunately for this claim, the sightings of crafts that defy known performance parameters predate the start of such programs. There are craft sightings from the 40's which defy even the most advanced crafts we're working on today. To believe the above quoted statement, you'd have to then agree that we've been "sitting" on this technology for over 60 years, and it still hasn't made it's way into military and public use. That idea is patently absurd.

I'm no stranger to the defense industry, having grown up in and around it since birth (my father worked for the Army, Coast Guard, then Lockheed for the majority of the time, and Sikorsky, whereas I had my own dabbling in it), but there's nothing we had in the 40's that could do the things attributed to highly credible military sightings.

To assume ALL UFO sightings are manmade craft is just as illogical as assuming all must be spacecraft. The majority are misidentified natural phenomena or mundane craft. A smaller number are sightings of test craft (though these are often flown at night and/or over uninhabited areas). However, there is a very small percentage that remains unexplained and defies all known terrestrial classifications....and if even ONE is an ET ship...then we are being visited, like it or not...despite the thousands or millions of misidentifications...

By the way, this site would certainly not request that you post your badge, copy documents, etc. It is assumed you have some level of security classification, and we certainly wouldn't want to contribute to illegal activity such as violating that agreement.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by mrjenka

Has anyone EVER seen jets being scrambled to attack something in the sky?? Or are we speculating??

I have.

Mod Edit - Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by elevatedone]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

How does believing what your friend had to say relate to giving credit to this OP?

That's one huge leap of faith offered for an OP that begins a thread with deception using caplocks(a statement about having proof of UFO's and Aliens).

So far I get nothing that I haven't heard before and quite frankly I think this OP is digging for information about what we know on the topic so he can fuel his disinformation campaign.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:36 PM
The Mantell case is a clear instance of jets investigating a UFO... Sadly though, I suspect he lost his life chasing a Skyhook balloon, from all available evidence....

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by mrjenka

I certainly appreciate your contribution to this discussion if you truly are employed with LM. I would like to ask you a specific question...Does LM currently possess electro-magnetic propulsion systems? The reason that I ask is that in 1998 I observed a silver canister shaped object about 100 yards away from me on a beautiful spring day. There was no sound or markings and the material the craft was constructed from seemed to be made of the shiniest material I have ever seen. I observed this object around Jackson, Tn. which is certainly far from any LM testing site and about 100 miles from the Millington Air Force Base north of Memphis. Point is there was not a good reason for the object to be there except for possibly the power lines that it was perched above. The crash of an experimental aircraft at a location such as this would be a disaster and public realations nightmare for a firm such as LM or the government. From what I understand from my research is that we are still in the world of fossil fuel propulsion systems or at best, hybrid systems. If you have no evidence that we have been using electromagnetic propulsion for at least 11 years then you can not really contribute much more to the current conversation. In other words yes there are probably many objects that are mistaken for extraterrestrial craft with Earthly origins but the true origin can only be determined not by the appearance of the object but by the propulsion system. Electricity is 1 trillion times stronger than gravity and harnessing this power is the secret to the most advanced propulsion systems making capable incredible feats of aeronautics and long distance travel between galaxies.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Jinni

Spot on m8 with your man made UFO claims. I've been telling people the same thing for years. Most people never look at what the great Nikola Tesla was involved in and inventing.

The Germans were the most technologically advanced nation on the planet back in the 30's, people need to ask themselves how come Japan became the most technologically advanced AFTER WW2?

Also remember Kenneth Arnold was asked how fast the machines he saw were going, he estimated about 1200mph, now in 1947 that's a huge speed but not out of this world, WHY, because it was based on thee best Earth technology of that time.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:41 PM


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by mrjenka

UFO stands for unidentified flying object. It does not have to be an alien to be a UFO. If it is not identifieable to the general public it IS a UFO.

As far as not finding proof I do see your point. However history shows that the governement is so disorganized and has so much trouble keeping whisle blowers in line that a lot of times thing do come out even when they do not want them too. I think it is safe to say that your information systems at Lockhead Martin are probably much beter then the US fedral governments.

MK Ultra was was exposed. They really, really did not want that to happen but in spite of thier best attempts it came out. Just last year someone was able to hack into the pentagon's information systems. I definately see your point but I do disagree with your view of how secure information is in our government. Is it very secure? Yes. Is it compleetly failproof? Not a chance.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I'm still having some difficulty grasping the point. The title is PROOF, which this isn't. I assumed it was a sarcastic bent to make a point. But then the author goes on to tell us that 80% of UFOs are manmade, which is an extraordinary claim, since that leaves 20% that aren't.

He has "mathematical proof" that we've been visited by advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, and yet all math was rendered obsolete 10 years ago. Now that might make some sort of skewed sense, since there's no math I'm familiar with that can mathematically prove extraterrestrial visitation as a "mathematical fact". I guess it's New Math that does that?

So, some craft are alien, most are not. I don't know if that constitutes any kind of revelation, other than still needing the "proof" of the craft that are not. I'm confused enough at this point to just back slowly away.

Have fun and play nice. Please. Civility and decorum and all.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:47 PM
I have read many theories about space travel, dimensional travel, etc...However, I have never seen evidence of such craft existing from these theories. I believe you should edit your OP title as well...There is no proof at all of ALIENS...we already have proof of UFO's. We have seen many unidentified flying objects, not so many E.T's. In that sense your title is misleading. Here is the thing, these theories change often, very often, thus we truly do not know any truth. I pose a question to you, since you are familiar with such knowledge of technology. Lead us/me in the direction of one THEORY that has been put into practice, that the average man would not have a clue about? ..And not some popular idea or something everyone at ATS could be familiar with...thank you.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone

Question this thread and the member who started it all you want, but it's going to be done in a civil manner and per the Terms and Conditions of Use.


I tried doing just that and within the T&C and guidelines you mentioned yet that post was removed.

Let me rephrase it then...

I believe this thread is a bait and lure because the OP has not provided any proof whatsoever. The title is misleading, the OP doesnt post any proof at all, other than claims. How is a claim proof when there is no verfiable evidence shown?

I mean I could say I work for the DOD and have access to every single piece of secret document that exists sitting on a CD just waiting to upload.

Now would people want me to provide proof of that bet they would. Why hasnt the OP provided any proof to their claim?

The points made about UFO's being man made only is also without proof. I have pointed out early in this thread, if that was the case, why do ancient cave art paintings and art pieces and glyphs and texts show UFO's and ET's have been to this planet thousands of years ago?

The answer I got....ancients were dumb and worshiped ants as gods and made up fantastic sci-fi stories.

That is an interesting answer. How could a dumb primative ancient culture even come up with the concept of "sci-fi" if all they did was worship ants, trees and snakes as God's??? What could they base that upon when apparently in ancient times there was no technology that came close to what the concept of "sci-fi" would be??

Ok so the OP claims to work for Lockheed Martin. Has such and such clearance. Has it been considered that for anyone with such clearance could just float onto a public forum and start announcing they have this or they have that on a CD, ready to give to someone, would jeapordize that clearance and their job as well??

The informaiton this OP claims to have, would not be sitting on some CD. It would be locked up under tight security, under heavy guard and certianly would not be in the hands of one employee of Lockheed who is ready to show all tell all. That information would fall under the National Security code, and this OP would be sitting in a prison for trying to give away National Security secrets.

My opinion here is that this OP is just luring folks simply because over this entire thread, there has been no proof presented.

Im sorry mod, but if this is not on topic and civil, I dont know what is.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:51 PM
Hey Mr Jenka,
Looks like you're telling us things we already know, and as posters have said here, it's not a new thing to see threads with guys telling "i did that and saw that and i know this."
I am sure that being too confident in the ATS network and showing us ID could result with you being "offed" by a NSA assassination squad . So I won't be a part of those who criticize you for not doing so.

Why did you talk about the Ministry of Agriculture ? do you mean the crop circles are made by bored UFO pilots ?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix
reply to post by mrjenka

Well, I guess I don't qualify to join in these group discussions with you academic elitists.

So are the TR3B's and other experimental triangular aircraft are using gravity field wave disruptors to make the airships lighter and protect them from friction at speeds of 13,000 miles per hour through the atmosphere?

What about microwave propulsion, particle beam weapons, EMP canons etc.?

How about project looking glass? Did we make the devices shown in the movie "Contact" with Jody Foster in the lead role?

C'mon man....spill the beans and lets have a fruitful chat here!!

Sorry guys.. I just got home from work.. i will be replying to as many posts as possible..

I quoted this first because this person's post identified the technology that will be made public this year to the T.....


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:56 PM
Am I the only one who's "fraud alert" went off a long time ago with the OP? I mean he's throwing in a lot of great "logic" and theory that is general common sense in a way but come on...

He's largely talking in circles to feign being informed.
Reading about his KGB grandparents and family secrets in another thread and his immaturity to skeptical replies there... and his overtly defensiveness to anything contrary to his story and credibility in this thread. As well as a major sense of immaturity that is conveyed through his posts.

I don't know... I'm usually not the skeptic, but i call fowl.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by MattMulder

Hey Mr Jenka,
Looks like you're telling us things we already know, and as posters have said here, it's not a new thing to see threads with guys telling "i did that and saw that and i know this."
I am sure that being too confident in the ATS network and showing us ID could result with you being "offed" by a NSA assassination squad . So I won't be a part of those who criticize you for not doing so.

Why did you talk about the Ministry of Agriculture ? do you mean the crop circles are made by bored UFO pilots ?

I will not be "offed" by the NSA, Department of Homeland security or any other outfit. I will however lose my job, my assets and be sent to military prison for an indefinite amount of time without trial !

Awww!!! Good job!! Your picking up on it guys!!! Department of Agriculture will be a nice place to start looking for "answers" and the right outfit to ask "questions"

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:58 PM
If he is on the wind up, he's keen!!!!!!

To be honest, the more I read the OP's posts the more viable it sounds.

Cant wait to see the rest.......!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Am I the only one who's "fraud alert" went off a long time ago with the OP? I mean he's throwing in a lot of great "logic" and theory that is general common sense in a way but come on...

He's largely talking in circles to feign being informed.
Reading about his KGB grandparents and family secrets in another thread and his immaturity to skeptical replies there... and his overtly defensiveness to anything contrary to his story and credibility in this thread. As well as a major sense of immaturity that is conveyed through his posts.

I don't know... I'm usually not the skeptic, but i call fowl.

How did you know that my family was in the KGB?? Please do elaborate...

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