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Proof of Aliens & UFO'S!!!

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Lazyninja
UFOs are man made, but their development as an aircraft has been kept utterly secret since who knows, there was one reported in the papers in the 1800s. I guess lockheed goes back a ways huh.

So lockheed and others make the ufos, for some undisclosed purpose. After perfecting the craft, they decide not to make it public, or sell it to the military, but continue to "test" these things.

I'm not buying this


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[edit on 16/2/09 by masqua]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:46 AM

This is one of my favorite youtube videos. The belgium UFO case...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:50 AM
There must be so much technology that has not been released yet. The Greeks invented the steam engine, yet its universal application was witheld for centuries. I believe that us humans are capable of incredible technological advances, but a Great Hand from Someplace has held us back. You don't need to be highly intelligent to work out why: mankind would have blasted itself off the face of the earth eons ago.

I discovered my parent's love letters after they both died. When they were courting in the 1940's, they were separated by distance, and they shared a daydream of magically be able to talk to each other wherever they were, whenever they felt like it. But, they concluded, such a thing would never be possible. Today, mobile technology has become commonplace.

I happen to believe that we have reached an age where a lot of constraints are being lifted off. I fully expect to see major new developments the likes of which we have never seen before.

One day we will laugh at all those people who are convinced that UFOs are alien spacecraft. I believe that maybe 80% or more are man made. And some are spirit made to deceive us. I find those 80% very interesting, and I wish I had the technological background to find out who designs these things for which purpose, and when they are planned to be released.

I also have an idea who might be wanting to put this highly advanced technology to use. There are some brilliant minds behind the scenes, and I am not sure that 'conspiracy' is an accurate way to describe their plans. I like to see these developments as a huge multi-level chess board, with just a few key pieces not revealed yet, but the opening moves have already been made. And I am watching and wondering on a daily basis...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by BooBetty
There must be so much technology that has not been released yet. The Greeks invented the steam engine, yet its universal application was witheld for centuries. I believe that us humans are capable of incredible technological advances, but a Great Hand from Someplace has held us back. You don't need to be highly intelligent to work out why: mankind would have blasted itself off the face of the earth eons ago.

I discovered my parent's love letters after they both died. When they were courting in the 1940's, they were separated by distance, and they shared a daydream of magically be able to talk to each other wherever they were, whenever they felt like it. But, they concluded, such a thing would never be possible. Today, mobile technology has become commonplace.

I happen to believe that we have reached an age where a lot of constraints are being lifted off. I fully expect to see major new developments the likes of which we have never seen before.

One day we will laugh at all those people who are convinced that UFOs are alien spacecraft. I believe that maybe 80% or more are man made. And some are spirit made to deceive us. I find those 80% very interesting, and I wish I had the technological background to find out who designs these things for which purpose, and when they are planned to be released.

I also have an idea who might be wanting to put this highly advanced technology to use. There are some brilliant minds behind the scenes, and I am not sure that 'conspiracy' is an accurate way to describe their plans. I like to see these developments as a huge multi-level chess board, with just a few key pieces not revealed yet, but the opening moves have already been made. And I am watching and wondering on a daily basis...

You nailed it buddy!

Star for you.

[I'm speaking from experience of everything you mentioned in your post].

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Jinni

You keep refering to horse's mouths. I don't place any more confidence in horses than I do in you or the OP, with no evidence. No one questions that the Gov has advanced black ops. This however does not substantiate that in all the billions of planets in the universe that there is only one with life on it or the non-existance of alien UFO's. In other words (since you seem to fail to understand) The fact that Lockheed may have some secret whiz-bang doesn't have anything to do with wheather there are alien UFO's. They are not mutually excludable. But of course I don't listen to horses mouths.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Certainly is a lot of spouting off with absolutely no proof, as usual.

I have a couple friends that work for Lockheed, they are in IT, and not privy to secret aircraft knowledge, I doubt a bean counter is, sorry. I'm fairly certain the budget doesn't go: "1 Secret Aircraft shaped like a Triangle: 1.2 trillion."

While some sightings, especially the ones in a bit out of the way places may well be "secret" aircraft, I don't believe many of them are. Especially the ones that take place over populated areas. The military does NOT test these things out where they can be viewed, photographed, and possibly crash, causing casualties and loss of security. And I also don't buy that we test our secret aircraft over other countries. That's just asking to get your technology stolen. Yet many sightings occur over populated cities (and not just in the U.S.), and advanced looking craft appear in countries that do not have advanced aircraft technology.

Nor do I believe that we have some of the technology witnessed. I don't think some of you realize how difficult it is to make a near-silent craft. And the larger it is, the more difficult this task is. Yet we have witnesses who have seen very large crafts (often triangular, and not just recently), that are completely silent, and can accelerate at crazy speeds. No, I don't think we can do this yet.

But to the OP: Not sure what your point is. Saying to people here that X% are terran, and X% are not is hardly rocket science nor unknown. You do NOT know that these are aliens, you do not have proof. You are using your own special brand of math that says if x% are not ours, they MUST be aliens! And while I personally agree that some are not from around these parts, that's a poor way to come to that conclusion.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:13 AM
I think we have working craft, that uses the principals of the alien craft, however, I have reason to believe the alien crafts are sort of Alive while ours are sort of made of metal and stuff. the aliens control their crafts through touch and thought. we control the ones we built with the use of a PC. we have not been able to produce an alive craft yet.

If my analysis is correct.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:15 AM

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by Jinni

You keep refering to horse's mouths. I don't place any more confidence in horses than I do in you or the OP, with no evidence.

The evidence is Boeing admitting the have such technology and the current rearch trends and results. But you have to be a scientist to really understand and appreciate them.

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by Jinni

No one questions that the Gov has advanced black ops. This however does not substantiate that in all the billions of planets in the universe that there is only one with life on it or the non-existance of alien UFO's.

No one is trying to argue that there is no other life elsewhere. You are becoming deluded now.

You are mixing life on other planets and existence of alien spacecraft visiting our planet. I agree there is other life without a doubt but the spacecraft that we see in the sky today are man made.

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by Jinni

In other words (since you seem to fail to understand) The fact that Lockheed may have some secret whiz-bang doesn't have anything to do with wheather there are alien UFO's.

Look, there may be spirits, Djinns and other creatures flying in our sky I have no doubt. But those metalic ball, disc shape craft that everyone is seeing are man made. Stop mixing the issues.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by Jinni

Originally posted by romanmel
reply to post by Jinni

...I agree there is other life without a doubt but the spacecraft that we see in the sky today are man made.

OK...proooove it.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:27 AM
along the lines of alleged manmade UFOs ... check out this for your reading amusement ...

Artist Explores Myths of Nazi UFO Technology

Joe the Skeptic ...

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by GorehoundLarry

Here's a video that might interest you...

Google Video Link

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:49 AM
Great read, earthly ufo,s are the work initially of one person -
Nikola Tesla, with his use/belief of ether physics to produce anti-gravity. The main problem being that the same system can be weaponized to great and disaterous consequences. Along the lines of using the earth as a large capacitor, the famous/imfamous Death Ray.(concern not greed?) Marconi aswell was involved too. Brazil being home to the creators and others while they made/tested ufos, and the moon trips!, well that is all i can tell.

Peace to all.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:55 AM
I will begin by saying that I once witnessed a ufo (appearing in the same location in the sky for 3 days) doing manuvers and travelling at speeds that would crush its occupants (assuming that gravity as we understand it applies to the occupants).

If I assume that this craft relied on some kind of gravity manipulation (which I believe is the case) then I see a real problem with the disclosure of this technology.

Do you really want countries, or individuals with bad intentions to have any access to this technology? Even if the technology was clean and cheap?

Sorry, but if my theory is accurate then I agree with no disclosure.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:20 AM
reply to post by mrjenka

How much do you guys get pay'd

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:29 AM
This is my response to the original poster, not an attack mind you. Your post initially intrigued me and I do believe your overall statement is true. Most UFOs witnessed by civis are man made aircraft/orbital craft or devices. However, your dialogue sounds very immature for an accountant working for Lockheed. The occasional shouting, and the unwillingness to provide some kind of evidence beyond your words really just leaves a foul tast in all our mouths. I also have to point out that Stanton Friedman does not make millions of dollars from the UFO market. I wish he did, because he would probably have much more pull as an investigator. Money speaks, and people will talk for money. Anyhow, your post is interesting but that is about it. As they say, 'interesting if true'...............

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:30 AM

Lets say NASA tomorrow told you they had a craft that can travel 100 light years in 2 and a half - 3 hours.. and that they were sending a few crafts to explore the far reaches of our galaxy etc..

Say we find a form of life that resembles man kind very much but is about 200-300 years behind us as far as technology, evolution and spirituality..

The only problem is, which im sure your very well aware of this is that when you travel at the speed of light your time stops but our time continues, so by the time that that space flight returned from their Recon voyage, civilization would be dramatically different. Just wouldnt work. hypothetically speaking of course

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:36 AM
"IF you guys will be able to "prove" to the moderator of the thread or blog that you know what your talking bout than they will send you an invite and you will be privy to conversations among VERY intellectual men/women that specialize and work certain fields."

Is this for real?

These people are the scientific intelligentsia? Shouldn't they incorporate and encourage progressive thinking? How is this possible if they themselves are a 'select' few, who decide who they perceive to be intellectual enough to share this information with. This isn't progressive thinking!!! Just another group who will keep all the information for a select few....

Seriously, this kind of backward thinking is stopping humankind from evolving.

"Albert Einstein once said that imagination was more important than intelligence. He believed that without the ability to imagine an outcome, no amount of intelligence would be enough to achieve major breakthroughs"

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by Jinni

Wow, so im assuming that who ever mad these crafts decided to contact you and tell you the truth, because your so important. Im assuming you have proof of these spacecraft to be man made, because your were a part of their construction right? I didnt think so.
You have some bold claims but with no evidence to back you up. Its funny how anyone can make a claim behind a black glass so no one sees there face which tells it all.


posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by mrjenka
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Has anyone ever though that these life forms could and are MUCH less advanced than we are? Just as there are MANY of forms that are more advanced than we are, and than there are a handful that are just as advanced as we are??

I understand your rationalization and I would think for our sector of the Milky Way, we're probably one of the more advanced civilizations. But, given the age of our galaxy (roughly 10 billion years old) and the age of our Sun (roughly 5 billion years old) and the age of our planet (roughly 3 billion years old) I would think that there are far more advanced civilizations in our galaxy.

Certainly, the closer the civilizations is to us, the closer to our technological advancements. Given that, I would expect that if WE found life out there, it would be less advanced than us - but, I would say SOME are more advance simply because we had to give the dinosaurs a few hundred million years before mankind rose to rule the earth. Could have happened the same on another planet roughly our age. Could have taken longer - but, I think at least one would have gotten it right the first time and be a few hundred million years more advanced that where we are now.

If we found a lesser civilization I think we would study it in secret. Why would a more advanced species than us do differently when they found Earth? It'll be a long, long time in a planetary system (not galaxy) far, far away before WE stumble upon a civilization more advanced than us. That doesn't mean that we won't already be aware of them, though ... as I think some already are.

As for why we're not privy to the existence of more advanced civilizations? For the same reason we don't interfere with lesser civilizations ... I think there's a universal understanding that a species should reach a certain level of maturity before it is accepted outside of what it knows. Obviously, with mankind killing each other for riches and power ... why would anyone outside of this planetary system want us to know there are other species in our Galaxy to conquer? We can't reconcile our differences as a species ... why would it be any different with other species ... humanoid or not?

It's my belief that TRUE disclosure is thousands of years in the future - if not tens of thousands. We've been warring each other for at least 6,000 years - yet most of the technology that surrounds modern life has been invented within the last 100 years. It's hard to say that it'll take 10,000 years to be star jumping, but it could be that long before we're able to accept one another. I think technologically we'll be ready within 1000 years ... but, as of right now there's not much we can do to speed up species maturity.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by tyranny22]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 09:53 AM
First I agree with your title needing to be changed. You have not given proof of Aliens and UFO's

I may have to go back and reread but you wrote your title then you say they are our's, not logical.

As I see it this government would/should be in serious trouble if we the people discovered that we had this kind of technology that could travel in space. To think we put our Astronuats in old Space Shuttles and risk there lives (not only thinking of the lives lost) with the shuttle heads would/should roll.

If we do have capabilities then I don't think we got it on our intelligence alone and this Universe is full of life- Alien life it's here, there and everywhere.

Your reverse thinking isn't logical to me at least but I could have misread.

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