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Jordan Maxwell - Shattering discovery?

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posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by drock905

That's more like it!

I heard the interview go out. I thought, "What's he on about?" Went to his website to have a look. Saw some interesting articles.

Then I watched a 2 hour-ish talk he gave on symbology. This was where I could tell there are big gaps in his argument that he (for want of a better phrase) just papers over.

Verdict: Big pinch of salt.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:14 AM
People here seem to expect to have an entire life's work explained to them in an hour, and justify it with the fact that he's published things in the past.

You idiots are part of the problem

*edit- I'm not saying I believe every word he's ever uttered, but he's got a much better track record over the past 40+ years than any of you do over the past fraction of that from which you've been involved with this website.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by alaskan]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:39 AM
I challenge you , me , all of us to take the time to independently research claims made by others for our selves before we give credit to someone for having some special handle on the truth .

Are you up to the task , or will you blindly rely on others to tell you what the truth is instead of seek it out and check it out for yourself ?

A idiot has never done independent research to discover the truth for themselves however , an idiot will believe others blindly .

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by alaskan
People here seem to expect to have an entire life's work explained to them in an hour, and justify it with the fact that he's published things in the past.

You idiots are part of the problem

*edit- I'm not saying I believe every word he's ever uttered, but he's got a much better track record over the past 40+ years than any of you do over the past fraction of that from which you've been involved with this website.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by alaskan]

Perhaps you can enlighten us and give a brief overview of his track record ?

I to was very taken with Mr. Maxwell when I first herd him speak and saw a few of his videos but upon researching his claims I independently came to another conclusion of Mr. Maxwell .

Its not my intention to change anyones opinion of Mr. Maxwell , it is however my intention to stress the matter of checking things out for yourself and come to your own conclusions based on your own research and not except blindly the claims made by others .

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Electricneo

It's evil to use the fear card due to his fear addictions and lack of compassion.
He tries to make money off peoples paranoia and that is the lowest of the low.

This is the same old ploy of whipping up the naive paranoids into a state of frenzy
for profit. For fame, money, glory all the low level motivations.

Yea your right that's the governments job, maybe they'll arrest him for competing with them.

Appeal to people's fear and you can control them.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:52 AM
Wow! Must be a cynics day!

Here's an idea: How about we wait to see what Jordan Maxwell presents us with, whether directly or through Alex Jones?

I don't know en enormous amount about Jordan Maxwell but what I have seen of his work has had a lot of merit (to me). What I like about him is that he's not scared to delve deep into the occult and more esoteric aspects (like Alex Jones). There's a definitely a (false) occultism connected to the NWO.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 07:59 AM
reply to post by Etsivä Romppainen

I never liked Borat. I thought it was because he is too tall. Now I know why.

[sigh]Heute die Welt! Morgens das Sonnensystem!

The thread is poorer for your absence. Your wisdom shames us all. I'm no whiner, I'm taking my 782 guns of freedom to the hills to live free or starve to death trying.

Ewige Blumenkraft.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:12 AM
Jordanus Maximus AKA Jordan Maxwell

After months of research and checking Jordan Maxwell's "facts" I found him to be a very deceptive and manipulative teacher. In addition to debunking many of his claims this films looks at his motivations and associations and shows that his philosophy is exactly that of the So called New World Order, although its very cleverly hidden.
You will find his devotion to Theosophy includes his name "Jordanus Maximus"

He is one of THEM, and is helping sell so called Truth Seekers the New World Order religion on a silver platter.

Jordan Maxwell calls for a new world order. He says Dog communicates with us only through symbols
He says the non-human/human hybrids are here and that they have a "divine right" to rule over us and that he is smart enough to accept it.
He also says that these hybrids are going to reward him for understanding their symbols
Some history about the Nephilim and the sons of Dog
Jordan Maxwell describes his encounter with aliens he explains how he told these entities that he would do their will as long as the didn't come to him in his room or "abduct him"
And he explains how this deal was later confirmed and they would "channel" through him. He describes his uncle and family in the Vatican and the mob and says they are one in the same. More weird associations and conclusions.

Here is the audio if you cant watch movies for some reason
nowheretorun.... podomatic. com/enclosure/2008-05-15T18_30_10-07_00. mp3

Also I did an interview with a guy a while back he does a radio show too and he did a movie on Maxwell too exept his was a very pro one, he stayed with Jordan for around a week in LA getting footage, so anyway this guy had me on to talk about this, he like maxwell a lot, so it was interesting.
this was before I put this movie together, anyway it's a very interesting show it can be downloaded here mp3

research done by nowheretorun

[edit on 31-1-2009 by urza2k4]

[edit on 31-1-2009 by urza2k4]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by ipsedixit
I watched/listened to part one of the interview with Jordan Maxwell. I didn't watch the Knowledge and understanding in themselves are not bad things. The sequestering of knowledge for the use of the few is something that can be very troublesome, if the few are bad people. I think that is the real issue that the world faces with regard to the illuminati. The real problem is to level the playing field so that more people outside the circle of the evil elite have access to the knowledge.

While I agree with most of what you have written, 'good/bad/evil' are subjective. If an infant is eaten by a shark, many would call the shark 'evil/bad'. In truth, though this event would bring great pain, the shark is acting according to it's nature. I agree that many of us instinctively know the difference between dark and light polarity events and have conscience/empathy. We cannot have one without the other, and the natural state of each ecosystem and within our own bodies (homeostasis) is balance. Dark polarity is truly excessive here, but a good example of the opposite can be demonstrated in the film "Demolition Man", where everyone had a happy happy joy joy perspective, and society was controlled by technology--in both cases a violation of the Law of Allowance (Thelema is another term for it)

I have been a practicing Buddhist for many years. Buddhism is not the only way into an understanding of the world's spiritual traditions. Any tradition that emphasizes meditation or an inner awakening of awareness will gradually unfold the meaning of the world's spiritual symbols in a way that is more enlightening than Mr. Maxwell's best efforts. The deep knowledge is out there. It's out there all over the place in many cultures and traditions. People who really want to know these things can find them out with the proper guidance.
I completely agree with this as well, but feel that the emphasis should be to read/watch/listen to all external information with discernment, and as you indicated the answers and truth are found 'in there', which is the ultimate irony since this is the last place most people look. Also, many people focus so hard on complexity that they never find the answer which is to be found in simplicity. This is why for me (as an open-minded skeptic) whenever it seems as though I have found a complete answer/truth, I must 'step back' to see a larger view of the picture. Many of us become so focused on a narrow part that we believe it ends there, and when we believe we know everything we stop learning.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:16 AM
The whole part 1 of the interview with maxwell simply doesn't make sense.

He claims that that a powerful group of people has been organized for thousands of years, hiding in the shadows and pulling strings. Then he goes on to say that their symbols are everywhere. Why would you hide in the shadows then put your symbols everywhere to be found by anyone? Makes no sense.

He also says several times that the entire human race is in trouble. Well either these "elites" are not human or they're in trouble too so which is it?

And since he's been studying this so long, does he know what their endgame is? Everything has an endgame so what is the "elites" endgame?

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:21 AM
Jordanus Maximus AKA Jordan Maxwell

watch!!! DEBUNKED dded dded

After months of research and checking Jordan Maxwell's "facts" I found him to be a very deceptive and manipulative teacher. In addition to debunking many of his claims this films looks at his motivations and associations and shows that his philosophy is exactly that of the So called New World Order, although its very cleverly hidden.
You will find his devotion to Theosophy includes his name "Jordanus Maximus"

Do I Think he is one of THEM?
I don't know, but I do know that whether he is or not he is helping sell so called Truth Seekers the New World Order religion on a silver platter.

Jordan Maxwell calls for a new world order. He says Dog communicates with us only through symbols
He says the non-human/human hybrids are here and that they have a "divine right" to rule over us and that he is smart enough to accept it.
He also says that these hybrids are going to reward him for understanding their symbols
Some history about the Nephilim and the sons of Dog
Jordan Maxwell describes his encounter with aliens he explains how he told these entities that he would do their will as long as the didn't come to him in his room or "abduct him"
And he explains how this deal was later confirmed and they would "channel" through him. He describes his uncle and family in the Vatican and the mob and says they are one in the same. More weird associations and conclusions.

Here is the audio if you cant watch movies for some reason
nowheretorun.... podomatic. com/enclosure/2008-05-15T18_30_10-07_00. mp3

Also I did an interview with a guy a while back he does a radio show too and he did a movie on Maxwell too exept his was a very pro one, he stayed with Jordan for around a week in LA getting footage, so anyway this guy had me on to talk about this, he like maxwell a lot, so it was interesting.
this was before I put this movie together, anyway it's a very interesting show it can be downloaded here mp3

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:26 AM

I don't get it.

This is probably the most vague BS I have ever heard. He explains NOTHING, and then the website explains NOTHING, except how to give him some money by buying his stories.

I like his comments on the population being dumb, I'm sure if I went on a radio show, talked a load of the most vague BS for a while, and saw my bank balance rising as a result of it, I too would be convinced that the world (or at least my audience) were stupid to the core.

Lesson no 1: If you want credibility, provide EVIDENCE.

In this case there is none. I see a guy (actually two guys) talking rubbish for a while and managing to make money from a load of idiots who fall for their grand stories without having to provide any substantial evidence.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by Max_TO

Now I see why JM hides behind generalities.

I'd agree. Watch the debunking movie.

Normally, I'm wary of debunking movies. They're apt to leave out significant facts, elide arguments... however, this one features JM shooting himself pretty comprehensively in the foot in a way that's neither an editing trick nor a reduction of a complex argument.

That said, there might still be something in what he says.

I've read enough references to the occult practices of the elite that I can believe that they believe this stuff.

I was getting all worried about 2012 and then I came across David Wilcock and I think he's much more on the money.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:43 AM
he says what it is:
it's the sun rising over the earth.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by rich23
totally agree!

david wilcock has great stuff on 2012

his pineal glad info was very interesting i never realized it was really all around us like it is

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:12 AM
I believe this is what Jordan Maxwell is talking about.

Basically, the Bible has been altered just enough, whether purposefully or unintentionally, that the meaning can be interpreted differently than the original form was meant to be.

I believe there are multiple gods, but we are created in the image of only ONE God, and therefore we are His creation.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Electricneo

You best wake up & check out Maxwell's other videos. He's lost everything because of his obsession regarding this topic. He grew up with a family involved with the mafia, which he has rejected & taken his own path as well as lost his wife when she left him because of the danger surrounding his research. When you say that you aren't buying what he's selling ~ that's great because he isn't trying to sell you anything! He only wants you to take your head out of the sand , open your eyes, & discover what he's trying to show everyone. Go ahead & visit his website & read the research! It'll only cost you the time it takes your tiny little brain to process it all. Best of luck in the future, mate.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:32 AM

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Listening to this interview I get the overwhelming feeling that J. Maxwell and Alex Jones are trying to con the masses into fear, preparing the ground for the coming events.

The way I see this unfolding is that, true to biblical form, the elites of this planet, whoever they may be is not that important, are trying to throw the world into an armageddon-antichrist scenario, to make a path for the second coming scenario, whereby a christ figure would cement control on the minds of the people. They know that an authoritarian world order will not survive unless they control the minds of the people, and the problem-reaction-solution mechanism is how they plan to do it. The problem is the antichrist entity bs, the reaction is the same as always, fear, and the solution is also the same as always, some sort of corrupt leader, in this case a spiritual leader, probably trying to assume the title of a king, which is important to them as it establishes hereditary political control structures.

This is how mankind has been ruled by the few for eons. The ramblings of J. Maxwell are just the manipulations of the priest class (cast?), attempting to control the minds of the fearfull, to throw them against the hearts of the free.

Rule of thumb for the coming times: If you assume it's bs, 99% of the time you will be right.

So don't be scared folks, laugh it off and the NWO will crumble under the weight of it's own lies.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 09:39 AM
I know who this "entity" is. He is Anu, the King of Anunnaki. But I assure you, rules of the game has changed and Anu will NOT come.
However, Mankind still in a danger.

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