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Suppressed Details of 9/11 Insider Trading Leads to CIA's Highest Ranks

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:23 AM
And another thing. Like a lot of people I know who worked 16 hour days prior to 911 I suspect Mr Shattuck reassessed the priorities in his life on 12 Sep 2001, and made changes. I know I did.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by TheWorldReallyIsThatBorin
This info has been in the public arena for a long time. It is not new. Bin Laden was a very wealthy man who came from a very large wealthy and powerful family and mixed with very wealthy people before he became a mass murderer. (I should point out that his family have never been implicated in any of his crimes and run a legitimate international building company)

He and his confederates certainly had access to the internet and therefore could have easily traded options. There were also 20 terrorists and an unknown number of supporters living in the US prior to the attack who would have had knowledge.

These terrorists were sophisticated, well educated criminals.

So in addition to legitimate trades there were plenty of financially sophisticated criminals who had the opportunity to exploit their fore-knowledge..

Once again Occam's Razor gets dropped into the toilet of conspiracy.


Like I said... wouldn't the SEC now know the names of these people? Wouldn't we go and arrest these people?

Occam's Razor? Who gives a crap about Occam's Razor?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
IF this source is to in fact be trusted, it shows NOTHING more than some corrupt Officials taking advantage of a potential situation.

Originally posted by pteridine
I would hazard a guess that some in the Bin-Laden organization may have decided to make a little extra spending money , on the side, and might not have even mentioned to the big dogs.

Originally posted by Rasputin13
For all we know, these put options were made by some wealthy Saudi businessmen who had knowledge of the impending attacks. Or it could have been al Qaida making an investment.

Originally posted by TheWorldReallyIsThatBorin
So in addition to legitimate trades there were plenty of financially sophisticated criminals who had the opportunity to exploit their fore-knowledge..

Assumptions based on individual speculation in order to rationalize explanations to fit our preconceived notions.

Rationalization is the process of constructing a logical justification for a belief, decision, action or lack thereof that was originally arrived at through a different mental process. It is a defense mechanism in which unacceptable behaviors or feelings are explained in a rational or logical manner; this avoids the true explanation of the behavior or feeling in question"


Denial is a defense mechanism postulated by Sigmund Freud, in which a person is faced with a fact that is too uncomfortable to accept and rejects it instead, insisting that it is not true despite what may be overwhelming evidence.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Jezus]

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Jezus]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:40 AM
So, who should pay for this new investigation and what would it gain? Just wondering....

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Like I said... wouldn't the SEC now know the names of these people? Wouldn't we go and arrest these people?

Cant arrest people when they did nothing wrong. You did read that the person who placed 95% of those options also bought 115000 shares of AA sept 10 to hedge his bet. You take away the 95% of those options and it is just like any other day. Of course the article the OP uses convientely leaves out the FACT that the person who bought those puts also bought 150000 shares on the 10th of Sept.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:03 AM
If Al Qaeda actually did 9/11 and also made those put options, they would have no problem collecting ASAP. That never happened.

It makes me think indeed there was inside information but the people who made the put options maybe didn't know just how bad 9/11 would actually be.

They realized they couldn't collect after the fact otherwise that would point a large finger back at them, and they didn't want that. So that money stays uncollected.

Why not collect unless there is guilt?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by tide88
Love how the article fails to mention that the same person who bought 95% of the put options also bought 115,000 shares on sept. 10. This is a typical "truther" article. Misleading and incomplete. If this proves anything it proves how BS the truth movement is.

Speaking of misleading and incomplete, you failed to explain why the $2.5 million profit was never collected.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:37 AM

Of course the article the OP uses convientely leaves out the FACT that the person who bought those puts also bought 150000 shares on the 10th of Sept.

150000 shares of what? Also - if this was just normal trading, why wasn't the 2.5 mil collected?

Happens all the time, right?

[edit on 12-2-2009 by TXRabbit]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by tide88

Oh I'm sorry... investigate these people.... not arrest them...

I mean, that is if we are trying to do a "real" investigation.

The SEC Is Investigating

A phone interview with Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) press spokesman John Nester, of the Washington, DC office, revealed that the Commission, "has already forwarded a general request to Deutschebank-Alex Brown and other investment firms for unspecified information related to the suspicious put option contracts placed prior to the attacks on the Trade Towers and the Pentagon." But the spokesman declined comment regarding the identities of complying banks or the contents of any information obtained.

Nester augmented his response by adding that "according to SEC Associate Director of Enforcement Bill Baker -- who just spoke on a panel outside New York last week -- our SEC probe is much broader than investigations made by countries in Europe (who also lost citizens), many of whom have already closed their financial investigations of investment banks like Deutschebank." No results of those probes have been made public.

While the SEC media director said "the investigation is still ongoing with no current conclusions," Nester (speaking for the SEC), had difficulty explaining the job description of current New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Executive Vice President for Enforcement, David P. Doherty. He would only say that the NYSE "regulates itself as an SRO or self-regulating organization...." This vague answer is all the more provocative because Doherty is a retired General Counsel of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Nester added, "The SEC has oversight responsibility regarding the NYSE, and we are also working with Justice, Treasury, and the FBI, having set up professional point men at each firm we are looking at -- so we don't have to reinvent the wheel every time we call a company [related to the attacks] to get an answer to a question."

The "reinvent the wheel" statement raised an eyebrow regarding the level of corporate cooperation in the investigation, although Nester declined to add further comment.

Interesting Article^

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen

Originally posted by groingrinder
You would think this would educate people. However I am going to speculate that the Bush/CIA supporters will not be educated. They are like Rush Limbaugh in that they cannot see any further than their own agenda.

Starred and flagged.

I have no doubt that some individuals may have known of an imminent attack, and either did nothing, or were hindered in taking any preventative measures, BUT, this hardly places such Malevolence upon the Government-at-Large as individuals such as you wish to do.

It is not about malevolence in government - it is the malevolence of those with the eugenics agenda, the ones who control our government: AIPAC and their Zionist minions, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, Trilateralists, CFR, Club of 300, the shareholders of the Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the Rothschild family and the Queen. Please understand it is these groups who have infiltrated and hijacked our government - it isn't even our government anymore. It's been proven by actions in congress (bank bailout even though 1000:1 phone calls to congress against it), the ignorance of 9/11 (no investigation, just coverup), and the continued destruction of the dollar while calling it "stimulus" and "bailouts" and saftey and soundness.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Interesting info from a Chicago Board Options Exchange employee.

On this particular night the crowd looked promising. I introduced myself to two women there, and after a short while, one of the women told me she worked for the CBOE. The CBOE is the Chicago Board Options Exchange. It is the exchange that handles trading in, among other things, stock options. I half-jokingly asked her, "Whatever happened to the CBOE investigation of all the profits made by those who bought put options on airlines stocks before 9-11?" (You make money on put options when a stock goes down in price.)

Her answered floored me. She said, "It probably would have been easy for us to find out who was behind the trades, but the government came in and told the CBOE president to stop the investigation."

Just to make sure I heard her right, I said to her, "The government came in and told the CBOE president not to investigate?" She said, "Yeah, it was really strange."

The conversation changed for a minute, but I wanted to get back to the government not wanting an investigation. I said to her again, a third time, making sure I heard right, "The government didn't want you to investigate?" She looked at me said "Yes, that's right." Then she looked at me a little longer, she knew I had interest in this topic, she looked a little nervous and then blurted out to me, "We erased the data. Our data on the trades is gone."

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:07 PM
It’s a real shame that our government won’t release the names of these people that benefited from the information they obtained in advance of 911.

In order to understand how evil this is one only has to look at the big picture. You only have to look at who benefited from 911 and the picture becomes very clear. As they say, “follow the money”.

By the way, for those who say were crazy about conspiracy theories, get your heads out of the sand you cowards. Conspiracy is a crime!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by TheWorldReallyIsThatBorin
Once again Occam's Razor gets dropped into the toilet of conspiracy.

once again trolling or clinging to the safety of believing those "who protect you" is a knee jerk response for many.......and apllying the logic of oscam's Razor there would be NO organized conspiracy's in history ........that's why there are many who pro-claimed anti-"razor's" and einstein was known to say "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler" so in that spirit let's just keep it simple .......... " follow the money"

and yes the gov't threw the cloak of a gag order on the whole topic....with the threat of that people (who wouldn't lawfully handle the truth well ) would not get up in arms that the world is sicker than we like to pretend and that some times those making the decisions believe the ends justify the means.......IMO

[edit on 12-2-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by tide88
Love how the article fails to mention that the same person who bought 95% of the put options also bought 115,000 shares on sept. 10. This is a typical "truther" article. Misleading and incomplete. If this proves anything it proves how BS the truth movement is.

Speaking of misleading and incomplete, you failed to explain why the $2.5 million profit was never collected.

Maybe the person worked at Morgan Stanley and was killed in those horrific attacks!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by GoldenFleece
Interesting info from a Chicago Board Options Exchange employee.

On this particular night the crowd looked promising. I introduced myself to two women there, and after a short while, one of the women told me she worked for the CBOE. The CBOE is the Chicago Board Options Exchange. It is the exchange that handles trading in, among other things, stock options. I half-jokingly asked her, "Whatever happened to the CBOE investigation of all the profits made by those who bought put options on airlines stocks before 9-11?" (You make money on put options when a stock goes down in price.)

Her answered floored me. She said, "It probably would have been easy for us to find out who was behind the trades, but the government came in and told the CBOE president to stop the investigation."

Just to make sure I heard her right, I said to her, "The government came in and told the CBOE president not to investigate?" She said, "Yeah, it was really strange."

The conversation changed for a minute, but I wanted to get back to the government not wanting an investigation. I said to her again, a third time, making sure I heard right, "The government didn't want you to investigate?" She looked at me said "Yes, that's right." Then she looked at me a little longer, she knew I had interest in this topic, she looked a little nervous and then blurted out to me, "We erased the data. Our data on the trades is gone."

Somebody ordered that critical data erased, and guess who it was? The same group who stopped the investigation.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece

Hearsay. I could easily start a blog and state I talked to someone who traded at the CBOE name Jen and she said this never happened.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit

Of course the article the OP uses convientely leaves out the FACT that the person who bought those puts also bought 150000 shares on the 10th of Sept.

150000 shares of what? Also - if this was just normal trading, why wasn't the 2.5 mil collected?

Happens all the time, right?

[edit on 12-2-2009 by TXRabbit]

15.000 shares of american airlines. Pretty silly move if you know that those will be involved too.


also the 2.5 million number is in an article from the 28. september 2001. the source is an unamed "someone who knows about this stuff". If it ever was a fact its propably quite a bit smaller, 7 years later. Nothing suspicious if you ask me that they werent claimed in the first 14 days after the attack.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by GoldenFleece


Contrary to speculation that terrorists profited
in stocks based on foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks,
data show both airlines had "put" increases prior
to Sept. 11 which indicate normal trading unaffected
by future events.

American Airlines * Put Volume

2000 9/22 1,192 Up from previous day of 85 puts
10/30 1,374 Up from previous day of 59 puts
12/29 1,673 Up from previous day of 31 puts

2001 1/8 1,315 Up from previous day of 582 puts
1/11 1,043 Up from previous day of 213 puts
4/16 1,019 Up from previous day of 452 puts
6/19 2,951 Up from previous day of 546 puts
9/10 2,282 Up from previous day of 485 puts

United Airlines * Put Volume

2000 9/14 5,280 Up from previous day of 338 puts
10/2 5,746 Up from previous day of 785 puts
10/19 6,625 Up from previous day of 374 puts

2001 1/16 5,775 Up from previous day of 582 puts
4/6 8,212 Up from previous day of 213 puts
7/20 2,995 Up from previous day of 452 puts
8/16 1,678 Up from previous day of 546 puts
9/10 186 Down from previous day of 485 puts


Wow must of missed that terrorist attack in 2000. Those in the know must of thought the attacks were going to happen in 2000, not 2001.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by TXRabbit

Of course the article the OP uses convientely leaves out the FACT that the person who bought those puts also bought 150000 shares on the 10th of Sept.

150000 shares of what? Also - if this was just normal trading, why wasn't the 2.5 mil collected?

Happens all the time, right?

[edit on 12-2-2009 by TXRabbit]

150000 share of UAL. The same guy who puchased 95% of the put options for that same stock 4 days earlier. He was hedging his bet. As for the 2.5 million never collected, who knows. Maybe he died in the attacks. Maybe multiple people who had options never collected it because they were killed. Maybe that person felt extemely guilty that he made money on a catastrophic event. Or maybe, just maybe the person thought that people would say he had something to do with the attacks, even though he didnt. Maybe that is why those names were never released. If they were everyone on this board and every other conspiracy board would be bashing their good names right now. There are many reasons and just because you dont know the specifics doesnt mean squat. If it was me I wouldnt want you people to know either.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by tide88]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by debunky

I love Snopes reassuring explanation:

Bloomberg data showed that on 6 September 2001, the Thursday before that black Tuesday, put-option volume in UAL stock was nearly 100 times higher than normal: 2,000 options versus 27 on the previous day.

On 6 and 7 September 2001, the Chicago Board Options Exchange handled 4,744 put
options for United Airlines' stock, translating into 474,000 shares, compared with just 396 call options, or 39,600 shares. On a day that the put-to-call ratio would normally have been expected to be roughly 1:1 (no negative news stories about United had broken), it was instead 12:1.

On 10 September 2001, another uneventful news day, American Airlines' option volume was 4,516 puts and 748 calls, a ratio of 6:1 on yet another day when by rights these options should have been trading even. No other airline stocks were affected; only United and American were shorted in this fashion.

Accelerated investments speculating a downturn in the value of Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch (two New York investment firms severely damaged by the World Trade Center attack) were also observed.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the "9/11 Commission") investigated these rumors and found that although some unusual (and initially seemingly suspicious) trading activity did occur in the days prior to September 11, it was all coincidentally innocuous and not the result of insider trading by parties with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks.

OK, just a "coincidentally innocuous" trader who forgot to collect their $2.5 mil.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

Originally posted by tide88

Originally posted by GoldenFleece

Originally posted by tide88
Love how the article fails to mention that the same person who bought 95% of the put options also bought 115,000 shares on sept. 10. This is a typical "truther" article. Misleading and incomplete. If this proves anything it proves how BS the truth movement is.

Speaking of misleading and incomplete, you failed to explain why the $2.5 million profit was never collected.

Maybe the person worked at Morgan Stanley and was killed in those horrific attacks!

And maybe you're the Sultan of Brunei.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by GoldenFleece]

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