posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:43 PM
I haven't read all the responses so sorry if these opinions have been stated already.
That being said.....
My bull# detector is going berserk.
I don't take anything as gospel (made that mistake a few times but ultimately corrected myself), but I try to absorb many different perspectives and
look for recurring patterns of information. This one stands out as absolute deception, IMO.
FBI and CIA and secret black government agencies are going to cause a positive revolution that will help humanity? Please. This runs contrary to every
single "insider" claim that I've heard. These agencies serve the negative side. They have never done us any good. Why trust them now?
Obama is CIA? Well, maybe. I can actually buy that one.
Basically what this is saying is that we're all supposed to accept tech installed in our bodies so that we can live in a peaceful world. Sounds like
the NWO under the typical cloak of "we know what's best, so accept this (microchip, ID, surveillance, repealed rights, etc. etc. etc.)."
And I love how they just threw Jesus and Satan in there for good measure, like they just wanted to make sure they had the religious angle covered. We
all have the spiritual power to do these things without tech. We just need to realize our potential, which has been purposely hidden from us. Being
deceived into accepting a situation where all of our potential comes from turning us into cyborgs is what this is all about. It's oppression in the
highest form, disguised as something good. Same old tricks.
I bet this is what they tell lower level people so that they do their jobs effectively.