lol that was a long read,..
People are blatently treating this post as marmite material, but me for 1 thinks it deserves the flags as this pulls in many conspiracys and links
them together into 1 quite compelling conspiracy although obviously flawed in its origin and factual backup.
The person that states that this tech is not around today but beleives may be around in the future, hmmm i dont understand if it was around in the
future it would be here today, Timetravel would make this so surely but then it makes me think it would be dangerous to change the past, (terminator)
is 2012 the chosen year of enlightenment (nice thought but 1 thinks not) gets one thinking hey
what really bothers me tho is how no one replied to the post from a few pages back
To answer your questions I can give you a personal testimony.
Over the last nine years I have experienced something which, to my knowledge is not often publicly addressed with any seriousness. I feel the subject
is volatile, complex and secret to the extreme but is, in my opinion, of titanic importance to every human being.
The issue I am speaking of is synthetic telepathy. In a nutshell it is mind-to-mind contact over distance. I do not know if we (humans) came up with
this technology or if it has come from somewhere else (an alien source). I believe I have been a subject of this technology. This came about after an
indirect association with people close to Dr. Dan Buricsh. I don't know if this association is the reason for what happened. All I know is that it
started after my electronic communications with a fellow named D.D., who conducted a series of interviews with Dr. Burisch.
At this time I wish to remain anonymous because I don't want to subject myself to ridicule or perhaps even other more grave repercussions. I am not
an insider or a government employee. I am an artist, musician and a free thinker on a quest to better understand the nature of reality. For at least
two decades I have been an avid researcher of UFO phenomena, metaphysics and the paranormal and consider myself quite knowlegable in many esoteric
areas. I nevertheless try to keep objectivity, knowing that there could be many ways interpreting the phenomena I have experienced. All I can do is
relate to you my experiences, my impressions and what I feel to be a likely assessment of the situation.
I have sat on this information for quite some time due to #1 - fear, #2 - the fact that I have no personal physical evidence. For awhile I thought I
could perhaps be incorrectly interpreting my experiences, turning what was actually a personal mental phenomena into something more broad-reaching. As
stated, I didn't want to alienate myself or cause concern in others unnecessarily. Recently, I have come across the testimony of others that
replicates the specific details and experiences I thought only I have undergone. These people mentioned details that I could corroberate and that I
have never seen published anywhere, leading me to believe that what I have been experiencing over the last eight years is in fact a real phenomena and
not some aspect of a mental illness.
Here's the background: I and a handful of others received from D.D. what was purported to be pictures of an alien being in captivity in a location
where Dr. Burisch is said to have worked. I do not know if this story or the pictures were authentic - they were said to be video surveillance camera
stills screen captured and sent to D.D.. To my understanding, D.D. conducted several interviews with Dr.Burisch, and his own independent investigation
into Dr.Burisch's claims.