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Suppressed Details of 9/11 Insider Trading Leads to CIA's Highest Ranks

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:21 PM

Originally posted by mr. nameless
what most peolpe dont realise is we might be going into another great depression and the investors might have seen this comming and decided to hold off to get that money and get when everybody else is poor, now im not saying this couldnt have anything to do with 9-11-01, but im not saying keep a closed mind on one thing either

That makes no sense. If he knew about the coming depression why not take that 2.5 and buy put options on bank stocks or building stocks. Actually if he was in the know he could of easily turned that 2.5 million into 250 million if he was trading options.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by daddymax
I personally am waiting on the "so you think Wall Street, or the Airlines were in on the conspiracy too" crap...

Daddymax, have you met Tide88?

So I guess you aren't going to answer my question are you? I am not the least bit surprised. It is so sad how gullible you are. You really should check your facts before you start posting BS. Luckly you do it on a board where the blind lead the blind.
45 flags, 43 stars.
You people cant be serious.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by tide88]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by tide88

As a researcher of everything government, there is NOTHING better than governments' own documents to hang them with. If you want proof of something compile a list of government websites and go on a document downloading spree and read everything you can get you hands on. That is how one comes across facts, and that is what I do. You'd be surprised how often the government contradicts itself(Or maybe you wouldn't). The Official 9/11 story is not a very good one. It's full of holes and downright omissions. Like what the NSAs role was prior to. Looking at second and third hand information causes nothing but problems especially where credibility issues are involved.

I recommend to all in this and every other conspiracy thread on ATS to heed my advice. You can't go wrong. But the key is, DROP the preconceived notions and DROP any suspicions you might have UNTIL you get all the facts.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by tide88

Yep, 45 flags and 43 stars -- thanks for keeping track!

Here's some advice. Instead of sounding like a neocon apologist who conjures up fantasies that are full of "maybes" and "probablys", try posting some useful information that actually helps to deny ignorance. BTW, that's Billions, with a 'B' and Global, with a 'G':

Billions in Pre-911 Insider Trading Profits Leaves a Hot Trail: How Bush Administration Naysayers May Have Let it Go Cold

In Part II, we will examine closely what is likely the largest, most globalized and heinous case of insider trading in economic history and how it offered authorities a hot money trail to follow. If successful in tracking the perpetrators, authorities would not only be successful in implicating obvious accomplices in the 9-11 attacks, but also would be able to strike deeply into the infrastructure of a shadow financial network and hundreds of billions of dollars that flow through it.

As of mid-March 2002, authorities say they have frozen over $100 million in terrorist assets. But how to strike deeper to prevent future attacks? Some believe the answer lies at the end of the paper trail that investigators are following from huge insider trading placed on carefully selected stocks in the days leading up to 9-11.

According to Phil Erlanger, a former Senior Technical Analyst with Fidelity and founder of a Florida firm that tracks short selling and options trading, insiders made off with billions (not mere millions) in profits by betting on the fall of stocks they knew would tumble in the aftermath of the WTC and Pentagon attacks. []

Andreas von Bulow, a former member of the German Parliament, once responsible for the oversight of the German secret services, estimated that profits by insider traders were $15 billion. CBS offered a far more conservative figure when it reported (Sept 26) that "at least seven countries are dissecting suspicious trades that may have netted more than $100 million in profits."

Regardless of estimates, to Dylan Ratigan of Bloomberg Business News, the evidence was compelling; "This is the worst case of insider trading ever." [Good Morning Texas, Sept. 20, 2001] The sheer scope, size and the uncanny timing of 9-11 insider trading demanded an aggressive investigation. But the stakes involved, with nearly 3000 dead, have never been higher for financial crimes investigators.

Suspicious trading was first identified by Japanese authorities. But soon concerns were raised and a pattern could be discerned in countries around the world including Singapore, Hong Kong, Italy, France, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Germany and Canada. Jonathan Winer, an ABC News Consultant said "it's absolutely unprecedented to see cases of insider trading covering the entire world from Japan to the US to North America to Europe." [World News Tonight, Sept. 20, 2001] Investigators were soon hot on the trail on a matter of obvious national security to many nations.

Bloomberg News reported that Former chief of Enforcement at the SEC; William McLucas said regulators will "certainly be able to track down every trade, where the trade cleared, where the trade was directed from." However, Treasury Secretary O'Neill downplayed hopes for a successful investigation by pointing out the challenge of penetrating veils of secrecy before a name can be attached to a suspicious trade; "You've got to go through ten veils before you get to the real source." [AP; September 20, testimony before Senate Banking Committee]. Talk about lowering the bar of expectations; very unsettling coming from someone who could help bring to justice those guilty of the worst terrorist attack history -- the massacre of thousands.

In the months since these comments, tightlipped authorities have revealed few details. Any questions put to those prosecuting the war on terrorist funding cannot be answered. The familiar refrain is heard; "our investigation is ongoing." Though widely reported in September and October of last year, months have elapsed since the insider trading received attention. The unresolved crime of 9-11 insider trading is a dark cloud that hangs over this administration and its prosecution of the 'war on terrorism.' What is worse is that those who profited remain free to use those profits of death to finance their next attack.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by tide88

Okay so I will ask you. WHAT ABOUT THE PUT CONTACTS BOUGHT ON SEPT 14 OF 2000? THEY HAD A HIGHER NUMBER OF INCREASED ACTIVITY THEN SEPT OF 2001. There were also many other examples I gave of increased activity in 2000 and 2001 (both before 9/11 and after) however there were not any terrorist attacks during those periods. Why dont you explain those.

Perhaps the same people that speculated in 2001 also speculated in 2000 because they thought the attacks would go down the year before.

Or perhaps they speculated on the same stocks on and off at various points just to confuse everyone...........i am sure professional crooks know what they are doing and will go out of their way to cover their ass!

Why do you keep harping on the same questions? If people ignore you it probably means they have contempt for your posts...

Man some of your comprehension skills are very weak. My whole point is there WASNT any insider trading. That is the point of all my post. So according to my theory they WOULDNT know of any impending attack, hence they would be at work that day. Some of you make the so called "truthers" look really stupid. Please think or understand peoples post before you reply.

And my point was that THERE WAS inside trading and hence nobody picked up the cash as to arose further suspicions nor where they killed in the attacks.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:52 PM
Analysing the 9/11 put options is complex and requires statistical and technical trading knowledge most of us don't have.

Rather than accept Tide88's judgement (which has been undermined by his failure to find anything suspicious about the implosion of WTC7), or to the opinions of various websites and news editorials, I defer to two meticulous, in-depth, peer reviewed studies by academics with no connection to the so-called "truth movement".

Both concluded independently that there is evidence of foreknowledge of the attacks demonstrated by the unusual put options in the days leading up to September 11.

...the paper concludes that there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks.

Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 Allen M. Poteshman, 2006, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

...the probability that there were trades based upon foreknowledge is strong for American Airlines, United Airlines, Merrill Lynch, Bank of America, Citigroup and JP Morgan.

It is not a legal proof but a statistical analysis providing evidence of irregularities. [translated from French]

11 septembre 2001 : des volumes inhabituels sur les options peu avant l'attentat Marc Chesney and Loriano Mancini, 2007, University of Zurich - Swiss Banking Institute

So the vital question is "who?"

As some have suggested, it might have been Arab terrorists. If it was, it would suggest an insider connection between al-Qaeda and powerful individuals in America - the sort of connection "conspiracy theorists" suspect.

Why else would the 9/11 Commission simply dismiss the matter by saying the trades were those of "a single U.S. based institutional investor with no conceivable ties to al-Qaeda."?

On the other hand, the Commission may be telling the truth and the trades had no connection to al-Qaeda.

Either way, the Commission's attitude to the matter is a huge red flag. They don't want to know (or at least they're not going to let us know) about those with foreknowledge of the attacks. By brushing over it, they imply that it was just another of those extraordinary but entirely insignificant things that happened on 9/11. (Remember, the implosion of WTC7 was so extraordinarily insignificant they left it right out of their report).

This is of course typical of the Bush-appointed Commission whose aim, in the words of its chairman, "has not been to assign individual blame", and "was set up to fail". Why would they be any more interested in who profited from 9/11 than they were in who financed it?

To date, the US government has not been able to determine the origin of the money used for the 9/11 attacks. Ultimately the question is of little practical significance.

9/11 Commission

[edit on 12-2-2009 by EvilAxis]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:33 PM

Originally posted by EvilAxis

...the paper concludes that there is evidence of unusual option market activity in the days leading up to September 11 that is consistent with investors trading on advance knowledge of the attacks.

Unusual Option Market Activity and the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 Allen M. Poteshman, 2006, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Interesting stuff, especially knowing that the FBI says there's not enough evidence against Osama bin Laden to send to a Grand Jury. This would've been the perfect opportunity to get what they needed:

Many observers maintained that the AMR and UAL option activity leading up to September 11 constitutes strong evidence that there had been trading on advance knowledge of the attacks. For example, on September 19 the CBS Evening News reported that the September 10 AMR put trading exceeded the call trading to such an extent that its sources had “never seen that kind of imbalance before” and the September 6 put and call trading on UAL was “extremely imbalanced.” The report closed by saying that “Now US investigators want to know whether Osama bin Laden was the ultimate inside trader; profiting from a tragedy he’s suspected of masterminding to finance his operations” (Attkisson 2001). University of Chicago finance professor George Constantinides said that the option market trading was “so striking that it’s hard to attribute it to chance. So something is definitely going on” (Roeder 2001).

Other well-known academic experts such as Columbia University law professor John Coffee and Duke University law professor James Cox likewise suspected that some investors traded in the option market on foreknowledge of the attacks (Mathewson and Nol 2001). In addition, sophisticated option market participants such as Jon Najarian, founder of option specialist Mercur y Trading, also concluded from the trading that somebody knew ahead of time that the attacks would occur (Atkinson and Fluendy 2001).

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:21 PM
tide88 your option trades are easily explained by a 2 minute Google search.

For 2001:

- Did you bother to check that there if there was news around 1/10/2001?

I would say American buying TWA on that date would be significant, wouldn’t you?

- Did you bother to check that American Airline announced EARNINGS April 19 2001
and would account for an increase in put activity?

- Did you bother to check that American Airline announced EARNINGS June 20 2001
and would account for an increase in put activity?

By the way, have you ever traded an option?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:04 AM
So... apparently how many thousands of people now knew about 9/11 beforehand? I guess in addition to the countless people involved in wiring buildings, planting evidence, doing forensics on bodies, newscasters (and apparently then, entire news agencies), and otherwise abetting this crime, we now have financiers who were privy to the event prior to happening. Astounding!

And not ONE SINGLE PERSON has come forward to say "Ok.. look.. this is what happened." NONE. It certainly must have been difficult to find such a massive # of morally reprehensible individuals for this planned murder. It's amusing that in regular murder cases, often it's solved because one of a few people can't stand the guilt of the crime and talk. And here.. not one person has stepped forward. And yet, the number of involved people just keeps on growing.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by EvilAxis
The "who" in this whole situation is a mix of intelligence agents and global power brokers known as the Secret Team they are the transnational operators,they call the shots they trained,funded and field various terrorist groups against the Russians in Afghanistan,they ran drugs in Vietnam among other things.Read the Secret Team by L. Fletcher Prouty and come to your own conclusions.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by pteridine
I was under the impression that bin Laden denied involvement, but was not unhappy that it happened. Also, it is accepted by some as fact that bin Laden was assassinated in December 2001. Even Mrs Bhutto said so much in November 2007, a month before she was essentially lured to Pakistan and murdered. She said the assassin also killed Mr Pearl. But I guess you all have discussed this here already. ?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Originally posted by groingrinder

I have no doubt that some individuals may have known of an imminent attack, and either did nothing, or were hindered in taking any preventative measures, BUT, this hardly places such Malevolence upon the Government-at-Large as individuals such as you wish to do.

IF this source is to in fact be trusted, it shows NOTHING more than some corrupt Officials taking advantage of a potential situation. It hardly displays any sort of Planning, or Implementation of an Attack. To be an "Inside Job", these Officials would have had to been Proven Complicit in Tasking, Recruiting, Training, Resourcing, Funding, and Following Through on the Attacks from Day 1.

Don't you always talk smack about big government?



An inside job could mean leaving the door wide open. Like standing down NORAD
after 1 was struck or the many things you seem to approve of?

BTW yer tower 7 cover story was the best! Mark Twain has $#@$ on you mate

[edit on 13-2-2009 by mental modulator]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 04:45 AM
Here we are with people gallavating about 9/11 like if they've never had proof

We have people who have allowed thousands to die in vain

While we teach our children to hate other people in foriegn nations or to contribute to a holy war which is being controlled by a selective few

We continue to brag and boast about our new president

We've earned it, and the people who still choose to be ignorant and chant about change get more adjusted to a profoundly sick society

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Or pehaps they placed those puts because travel was already down and those airline were laden with debt. And the reason you all are ingonring those posts is because it goes against your kooky theory. Whatever, obviously you really arent looking for the truth. Wasted enough of my time trying to explain the obvious. Should have known better then to try to get into a educated debate with some of you regulars on this board. Hell, every conspiracy theory that comes out is supported by Golden Fleece. I even think he supported the hologram theories.
Been Fun.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
So... apparently how many thousands of people now knew about 9/11 beforehand? I guess in addition to the countless people involved in wiring buildings, planting evidence, doing forensics on bodies, newscasters (and apparently then, entire news agencies), and otherwise abetting this crime, we now have financiers who were privy to the event prior to happening. Astounding!

And not ONE SINGLE PERSON has come forward to say "Ok.. look.. this is what happened." NONE. It certainly must have been difficult to find such a massive # of morally reprehensible individuals for this planned murder. It's amusing that in regular murder cases, often it's solved because one of a few people can't stand the guilt of the crime and talk. And here.. not one person has stepped forward. And yet, the number of involved people just keeps on growing.

It would have been compartmentalized,not everyone would know what was going on but they would still be *in* on it so to speak.Like someone else said before, manhattan project involved 130,000 people..that didnt get leaked.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 09:25 AM
I want to be clear about my earlier post.

Let's say you work for any intelligence agency and you have done your absolute best to warn your friend and ally that they are going to be attacked.

I believe, correct me if I am wrong there were phone calls placed warning certain Israeli WTC employees not to come to work that day.

In any case you have done your utmost best to warn your friend and they apparently don't care what you think.

So you are probably a group of mid level intelligence agents who decide. Well to hell with it I might as well make some money.

The same could be said about all the other government agents from all the other countries who were privy to the same information, including our own.

If you believe that the job was pulled off by a relatively small group of high ranking American traitors I doubt they would be stupid enough to place these trades.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
And not ONE SINGLE PERSON has come forward to say "Ok.. look.. this is what happened." NONE.

Fleabit, always promoting the Big Lie.

There are MANY.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:31 PM
So why do you government loyalists and supporters of the 9-11 OFFICIAL STORY defend the ability of the 9-11 insider traders, with their potential $15 billion in illicit profits at the expense of 3000 innocent human lives, to get away with their schemes and treachery and perhaps plan and carryout another attack on America? What exactly is in it for you?

The unresolved crime of 9-11 insider trading is a dark cloud that hangs over this administration and its prosecution of the 'war on terrorism.' What is worse is that those who profited remain free to use those profits of death to finance their next attack.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by pteridine
I was under the impression that bin Laden denied involvement, but was not unhappy that it happened. Also, it is accepted by some as fact that bin Laden was assassinated in December 2001. Even Mrs Bhutto said so much in November 2007, a month before she was essentially lured to Pakistan and murdered. She said the assassin also killed Mr Pearl. But I guess you all have discussed this here already. ?

Interesting point
and Deutsche Bank is used by the bin laden family.Did you hear American media reporting a phone call between bin laden and his mother. He supposedly told her that she would not hear from him for a while. So this is all the more reason to investigate the 9/11 offical story , people in the know say he is dead.

We also need an investigation of A B Browns former chairman Mayo Shattuck III. It appears he abruptly left his position 9/12/01 because he was "tired of phone calls and traveling" but he remains on their board ,if this is the case then why not leave in April? Was Mayo privy to the accounts of these inside traders or is this info only available to those via SEC.?

Let's bring this guy in for questioning.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by EvilAxis
Rather than accept Tide88's judgement (which has been undermined by his failure to find anything suspicious about the implosion of WTC7),[edit on 12-2-2009 by EvilAxis]

and thats exactly the problem or sickness most oct supporters appear to be afflicted with since there's obvious common sense and visual evidence, that they deny and for some reason don't seem to find anything wrong with all the unanswered questions, holes in the oct and science, facts and math don't add up.

its truly bizarre that 911 may be the most obvious and blatant conspiracy of all time, and these people (i struggle to call them that) SEE NOTHING.

the only logical conclusion i can come up with is they fall into one of 3 main categories:

they're either in denial

they either haven't done any real research

or they're part of the coverup.

in all seriousness, there's not too many other explanations other than having some serious mental illness.

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