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Are You Crying? Inaguration 2009

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posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:07 AM
Well, I guess I did cry too. We raised an army of 40,000 and spent almost a quarter of a billion dollars and the "Chosen One" (Osama) couldn't even take the oath of office correctly.

I also saw that his "Chosen" pastor had to stick it to whitey in his sermon once again... When are these people going to get over blaming the white man for all their problems? Kind of like the Liberals will continue to blame Bush for every Osama failure....

I laugh at how everyone is fauning over this idiot and his American hating wife... You lefty whackos will get exactly what you deserve...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo I don'h understand how a patriotic American could not feel good about this in some way. Unelss you truly are a racist.

Typical intimidation tactics! Sad and tragic. Those that didn't cry at George W 's inauguration what were they? Honestly people like you are all hatemongering.

It's simple not everybody feels the same as you . Thank God, Some of us think before we speak.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo
I didn't support obama, but man, did America need this. It needed a genuine feel-good moment, and this was it. I don'h understand how a patriotic American could not feel good about this in some way. Unelss you truly are a racist.

I was crying too, but mainly over the fact I had been up since 0130 in the morning to work as part of a crowd control detail at the inauguration and I was tired as hell.

Please Mods give this person a some credits for this comment and for their work at the Inaguration! What was said pretty much sums this thread up.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by sweatmonicaIdo

I don't understand how a patriotic American could not feel good about this in some way. Unelss you truly are a racist.

We never get far away from it do we?

All you amiable peasants are hereby ordered to be happy and cry at the inauguration, otherwise you're obviously a racist.

I don't know if I can take at least four years of "people" calling me a racist every time I disagree with one of the messiah's policies.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Mynaeris

Nonetheless, it is significant that our nation has elected its first black President.

It puts the test to the underlying assumption that this nation remains largely racist, robbing blacks of the opportunity to succeed on their own merits.

Notwithstanding the man's politics, it's a good thing that he demonstrates by way of example the principle that if you are committed to hard-work and family, you make possible significant achievements.

That deserves recognition all of its own, in my opinion.

His example undercuts victim politics.... If nothing else, that's a good thing.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by loam]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by loam

And if we feel that this should be more about substance than color, we are racist? That's probably the lowest form of debate.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Mynaeris

You'll get no argument from me on that point.

I'm all about the substance.

In his case, that remains yet to be seen. But on the subject of this thread, it's understandable why so many are emotionally moved by his ascension to power.

I think it a mistake to attack that.

Frankly, I'm certain only hours remain before he provides ample substantive reason to cry 'foul' as he moves forward with the nation's issues.

For now, I'm prepared to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by loam]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by ho chi minh
I'm crying too,tears of despair,that so called intelligent people can fall for this scam.

Originally posted by justamomma
What famous speech? I am very much into the political scene and he seems to have just popped up out of nowhere? What famous speech? I am lost.

Originally posted by ho chi minh
obama is in the whitehouse for a reason.That reason being,he can push through unpopular legislation that a Bush/Mc cain or Clinton could not get away with because the people would take to the streets.
The masses are now so brainwashed that he could order you all to have your foreheads bar-coded and you would line up round the block.

Originally posted by Gears Of War
ugh god, you people make me sick

obama is no different then any other politician or any other president.

you all just fell for the media hype you brainwashed zombies.

Originally posted by TheRandom1
To everyone on here, it may sound like I'm being mean, but my brashness is because I'm so sick of people being duped into the brainwashing of this "The One" garbage that I feel has been started by The Matrix movie and the fact that people are so eager to find a savior, to find the person who will lead them into making everything right. -Lahara

Originally posted by knows_but_doesnt

BHO has zero political history, he's an admitted Muslim, has ties to very uncool radicals, and should in no way be confused with the great black leaders of our times - that is until he DOES SOMETHING!!!
He is no one, came from no where, never fought for anyones rights, and the ONLY reason black people are all going nutz is they all think that blood runs skin deep.

Originally posted by yenko13
Obamba never ran or did anything in his life , You cant put this pig in a poke and sell it anymore its a con job that was for sale and you bought it Ha ha

Now lets rape the USA again , so I can buy more houses thank you

Originally posted by Diplomat
Even people on a conspiracy board are falling for his B.S.

America is in big trouble...

Originally posted by JohnWdoe
Did anyone notice how the first 5 minutes of his speech he said the word crisis over and over?? Also he used the word "New Age" quite alot and i don't think he is talking about the Spiritual Movement.

I guess im just tainted and not down with this, am i really the bad guy for expressing my feelings? i just cant stand to see people marvel and worship this man.
[edit on 21-1-2009 by JohnWdoe]

Originally posted by Lazyninja
It's unfortunate that when you talk to Obama supporters on this board, there are far too few cautious optimists, and far too many people who act like he's the new jesus.

Dont you guys know anything about politicians?

Originally posted by altersofthemind
reply to post by xstealth

I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU! Most of the people who voted for him didn't know anything about him nor do they now.
One more thing--the news anchors today kept saying things like "if only MLK could see his dream come true today"

Originally posted by ACEMANN

LOL - you are setting yourself up to be let down, and let down HARD.

Yea, I'm crying - these next four years are gonna suck. Different face, same crap.

Originally posted by crmanager
reply to post by antar

Sad and pathetic.

A MAN was elected President, not a messiah, not a savior.

You should have been proud of the US for this. This should be a moment for AMERICAN pride.

You people make me sad for our future.

Originally posted by GiantKilr
Are you kidding? This guy is just another politrickan who is a lawyer to boot. What do you think he will actually do? I really do not understand the "rock star" status any politician can achieve. To me that is scary and dangerous because people who are their "fans" can see no wrong that they do.

Originally posted by northof8
Well, I guess I did cry too. We raised an army of 40,000 and spent almost a quarter of a billion dollars and the "Chosen One" (Osama) couldn't even take the oath of office correctly.

I also saw that his "Chosen" pastor had to stick it to whitey in his sermon once again... When are these people going to get over blaming the white man for all their problems? Kind of like the Liberals will continue to blame Bush for every Osama failure....

I laugh at how everyone is fauning over this idiot and his American hating wife... You lefty whackos will get exactly what you deserve...

The only AGENDA I see here is a blatant pattern to sway people in the direction of the views expressed above. Take a look at just who sways the boards and people, they do exactly what they accuse others of only in reverse.

Here are just a few examples:

1. If you were touched by the historic significance of the first Black American Person Voted into the Office of the Presidency of the United States, You have been brainwashed by the msm and the NWO and its agenda to mind control the brainless masses.

2. If you want to see a real change from the corporate takeovers and outsourcing, back room deals, private government sell out of American jobs and business of the past 2 bush Administrations and their counterparts and associates, you have been duped into the need for a Savior and are suffering from a Savior complex.

3. If you support Obama and voted for him or have hope for the future, you must see him as a new Jesus, Messiah.

4. If you support the Office of the Presidency, you are now considered a 'fan' and raise the President to the level and status of Celebrity.

Now, if you have read this thread and any others with reason on the various forums here at ATS, nowhere will you find any of the Obama supporters using language such as mentioned above when discussing the President. So the only ones bringing the message of him being the New savior, the Next Jesus or a performing Celebrity, have been by the opposition attempting to sway others onto their side with choice wording and propaganda tactics.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:46 AM
you republicans don't have to worry...the senate has enough republican votes to block any laws that will upset the established wealthy or corporate elite. to keep track of whats really going to be passed into law, watch for the republican filibusters. the republicans had at least 62 of them in the last 2 years of democractic control in congress, which is a historical record by a wide margin.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by antar

"The only AGENDA I see here is a blatant pattern to sway people in the direction of the views expressed above. Take a look at just who sways the boards and people, they do exactly what they accuse others of only in reverse." Antar

I think that's pretty much the purpose of this board and others like it, whether it is about aliens or masonry or secret agendas or the President. But the real hatemongering I keep seeing is the constant "racist" claims if you don't agree with or shed tears for the new president. Who has to date done nothing but abstain from voting on controversial issues while a senator. Is he better than Bush? Probably but that could also be said of my neighbor's alsation. Having said that though it is defamatory to label people as racist or anti-semitic purely to intimidate them for disagreeing with you. It makes these labels lose their true value.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Skeletal Lamping

It was a 160million inauguration bill, about the same cost per person for all the inaugurations. And it was footed by private donations. the same people that contributed to the campaign contributed to the inauguration. It was bought and paid for by the people.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by antar sway others onto their side with choice wording and propaganda tactics.

Well, let's not go overboard.

Having an opposing view does not necessarily translate into 'propaganda tactics'.

I am fairly pessimistic concerning Obama, and I think far too many have drank the cool-aid where he's concerned. But I am not foreclosing upon, in its entirety, the possibility of his success.

Things obviously aren't all that great right now. So, if he is able to engineer some improvement, I won't be criticizing him for that.

At this point, I'm going to take it one issue at a time.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by loam]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Subsonic

And what would of happened if he tried to pass himself off as white?

I can only imagine the repercussions from every race if Obama said he was white.

If it wasn't an issue for people, then they wouldn't care what color he chose to be.

And there wouldn't be a thousand posts regarding how he is half white,the would accept his choice, and not care.

The fact is, people in his position do have a very hard time in life because they belong to two cultures. I don't think he has chosen a side. I think he embraces both. The fact is, I think Obama has said the least on it out of everybody. He made a comment, an accurate comment about his father, and that was it. He certainly could of fanned the flames more if he wanted, but he didn't. it was everyone else doing it for him.

All the speculation and assumptions, but I don't think a single person here could actually testify on how he actually views his ethnicity.

In US history, even if someon was half black, they were still considered black, and were treated as such. Unless they appeared white and could pass. But since our history has even dictated that someone who is half black is still a less then a citizen and doesn't deserve rights, he still fits into the category of a minority who has finally made it to the top of a mountain.

The fact is that if Obama existed 80 years ago, as HE IS. He would not of been able to be POTUS.
And anyone who says different is delusional. And it is not even just his African heritage. The Irish are celebrating as well, For the Irish didn't have a much better beginning here either. So there is reason to celebrate all around.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by loam

I have to totally agree with you on this. One day at a time. We will all discover in due time whether he is the Messiah, or the Anti-Christ, or just another politician on the make, or a man who is trying to change the world in which we live in for the better.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:12 AM
I'm amazed about the nonsense from the media and celebrities. The money spend on the event, while the American economy marches to the gallows.

If I could cry its when the expectations of all those Americans whom have put their hope into someone they don't even know, come to realize they are deluded by emotions. What will happen and will they ever overcome?

Anyways great doublespeak by Obama. No unconstitutional laws under Bush will be reversed. More wars, more tax. Bigger government. Etcetera..

I'm more interested in the coming hearings where all the billions of bailouts have gone. And the reaction when Americans are told to disarm as well.

The show is over. Now its time to deliver on promises. And if Obama isn't going to deliver soon people will not be happy. End of this month California does not have money to pay social security and this will lead to problems.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
reply to post by loam

And if we feel that this should be more about substance than color, we are racist? That's probably the lowest form of debate.

You may as well get used to it because from here on out anyone who will dare question or criticize the dear leader will be instantly labeled as racist, regardless of whether or not your claims are founded and accurate.

If you thought the race card was used before, just wait and see what happens from here on out.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by nixie_nox

"For the Irish didn't have a much better beginning here either"

Irish slaves outnumber black slaves in the New world for over two hundred years...

Three Irish could be purchased at the cost of one African - we die quicker in tropical environments...

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:18 AM
Historical significance noted, emotional impact understood.

It might be well adviced to keep in mind, first, the obvious psychological state of some members on this board. I mean that frankly yet kindly.

Second, it might also be important to consider that this event, the electing of Obama, can be viewed in its truest light only from a safe distance in time. The mass followers and the pop culture status of the new US president could very fairly be compared to the mindset of the German population between the world wars and the rise of Adolph Hitler, at least as far as social impact is concerned.

Also, of course, these is the less than uniform sentiment amongst black americans that Obama's being elected is truly a positive step forward. Clear and obvious collective white guilt, along with a deep disgust with the Bush admin. plus a bit of celebrity elitism is certainly not missed in all circles of the black community as very suspicious possibilities as to why the man was elected to begin with.

In other words, the paradox certainly exists that the electing of Obama will actually harm the racial acceptance and assimilation of the black minority that was gradually building in this nation. The reasons for this should be very apparent and yes, an assimilation into the pre-dominant culture of the majority society is exactly what some in this community actually seek.

Already the fallback excuse is being mumbled and whispered in some circles in case this president happens to prove out to be simply a very stylish flash in the pan with no real substance:

"Well, he wasnt FULLY black, anyhow."

And as soon as THAT day comes, tears may in fact be justified.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
reply to post by loam

I have to totally agree with you on this. One day at a time. We will all discover in due time whether he is the Messiah, or the Anti-Christ, or just another politician on the make, or a man who is trying to change the world in which we live in for the better.

[edit on 21-1-2009 by Mynaeris]

If that is how you feel, then why do you constantly make the presumption he is a disaster and that he is the anti-Christ or whatever?

A true example of saying one thing and doing another.

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by antar
Please Mods give this person a some credits for this comment and for their work at the Inaguration! What was said pretty much sums this thread up.

The weather was absolutely dreadful, however. The inaugration ceremony itself was very short in comparison to the amount of time we spent just standing around making sure people didn't do anything stupid.

I was so proud to have been there, but once the inaugration was over, I was so ready to go home. I did get to see a gorgeous Fox News reporter, though.

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