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Jordan Maxwell - Shattering discovery?

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posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:13 PM
Here is Just the interview, instead of the full show:

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by Aleilius

It's not complicated at all.

You just aren't seeing wide enough yet.

Tell me... is the contemporary explanation really that simple?

If everything is so simple then how come it takes a physicist years and years and years to figure out a new theory of why something acts or reacts the way that it does.

Take for example the sun. If we didn't know any better, we'd say the simplest explanation was that the sun was a giant golden coin set ablaze shooting stars.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by TheDarkNight
thats what i mean who should we trust whos info seems to stack up the best?? thats what im talking about

these guys where trying to tell us too

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Aleilius

Also, another problem with Occam's Razor is the fact that people assume that once they find some sort of explanation for something, that cause and effect stops with the explanation of the cause.

What causes the cause? What causes the cause that causes the cause?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Also, another problem with Occam's Razor is the fact that people assume that once they find some sort of explanation for something, that cause and effect stops with the explanation of the cause.

Not always, I follow the breadcrumb trail. The truth, and the search for truth, doesn't end. Even though the truth is a never ending search, those on the right path, following the correct breadcrumb trail, will indeed see glimpses into that which does not sway.

I'm sorry, I don't have anything else to say about this subject today.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:28 PM
I would highly recommend watching this movie , debunking Jordan Maxwell .

It sheds light on his bag of tricks , remember Jordan tells us that there are two types of facts , the kind you look up and the kind that you make up , well the facts that Jordan likes seem to be the kind that are made up .

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:28 PM
Double post

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Max_TO]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:30 PM
reply to post by Aleilius

Nice to see we have such dismissiveness here.

Pretending to be searching for truth while hiding behind a veil of timidness to long sighted ideas is no way to discover anything except the nose in front of your face.
We all know people are corrupt and the world is #ed up, but we simply stop at "it's our nature!"

I guess we're of a different nature than nature.... either that, or we're missing something.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:32 PM
I watched/listened to part one of the interview with Jordan Maxwell. I didn't watch the other parts, but I have heard one other lengthly presentation by him on occult symbolism down through the ages. He is someone who is doing something worthwhile in pointing out the presence of these symbols, but his understanding of them is imperfect.

You have to be on the inside of one of the relevant spiritual traditions to have a deeper understanding of the symbols and their true significance. Maxwell gives the impression that the things represented by these symbols frighten him, but these things, spiritual realities, have been with humanity from the beginning. The symbols represent knowledge and understanding of these spiritual realities.

Knowledge and understanding in themselves are not bad things. The sequestering of knowledge for the use of the few is something that can be very troublesome, if the few are bad people. I think that is the real issue that the world faces with regard to the illuminati.

Maxwell spends a lot of time trying to sell people on the notion that the American oligarchs, indeed world oligarchs, are involved in occult knowledge and the misuse of that knowledge. Well, I agree with him. I think they are, but where I disagree with him is in the notion that the knowledge itself is the problem. The real problem is to level the playing field so that more people outside the circle of the evil elite have access to the knowledge.

Then everyone can benefit from it and few can be exploited by it.

I have been a practicing Buddhist for many years. Buddhism is not the only way into an understanding of the world's spiritual traditions. Any tradition that emphasizes meditation or an inner awakening of awareness will gradually unfold the meaning of the world's spiritual symbols in a way that is more enlightening than Mr. Maxwell's best efforts. The deep knowledge is out there. It's out there all over the place in many cultures and traditions. People who really want to know these things can find them out with the proper guidance.

There is no other way of dealing with the "problem" of knowledge.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:35 PM
hmmm, interesting.

Why though, is it these people are leaking this ?
are they part of the problem, or the lie ?

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Max_TO

Do you know he's lying for sure? Does the possibility of his interpretations of things being different from "established" interpretations mean that he's a fraud?

Even if he is telling half truths..... that means that half is still worthy of looking at.

I don't care about #ing cults of personality. What the Hell use does it do to debunk people? One man's trash is another ma's treasure, and as we all know.... evidence and fact simply aren't so concrete to everyone.... and anyone who thinks that anything they know is concrete..... is delusional.

I find what he is SAYING NOW to be much more relevant than "everything is #ed up. What are we gunna do? Let's kill each other and if that doesn't work, we'll throw our hands up and let the world end because of our ignorance."

There's a very simple solution, but poison ideals make it so complicated of an illusion that nobody will #ing listen. You don't know Jordan Maxwell OR the research he;s done. He's been at this for almost 50 years, and you see a movie debunking it and now think you're an expert?

How ignorant is that? I'm not saying he's a saint, but refusing to listen to someone just because what they are saying doesn't agree with your beliefs or your memorization of so called facts (I guess those are beliefs too) IS the definition of ignorance.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:43 PM
I usually find JM interesting, but this came across as a pile of steaming hot dung. He will offer proof of what he's talking about for around 29.95 @

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

I agree. Explaining things to someone does no good unless they understand the explanation. Unless they know, they will misunderstand everything they hear and see and think.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

The entire thing about AI is all a hoax. I wish people would let that go, because AI is reduced to only the logic of the programmer itself. Consciousness creates logic, logic can't create consciousness. Without consciousness, it has no free will, no sense of what it means "to be", and no real intelligence. It has no real understanding, and in the end is simply nothing more than a machine running on the pattern recognitions given to it.

Quantum computing is trying to use entanglement for quicker speeds. Which is where when you split a proton up, and then move it a distance apart, and you trigger and event on 1 part of it, and the other part reacts instantly faster than the speed of light. And so things will move and such with literally 0 lagtime, there are other things involved, but I'm pretty sure that is the biggie. Because of this is allows things that conventional computers are incapable of doing because things have to travel through transistors and such.

Having quicker speeds doesn't overcome the basic logical requirements of intelligence. Thus the reason it has to be called AI.

The only way you could create actual intelligence, which could then write improvements to itself and build up it's own logic is for you to put someone's consciousness into the machine. At which point, this pure consciousness will then have to actually know the truth, and then do bad things purposely against the truth. Which completely ignores the reason why people have to be manipulated and dumbed down to be controllable in the first place.

You can program AI to appear and do intelligent things. Very intelligent things. But it's intelligence is limited to the intelligence of the programmers who wrote the logic it followed. It will be unable to write or think of new logic, because it will never even understand the logic it is already following. It doesn't understand logic at all.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

My only task was to present viable information to those that wish to look into the matter a bit deeper. I do have patience, but time is very important right now.

If everything I believe I know is true, then time is not on our side. There's just not much sand left in the hourglass. So I must pick and choose what I say, how I say it, and how much I say. Please do not mistake this for rudeness of any sort.

You ATS members are really unrelenting!

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Aleilius]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by badmedia

You assume that consciousness is logic?

Consciousness doesn't come from how complicated a ccircuitry is. It is something that comes from "outside" "into" a body.

A device will never truly be conscious or creatively intelligent enough until someone can manage to tap into the source(s) of consciousness and bring it into a processing device such as a computer. I'm not sure you understood me. I never mentioned artificial intelligence. This is ACTUAL conscious intelligence I'm talking about.

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by dunwichwitch

Just wondering if you had a chance to take a peek at the movie that I posted ?

If you are interested in the subject mater that he , Jordan Maxwell , tries to cover I would strongly recommend that you do a google search for Mystery Babylon . Its a 40 episode radio broadcast that can be downloaded in mp3 format . It was hosted by William Copper , who incidentally enough was killed by the feds .

Anyway Mystery Babylon covers more on this subject matter then Jordan could ever hope to cover or explain .

I hope you find the time to watch the movie that I posted and take the time to listen to at least a few of the shows from the Mystery Babylon series for your self , I am sure you will not be disappointed .

If any of you have trouble finding the link to the MB . show feel free to u2u me and I will be glad to send you a link .

Remember let no man deceive you , if you are told something check it out for yourself before you believe it , or god forbid , repeat it .

Edit to add : Lets not forget that Jordan is on record as stating that that he has seen miniature dinosaurs , first hand .

[edit on 30-1-2009 by Max_TO]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 11:57 PM
The guy is a total charlatan. Alex asked him the name of the "Hindu monkey god." MJ fakes him out, "Oh, that would take a looooong time to talk about...." So MJ, the Great Authority on esoterica from all over the world can't or won't even answer him with the name of Hanuman? A god whose name is currently known to well over 1.12 billion Indian people? He spent all that time talking about something without offering even the slightest clue what the heck it was? Oh, please, please. Not another minute of this. He really sounded desperate for attention.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:01 AM
Max.... I'm sorry if I sounded like I was calling you specifically ignorant...

I'm aware of all the conspiracy characters of reknown, and I kow that none of them have all the answers... but the best thing you could do is listen to everyone.... no matter if they've been debunked before, if they've blatantly lied before, if they've sol out, if they're just not a very nice guy... everybody has some truth to tell, and I knew what Jordan Maxwell was going to say before he even spoke... which is why I listened. I'm not a huge Jordan Maxwell fan. I've seen a couple of his videos and browsed through a couple of his books and I've found his approach very bland and condescending. But it doesn't mean you can't take something from it.... like his insistence on people understanding the origins of words and their original meanings and spellings and such.... that is a HUGE insight.

Other things he's said have rung true, but some things not so much.... this though, is one of them that definitely hits close to home with me.

I see it with my own eyes. That theory I presented there was not influenced much by anyone other than my own contemplation and understandings.

edited to fix a spelling error.

[edit on 31-1-2009 by dunwichwitch]

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 12:02 AM
This guy sounds genuine I just wish he would give more info instead of beating around the bush. If it really is that important and that close to the end I dont think getting people to go to your website to BUY it would even matter anymore. But one thing I cant get out of my mind. The way Google and those other satellites are blocking out a portion of the sky. It would be different if it was on the ground and was a secret base that they didn't want shone, But the sky?? Too weird. I don't know why but I think this has something to do with it. So is this guy full of it or what? I will research him the best way I can tomorrow but what do you all think? If it was that important wouldn't you just spill the beans? Why go through all the trouble hinting at things and then directing us to a website where I must then go buy something to get the rest of the info (I'm assuming, i haven't checked the website yet)

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