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Crew welds 200 plates to Building for 3 months "almost unknown"

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posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by optyk phyba
many of us are very observant as to what is happening and going on around us.

Do you have any credit card debt?

Or a Mortgage more than your home?

Ever been dumped by a partner without knowing she/he was going to do it?

Do you go to work at Night to?

Do you ask to speak to the company who sent the Office cleaners who clean the office when you work?

Do you have video footage of the helipads on the roofs of the WTC for the nights previously?

Ever crashed a car?

nothing happens where i work without me knowing or talking to the people involved, simply because as the it technician i need to know whether the computer network will be affected, and thats before they even start.

You personally speak to all the cleaners, technicians who ever enter the building whilst you are there and not?

Is your place of work also able to have 10,000 people there with multidudes of separate and totally unrelated multinational companies in it?

My god you must get paid well and be an amazing multi tasker with octopus arms!

some people will pay attention while others may not, i dont think you have proved your point that it could have been done without anybody noticing that something was going on. some one would.

They may have done, maybe they were in the buildings that day!

And people have stated such as Maintanence people There was explosions, basement, watch my vid link Firefighters who are trained in structural matters and collapsing buildings " it was like Boom Boom Boom on each floor before they fell" and such like.

Many many people have stated.

I find it amazing to be honest you think you would know or someone would as stated, but you are happy obviously then to accept the entire US military and Defence departments didnt Know it was happening and never stopped the second plane ...

Dont you?

maybe you could Run the NSA CIA DOD Joint Chiefs Norad and others organisations, it would be good for all.....

That is if you truly believe they never knew or noticed either?

Whilst it was happening, with it unfolding.... makes you think eh?

Kind Regards,


posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by jfj123

I apologize if i gave the wrong impression, we never worked with explosives in occupied buildings. The jobs would vary from full demolition of a building down to gutting a space to prepare for a remodel, and everything in between. The occupied buildings were usually being selectively demoed.
My point was the fact that my presence was barely noticed, let alone questioned(and this is all after September eleventh of two thousand and one), i never needed any kind of working pass, never had to sign in, show id, or anything else.
As a matter of fact, only once were we asked to go through a background check, and that was to work on Bill Gates' summer house(i requested to be moved to a different crew as i would rather not submit myself to that level of scrutiny).

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by sueloujo
There was an english guy working in the WTC who is on film as saying that he knew empty floors were being worked on. He stopped of at one of the floors out of curiosity and it was full of cables etc. He also said that every morning he had to dust down the window sill because it was full of dust. I will search for the film clip and post...unless somebody else knows of the film I am talking about.

His name is Scott Forbes and he says:

"4 to 6 weeks before 9/11, it was like rebuilding work going on upstairs on the 98th floor. The tenants from Aon who were there had been moved somewhere else. The offices were then vacant and there was alot of heavy machinery building work going on. It was like alot of pneumatic drills and lots of hammering. So much so that the floors were shaking. that's how noticeable it was. It was almost as if something heavy was being moved and then it was being taken off wheels and it was like - BOOM! Our floor underneath literally shook. You could feel the weight above you. That was how large it was.

On one occasion, I opened the door to see what was going on, being nosey. When I opened the door, the whole office space was empty. There was nothing there at all. It was quite bizarre because it was just empty. Completely empty. Barren. Nothing. Zero. Not even cables hanging from the ceiling. But there had been these heavy noises and vibrations up above. It was really strange.

During the week before 9/11, every morning I'd come in around 7am and the dust was incredible. It was filthy. It was like the cleaners weren't cleaning. Right under the windows, there were registers that were completely covered with thick dust. It was a dirty gray and it was very, very noticeable during the week leading up to 9/11."

What this tells me is that the work was probably being done in the core or inside the floors themselves as the open floor was empty. Gray dust from drilling in the concrete to plant the explosives? That's what it sounds like to me. Now here's what William Rodriguez had to say about something simlar on the day of 9/11 while he was opening stairwell doors for the firefighters:

"As I was on the 33rd floor, I heard very strange noises coming from the 34th floor. The 34th floor was an empty floor and it did not have any kind of walls. It was a construction floor, totally hollowed out. I heard very heavy equipment being moved around. It sounded like dumpsters with metal wheels being moved around. I got scared because I knew it was an empty floor and nobody was supposed to be there. As a matter of fact, not even the elevators stopped there. You have to have a special access key to open the door on the 34th floor.

So, to find that there were strange noises there, I bypassed that floor. I didn't DARE open that door on the 34th floor."

These quotes are from the movie 9/11 Mysteries. The recently released movie Zero has another interview with Scott Forbes as well.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Thank you so much for finding that. I got it mostly right!! These people just dont seem to have been listened to. A lot said they had offered their versions to TPTB but were ignored.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by sueloujo

No prob. I didn't "find" it, I actually typed it all out as they were saying it while I had the video running.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by optyk phyba
some people will pay attention while others may not, i dont think you have proved your point that it could have been done without anybody noticing that something was going on. some one would.

How many people would question if you have a pass?

The point isn't that nobody would notice. The point is that few would notice.

And the towers and 7 being as big as they were, I can bet that there was maintenance going on all the time. Seeing maintenance men all the time in your building and then seeing them one more time wouldn't be suspicious.

It's a bad argument IMO.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:42 PM
Back in the 1980’s I was working late one night in the ARCO Towers on Flower Street in Los Angeles. I walked outside to catch a cab home well into the evening to look up in shock to see the old First Interstate Bank Building on fire! At the time it was the tallest structure in downtown Los Angeles. The building was well over a 100 stories tall and up around the 70th or 80th floor I could see several floors were on fire, all around the building. I stood there watching and wondering for the better part of an hour and wasn’t sure if they were going to get that fire out. By the time I gave up to go home 4 solid floors were nothing but flame with fire lapping at significant portions of 2 more. Fire crews got the fire contained a few hours later, at one point they weren’t sure if they were going to be able to contain it or if the crews above it would get out alive, but they put it out. Several floors of the building were completely gutted by the fire but the building stood. A few weeks later while crews were just starting to work repairing the structure I had opportunity to visit the top floor of the building to deliver a parcel to a Board Meeting. The building had not ever been shut for a whole day to the general public. Engineer crews went over the building with a fine tooth comb and pronounced it structurally sound. Some steel would need replaced; some knew rivets, trusses that type of thing. Multiple floors on fire three quarters of the way up the building burned for hours. Why didn’t this building fall? Why didn’t this building even become unsafe for occupancy? Something is not right.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:54 PM
"Let me take this opportunity to once and for all debunk the idea that you cannot bring something into a building with no one seeing you. "

You can if you have reverse engineered alien tech at your disposal.

(peter griffin voice) -eh no one thought of that one did they..yeah they didnt cause i just did..take that some d list actor ive never heard of.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:55 PM
Haha observant of the non-observant!

look up "thief posed as construction worker"
"fake construction worker"

Many times a team shows up to work in a building and a few can sneak in amongst them dressed in similar clothing and go completely unnoticed. There was one problem in a building where I worked before. A construction team called "Sanders Brothers" were rerouting some electrical and water lines.

A few people dressed in construction clothing slipped in amongst them and robbed the building blind because nobody paid attention to them wheeling objects out the back onto a pickup truck. They rolled up to the gate in a covered pickup and the guard let them out because they worked for the construction company and had "lost their entrance passes."
Their take around 25,000 in goods. Not one person noticed.

This also happened at my brother's workplace a few years later when supposed construction workers were wheeling out extremely large "Beverage Air" convenience store drink coolers from a loading dock onto a large flatbed truck. They even had employees move them stating they had to be moved to get their work done.

Nobody got a good description because the fake construction workers were rude and said they could not do their work with this junk in the way so the employees were working furiously loading up their truck and never paid attention to the thieves. They got past the security guard because they looked like construction workers and she let them out with a quick explanation that they were hauling the coolers to the other warehouse. There was no other warehouse!
Their take around 65,000 +.

In that same company a supervisor clocked a dead man into work for 3 years and lived in the dead man's house and used his social security number. Nobody noticed that for 3 years that this dead man was not at work.

Hardly anyone pays attention to construction workers or even each other that much.

[edit on 1/2/2009 by toochaos4u]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 07:57 PM

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 08:10 PM
I visited the WTC on a number of occasions before 9/11 and I strongly believe the only way you could take down those two buildings is if you destroyed the supporting beams from the inside..... There is no way that one plane striking almost at the tip of the building would take down those buildings. Plane= aluminum and plastic/paper, Building= STEEL... Its like taking a paper airplane and flying it into a cardboard box. The only thing that would cause some type of damage would be the engines igniting on impact but that would still not be enough to take down those two giants. Both buildings fell in the same manner and it was as if they were coinciding with each other as they both fell, basically defying the laws of gravity... The only way that both buildings would fall in the very same exact manner is if you somehow created a pocket of hot air within the structure itself to keep it from tilting over or the tip of the building falling off. And with a building of that size and magnitude the only way that could be pulled off is if it was under a controlled demolition.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

I have that film on DVD. It is an eye opener.

I have always wondered why I have never been able to find an investigation into who dialed 911 that morning that caused that firehouse to respond further away from the towers. This was the closest firehouse to WTC and they were on some mundane run at the time it was hit.

Does anyone know if that was investigated?

What made placing the explosives easier was the fact that you did not have to care about safety issues during the demolition.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 08:37 PM
Regarding the "someone must have seen" theory, that's quite possible. But remember the fellow who reported explosions in the lobby and stepping over dead bodies, and others finding corpses BEFORE the planes hit the second tower? Anyone ruthless and capable enough to set up those charges would not quibble over snuffing a few (or few dozen) incidental witnesses. All would be concealed in the subsequent collapse or hasty removal of evidence.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by sueloujo
There was an english guy working in the WTC who is on film as saying that he knew empty floors were being worked on. He stopped of at one of the floors out of curiosity and it was full of cables etc. He also said that every morning he had to dust down the window sill because it was full of dust. I will search for the film clip and post...unless somebody else knows of the film I am talking about.

His name is Scott Forbes and he says:

"4 to 6 weeks before 9/11, it was like rebuilding work going on upstairs on the 98th floor. The tenants from Aon who were there had been moved somewhere else. The offices were then vacant and there was alot of heavy machinery building work going on. It was like alot of pneumatic drills and lots of hammering. So much so that the floors were shaking. that's how noticeable it was. It was almost as if something heavy was being moved and then it was being taken off wheels and it was like - BOOM! Our floor underneath literally shook. You could feel the weight above you. That was how large it was.

On one occasion, I opened the door to see what was going on, being nosey. When I opened the door, the whole office space was empty. There was nothing there at all. It was quite bizarre because it was just empty. Completely empty. Barren. Nothing. Zero. Not even cables hanging from the ceiling. But there had been these heavy noises and vibrations up above. It was really strange.

During the week before 9/11, every morning I'd come in around 7am and the dust was incredible. It was filthy. It was like the cleaners weren't cleaning. Right under the windows, there were registers that were completely covered with thick dust. It was a dirty gray and it was very, very noticeable during the week leading up to 9/11."

What this tells me is that the work was probably being done in the core or inside the floors themselves as the open floor was empty. Gray dust from drilling in the concrete to plant the explosives? That's what it sounds like to me. Now here's what William Rodriguez had to say about something simlar on the day of 9/11 while he was opening stairwell doors for the firefighters:

"As I was on the 33rd floor, I heard very strange noises coming from the 34th floor. The 34th floor was an empty floor and it did not have any kind of walls. It was a construction floor, totally hollowed out. I heard very heavy equipment being moved around. It sounded like dumpsters with metal wheels being moved around. I got scared because I knew it was an empty floor and nobody was supposed to be there. As a matter of fact, not even the elevators stopped there. You have to have a special access key to open the door on the 34th floor.

So, to find that there were strange noises there, I bypassed that floor. I didn't DARE open that door on the 34th floor."

These quotes are from the movie 9/11 Mysteries. The recently released movie Zero has another interview with Scott Forbes as well.

Wow very good find, we need to get down to the bottom of this. We need to avenge the innocent people that died on that dreadful day and throughout this unjustified Iraq war. We need to try the bush administration and anyone else that was involved to the fullest extent of the law. The facts do not lie:

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by g raj

I work construction to. We usually work at night in occupied biuldings or they take the people that work there somewhere else. that way we control entire floors of a biulding until we are done.I could install anything. The people they leave to watch us have no idea what they are even looking at. It could be anything. I know some military buildings I have worked on are already rigged to explode. I know this because they told us to prevent a accident. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the explosives where there all along. whats better dropping the building in an emergency or letting it fall sideways? All the high rises could be rigged.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:23 PM
I remember them talking about this on the news prior to any work being done? I also remember reading about there plans to use plates to fix it. I never followed it but I wouldn't say that people didn't know about it.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by glenn84

noises are amplified when a interior space is gutted the echo is horrible. One person moving around above you can sound like an entire army. drop a piece of steel plate and you would think the building is coming down. anything could of caused those noises a paint can falling would sound like a bomb. The gray dust is from drilling concrete probably for hangers for pipes pretty common I'm usually covered in it by the end of the work day.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by glenn84

good comparison! just think a paper airplane hitting a paper building?
deep in our hearts we know the truth!
oh people don't forget the service tunnels where they took the gold out!

back to orig post.

just act as if nothing is wrong and you won't draw suspicion which is really the important thing when you do anything!also when i do installs of automated machinery in different plants once one knows the way around so to speak i can go about anywhere without suspicion your accepted! i naturally draw attention to myself because of my confidence and some physical things,but that does not mean i draw suspicion!
we can't meet the ptb with the same type of force we must use love to heal the land! i think we should just let humpty dumpty fall!!!!!!!

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Im sorry, but come on. The premise of this thread indicates that there is a cover-up about the terrorist attacks on 911 at the Twin Towers, and the 'truthers' dont know what they are talking about because they dont see a conspiracy. Before you make these claims, we have to look at the facts that are undeniable.

First, we know that two airplanes were crashed into both buildings. We know that FOR WHATEVER reason, damage to surrounding buildings insued after the collapse of the towers.

Now IT IS very likely that an commercial airplane, crashing into an older skyscraper, has the ability to cause it to collapse. It just common logic. It crashes into top 1/4 of the structure, creating impact damage, and jet fuel fed fires that undermine the integrity of the supporting structure. The floors above the crash site, then topple down upon the bottom 3/4 of the building, resulting in an ever increasing domino effect that levels the building. All the force that is present at the time of the top 1/4 collapse is strickly downward, resulting in a building that appears to have fallen largely into it's own footprint.

Second, the other buildings nearby that failed as a result, have logical explanations also. My point is this:

Its not like it is too far from reality to imagine that the WTC buildings collapsed because airliners were crashed into them. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that the planes were the ONLY cause.

Conversely, there is also some supporting findings that make it possible that there may have been something else going on; i.e. an inside job, or planted bombs.

While both theories have merit, it does not mean that the more fantastical one is the true one. Attacking someone who chooses to believe what happened on Sept. 11, was a result of nothing more than terrorists hijacking airplanes and crashng them into buildings, is nonsense. If you have a theory that you believe in, then post it here, but dont automatically assume that anyone who believes they know differently, is an idiot. Because they may just be right.

[edit on 1-2-2009 by treemanx]

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Great Post!

Star and Flag.

I've been saying this for years h easily it would be to rig 1,2, and 7 within a few months time only working at night.

Like some white collar guy comeing back from coffee is gonna ask some burly guy in greased up coveralls, who's waist high in a drop cieling.. "Hey buddy, what are you doing in there. The worker would most likely answer him with the whoosh of a torch, or the loud cutting of a saws'all, ect.

As far as Calling debunkers truthers..I totally get your point, and the labels we love to use on people should have been set correctly from the getgo...unfortunately there weren't.

At this point(some 7 + years later) your just gonna confuse people, and turn people off from your posts. That'sd be a real shame. Because this was one of the better posts I've read in a long time TS.

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