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Crew welds 200 plates to Building for 3 months "almost unknown"

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posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 10:57 PM
Thank you. I do tire of trying to explain the obvious. It's easier to team up. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:22 PM
The building we're talking about actaully needed external modifications, with construction workers welding on the outside of the building. Simply looking up could reveal the blue welding arcs. However, had the modifcations been internal like on WTC, I have little doubt that it could of been carried out. Great find.

Originally posted by jfj123

Originally posted by g raj
I worked in demolition from 2002 to 2007. We would do work in schools, malls, office buildings, government buildings, and factories. Many times, we would be working in one section of the building, while the other parts were still occupied. I never once was asked for credentials, or questioned about my presence(most people wouldn't even make eye contact and/or acknowledge my existence).
As long as you have a pair of dickies and a hard hat, you can walk around nearly anywhere practically unnoticed(and before you wonder if i'm just a forgettable type of person, i am 6/3, with long hair, not exactly the blend into the background kind of guy). Every time i hear someone say that someone would have noticed this activity i laugh.
In the malls, and some of the buildings, we had to work at night due to noise complaints. We would come in after all employees had left, had our own keys, and would clean up and leave before the first employee showed up. I am pretty sure that my crew could have accomplished that which so many people say is impossible, and probably in a shorter time than most would believe.

So you are allowed to plant demolitions explosives in occupied buildings?? In what country do you live/work?

No. Before a building is imploded the interior is completely gutted. Workers go inside and take EVERYTHING out. They also typically weaken the structure after everyone has been removed, then plant the explosives.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 11:56 PM
Most people do not notice what goes on around them and then, only the anomalies. Construction and maintenance workers don't a get second glance. And even if they do, the memories of them are quickly lost in the gray of the day..

As far as the demos of WTC 1, 2 and 7 goes, Architect Richard Gage, AIA of architects and engineers for 911 truth provides the best presentation which provides quite incontrovertible proof that more was involved than simply two 757's. Go to his website at and watch the current video or power point presentation.

As far as trust in the government goes... I can't imagine that any thinking person who has studied what the 'government' (including the 'secret or deep' government) has done over the last 60 years could have any doubts that if it served their purposes (of the folks who actually own you and run this show) to bring down the towers to create the psyop that did occur... they certainly could and certainly would do it. And, indeed, they did.


posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:15 AM
I work in computers and networking.

You would be surprised, how easy is t get anywhere while you are doing manteniance work. I mean everywhere even ladies rooms, safe vaults and such...

In my opinion, rigging those buildings was an easy job.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:23 AM
One thing to remember is that people tend to ignore people wearing hi-visibility clothing like those on construction sites do, add hard hats and clipboards and most of the public don't notice. I have friends who like to take photos and explore private property and dressing like I have said works wonders. People just assume you were supposed to be there and so don't see it as important and don't really commit it to memory.

I'm not saying I believe it was a controlled demolition however but I thought it worth mentioning.

Hehe perhaps they were using the somebody else's problem field generator from Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:35 AM
I don't think that rigging the tallest building in our country would go unnoticed.

But even if people were so oblivious to people planting explosive charges, consider that after the collapse, people who work there would have said something about the activity after. Perhaps it didn't seem out of the ordinary at the time, but after, you'd think they'd put two and two together.

But even with all that, there is a difference in fixing a light, running cable.. or planting explosives. Would I noticed someone planting explosives? Yes, it would be pretty clear to me that this isn't normal activity. I'd be stunned if absolutely no one, including the regular maintenance staff, noticed nothing. If you were maintenance, wouldn't you wonder who this large team of people were running wires or planting charges in your building? It takes weeks to plan demolitions of smaller buildings. I'm amused that folks think that people are so dumb-stupid and non-aware, that something that possibly took weeks, went completely unnoticed.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 12:58 AM

For all the complete nutjobs on the so called supposed explosions..

I don't have to remind anyone about the explosion recorded at 1010am supposedly coming from the WTC7 building, where there is the two cops on the payphone and boom and the firefighter screams at them to get out b/c seven is exploding. BTW there pretty far away for the sound of the blast. Long while ago back when I first saw this video(04 05) before any investigation into the clip was done I had compared it do some different EOD blasts and there was this one that was filmed at a very close distance to the explosion (the blast wave actually fouled up the camera for a second anyways I could not distinguish between the two clips. I dare some one to say that explosion was a gas tank blowing up or something make sure and back up with a recorded gas tank explosion anyways the explosion in the video seems to be a explosion with a extreme amount of pressure.

Not to mention like previous posters have mentioned there are so many videos with people innocently testifying to their experiences that day. Even by MSM reporters that were on site. But as soon as it became known that the FBI were not going to hear any of the explosion non sense it was immediately scrubbed and people were told you talk your against us, and your going to loose your job and may go to jail. Even the President said so.

Sorry can't find the link to the wtc 7 explosion pdf but its out there and the video is easily found.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:13 AM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
And oh yeah, would these be the hush-a-boom explosives again?

I must add as well,

Many Firefighters who were at different parts of the buildings, stated just after, and that night on tape and video, how they Heard the explosions, and the timing of them happening before the towers started falling.

First of all, how do we know for certain that they were not in fact speaking of the Explosions in relations to a Flaming Jet, which just so happened to be embedded in the Skyscraper?

Second, if you know anything about structural supports failing due to fatigue, whether it be a Tree Branch, or a Steel Beam, you ALWAYS hear a Thundering Crack and Boom before it snaps and collapses. Imagine Thousands of Steel Beams Tearing Apart and Snapping due to a Massive Overload, and you will most certainly hear "Explosions".

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by treemanx

The WTC 1 and 2 were designed specifically to withstand the largest fully laden Boeing aircraft around at the time of design and the architects actually state that each building could probably withstand 2 or 3 aircraft going into them. The steel was constucted in such a manner that it would be like a pencil going into mosquito net. There is no possibility that the collision could cause these buildings to collapse.
All 3 buildings were owned by Larry Silverstein (who just happened to take out terrorist insurance weeks prior to 9/11) and the fact that the buildings were losing money and needed to have work done on them to remove asbestos (which would have cost him millions to do) very questionable too. Larry is on tape as saying we told them to "!pull" the building (WTC7).

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:11 AM

Please delete.

[edit on 2/2/2009 by C0bzz]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 04:46 AM
Good thread! flagged and stared it's clear how easy it is to simply infiltrate a building dressed as a construction worker or janitor the workers at the towers and TWC#7 would never notice that anything was amiss as for the security guards let's face it normally most of those guys are paid minimum wage with little to no real training and even less motivation especially when you consider that most likely they really had no understanding as to what the construction crews and maintenance crews are doing at any given time.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by sueloujo
There was an english guy working in the WTC who is on film as saying that he knew empty floors were being worked on. He stopped of at one of the floors out of curiosity and it was full of cables etc. He also said that every morning he had to dust down the window sill because it was full of dust. I will search for the film clip and post...unless somebody else knows of the film I am talking about.

Sounds like normal construction to me.
Do you know how many floor would need to be wired for demolition, to drop the towers?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by optyk phyba
many of us are very observant as to what is happening and going on around us.
nothing happens where i work without me knowing or talking to the people involved, simply because as the it technician i need to know whether the computer network will be affected, and thats before they even start.
some people will pay attention while others may not, i dont think you have proved your point that it could have been done without anybody noticing that something was going on. some one would.

I think you make an excellent point here.
Most people would probably let them go about there business but there are ALWAYS those people who want to know what's going on.

I own a construction and maintenance company and I work in a lot of commercial buildings. Almost every time I've worked in a business building, a few people ask me what I'm doing and it very obvious as to what I'm doing. Most people do leave me alone and pretend like I'm not even there but there are almost always questions from a few and I'm not even in those buildings that long.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by g raj
reply to post by jfj123

I apologize if i gave the wrong impression, we never worked with explosives in occupied buildings. The jobs would vary from full demolition of a building down to gutting a space to prepare for a remodel, and everything in between. The occupied buildings were usually being selectively demoed.
My point was the fact that my presence was barely noticed, let alone questioned(and this is all after September eleventh of two thousand and one), i never needed any kind of working pass, never had to sign in, show id, or anything else.
As a matter of fact, only once were we asked to go through a background check, and that was to work on Bill Gates' summer house(i requested to be moved to a different crew as i would rather not submit myself to that level of scrutiny).

That's interesting that you say that and I believe you. That being said, when I'm gutting a suite or section of a building and walk in and out, I'm stopped fairly often and asked about it. This happens ALMOST every time. Hell I even get stopped when I'm performing simple maintenance like changing light bulbs in a common area. Now just so you know, I look professional at all times and where my easily identifiable logo on almost every piece of clothing I have on so I even look like I'm supposed to be doing, what I'm doing

Anyway, I get frustrated because I get stopped so much and asked what's going on? Who's moving into the suite? What's it gonna be? When is it gonna be done? Will this affect my computers? Will this affect my power or phone? etc... etc.... etc.... etc.....

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Multiple floors on fire three quarters of the way up the building burned for hours. Why didn’t this building fall? Why didn’t this building even become unsafe for occupancy? Something is not right.

Was it also hit by a jet traveling at near mach speeds?
Also, did it have a similar structural build as the WTC's?

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by sueloujo
reply to post by treemanx

The WTC 1 and 2 were designed specifically to withstand the largest fully laden Boeing aircraft around at the time of design and the architects actually state that each building could probably withstand 2 or 3 aircraft going into them.

I haven't seen anything regarding 2 or 3 but keep in mind that according to the architects, the buildings could withstand a plane impact. Anyone in the construction industry will tell you there's a huge difference between what the architect says and what actually get's built. I repair buildings all the time that should have NEVER passed inspection but in a rush to complete them, sub-standard, damaged,etc.. material gets used and changes are made to the original plans and the blue prints are not modified to reflect the changes.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:06 AM
Not sure how workers would have not noticed people setting the buildings up for demolition.

A couple of vids on how a real controlled demolition gets done:

Vegas Casino

Miami Hotel

Notice that the explosives in the walls are wrapped in wire and protective fabric.

This is key to a successful controlled demolition because it contains all of the ruble and debris in the footprint of the building being demolished.

What happens when a demolition isn't properly contained?

The demolition had been planned for some time, and the ACT Government decided to turn the building implosion into a spectator event. Over 100,000 people, one of the largest crowds in Canberra's history, came out to bid farewell to the birthplace of many Canberra residents.

However, the implosion was a terrible failure. The main building did not fully disintegrate and had to be later manually demolished. But far worse, the explosion was not contained on the site and large pieces of debris were projected towards spectators situated 500 metres away on the opposite side of the Lake, in a location that nobody considered unsafe or inappropriate. A twelve year old girl, Katie Bender, was killed instantly, and nine other people were injured. Large fragments of masonry and metal were found 650 metres from the demolition site.

Here's the case study of this failed demolition:

There were a number of other technical problems, including: the use of a steel backing plate instead of a soft backing plate, incorrect cutting of the columns, the failure to pre-weaken columns by using cutting charges and kick charges, the lack of independent advice on implosions and structure, the explosives were placed on the incorrect side of the columns facing the blast out over the lake, and the protective measures and testing were inadequate.

Even IF the explosives were planted covertly and correctly there is no way of containing the blasts without the obvious signs of the containment.

So what does it all mean?

It means that if the building was demolished by explosives, the explosives were not contained and we would see debris being shot out of the building.

WTC7 Collapse:

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
I don't think that rigging the tallest building in our country would go unnoticed.

It didn't go unnoticed...

The building was literally being prepared for demolition will be an understatement as per conspiracy theory. The electricity departments were conducting power shutdown exercise at least a fortnight in advance, 34 the floor of the building was totally vacated, being the weakest link of the building and finally the clinching evidence of Nova Scott bank vacating most of its gold deposits from the building premises. Even the bomb disposal sniffer dogs were taken off duty in such a highly security zone and guess who was incharge of the security of the buildings Morgan Bush.

[edit on 2-2-2009 by zysin5]

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

OMG< unknown to the public, but not the owners of the building, of course there must have been alot of effort put into this to not disrupt the occupants of the building. As a contractor in high rise buildings my bids can go up as much as 20 percent if I have to work after hours and remain out of sight and let me tell you this, it is very very difficult and there was not one job I was on that I wasnt confronted by building occupants and asked "what I was doing?" and then find out the next day building managment was contacted. I wish all the loons,,, LIKE YOU.. would go away, you hurt the families of the people that were involved in these tradgedy caused by terroism. You love to hunt and peck to find your theories without thinking what your pursuit does to the poeple who have lost loved ones. What if your wife,child,mother, or father was killed and the killer was arrested but from day one you had strangers running up screaming the killer is still loose and justice hasnt been done. That might be fine if you had evidence but without out it, its harrassment and cruel. Wake up ATS and put a stop to this.

posted on Feb, 2 2009 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by bsbray11

OMG< unknown to the public, but not the owners of the building, of course there must have been alot of effort put into this to not disrupt the occupants of the building. As a contractor in high rise buildings my bids can go up as much as 20 percent if I have to work after hours and remain out of sight and let me tell you this, it is very very difficult and there was not one job I was on that I wasnt confronted by building occupants and asked "what I was doing?" and then find out the next day building managment was contacted. I wish all the loons,,, LIKE YOU.. would go away, you hurt the families of the people that were involved in these tradgedy caused by terroism. You love to hunt and peck to find your theories without thinking what your pursuit does to the poeple who have lost loved ones. What if your wife,child,mother, or father was killed and the killer was arrested but from day one you had strangers running up screaming the killer is still loose and justice hasnt been done. That might be fine if you had evidence but without out it, its harrassment and cruel. Wake up ATS and put a stop to this.

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