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Are You Crying? Inaguration 2009

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:17 PM
I am an emotionless, heartless and cold bastard
. But I do quite enjoy being a part of history but I am not necessarily crying right now.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Gears Of War

give it a few years and you will see he is no different than bush or clinton or any other president.


come on debbie downer... can't you for once be happy for somebody other then yourself? america achieved a milestone and it seems you just want to pout and somehow can forsee dire consiquences ahead in time. just go with the flow and once he starts screwing up (which i doubt he will) then you can piss and moan all you want.

and no, i didn't cry. crying is for girls and communists.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:32 PM
I am crying for joy and also singing.."Ding Dong, the witch is gone, Ding Dong, the wicked witch is gone."

Now it's time for Obama to hold the wicked witch administration accountable for war crimes and torture.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by whatsup]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 02:52 PM
CoffinFeeder pretty much said it.All the talk i hear of segregation is always the old whites only signs in the 60's.No one says anything about the fact that when you go to a store all the magazines for blacks alone including one called "For Black Men Only"(change that to white and imagine what would happen),there's black only television channels,music awards,movie awards,congressional black caucus,schools,clubs in schools,the list goes on and on.My step-son went to high school for 4 years without one day absent and straight A's and got a little plaque.A black girl walked up and got a 2 foot trophy from the NAACP for having the highest grades among all the blacks,it didn't matter if they were straight D's.That's not a form of segregation or racism?How about the State of the Black Union that they have every year?It'll be on c-span and anyone who thinks there is no racism or that only whites are racist should watch it.If that doesn't scream separatism nothing does.I guess it's only equality when it's the whites in the back of the bus because there's not a day goes by that i don't basically see a black's only sign.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by tdavis0096
"OH! It's so historic! A white man is finally the President again! Someday I will tell my grandchildren about the day we put the white man back in office,"

Only in your mind would you lose your job and get the crap beaten out of you. But people would scorn you because a) A white man has been president 43 times. The Black man has thus far been president just once and yet you find that a burden so difficult to deal with, b) The mere fact you think you would lose your job and get the crap beaten out of you shows that maybe losing your job and getting the crap beaten out of you will teach you not to make such absurd statements c) You don't understand the nature of race relations in the U.S.

White people have been the nexus of power in this country and it is extremely sad and wrong for them to be feeling victimized in any way. You have it good. Deal with it.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by barfly23

What you describe is a result of segregation. For so long, Blacks have been forced to live separately from whites that Blacks that the only way for them to survive was/is to create a society of their own. The Whites wouldn't live and unite with them, thus Blacks had to live and unite amongst themselves. That's how the NAACP and like organizations came about in the first place. The same is with other non-White races, they've had to create and strengthen their own communities built around race because that's the only way they can empower themselves.

I don't see why it makes you so bitter. You reap what you sow. Segregate people, they will be segregated.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

First of all, I would never make such comments. Instead, these are the comments that I have been hearing from others since Obama was elected, only reversed. Are you saying that the "nature of race relations" makes this ok? Because he's the first black president it's ok to freak out? Is it ok that on election night I was asked by my black boss who I had voted for? When I declined to answer, the question was changed to "what do you think about Obama winning?" This is the same man who a few minutes prior had high-fived another black employee and loudly proclaimed, "we finally got one!" Racism isn't restricted to something that only happens when white people discriminate against black people. As has already been pointed out, society has a tendency to over-correct and get thrown into a tail-spin of reverse discrimination. Look no further than the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda to see what can happen when those who feel oppressed decide to turn the tables. I have never discriminated against another human because of their skin color and I expect the same treatment in return. If this makes me naive to the nature of race relations, then so be it.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by tdavis0096

This isn't an issue of personal behavior. If it provides any consolation, a lot of whites and liberals have criticized me for not voting for Obama.

Are whites the only people who can be racist? Absolutely not. As we saw in Samuel L. Jackson's character in Lakeview Terrace, even blacks can be the most racist of people. I myself have been very vocally critical of the rhetoric employed by many blacks, liberals, and self-called "tolerant people" against whites and on race in America. However, its an issue of power. Racism by blacks is unjustifiable, but the idea that it hurts society as much as racism by whites is absurd and deserves no dignity. Whites carry the most power (of any type) in this country, thus racism by them carries more weight and has a greater effect than racism by any other group. Remember that segregation was not just an official policy in many places, it was also an unofficial, "just-the-way-it-is" policy as well. There is no way the entire Black community of America could ever make segregation both an official and unofficial policy, disenfranchise whites, and make it stick. It would never happen because Blacks do not carry the power in society.

Without understanding the intersection between race, power, money, and even gender, then yes, you are pathetically naive on the issue of race relations. Its not just about "'n-word'" and lynchings anymore.

I have never discriminated against another human because of their skin color

Everyone's been racist at one point or another. There is no society or person that is immune to racist sentiments. To say one has never been racist is to perpetuate the myth that we live in colorblind society.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by sweatmonicaIdo]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by tdavis0096
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

First of all, I would never make such comments. Instead, these are the comments that I have been hearing from others since Obama was elected, only reversed. Are you saying that the "nature of race relations" makes this ok? Because he's the first black president it's ok to freak out? Is it ok that on election night I was asked by my black boss who I had voted for? When I declined to answer, the question was changed to "what do you think about Obama winning?" This is the same man who a few minutes prior had high-fived another black employee and loudly proclaimed, "we finally got one!" Racism isn't restricted to something that only happens when white people discriminate against black people. As has already been pointed out, society has a tendency to over-correct and get thrown into a tail-spin of reverse discrimination. Look no further than the Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda to see what can happen when those who feel oppressed decide to turn the tables. I have never discriminated against another human because of their skin color and I expect the same treatment in return. If this makes me naive to the nature of race relations, then so be it.

It doesnt make you naive, it makes you accurate.

As a black man in America---(I despise the term 'african american')---I can assure you that the election of Obama is not accepted or approved of by every black person in the nation.

Absolutely and without argument "reverse racism" does exist. Anyone on this board who thinks differently are the truly naive ones. In fact, its almost insulting to see people who support the notion that it DOESNT exist.

As if the black race doesnt have opportunist and charlatans who feed on affirmative programs. I personally know several people in certain pro-black groups that actually encourage this tactic to further their own greed driven goals. Its also, sadly, very apparent that a certain type of white person simply can not see this. To those I would encourage actual participation in such groups, see the neighborhoods thet they work in and ask the people of the communities how much actual good they do.

They line their pockets and instill in an entire generation a tragic 'victim mentality'.

Reverse racism is fact, I see it every label it with words such as 'community spirit' and 'racial pride' is merely a semantics game. It is what it is and should be eradicated across the board and on both sides of the fence.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
If we were to discuss why we should all be so incredibly happy that Obama is the new President? A good question might be what has he done or achieved to this point in time to give us any indication that he is going to be a great leader? Is it his fundraising skills? Or his skin color, because other than that he is pretty much an unknown entity.

You forgot Obama was a Community Organizer that has to stand for something. He will bring great change to The United State Of American.
Follow Obama he will show us a new way, a new way when it comes to community service. He will be the New leader of the Socialist movement through out the world and millions and millions will follow him even more so by spreading the wealth by higher taxation of the individuals with high incomes to those less fortunate.

Obama I believe will be the New Robin Hood and this will echo throughout the world that he truely is the new Messiah. He came out of no where to lead the nEw wOrld oRder. Do not dought him or criticize him because he was elected by the people for this revolutionary change.

I believe everyone should be wearing Obama T-shirts, sweat shirts and hats with Obama's image everywhere across this Nation to show everyone he is the chosen one voted in by the people for change.

For things to change we as citizens and comrades will have to change with adopting Obamas Master Plan to get us out of this economic crisis that the banks have gotten us into. Obama knows what he is doing when it comes to dealing with the Federal Reserve by appointing people to his administration that have worked inside the FED. We will see in 90 days how things progress in the new Administration.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by amari]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:24 PM
I am fortunately not crying. I usually have more control of my emotions than others. I can think of something to cry over though. If sobbing is necessary lets sob for something worth sobbing for. How about for the people that died in 9/11 for a staged event all over power and control. How about crying for all those children sold into sexual slavery in foreign countries we don't hear about in the media. How about crying for the amount of mothers that have cancer due to genetic manipulation of our foods and other things. How about crying because the government we are victim to keeps the truth and self freeing technology from us and leads us as sheep. How about crying for the sheep that don't see they are sheep and ultimately are running at light speed toward their own demise due to self induced brainwash and a sense of apathy so overwhelming that the trivial and simple things in life are what concern them most.

A moment such as Obama being signed in is not something to cry over. What is happening that you refuse to believe is what we should be crying over. The extent of control that is exercised in our country upon us and others should be what makes us cry. Thinking of the many lives lost because of this empirical world views enacted, by so many that fail to see a bigger and more important picture should make you cry. How about crying because no one realizes how death of loved ones affect its family near as much as they should. We should cry for ourselves and for seeing life from a spectators point of view looking into the snake pit instead of realizing those in the snake pit are our friends and family, and we don't think twice about it because its all from behind the safety of our ignorance and televisions.

How about crying because we simply allow this all to happen relentlessly and do nothing to stop it as long as we have our blenders and plasma tv's.
And how about crying because this new president is another pawn in the game that is leading us closer and faster into self destruction. The real people that can change this world are those that have been silenced and assassinated already. How about crying because of the lies we believe so adamantly that create war and constant death such as religion.

The people that can change things will not be allowed into office and especially president. We the people have allowed over time this to happen to us. And we are happy? We are temporally happy maybe. But deep inside we know something is wrong and deep inside most of us don't face up to it as it crushes the world we built and leaves it in the distance. Deep inside we know but refuse to accept what is happening for trivial reasons and mainly fear. This is the type of things we should be crying over. Ask yourself are your tears really coming from an inaugural speech or are they masked behind something deeper you refuse to notice? Are you too set in your ways to see the truth or will it wreck your world of false beliefs that protect you and give you something to live for?

Cry as you wish, as I hope Obama can change something. But politics..... politics are tweaked and have been from the days of Rome. A politician will say whatever is necessary to be elected. Whatever is necessary. Only afterward will we see the semi-real side. And that only protrudes as far as it safely can inside the boundaries of controlled and planned empire. Throw a frog in a pot of boiling water and it will jump out but if you slowly heat the water the frog will remain until it cooks to death. Such is our state and we don't recognize it. This road has been slow but sure......We are arriving at the final moment of our demise or salvation and we have allowed it.

Time will tell.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
reply to post by tdavis0096

This isn't an issue of personal behavior. If it provides any consolation, a lot of whites and liberals have criticized me for not voting for Obama.

Are whites the only people who can be racist? Absolutely not. As we saw in Samuel L. Jackson's character in Lakeview Terrace, even blacks can be the most racist of people. I myself have been very vocally critical of the rhetoric employed by many blacks, liberals, and self-called "tolerant people" against whites and on race in America. However, its an issue of power. Racism by blacks is unjustifiable, but the idea that it hurts society as much as racism by whites is absurd and deserves no dignity. Whites carry the most power (of any type) in this country, thus racism by them carries more weight and has a greater effect than racism by any other group. Remember that segregation was not just an official policy in many places, it was also an unofficial, "just-the-way-it-is" policy as well. There is no way the entire Black community of America could ever make segregation both an official and unofficial policy, disenfranchise whites, and make it stick. It would never happen because Blacks do not carry the power in society.

Without understanding the intersection between race, power, money, and even gender, then yes, you are pathetically naive on the issue of race relations. Its not just about "'n-word'" and lynchings anymore.

I have never discriminated against another human because of their skin color

Everyone's been racist at one point or another. There is no society or person that is immune to racist sentiments. To say one has never been racist is to perpetuate the myth that we live in colorblind society.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by sweatmonicaIdo]

I must take exception with all respect to one point in particular that you bring to bear:

"Whites carry the most power (of any type) in this country, thus racism by them carries more weight and has a greater effect than racism by any other group. "

With that statement you speak of primarily finiancial and political power, neither of which is as influential as most think. Whites do NOT in fact have the cultural power that blacks have as far as pop culture and popular sympathetic thought is concerned, particularly where todays youth are concerned.

This isnt a case of buying a bigger house in a whiter neighborhood..its a case of popular thought and accepted societal reactions and standards. A rally by whites is ridiculed,white pleas for 'equal attention' culturally are laughed down ---and blacks know and understand this tactic and mechanism perfectly and expect it to be the case simply because its very culturally accepted to deny the white race simple luxuries such as grouping or associating exclusively with other whites.

Given simple numerical realities then, this type of cultural racism used by some in the black race can in fact be as damaging--and as wrong---as any financial or political racism used by whites because that is instantly exposed and dismantled by the societal and cultural power that the black race controls. Of course, besides the obvious moral wrongness, the side effect is the building and encouraging of a victim mentality amongst black youth..and entire 'thug and drug' culture that is truly tragic.

(It would be a very interesting topic indeed to see who may ULTIMATELY control the black cultural power-grab that has went on the last three decades, however, and fingers of blame can in fact extend beyond the black community.)

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:38 PM
I want to make a prediction.

I was looking for the Bishop Tutu quote on life after Apartheid to no avail , but the gist of it is that whenever he speaks to white people in South Africa about apartheid they always state strongly that they were never in favor of apartheid, nor did they ever support it's policies. His question then is if this is so that no white people ever supported apartheid how did it stay the policy of the government for 50 years?

If Obama does exceedingly well as President and lives up to the Messiah status as Amari predicted all the naysayers will say they not only voted for him but also cried more tears than Antar at his inauguration.

If however he stumbles along in a similar fashion as George W all those that voted for him and cried many rivers at his inauguration will be declaring vehemently that they never knew him.

In the words of Shakespeare : "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. "

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:40 PM
Sorry but if you are crying for this man who has not proved a thing yet other than that he can give a decent speech with Hitler like charisma, then you are a brainwashed sheep. I saw a little black girl on the news compare him to Martin Luther King Jr and the main reason she gave was because he is dare she compare the two when Obama has not done a thing yet? Crying for this man who you do not know what he will are a sheep in this world, might as well go watch Fox news and perceive everything you see as fact.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by amari

Originally posted by Mynaeris
If we were to discuss why we should all be so incredibly happy that Obama is the new President? A good question might be what has he done or achieved to this point in time to give us any indication that he is going to be a great leader? Is it his fundraising skills? Or his skin color, because other than that he is pretty much an unknown entity.

You forgot Obama was a Community Organizer that has to stand for something.

I hate to be this blunt but everybody and his dog has been a community organiser. I know I have in many areas including human, women's and children's rights. Weirdly enough I would never consider myself qualified to be the President even of Outer Mongolia.

But to put it in perspective I will quote the dumbest woman on the planet:
"I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities."
Sarah Palin

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by sweatmonicaIdo

SweatmonicaIdo : I am still waiting for you to prove that I suggested that Obama was the anti-christ or to disprove my other statement. If you had me confused with someone else I would be satisfied with a U2U apologizing.

I also don't see you complaining that Amari suggested that Obama is the Messiah? Isn't that a double standard? Or do you believe him to be the new Messiah?

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 04:55 PM
He is more a celebirty than a president, he has more fans than supporters.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by prometheus1111

Very interesting that you mention JFK. Aside from the darkside. I have been thinking about this possibility. Kennedy was no saint, but once in the office he wanted to do good by the people and gave a warning. Then got killed. If there ever would be another president, who is going to pick up where JFK ended. It must be done very careful and well crafted.

Right now his administration packed with CFR members and he also has been supporting the bailouts. Next round is coming and at this pace will put the United States in even more debt and eventually total collapse of the dollar.

Hiding the real reasons why the economy is in crisis, who is behind the orchestration. And at the same time pushing the billions bailout to unknown destinations. The volunteer ideology. The carbon tax nonsense. Upholding all unconstitutional laws. Not ending war, but conditioning to fight another.

Hmm. I would really like if he would follow JFK footsteps. Though for now it looks like Obama is going to follow the same agenda starting where Bush ended.

Maybe people are to hypnotized from the "Change","Hope" metaphors. Though when the first actions rudely shed them from this state, doublespeak and sweet words will not be sufficient anymore. So he will need something big.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Stranded]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Clark Savage Jr.

Sir, If you are a Black man that is an American, then we need more with your attitude. Very well put.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 06:16 PM
You can see that there are a lot of racists and anti-American people on this forum. They'll never see the great significance of what happened. They'll refuse to see it.

I have never seen any other president start working like Obama did before he was sworn in. I have never seen a president try to do anything the day after the inauguration.

This is already a very historic and proud moment for America, regardless of what color this man is.

This time, we all voted for the smartest guy. He's already kicking ass.

For all of the racists here I'll just let you know that I am a white guy from NY.
(I know that will matter to you).

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Electro38]

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