posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch
The entire thing about AI is all a hoax. I wish people would let that go, because AI is reduced to only the logic of the programmer itself.
Consciousness creates logic, logic can't create consciousness. Without consciousness, it has no free will, no sense of what it means "to be", and
no real intelligence. It has no real understanding, and in the end is simply nothing more than a machine running on the pattern recognitions given
to it.
Quantum computing is trying to use entanglement for quicker speeds. Which is where when you split a proton up, and then move it a distance apart, and
you trigger and event on 1 part of it, and the other part reacts instantly faster than the speed of light. And so things will move and such with
literally 0 lagtime, there are other things involved, but I'm pretty sure that is the biggie. Because of this is allows things that conventional
computers are incapable of doing because things have to travel through transistors and such.
Having quicker speeds doesn't overcome the basic logical requirements of intelligence. Thus the reason it has to be called AI.
The only way you could create actual intelligence, which could then write improvements to itself and build up it's own logic is for you to put
someone's consciousness into the machine. At which point, this pure consciousness will then have to actually know the truth, and then do bad things
purposely against the truth. Which completely ignores the reason why people have to be manipulated and dumbed down to be controllable in the first
You can program AI to appear and do intelligent things. Very intelligent things. But it's intelligence is limited to the intelligence of the
programmers who wrote the logic it followed. It will be unable to write or think of new logic, because it will never even understand the logic it is
already following. It doesn't understand logic at all.