posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 07:45 PM
Closed-mindedness... it is very frustrating at times. When speaking to a closed mind about new ideas, be aware that a closed mind is like a closed
book... just a block of wood.
To be fair to the closed minded people... there must be a reason why humanity is so succeptible to becoming a block of closed minded wood.
I would think that it has something to do with where we come in the place we are before we incarnate into this body. Who were we then? What
did we know? And, if we knew a lot more than we do incarnated here, why did we choose to incarnate here in the first place? The answer to ignorance is
that we are uncomfortable with the truth.... and our very being is a testament to this.
Here's a scenario. Say that YOU were God..... and everything was your creation. You had all knowledge that could ever be known.
Where would you go from there? Who would you ask why to? What reason is there for you? The truth would be that there is no reason. The truth would be
that all of your creation is meaningless. The truth would be that right and wrong are also your creations, therefore there is no real justice, no real
peace, no real goals, no higher states of being, no answers, no final outcomes, nowhere else to go.
Now.... say you are God, and you have decided to become one little facet of your creation. Would you want to know everything while you were focusing
on being this facet? It would be hard to concentrate on facet-dom if you still knew it all.
Now ponder this. Is the whole conspiracy necessarily not of our choosing?
Is it maybe a manifestation of what lies just below the surface in our collective subconscious? It is not without saying that indeed the lies and the
illusion have become beyond ridiculous, but I often wonder if it is not some innate echo of fear of ultimate knowledge from the infinite expanse which
has allowed humanity as a whole to unconsciously build this whole network of suppression which we live in now.
I believe we've had "help" from other "places". Sometime a long time ago, an Occultist may have stumbled upon a powerful entity that may have
manipulated the ego of said person or said group to FEAR the truth SO MUCH that a deal was struck, and a "distraction machine" was built:
civilization. This device, called civilization, turned a basic human instinctual knowledge of its being in relation to all else into not only a FEAR
of this ultimate truth, but a FEAR of any piece of knowledge which may eventually lead to this one final truth. The conspiracy STARTS with
civilization itself. What IS civilization, exactly?
Denial of any path of truth = denial of the true nature of self
People crave illusion and distraction so much because from cradle to grave, we are told that this distraction is good, but everything else not of said
distraction is bad. We're never given adequate time and distance to be alone with ourselves and to know and become comfortable with what we are.
We're always being rushed into things without thought. We're always thinking about doing things, and never about what those things actually are
saying. Life speaks from all directions to us, but the closed minded suffer from years and years of being rushed so fast that by the time the breath
of God has reached where their ears should be.... they're somewhere else thinking about doing something else, and yet again the Voice is spoken, and
yet again the recipient hurries away and misses the sound.
The truth is harsh. God (I use the word God for metaphoric purposes) speaks loud and without restraint. If you don't tremble, if you don't feel
overwhelmed, if your ego isn't punched square in the jaw and left writhing on the floor for a spell, if you don't suffer a massive nervous breakdown
at least once... then you've never really heard the truth.
And if you are not prepared to lose all confidence in your confidences, as most people nowadays are not prepared to do....most people on this site are
not prepared... then you are most likely close minded to a vast amount of things.
The lesson here is not that truth is bad. Truth is only bad if your ego doesn't cope well with it. Your ego isn't your ruler, though. You can change
the way you feel by actively observing yourself being the way you are, and by weeding out all those characteristics which are pre-programmed in you by
sources not of the observer inside of you.
When you are the observer, the mind is eternally open because, in fact, you are just observing. All these colors and shapes and feelings and vibes and
sounds and lights and activity.... they're all just patterns. All life, death, love, hate, construction, destruction.... are just changes in the
pattern.... and the observer just watches the changes in awe of it all.
You know nothing. Start with that, closed minded people. If you know nothing, then you've got nothing threatening any mental construct which arises
in the midst of the illusion of knowledge.
Yep. I said it.
SIDE NOTE: Anyone who reads this post and many others I have posted in the past will hopefully begin to understand why a certain religious ideology
strikes a deep dischord with me. To be responsible for the world is to be human, and nobody is "chosen" above anybody else to do this. A certain
religious ideology, more than any other ideology in my opinion, plays into a person's ego so much so that it has become sort of a "Holier Than
Thou" Western religion which has gained a notorious reputation of damning any questioners into the true validity of said ideology. The threat from
Christ was that he challenged the Holier Than Thou ideology and said that EVERYONE was responsible for EVERYthing....and all are equal and able to
transcend the flesh as well as have an equal right to be of flesh.
You see, it is the VERY OUESTIONS which are the most taboo which we should be asking and speaking our opinions on. This is true open mindedness, and
any ideology which has been instilled in you which blocks you from "going there" will keep your mind in a closed box..... which may be a very big
box, but it is still closed and even if the top is open, the walls are tall and make weary of one who may seek to scale them.