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Crew welds 200 plates to Building for 3 months "almost unknown"

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+28 more 
posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:07 PM
Truthers are always running their mouths, "How could anyone plant charges into a building without anyone noticing?"

My response has always been, "How often do you pester any maintenance men about what they are doing inside of a building, for any reason?"

People just don't actively pursue this. This theory is correct.

Now this is nothing new about the NY Citicorp Center, but read it:

"Changes during construction led to a finished product that was structurally unsound. In 1978, prompted by a question from a student, LeMessurier discovered a potentially fatal flaw in the building's construction: the skyscraper's bolted joints were too weak to withstand 70-mile-per-hour (113 km/h) wind gusts at specific angles.

"While LeMessurier's original design and load calculations for the special, uniquely-designed 'chevron' load braces used to support the building were based on welded joints, a labor and cost-saving change altered the joints to bolted construction after the building's plans were approved.

"For the next three months, a construction crew welded two-inch-thick steel plates over each of the skyscraper's 200 bolted joints during the night, after each work day, almost unknown to the general public."


This was done commercially.

This was not supposed to be hidden from the public.

This was not covert.

No one was trying to hide it.

And yet all this labor was "almost unknown to the general public."

Why weren't people paying attention? How did they know bombs were being planted in their building? Who was overseeing the construction crews? Who were the construction crews?

Let me take this opportunity to once and for all debunk the idea that you cannot bring something into a building with no one seeing you.

In a non-covert situation, people already aren't paying attention, to whole construction crews, that aren't even trying to hide what they're doing.

If you had the resources and were actively trying to make it covert and avoid suspicion, so as to plan all your work around that priority... You would just have to be naive to believe it could never happen. And that's ok with me if you're naive, because I have accepted the great number of my fellow citizens who are completely and utterly ignorant. But I wonder, have you accepted the consequences you are preparing to reap on this continent?

Here is an image of the New York skyscraper:

I also find it interesting the way it is supported at the base. I can imagine it has a lot of armchair debunkers here scratching their heads at how unstable it must look to them.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:19 PM
I saw an interview with a person who worked in one of the towers, he stated that they had been told there would be a complete power outage on several floors on one day. He noted that in his time working there, he'd never known it to happen before, and no one he spoke to or worked with had ever experienced such an inconvenience before in either of the towers.
They also had questions as to why such important maintenance would have been done during a working day.

It wouldn't be hard at all to arrange for devices to be planted in the structure.
These were HUGE buildings, the chances of even seeing a person working in an area where such devises could be installed are minimal.

The people who installed them could have done so without even knowing what they were putting in!

All you'd need are a few boxes sealed and labeled as communications relay equipment or something similar. Hire a company and pay them a lot of money to just put the boxes in, they'd accept that they were electrical devices if that's what they looked like.

I'm no expert on how to control thermite, but I don't think it would be so difficult to manage this without anyone knowing.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Truthers are always running their mouths, "How could anyone plant charges into a building without anyone noticing?"

By the way, if you are confused by this, I'm going to do the logical thing and start calling people that preach personal opinion and government reports as fact, as "truthers."

Because they are the ones who think they already know the truth, and are here to teach we lesser men and women what that "truth" is. Just like fundamentalists of any religious cult.

The original meaning of "truther" was someone who is seeking the truth, not someone who has found it, because what has been offered so far is not adequate by any scientific standard and we need more. The New Truthers simply regurgitate what we are dissatisfied with as if it is the truth, and hand-wave away our dissatisfaction as they appeal to authority and assume someone smarter knows better. I ask, how do you know "someone smarter" isn't responding to you right now? Since when is it impossible to stage military operations for propaganda, and then use the same companies' major media outlets to sell the story? That includes "experts." It's called fascism. Ask a knowledgeable German about it. Hello! Have you guys been reading the threads about recent federal legislation regarding FEMA detention camps, or the fact that we have been building concentration camps in America since the 1980's? Completely unrelated, coincidence, nonsense, etc., etc., say the sheep, literally to the slaughter. Again.

I have questions, and I have opinions, but I do not have "alternate theories." I seek the truth; I do not proclaim to know it, I simply know bull crap when I hear it, and I certainly do not subscribe to whitewash reports that don't even validate their own thermal expansion hypotheses with experiment, and horde all the structural documentation and physical evidence to themselves as if no one else has any right to look at it. People talk about "peer review" but obviously don't understand the concept.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:39 PM
Good discussion thread.

Note that welding steel plates to joints would be very similar to placing explosives at/near/on the joints.

+2 more 
posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:46 PM
I worked in demolition from 2002 to 2007. We would do work in schools, malls, office buildings, government buildings, and factories. Many times, we would be working in one section of the building, while the other parts were still occupied. I never once was asked for credentials, or questioned about my presence(most people wouldn't even make eye contact and/or acknowledge my existence).
As long as you have a pair of dickies and a hard hat, you can walk around nearly anywhere practically unnoticed(and before you wonder if i'm just a forgettable type of person, i am 6'3", with long hair, not exactly the blend into the background kind of guy). Every time i hear someone say that someone would have noticed this activity i laugh.
In the malls, and some of the buildings, we had to work at night due to noise complaints. We would come in after all employees had left, had our own keys, and would clean up and leave before the first employee showed up. I am pretty sure that my crew could have accomplished that which so many people say is impossible, and probably in a shorter time than most would believe.

edited to change 6/3 to 6'3"

[edit on 1-2-2009 by g raj]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Griff
Good discussion thread.

Note that welding steel plates to joints would be very similar to placing explosives at/near/on the joints.

I'm quite sure that the general public isn't aware of when the janitors come in to mop the floors either, so what's the point of the thread again?

Wouldn't it be more relevant to point to a project where nobody at all knew about it? Or at the very least where the building engineer/maintenance personnel were unaware of it?

And oh yeah, would these be the hush-a-boom explosives again?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

So a building was built, completed and occupied and it had fatal structural flaws...hmmm.

I wonder if the WTC's had a similar problem which brought them down after the plane impacts and fires????

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:20 PM
My god when about 8 years ago,

I worked in an office block, managing a Team in a call centre.

During a working day once with my 12 team members within 20 ft of me on my POD I had full sexual intercourse with a Girl, she sat on my lap, with a short skirt,

Lol no one noticed no dividers, except my computer screen and my team cabinet, we nearly got caught a couple of times when this happened, but never did luckily as looking back would have been Fired.

I have always thought since that day what you can do in "PLANE SIGHT" if no one is expecting it, and you are very subtle and dress it up as normal business.

What the OP shows would be much more time consuming and difficult than placing explosives, especially when you think what Seals and highly trained people can do underwater in the dark with currents.

In a building with access, and plans lol, is so easy to do.


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:33 PM
You raise a very interesting point to use in our argument against the official 9/11 story. Yet it pains me, and us all to know that when arguing our point to certain people it just doesn't hit home with them. But, the evidence is mounting. Hopefully someday we can have our win over this outrageously obvious cover-up. Even if it was a true terrorist attack, they let it happen. If not we must have been so blind to see what was going on leading to that day; the story you shared proves this. S&F

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by g raj

Listen to this man!

He is the living proof of what this thread demonstrates.

MischeviousElf, entertaining story, and I personally can totally relate. This is exactly why the "how could no one have seen it?" argument never cut it for me. I'll spare details but I've had many similar experiences myself. You can do almost anything in public, right in front of people, and they will never know the difference, if you are smart and know what you are doing.

Conversely, when I am in public doing "normal" things, I hardly even ever suspect anything "wrong" is going on around me. But 9 times out of 10, I bet you something is anyway, because I've been around enough of it for long enough to know better.

My friends that drink regularly will squat next to their car in a busy parking lot in the middle of the day, like they are looking at something under their car, but really be taking a piss under it. Why? Because you can, and it saves you a trip into a store to use the bathroom. It makes absolutely no difference because no one ever notices. And don't even give me any jazz about dirtying up the parking lot itself, like any of you actually give a damn about asphalt. All I have to say is don't eat off of it, but with all the leaking car fluids and etc. that should be common sense anyway.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:44 PM


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
And oh yeah, would these be the hush-a-boom explosives again?

There were no "hush-a-boom" explosives. There were loud, powerful explosives that were heard clearly 2 miles away in Hoboken. Check out a video called 9/11 Eyewitness. The author of the video may be a loon, but the video itself is an excellent piece of evidence.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by g raj
I worked in demolition from 2002 to 2007. We would do work in schools, malls, office buildings, government buildings, and factories. Many times, we would be working in one section of the building, while the other parts were still occupied. I never once was asked for credentials, or questioned about my presence(most people wouldn't even make eye contact and/or acknowledge my existence).
As long as you have a pair of dickies and a hard hat, you can walk around nearly anywhere practically unnoticed(and before you wonder if i'm just a forgettable type of person, i am 6/3, with long hair, not exactly the blend into the background kind of guy). Every time i hear someone say that someone would have noticed this activity i laugh.
In the malls, and some of the buildings, we had to work at night due to noise complaints. We would come in after all employees had left, had our own keys, and would clean up and leave before the first employee showed up. I am pretty sure that my crew could have accomplished that which so many people say is impossible, and probably in a shorter time than most would believe.

So you are allowed to plant demolitions explosives in occupied buildings?? In what country do you live/work?

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
And oh yeah, would these be the hush-a-boom explosives again?

I must add as well,

Many Firefighters who were at different parts of the buildings, stated just after, and that night on tape and video, how they Heard the explosions, and the timing of them happening before the towers started falling.

I forget the name of the film, The French brothers who through serendipity were covering the local firehouse that fateful day contains several different, firefighters discussing just with their fellow firemen, later that day at the firehouse, talking through the events, together without being interviewed as such, just naturally talking to each other mention this and quite passionately.

Do watch that film... dig around it may open your eyes somewhat.


Edit to add it was the Naudet Brothers film and here it is

[edit on 1-2-2009 by MischeviousElf]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:19 PM
There was an english guy working in the WTC who is on film as saying that he knew empty floors were being worked on. He stopped of at one of the floors out of curiosity and it was full of cables etc. He also said that every morning he had to dust down the window sill because it was full of dust. I will search for the film clip and post...unless somebody else knows of the film I am talking about.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

That's the next myth I should attack:

"There were no explosions; must have been 'hush-a-booms'."

"Oh... those explosions? They must have just been something else." (Speculation of what ensues.)

There were plenty of explosions. We don't know what all of them were, if any of them. If you don't think they were explosive devices, that's fine. But for the love of god don't get an opinion confused with a fact and perpetually assert there were no explosions. That's not even true. People just always dispute the explosions and try to explain them as electrical generators blowing up and things of that nature, which is 100% speculation. Pot, kettle, you know. The point is, there were explosions. We DON'T KNOW what they were. But there WERE explosions!

Btw, whoever originally came up with the phrase "hush-a-boom," it was cute the first time, but now every time I face the grim reminder that the people I am trying to communicate with are simply parrots. Not that everything else doesn't also remind me.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:30 PM
many of us are very observant as to what is happening and going on around us.
nothing happens where i work without me knowing or talking to the people involved, simply because as the it technician i need to know whether the computer network will be affected, and thats before they even start.
some people will pay attention while others may not, i dont think you have proved your point that it could have been done without anybody noticing that something was going on. some one would.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by optyk phyba
i dont think you have proved your point that it could have been done without anybody noticing that something was going on. some one would.

You're talking about building supervisors, etc. I think if anyone went into the WTC Towers to "set things up," they would have done it with proper clearance. Not just walk in off the street, do it, and leave. So this would not be a problem.

I can't speculate who gave them clearance, but that's one detail I'm not concerned about. You can believe it would be impossible to contract out a front team if you want, but I know the CIA and other agencies have done just that and even much more sophisticated work that is declassified and in public domain for you to read about. Put short, if somebody wanted it to happen, it would happen. Not impossible. That was my point, and it's still valid.

And I hope you realize, even your defense of this fallacious argument admits that all you have is "maybe someone would have been seen." But given proper clearance, like I said, I really don't think this would ever be an issue.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:42 PM
Still trying to find that video clip...but here is one of the power down. Interesting that it would take out all the security features too,

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by jfj123
reply to post by bsbray11

So a building was built, completed and occupied and it had fatal structural flaws...hmmm.

I wonder if the WTC's had a similar problem which brought them down after the plane impacts and fires????

My thoughts...exactly.

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