Ok, so I'm not saying this is true... but it's helps you piece things together. I'm sure if all of us have been reading this thread and take
interest in topics like this, then we all must be reading what's been going on in the news... or even new scientific discoveries. All I'm saying is,
stop being so HARSH. Who are we to say what's right and what's wrong... do we even know what will happen in the years to come?
My personal belief... a lot of it is somewhat true.
In the news about a year ago, there was an article about the invisible cloak where we could reflect light particles.
Now with the war, hasn't Isreal been in the news lately? And what about the Muslims... Obama making his speech that we are their friend?
Essentially the economic crisis all started from the US and dominoed it's way to Europe. Who controls Nato? Now obviously there are top agents out
there who handle only "important issues" and this could specifically be directed towards the alliance.
What about the whole world coming into an alliance for solutions for energy. Or the government carrying supplies to the moon or Mars for possible
testing of new energy.
What about the bailout? Most bailouts are frauds.
Maybe this person's thread hasn't been flagged, bc the government lets things slip through cracks... and as a matter of fact... maybe they want this
to happen so that they can prepare us.
Maybe a portion of what this person said is true... but what more should we expect?
What about the new lie detector machine that was developed?
There are a lot of supporting facts within the news, that kind of make this article somewhat logical.
Why haven't we used some of this technology for issues occuring on earth? Maybe there are rules and restrictings within the galaxy that prohibit us
from using this.
Things will be exposed, little by little. As a matter of fact things are being exposed indirectly, and all I'm saying is prepare. Regardless of
whether you believe this specific thread is accurate, just take it into consideration.
Obviously a black president would unite the world... and haven't you noticed the changes in Obama since he came into presidency?
Why are there UFO sightings, (many supporting facts)... what do they come here for? Why are all the corporate, government owned companies in the NE
region of the United States..... and this is where there are the most # of UFO sightings in the USA.....
Geez people, if we didn't have our own ideas or beliefs, we wouldn't have come this far.
I think what's going on now with the government, has occured for several years.. and they are NOW presenting things to us as new technology or new
experiments... to allow us to slowly explore the possibilites of the future.