posted on Jan, 2 2012 @ 08:39 PM
I feel bad and embarrassed for the thread author, and I too, was all starry-eyed for the change that we can believe in. I had no idea, this guy was a
NWO Manchurian Candidate of the devil worshipping inhuman inhumane genocide club, to carry on The Project For A New American Century, and make the
entire US a martial law full spectrum national security dominance prison camp, beyond what George W was doing. Just like out of the movie
Equilibrium. I had no idea, because I was not on the internet as much as I am now, and I was traumatized from the torture horror stories of innocent
civillians and their children.
But we are at a time very much like when the printing press came out, it was revolutionary then. All these old evil corrupt power mad (and just
outright mad) governments who relied on lies, deception, fraud, to keep their bootheel on our necks, are on their way to becoming extinct, like a
vampire who is thrust into the sunlight.
Everyone sees that the emperors are walking around with their lilly white fat as*** in our faces, having no idea that everyone can now see the game of
Democrat-versus-Republican they were playing with us.
"I followed the mosqua down to Gorky Park.....listening to the winds......of change"