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'There definitely is a God': Christians hit back at atheist buses with own adverts

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posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by nerbot

Originally posted by bandaidctrl

I know it wasn't a response to an original christian one,

You sure about that?....

.......I was just keen to counter the religious ads running on public transport, which featured a URL to a website telling non-Christians they would spend "all eternity in torment in hell", burning in "a lake of fire". When I suggested the atheist counter-slogan (now shortened for readability), the response was extremely positive, and hundreds of you pledged your support after the follow-up article.

source: All aboard the Atheist Bus Campaign

I understand your confusion as there are many stories and threads on the subject.


yeah I'm sure about that. I've been keeping tabs on the story since I saw the first thread posted here on ATS
Atheist Advertise on Barcelona Buses

I even had a different perspective about the advertisements too!

At first it upset me that this was happening, but after giving it some thought, I realized everyone is entitled to their 15 minutes of fame, and I would want the same respect shown if my beliefs were being advertised anywhere.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by converge

Originally posted by bandaidctrl
you're speaking as if all religion has already been proven false.

I'm not claiming that all religions have been proven false, because many or most of the claims religions make are untestable at the moment. However, the ones that we have been able to test (age, shape, location of the Earth etc) have been invariably proven false.

What I meant by extremes, is taking my statement of atheists proving that God probably doesn't exist as a catapult to say that all things which can't be proven must exist.

First, the atheist ad isn't proving anything. You can't say something is probably true or not and claim it's proven. Something being proven and (im)probable are two completely different things.

Secondly, that's not the statement I replied to. I replied to your statement that atheist haven't been able to disprove God's existence (post).

And my answer to that remains the same: for something to be disproved there would have to be data, evidence to be evaluated. In the case of God, there is none. It's not science's job to disprove some claim for which there is no evidence. And science doesn't deal with faith, much less take it as a compelling argument for something's existence.

If atheists are going to make advertisements showing off what they believe to be true, then these other religious groups should be afforded the same right and I don't think anyone should have a hissy fit about it.

As I've stated earlier I have no problems with the Christian people making that ad. At most it makes them look childish because they felt they had to respond to the atheist one, but they have that right too.

But let's not compare the two as if they are equally opposite, they are not. If the Christian ad had been "There is probably a God", that would have been equally opposite, but that's not what the ad said.

Besides, I don't go off and attack atheists over their lack of belief in God

Is the atheist ad an attack on your beliefs?

I respect your view of religion as stuff people make-up but that doesn't change the fact that millions of people around the globe believe in some type of God

Up until 500 years ago practically everyone believed the Earth was the center of the Universe. Is that suppose to give the theory more merit? What people believe and what actually is are two different things.

I'm glad that today people can have views, express opinions and do work that contradicts religions and religious beliefs and not be burned at the stake. I believe Giordano Bruno would have liked that too.

regardless if you think we need medication or not (which is actually a somewhat offensive thing to say), the impact religion has on people is evident throughout the ages.

Is it offensive to call kooks and crazies to people who believe in alien visitation? Perhaps, but that never stopped the media of doing that. I wonder what would happen if the media all of a sudden would call religious people crazy...

Religion and religious people have always been treated in an apologetic way, while other people who believe in things which have not too been proven don't. Maybe that's why you get offended, because you are not used to, and religions indoctrinate people with dogmas.

And what impact exactly are you talking about? And please be free to brush over the Inquisition and the Dark Ages in your response.

The social and human aid work (some) religions do, are entirely possible without religion.

Anywho.... I feel like this is turning into more of a discussion on whether or not God exists, and there are plenty of threads here that pertain to that particular topic.

You can blame yourself for that. You were one of the people that brought up the arguments that the atheists haven't disproved God and started the whole debate.

I'm glad, however, that you finally recognize that that's not what this thread, or the discussion, is about. It's about some ads and what they say.

I don't blame myself for anything, nor am I going to point fingers. I am stating my opinion in response to what I read as peoples total disgust that some Christian group is going to start posting their advertisements. Someone mentioned that the christian group should first prove the existence of God, so I didn't open this can of worms.

The whole point of my response was that they have a right to do so and if they do so what? who is that affecting? Not me.

Why would I look over the Dark Ages and the Inquisition? Are you assuming I'm of the Christian faith and I would just so happen to look over all the atrocities that were committed in the name of Christ? I myself am persecuted everyday for what I believe in. In my opinion, religion has proven to be a great force in our history, from the days of shamans and medicine men to wars fought on behalf of God, to the faiths being practiced today, a lot of people look to God(s) for assistance and support, and they truly feel a spiritual connection with something.

You are firm in the stance you're taking, as I am in mine. I stand by my opinion that Christian groups and those of other religious organizations have the right to place their advertisements and word them however they like because that is what's true according to their belief, just as the atheist had every right to have their advertisements placed to begin with. Because in the long run, an advertisement isn't going to be the greatest influence on whether or not someone believes in a God Source.

sorry if this response is kind of all over the place, I just got done writing a 10 page paper for my midterms...I'm all written out.


posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 03:22 PM

Originally posted by bandaidctrl
I stand by my opinion that Christian groups and those of other religious organizations have the right to place their advertisements and word them however they like because that is what's true according to their belief, just as the atheist had every right to have their advertisements placed to begin with.

So, I assume you're still saying that both ads are comparable. Anyway I'm not going over that again, my previous 3 or 4 posts regarding that were enough.

Again, this is not about the right of having ads. I never contested that, nor do I think anyone else on this thread, for that matter.

But you say that as long as someone believes something to be true, then they have a right to say it. I would completely agree with that, from a free speech point of view, but this is an advertisement, there are regulations for advertisements, one of them being against false advertising and from that perspective, I would have to agree with the people that said they should have to prove God is real.

You apparently don't see this because, for starters you think both ads are comparable and are saying opposite things, and because it doesn't matter to you what is being said or written, as long as people who paid for the ad believe in it. This is obviously very naive and possibly dangerous.

Fortunately believing in something doesn't make it right, or true. Unfortunately since society is mostly apologetic towards religion, no regulations will ever apply to the ad.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by ImaNutter

I'm not pretending. So, either I'm telling the truth or the moderators need to ban me for violating the Terms and Conditions for lying.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by saint4God


This is NOT the place for proseletizing (SP?)

We understand your pain, when losing a loved one.

BUT, this thread is NOT about faith, it is about adverts on a bus!!!!

Don't wish to minimize your loss, just hoping that focus goes where it belongs....

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by bandaidctrl

yeah I'm sure about that. I've been keeping tabs on the story since I saw the first thread posted here on ATS
Atheist Advertise on Barcelona Buses

Check your dates...

The story in the thread I linked to is dated 21/08/2008

The story you have linked to is from 13/01/2009

THIS Christian ad campaign is in response to the Atheist campaign which was in response to the FIRST campaign by Christians.

Let me clarify the FIRST and ORIGINAL bus adverts for you by Christians which prompted the RESPONSE by Atheists which has brought about the LATEST adverts by Christians...3 LOTS of advertising in total....

From the 21/08/2008 article.

Back then, I was just keen to counter the religious ads running on public transport, which featured a URL to a website telling non-Christians they would spend "all eternity in torment in hell", burning in "a lake of fire".


I hope this helps you understand....cheers..nerb

I can see this turning into a running joke!

[edit on 11/2/2009 by nerbot]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker

This is NOT the place for proseletizing (SP?)

Who am I trying to convert? If you're going to levy charges against me, please be specific.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
We understand your pain, when losing a loved one.

BUT, this thread is NOT about faith, it is about adverts on a bus!!!!

Which is what I'm talking about. The ad on the bus is legit. It verifies, validates, and I can testify to the fact. Absence of proof on the end of the naysayer is not proof of absence.

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by saint4God

'saint', I have no charges to 'levy' against you!!!

You are simply posting on the wrong thread.....please re-read the full title, all I'm sayin'....

It's simple: People who can afford to buy adverts on buses can put anything up that they happen to be able to afford.

This is the best example of a 'tempest in a teapot' that I have seen in a long time.

Am I the only one to see that BOTH sides have a point? That is, they can buy advert space....irrespective.

The OTHER discussion, that's best left to another thread!!!!

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
'saint', I have no charges to 'levy' against you!!!

The charge is recruiting or attempting to convert (according to the dictionary with the term you'd used). I'd like to see where I have done this.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
You are simply posting on the wrong thread.....please re-read the full title, all I'm sayin'....

To which post are you referring?

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Am I the only one to see that BOTH sides have a point? That is, they can buy advert space....irrespective.

I agree with this, it's core of capitalism.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
The OTHER discussion, that's best left to another thread!!!!

What other discussion?

[edit on 11-2-2009 by saint4God]

posted on Feb, 11 2009 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by saint4God

My last response, lest this thread continue off the rails.....

IT IS ABOUT Bus adverts!!!!!

This is NOT a discussion about whether 'god' exists...

Wanna preach?? There are threads on ATS for that. Go look 'em up!

Sorry you misunderstood!!!!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
IT IS ABOUT Bus adverts!!!!!

This I know and this I'm addressing. As you can see, we agree that anyone can pay to play.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
This is NOT a discussion about whether 'god' exists...

My response was to those who say that it must be removed because God does not exist (or that there is no proof He exists). I hadn't initiated this portion of the discussion however it shouldn't go unaddressed and is relevant to the topic. If I responded to something that was off-topic, so be it, but so long as there's insistence that it is related I will continue to discuss.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Wanna preach?? There are threads on ATS for that. Go look 'em up!

Preaching is giving a sermon. I'm not sure which post you feel I've been given a monologue but I can assure you that in many I have addressed specific points, questions and even asked questions myself, thereby making it a dialogue. I'm not interested in hearing myself talk nor asking others to 'sit and listen' rather engage in a meaningful progressive multi-partisan discussion.

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Sorry you misunderstood!!!!

No need to apologize, I'm trying to accomodate the best way I can, though am unsure how you've arrived at your assessments.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by saint4God]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:41 PM
Does anyone else see the hypocracy in this battle of the bus banners?

Atheist campaign says: "probably is no god".

Christian campaign says: "definately IS a god".

The second statement needs proof eh?

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by nerbot

Hyprocacy? (Hippocratic DO you spell that word???)

Yeah, I see it, all over the place.

I'm NOT an Atheist....still, I'm a believer in any religion.

To be an Atheist means....well, quite IS a religion!! To be Atheist!!!!

"agnostic" has multiple connotations...."fence sitter" comes to mind.

We need a new term for those of us who reject the 'Sunday School' version, or the every Sunday 'mass' or 'sermon' vision of what we are 'supposed' to believe....

What we need is a better slogan!!!

"The Universe IS 'god'....or 'dog', if you love canines......"

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:02 PM
So the atheists have put a ring in the noses of christians and forced them into an asinine "Is too!" - "Is not!" argument on bus signs of all places! And to think they paid for it too!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
I'm NOT an Atheist....still, I'm a believer in any religion.

You're a believer in any religion? That must keep you up at night, since there are so many religions that contradict each other and/or claim to be the 'real' one...

To be an Atheist means....well, quite IS a religion!! To be Atheist!!!!

No, it doesn't. Do you even know what a religion means? Religion involves a set of beliefs, dogma, rituals and symbols. Atheism is a position that there isn't a God or it is very unlikely.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 01:17 PM
I'm a happy atheist, as many of you know, I worship Kurt Vonnegut and don't really put faith into things that may or may not be real. Oh, and evolution is real. So no big deal.

Anyway, yeah. Modes of transportation with advertisements? I had a peace sign on the back of my car and someone took it off in a parking lot. Just goes to show...

I should start stealing those Jesus Fish. Or when people take breast cancer magnetic ribbons and turn them on their side so it's like "Jesus loves people who have breast cancer"

I need a bigger peace sign... I keep forgetting to get a new one. This time I'll superglue it on.

[edit on 2/12/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by converge

Perhaps, 'converge', I should clarify....

I used to think of myself as an 'atheist'....but then, I realized.....that taking that sort of stand was tantamount to forming a sort of...ermm....'religion'!!!

The 'religion of atheism'!!!!

See, it is an oxymoron.

NOW, re-considering the title of this is, after all, about what people pay to advertise on the sides of a bus....

What tends to cloud the discussion is the phrase ''...hit back at atheist buses..." infer that a 'bus' can be 'atheist' is quite a leap!

I know, I was being flippant....but, whilst the OP probably wanted a discussion to delve into religion, we should not let that happen! Because, based on the title of the thread, it is about adverts!!!

Let's say, just for grins, that you're a vegetarian. AND you see a bus advert from, oh....say McDonald's or Burger King, whatever....and YOU are offended.

HOW is that any different????


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:07 PM
There definitely is a God. The proof is the existence of the Jewish nation. That is why so many atheist world leaders attack them.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Let's say, just for grins, that you're a vegetarian. AND you see a bus advert from, oh....say McDonald's or Burger King, whatever....and YOU are offended.

HOW is that any different????


Well, here's a little more history on the whole bus ad:

The Atheist Bus Campaign began when comedy writer Ariane Sherine wrote a Comment is Free article in June 2008 about the Christian adverts running on London buses. These ads featured the URL of a website which said non-Christians would burn in hell for all eternity. Ariane suggested that atheists reading her article could each donate £5 to fund a reassuring counter-advert. (source)

The atheists weren't offended. They started the campaign to get the ads on the buses with a dissenting view from the religious one with a positive message, hence the "now stop worrying and enjoy your life".

The group responsible for the ads also explains their careful wording of the ad in order to comply with advertising regulations:

As with the famous Carlsberg ads (‘probably the best lager in the world’), ‘probably’ helps to ensure that our ads will not breach any advertising codes Committee of Advertising Practice advised the campaign that "the inclusion of the word 'probably' makes it less likely to cause offence, and therefore be in breach of the Advertising Code."

Some religious people were offend and apparently so did some religious groups, that decided to respond to the atheist ad using basically the same colors and typefaces.

As an indication of how offensive the religious groups took it, their ad (besides childish as I called it numerous times) claims that "There is definitely a God".

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by converge

I think the entire 'campaign' verged on the silly, almost a 'tit-for-tat'.

Good to see, though, in these dire economic times, people are willing to spend money. Gives one hope, after all!!!!!

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